Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 19, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sort of all over town today. Replay of Sami arguing with John, yelling he is not her father, etc. etc., John rubbing back of neck, collapsing. Sami drops to the floor, calling his name, puts a pillow under his head, telling him to wake up. Marlena comes in, sees John, drops her purse & bag, is on the floor giving him mouth to mouth, he is not breathing, she does compressions, tells Sami to call 911, gets John breathing. Sami says they were just talking about Allie & the baby, he grabbed his neck, and fell to the floor. Next scene, ambulance is taking him to hospital, Marlena is going with them, Sami is going to, until Marlena reminds her the baby is there, sleeping, stay & watch him.

Replay of Victor telling Xander how he has worked so hard, is now CEO, welcome back, son. Thanks, dad says Philip. Vic/Xander surprised, Philip rather cocky, Did you miss me? He sits in front of Victor, smart mouths a bit, but Vic so happy to see him, Xander not so much. Xander walks around, Philip talks of shrubs needing pruning, but Xander no longer gardener. Philip thought he'd be in jail after his shenanigans with Clyde & Orpheus, Xander says he has paid his debt to society, and does mention being CEO now, leaves to go to office. Phil is surprised, Vic says Xander earned it, been a great help above and beyond, deserves respect. Phil says o.k., respect it is.

Sarah with John, Marlena there, goes over chart, gonna run a bunch of tests, but from what they know so far, think ruptured aneurysm. Sarah leaves room, gets text from Xander about getting the job, is so gleeful, along comes Maggie. Sarah gushes over it all, fills Maggie in. Maggie happy for Xander, & happy for Sarah's being back with him. Xander is in his office, happily putting his nameplate on the desk, Maggie comes in with balloons from Sarah, one says Welcome baby boy, the other - feel better soon. All that was left in hospital gift shop, but Sarah wanted him to know how proud she was of him. More chatter, Maggie proud, too, hugs, etc.He tells of Philip returning.

Shawn & Belle sit drinking wine, talking over Hope back on the force, Rafe, hoping they might get back together, they made a good team. Belle wonders if they can get past Rafe sleeping with her sister, Shawn says we went thru something similar, got past it. Belle says she knows she has said this 1000 times already, but she truly is sorry for all the hurt she caused Shawn, loves only him, there is nothing any more with Philip, Chapter closed. Shawn knows, they exchange a few kisses, then talk about Sami, Allie, Eric, baby, Shawn wonders if they can work things out civilily. Belle will go try, they kiss a few times, she leaves.

Sami sits as Belle comes in, wanting to talk over a better solution to all, Sami interrupts, tells her about John. Belle rushes off to the hospital, Sami sits with John & Marlena's picture, talking to John, is sorry, did not mean what she said, he is a father to them all, always had her back, been so good. She wants him to get better, so she can tell him, make things right again. She cries.

Sonny joins Will at the Pub, sorry to be late, tells of how, after his mom died, he & his brothers went into business, and one of the ideas just got funded, Sonny wants to head up that division, some test that will spot breast cancer really early, even if not appearing yet. Will is all for this, but Sonny says the company will be in Phoenix where his brothers live, Will thinks Sonny leaving him. No, wants us all to move there. Will reluctant at first, they talk how Ari loves visiting her cousins in Phoenix, lots of newspapers, Will easily could get a job. Will loves Salem, family is there, doesn't know how long his mom will be staying........wait, changed his mind. Let's do it. First, tho, have to talk to Gabi, who might not agree, but she could have Ari entire summer, and come visit whenever she wants. Off they go, after Will first fortifies himself with the rest of his drink, and Sonny's too. LOL

Vic asks if he and Philip can make peace, what does he have to do. Phil wants the CEO job. Vic says just gave that to Xander, Phil says so..ungive it. No, he won't take Exec VP, answering to Xander. Think it over...he walks out.

Belle rushes into John's room, Marlena tells her brain aneurysm, but running tests. Belle wants assurance he will be o.k. Her mother is hesitant, but says yes.

Maggie comes home, comments she heard he gave Xander the CEO job. He is soo happy. Vic figures Xander's happiness won't last long. Xander calls Sarah, thanks her for the balloons, he has her now, and the CEO job. All is right with the world.

Shawn gets up to leave, and along comes Philip, surprised to see him, thought he & Belle were in Hong Kong. Shawn notes they came back for his sister's wedding, & stayed to spend time with Claire. Oh, yeah, heard she had some issues. Shawn assures Philip that Claire is fine. And what brought you back to Salem? Philip smirks.....came back for my legacy.
Was interesting to hear Sonny talk about Arianna having fun with her cousins in Phoenix, which means Alex, Victor II or Joseph now have kids. The show has acted like Arianna was Justin and Adrienne's only grandchild.

Gotta love how Sami acted like she and John were just talking and he fell over, out of the blue. Of course she wasn't going to admit she was screaming at him, especially such ugly comments.

Yesterday's spoiler pictures were misleading, as it looked like John got up, Shawn and Belle arrived and he collapsed again.
Sami was downright vicious when she was screaming at John She lied so easily to her mother about what happened. Once again, it wasn't her fault. They were just having a friendly conversation about John not being her father. I don't believe there is any way the character of Sami can be redeemed.
Will reluctant at first, they talk how Ari loves visiting her cousins in Phoenix, lots of newspapers, Will easily could get a job. Will loves Salem, family is there, doesn't know how long his mom will be staying........wait, changed his mind. Let's do it.
Really? We have lots of newspapers? News to me. Well I guess every city has it's weekly fish-wrap paper.
Next scene, ambulance is taking him to hospital, Marlena is going with them, Sami is going to, until Marlena reminds her the baby is there, sleeping, stay & watch him.
Wait, the only one who is qualified to take care of the baby forgot she had a baby to watch???? Perfect.
Sarah leaves room, gets text from Xander about getting the job,
Please let this be, she left the room and got a text, not she left a critical patient to take a text from her main squeeze.
Sami sits with John & Marlena's picture, talking to John, is sorry, did not mean what she said, he is a father to them all, always had her back, been so good. She wants him to get better, so she can tell him, make things right again. She cries.
Really??? I don't for a moment believe this. The next time John crosses her she'll do the same thing, unless the writers start a very long process of making Sami a mature adult person, which she's supposed to be.
Philip: Victor should think hard before he offers him any job at Titan much less the CEO position.
  • He wasn't such a winner when he last had the job.
    • The failed quest to get control of Tricky Nicky's fuels project.
    • The ridiculous attempt to blackmail Stefano into selling all DiMera assests to Titan.
    • Paying corrupt customs agent Paul Hollingsworth to plant drugs on one of RoboJohn's ships
    • Wasting time on his hopeless quest to find "Pocket."
  • His lack of respect for Xander (mention of him being a gardener and calling him "Xandy.)"
  • His cruel, idiotic quest take custody of toddler Claire from her mother, Belle.
  • A lack of empathy for Victor by putting him in the position of possibly having to let go the loyal Xander right after giving him the CEO job.
Sonny: He was at his presumptuous best today.
  • Assuming that Will would just love to run off to sun-baked Phoenix, which unlike Salem isn't in a weather bubble and where it can go up to 110 in summer.
  • Thinking that Gabi would either want to move to Phoenix or agree to her daughter being taken to the other side of the country.
  • Assuming that Sonny could easily get a newspaper job (Doesn't he know that newspapers are laying people off left and right).
Alex: He should be warned not to to consider a job application from a man named Leo Stark.

Sami: Same old, same old. That said, she shouldn't worry about John Black. The coma king always recovers.
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And Philip did not even come home when Vic had the stroke.....or call...which Xander noted. Philip gives a very lame "I'm sorry". Victor, in the past, would tell his son to go to Hades.....he is not going back on his word to Xander. But all his whining about family being so important, & Philip constantly referring to himself as "your son, Xander is just a nephew" is probably going to take away any gumption Victor might have had.
Let's hope he doesn't wake up with know, Salem's favorite malady which nearly everyone has had at some time or another. I sure want him to remember the nasty horrible things Sami said. & she knows it. She has no excuse.
I think I'm already starting to regret wishing for Philip (this actor) to come back. I guess I liked the actor more than the character. I don't have much patience for someone who thinks they have a legacy, when they haven't spent any time showing an interest in it.

Poirot, I was about to say something similar about John. He'll probably wake up and not remember what happened. I hope not. Sami needs to face some consequences on this.
Sami never faces consequences. Even when she does (when she was put on death row... is it wrong for me to say she should have died then?), she forgets in a heartbeat and repeats her mistakes. She never learns. She's just plain horrible. Sami is the main reason I never, ever watch Days anymore. I used to watch sometimes, now I just can't. She's ruined Days for me one time too many.
Thanks, Poirot.

Nice to see Philip, but something is going on with him. Is he working with someone
or is he still upset with Victor from his last visit?

Philip told Victor he only wants to be CEO and nothing else. If he doesn't get job, he'll
leave Salem. That's mean, mean, mean.

Will Sami admit what really happen because she feels guilty? Probably not.

Do we know who's ahead in the coma count? John or Marlena :)

So, Sonny is going to move to Phoenix to work with his brothers. Maybe they
should invent something to make Phoenix not so hot in the summer.

Will Gabi let Sonny and Will take Ari? Henderson will love that idea if Ari
stays behind with a puppy.

Philip called Xander "Xandy"
I don't know if anybody else said this but I got an uneasy feeling when Belle was telling Shawn how she is sorry for hurting him and she loves him only and not Philip. This, while Philip has shown up in town and he clearly has no hesitation to hurt anybody. I don't think I can stand it if Philip and Belle get involved again.
And Philip did not even come home when Vic had the stroke.....or call...which Xander noted. Philip gives a very lame "I'm sorry". Victor, in the past, would tell his son to go to Hades.....he is not going back on his word to Xander. But all his whining about family being so important, & Philip constantly referring to himself as "your son, Xander is just a nephew" is probably going to take away any gumption Victor might have had.
Ron could have included Philip in this story where he at least came home to visit him, but didn't.