Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 12, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Except for the first couple of minutes, the show was pre-empted, resuming 1/2 hr into it.

So...Adrienne appears in living room of Kmansion, surprised to see Sonny all dressed up, learns he is getting married. Abe comes into his office, seeing a huge mess of mail/files. Sheila explains that since he said he did not want things organized and orderly, she is using his system. He apologizes again, he was upset at something else, took it out on her. Eric talks to Chloe, thanking her for all she has done to help him, and how much she will be helping him as he raises Holly, tho it is not final yet.

And then, after the 1/2 hr pre-empt......Justin & Adrienne are trying to talk Sonny out of marrying Leo, who comes in, calling Adrienne Mother Kiriakis. He is cocky, self-assured, warns Justin that in case he comes up with a pre-nup, he won't sign it. Adrienne is beside herself, with Justin having to keep her at bay. LOL

Will is talking to Gramma Marlena, told her the whole story, she says they don't have to cave to Leo. Will says yes, he has the photos, she suggests going to police and tell them all, Will says their word against his - and his photos are damning. Marlena says they need some time, will figure out how to get out of it all, but no dice, marriage is today. Will finally decides he will go there, and stop the whole thing.

Marlena goes to see Abe, wants him to have supper with her and John. Abe says he cannot leave til he cleans up this mess, looking at the mail and papers all over the desk/table.

Eric, Sarah & Maggie are at the Pub, Sarah imploring her mother to listen to what Eric has to say, before rendering her decision about Holly. Eric makes a wonderful and heartfelt plea, talks about himself, knows what Holly needs, and what Nicole wanted. Eric wants to honor her, raise Holly as she requested, and to honor Daniel as well. You can see on Maggie's face, how much what he says touches her. Next scene, Eric is joyfully hugging Sarah, as Maggie evidently gave her blessing. He is so happy, thanks Sarah for her faith in him, for helping to convince her mother.

Meanwhile, Brady has come into the club to talk to Chloe, says (I think Sarah) asked him to help convince Maggie to let Eric raise Holly. Wants him to tell Maggie that he (Brady) started the fight. Chloe tells him perhaps he should read this first. Hand him a letter (which she evidently had received earlier - it is from Nicole). He reads it aloud, it is addressed to Chloe, Nicole talks of how she thinks of Chloe each day, so grateful for the sacrifice Chloe made to give Nicole this child, her angel. She knows Chloe loves Holly with all her heart. She also knows that Brady destroyed any chance Nicole had for a life with Eric, and she thinks of him all the time. (Chloe thinks Nicole wrote this because of being married to Xander, thinking he might kill her). She says it is her wish, if anything happens to her, Chloe raise Holly.

Maggie comes rushing in, Chloe wanted to see her. Chloe says before she makes any final decision about Holly, to read this, handing her the letter.

And over at the Kmansion, Leo is having a ball, is very up, let's get this show on the road. Justin, Adrienne & Sonny are distraught, Sonny figures this will be temporary until they figure out how to get rid of him. Sheila comes bustling in, Leo appears .........(Looking like some reject from the old Spike Jones band, lol) in this ridiculous looking suit. Leo wants to shake Justin's hand. Nope, you have to be kidding. He goes to kiss Adrienne (Mother K) she slaps him. Justin pulls her away, Sonny finally makes them both just sit down. Sheila begins, makes the guys hold hands, anyone here object....

Adrienne jumps up, pulled back by Justin. She starts, using note cards, Leo has written his own vows, Sonny annoyed by that, Sheila proceeds, and suddenly they hear a big noise. All heads turn towards the foyer.
But obviously Nicole wrote that before she reconnected with Eric. But like you said either way we won't ever see Hollly. Which is a shame cause she's cute as can be.

I am loving Leo. He's such a breath of hilarity. Loved the suit! I think it would be funny if Sonny does end up falling in love with Leo. He really liked him when they dated so it's not a stretch. I just still don't see Sonny/Will as soul mates, meant to be. I guess it always goes back to Will cheated on Sonny - twice! I keep waiting for that other random hook up to show up but guess that will wait for if Will and Sonny every reunite.

I loved when Will was talking to Marlena and she says "there is a slim chance that the police will believe you". Well slim chance, let's go with that!!
Yet again, an abundance of good sense was not apparent in Salem today.

Annoying Sarah: She actually asked Brady to lie? Who does she think she is an amateur, second-rate version of Kate or Sami? And why does she think that a self-righteous single man with a sour disposition and no child-raising experience who is prone to violent outbursts is a suitable guardian for a child?

Nicole: What kind of attorney did she see in Nashville? The proper way to name a future guardian for a child is in a will that is witnessed and notarized, not in a handwritten note on three-ring notebook paper.

Justin: Speaking of poor lawyering, how could he not advise Sonny not to succumb to blackmail and that any legal case with Leo as its key witness probably would not be prosecuted even by barracuda D.A. Trask. Would darling Melinda want to watch her chief witness get sliced and diced by a good defense attorney? For starters: "Mr. Cooper isn't it true that you are a professional con man?"

Sheila: It's understandable that she wants to pick up extra bucks presiding at tacky little weddings, but at least she ought to keep her note cards straight and make sure that the "happy" couple has a marriage license.
Did not not really care much for today’s episode. I am glad that Chloe will get Holly because now Eric will finally have to focus on himself and getting his life together, and Sarah will have to back off hopefully. This whole episode was just a bunch of characters whining. I’m glad Shiela and Leo brought some comic relief. This show really can’t let go of its obsession with the characters Daniel and EJ. It’s pretty sad. It would be so easy to change the paternity of some of these fatherless children.
I enjoy Leo's snark and I appreciate the levity he and Sheila bring. But the question is shouldn't we as the audience be able to take him seriously as a bad guy? I mean Greg Rikaart (Leo) is doing a great job and he's clearly having s ball but does anybody really buy Leo as a shrewd con man and blackmailer? Because to me he's coming across more as a comic who's about to do a late-night set at a nearly empty club in the Poconos.

I'm starting to feel like Leo's told his jokes and we've all had a good laugh now he needs to get serious if we're really supposed to believe he's really a threat to Will and Sonny.
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We all know the writers pen some bizarre scenarios while taking unrealistic liberties
but this one totally perplexes me.
Leo says he has pictures but how? I’m pretty sure he mentioned being wrapped in the
rug and having photos of the whole thing but how is this possible?
Thanks, Poirot.

Is Leo's name really Leo Stark? I thought he had a different name. If he marries
under a false name, is the marriage legal?

I laughed at Leo's outfit and hair. I guess those are butterflies on the suit.

Why does Sheila have an office and not Abe?

I guess the dress code at the office is whatever you want. Her pants had holes in them.
I don't think that would appropriate in most offices.

Nice to see Will and Marlena talk.

How long will it take for everyone to know the truth about why Sonny is marrying
Leo? Will told Marlena out in the open at the hospital :)

When Eric finds out about Nicole's letter, will he get angry and hit Chloe?
Why does Sheila have an office and not Abe?
Just give her time and she'll have an office AND Abe. :)

Lol I don’t think that would be a wise decision. I’m almost positive he would lose a custody battle. Then again the judge would probably have a hard time with this case. Chloe is not exactly the model mother. Poor Holly.
We are talking about Salem, after all. :) I still say this is a set-up to eventually reveal that Holly belongs to Eric.
Nicole: What kind of attorney did she see in Nashville? The proper way to name a future guardian for a child is in a will that is witnessed and notarized, not in a handwritten note on three-ring notebook paper.

And not written in turquoise ink

When Eric finds out about Nicole's letter, will he get angry and hit Chloe?

Why would he hit Chloe? He's shown no evidence of domestic violence.

I'm so over Sarah. Who is she to try to run this custody thing? Make it stop!

I'm kind of intrigued at Eric battling Chloe for custody but I need less of Maggie and Sarah in the story. I also need it to end up that Eric is her biological father.

What door were people using in Abe's office??? The door was behind them but they kept walking towards the stage.

Can Justin and Adrienne get their own story?

Funny that Sheila's last name is Watkins. Same as the actress who plays her.

I think the person at the end was Victor
Thanks, JS..hopefully, Leo didn't legally change his name.

I don't think Eric will hit Chloe, but I wonder what he'll do when he
finds out about the letter.