Days of Our Lives -Wed., Aug. 8, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Hope comes to see Marlena, wants her to call Shady Hills, recommend Ben be recommitted, reminding Marlena her daughter almost died in that fire. There is no doubt in Hope’s mind he set that fire, but Marlena replies there is no doubt in her mind Ben did not. She explains Ben coming to her, put under hypnosis, remembered everything very clearly. He left the cabin, hiked to the pharmacy, when he returned, the cabin was smoke and flames. Hope is not pleased, Marlena is firm. Ben gave her permission to share, but this is her professional opinion. With medication & psychotherapy, Ben will be able to lead a normal, productive life. She will not call Shady Hills.

Hope returns to the station, tells Rafe, who tells Hope that he has gone over everything closely, there is nothing that would tie Ben to the fire. Nothing. He suggests the close the file. Hope feels her daughter is still in danger, Ben is obsessed with her. Rafe says she is commissioner, her call to leave the case open or close it. If they close it, Ben can leave Salem, nothing keeping him there. She will think about it. He suggests going for a walk, nope, she has too much work. Maybe dinner, she likes that idea. Quick kiss, he leaves.

Eli is in his room, turns on TV, knock at door. Clicks it off, it is Lani, looking very sad, just got this in mail. Death certificate for David, no birth certificate, since he never took a breath. She is in tears again, Eli holds her, then gives her a tiny kiss on the head, yep, soon he kisses her. She gets mad, why did he do that. He doesn’t know, just trying to comfort her, sorry. She threatens charging him with harassment. He cannot believe that…..and who will believe it, we already have had sex. He reminds her that she came to his room, that the sex would not have happened if she had not misread what she saw with Gabi & JJ. She says biggest mistake she ever made, then apologizes for that remark, was not, David counted, etc. etc. She finally leaves.

Gabi sits with Chad, going over his feelings about Abby being pregnant with Stefan’s baby, he appreciates her listening. JJ comes up, what the heck is going on. Both get up, not what you think, Chad needed someone to talk to, Gabi was there for him. JJ realizes he was in the same boat not long ago (his girl pregnant by another man) and is sorry. Chad leaves, JJ talks with Gabi, complimenting her on being such a good friend. She doesn’t think she is a good person, he thinks she is, her daughter will come round, and he talks of lessons he learned after she helped him so much. No matter how you feel your have been wronged, concentrate on those who love you, who you love. Remember the good, and it is in everyone. More of the same. He reminds her if she needs to talk, he is always there, then leaves.

Tripp is not happy to see Ben when he opens the door, Ben tries to tell Ciara about not setting the fire. Tripp is angry, mouths off to Ben about being a murderer, they don’t want to hear it. But Ciara does, Ben tells her of going to Marlena, and he remembered all, did not set the fire. He doesn’t know who did, maybe an accident, but wasn’t him. Tripp starts in again, Ben asks if her interrupted something, Tripp says yes, you did. Ben advises Ciara not to do anything she might not really want to, or does for the wrong reason. He makes a remark about Tripp & Claire, Tripp is ticked Ciara told him about that. But…they spent a lot of time together, day & night, it was on her mind. Ben gets a call, leaves. Tripp shuts the door, says that Ciara was right, he should not have answered the door. She notes he did not know it was Ben. Tripp comments it sure was a buzzkill, she agrees.

Chad goes to see Marlena, he is bothered by his wife’s pregnancy, not sure if she somehow has feelings for Stefan, despite hating him. He said he would try to accept this baby, but he just cannot forget walking in on her and Stefan. Marlena is kind, pointing out various things. One being he is a wonderful father, and would be one to this baby. That when it is born, all his paternal instincts will come flooding in. That no matter what, the baby is part of Abby, thus her decision not to abort. She seems to about convince him to think of his wife, he nods .

Over at DiMansion, Abby doesn’t want Stefan to come in, but he pushes the door open. He asks how she is, talks of going for ultra sound soon, he wants to be there. Nope, she doesn’t want him around, Chad will be there. He says he will be a part of this baby’s life, she cannot shut him out. Oh, but she can shut him out of hers. She wants nothing to do with him. She makes all that very plain. Don’t call, don’t come over, don’t try and touch me. Get lost. She seemingly gets a pain, but the baby kicked. He wants to touch, she tells him to stay away.

Gabi is in the park……JJ gone. She is saying a prayer aloud. She thought she wanted revenge, but JJ made her see that she really doesn’t. Maybe she should tell the truth. Tell the truth about what? It is Rafe who hears her.

JJ sees an upset Lani, in tears. You o.k.? No, am not. He holds her.

Eli looks at the death certificate, gets emotional.

Ben arrives at cop shop per Hope’s request. What does she want. Follow me, she says, as she leads way to interrogation room.

Stefan pleads with Abby to let him feel the baby kick, she finally agrees. He put his hand on her tummy………..Chad has just come in, stops as he sees them.
Of course Abby caves just in time for Chad to appear...:angry:
And you know, something will happen to make Gabi rethink her idea to tell the truth.....let's just hope Rafe can give her some words of wisdom as JJ did, but I won't get my hopes up.
You could see that ending coming for a mile! Oh but I am sure Chad will keep calm and come to feel the kicking too. :sarcasm:

I was hoping JJ's talk would have an affect on Gabi. Kinda did, maybe her brother will for sure.

Hope is unbelievable how determined she is to pin a crime on a man who is probably innocent of this one. And are she and Rafe back together? Hard to tell.
Days always does this. A woman is raped. Pregnant with the rapist’s child (in this case it is not his child, but both Abigail and Stefan believe it is his).
The rapist tries to get close to the mother, and child.
The woman lets him.
This is not entertaining writers!! Please stop telling these same stories.
It wasn’t good story with Sami and Ej and it’s not good story now.
It would be better if Abigail would have shut the door in his face and had called the police and had his filthy self forced off her property. And she should get a restraining order. Does he have a legal right to this child? As a rapist?
I hope Gabi’s good conscience takes over and tells the truth to Chad and Abigail so this story ends ASAP.
Does any have any insight as to how much longer we have to endure this pathetic Abby/Stefan garbage?
I mean come on now. First of all being so dramatic when she felt a kick. She certainly should have remembered the feeling from Thomas. Than letting this slime actually lay his hands on her to feel the baby kick.
Todays idiocy tipped the scales. I have absolutely no sympathy for Abby. She is in need of ALOT more therapy or a brain transplant.
Is it just me or is it a little strange how JJ and Gabi interact? It's like they were never involved instead JJ is all worried she's gonna fall in love with Chad again.

Also Eli saying Lani can't claim he harassed her because they've already slept together really put me off. What kind of nonsense. Just because she consented once doesn't mean you can't be sexually harrassing her now, buddy.
Ben and Ciara: I think this is the strongest story they've got going right now. I am definitely interested in seeing how it continues to develop. But I also find myself resisting totally investing in it. It just seems a bit too I don't know. manipulative I guess. I know complaining about a daytime drama being "manipulative" is kind of like complaining that grass is green or water is wet. It's supposed to be manipulative at least to an extent.

But I just feel writers are saying: "Hey look guys. you know old soap trope of the good girl falling for the bad boy? Well we've taken to the next level. The good girl isn't just the daughter of the police commissioner but she's the daughter of legendary Bo and Hope. And the bad boy? And he isn't just your run-of-the-mill bad boy he's a reformed serial killer! How twenty-first century of us!"

I like it but I'm not totally buying it if that makes sense. And if it does please feel free to explain it to me because I'm not sure I understand it myself. LOL

JJ and Gabi: Tonight the role of Jiminey Cricket will be played by JJ Deveraux. LOL I loved these scenes because they made me hopeful that Gabi can still be reached because his opinion means something to her. Now I was born at five-thirty n the morning but it wasn't five-thirty this morning. So I'm not expecting Gabi to go forth and sin no more on the basis of a single of one conversation in which JJ said nice things to her. She's not out of the dark place she's been visiting by a long shot.

But what those scenes did do is show that Gabi has some inner-conflict which I've been needing to see. And finally seeing it even if it was just briefly makes me a happy camper. :):):)
As Troy said, it was good to see Gabi having some inner-conflict over her callous plot involving the Chad-Abigail baby. Since certain other Salemites don't seem likely to have any qualms about their own rude, obnoxious behavior, the following scenes might have been welcome.

1) As Hope rudely leaves Marlena's office without saying goodbye, it's too bad that Doc didn't call after her: "I'm just doing my job here. You ought to try it sometime."

2) After shirtless Little Trippy finished laying his own heap of unoriginal abuse on Ben, Mr. Weston could have said: "Oh, give it up, Trippy. I've already caught all sorts of flak from people who are far better at it than you are. And by the way, have you changed any patients' medical records lately?"

3) Instead of Chad interrupting the Abigail-Slimy O. McPerv nonsense, it should have been Jenny. Thinking that her daughter is in danger from her vile rapist, Jen-Jen promptly flattens him with a frying pan over the head (coma anyone?).
I am glad it is not just me having problems with stories/characters. I should be writing the summary with "just the facts, ma'm", but I roll eyes, yell at the TV, well, at the characters mostly.
Why the blazes did Abby let that low life into the house. I know he pushed the door, but why did she not slam it in his face? Where the heck are Doug & Julie? (Calling Jack! Loudly!) Where does this pervert get off even going to her house? And after her saying not to talk to her, no going to appts., etc. even slapping him, he has the colossal nerve to ask to feel the baby kick? Where does he get off and why did she not march to the door, tell him to leave. Oh, I can imagine how Chad is going to go bonkers. Maybe Stefan enjoys being beat up?
And then there is Hope, who absolutely refuses to let it go. Reminds me of those little Pomeranian dogs that grab onto your pants leg, and won't let go, growling all the while. She wants Marlena to lie, is disappointed Rafe says they don't have a shred of evidence to pin anything on Ben....she is commissioner and will do as she pleases. Where the heck is Abe?
Tripp needs to keep a shirt on, and be advised that pants hanging so far down below the belly button are not attractive. I like Tripp, but wish he was involved with characters not just out of their teens. He is better than that. But then, Ben is older, too. Sigghhhhh.
And Gabi.......not a soul is going to convince me that Arianna at age 4 is boycotting her mother, the one she missed so much. Nope, don't buy it for a second. She might have been mad for a day.....maybe 2, But then, maybe if Gabi would focus on her daughter, not her revenge plan, she might win her over. JJ may have had her rethink, but with Rafe showing up......betcha she reverts back to her anger.
With medication & psychotherapy, Ben will be able to lead a normal, productive life. She will not call Shady Hills.
Uh-oh; the last person who mouthed off like this to Hope ended up with bullets in him and dumped like a burrito in a condemned building.
She thought she wanted revenge, but JJ made her see that she really doesn’t. Maybe she should tell the truth. Tell the truth about what?
Stay on this road! (Though even if she does, the haters will still blame her for all of the rapist's actions.)
What kind of nonsense.
Classic Days.
1) As Hope rudely leaves Marlena's office without saying goodbye, it's too bad that Doc didn't call after her: "I'm just doing my job here. You ought to try it sometime."
After shirtless Little Trippy finished laying his own heap of unoriginal abuse on Ben, Mr. Weston could have said: "Oh, give it up, Trippy. I've already caught all sorts of flak from people who are far better at it than you are. And by the way, have you changed any patients' medical records lately?"
Shirtless Tripp is superior in all ways to Shirted Tripp; but on a side note, I would like his past to be brought up more often.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad Gabi is questing her motives for revenge.

When Abby slapped Stefan when he called her Gabby, I
thought there's Dr Laura.

Rafe suggested they drop the arson case. I hope not I want to know
how or who started the fire.

Hope needs think about all the open cases in Salem instead of going
after Ben all the time.
Poirot, you summed it up perfectly in post #10 (and of course in the entire summary too). I'm starting to fast forward the Abby/Chad/Gabi/Stefan/Kate stuff. It is just too repugnant for me. I haven't watched this episode yet but just reading about Stefan putting his hand on Abigail turns my stomach. Abby is almost even more disgusting than he is, for letting him do it. There's no reason she should ever let him in the same room with her!
Yet again Hope and Marlena are together and yet again no mention of their SHARED GRANDADAUGHTER. They both should be worried about her because if Ben is near Ciara, by proxy that could be Claire too.

Rafe seems to be turning into the voice of reason but Hope is still having none of it
Ben and Ciara: I think this is the strongest story they've got going right now. I am definitely interested in seeing how it continues to develop. But I also find myself resisting totally investing in it. It just seems a bit too I don't know. manipulative I guess. I know complaining about a daytime drama being "manipulative" is kind of like complaining that grass is green or water is wet. It's supposed to be manipulative at least to an extent.

But I just feel writers are saying: "Hey look guys. you know old soap trope of the good girl falling for the bad boy? Well we've taken to the next level. The good girl isn't just the daughter of the police commissioner but she's the daughter of legendary Bo and Hope. And the bad boy? And he isn't just your run-of-the-mill bad boy he's a reformed serial killer! How twenty-first century of us!"

I agree this is a strong storyline and both the actors are killing it but I'm not sure I'm on board with this storyline as much as I was. IF they just remain friends then I'd be for that but I'm starting to rethink the message that is being sent with Ciara falling for a serial killer even though he is "reformed". Girls fall for the bad guy everyday in the real world and this does not end well. Just watch Crime Watch Daily and it is plastered with girls going for the bad guy and doesn't end well.

Days is still sending a message to girls that they can change him, do things because they just wanted him to like her. I don't know, I think this message needs to be done away with and step into the 21st century with and do storylines where the women are smart, independent, have the ability to make good decisions, and not have her decisions be driven by a need to have a man like her or want her.

YES GABI, I'm talking to you too. I'm sorry, Troy!!

I'm sorry, Troy!! I'm sorry Troy!! I'm SO SO SO very sorry Troy for saying what I did about Gabi. Please forgive me? Please?...........Please?............ Please, Troy? I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry. REALLY REALLY Sorry!! :)
Every comment here was spot on and I agree. I used the FF key through all of the Kate/Gabi/Stefan/Abby/Chad scenes. They are not something I want to watch. I mentioned in another post that the bullying is out of control, and that I watch soaps to escape reality. Days is not an escape. It's almost as bad as watching the news. Half the show has become cringeworthy. I would appreciate a lot less bullying - or maybe characters calling out the atrocious and unacceptable behavior. Maybe I'm out of touch with reality, but I don't have a lot of interaction with murderers on a daily basis (Hope, Abby, Gabi, Ben), or those that attempt murder or intimidation (Steve in his early years, Stefan, Gabi, Kate, Victor, Eve, etc). You'd think with all the anti-bully campaigns, and the #metoo campaign, the writers could do a better job in crafting these stories. Nope - - they have gone off the deep end, and the show is suffering. I hope things change and quickly, because after the wedding, I may be reading more than watching.

Thanks for the summaries -