Days of Our Lives - Wed. Dec. 25, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in Salem, tidings of great joy abound. The Hortons are gathering, Jennifer has brought out the box of ornaments, Hope & Ciara arrive, lots of greetings, and everyone really does look lovely. The Bradys gather at the Pub, with Eric questioning Sami as to why EJ isn't around. Sami makes the "busy" excuses for him not being at church, with EJ being up til 3 a.m. Eric wisely notes "is he sleeping in all Christmas Day instead of being with his family, and rightly guesses trouble in Paradise, Sami admits part of it is the whole Kristen thing, but it is all complicated.
Nicole arrives with gifts for Johnny & Sydney, who rush up to her. Sami is not too pleased to see her, starts giving her a hard time about her going with Eric to midnight mass. Nicole says she just cannot win, can she? Eric is her friend, she is trying to help him, and really felt he should not be alone on Christmas Eve, did Sami. No, of course not. Nicole leaves, Eric runs after her, chats up a bit. Sami talks to her dad about Nicole being with Eric at Mass. Roman tells her God works in mysterious ways, as Gramma used to always say. Caroline, Kayla, Theresa, Sami & her two kids, Joey, Eric, Roman are all there, and get ready to go over to the Horton house.

Over at Daniel's, Maggie & Victor are watching as Parker opens the last of the gifts, they all chat a bit. Now they have to leave, but Maggie brought him what he asked for. (looks like ornaments).
At Arianna's home, Adrienne has arrived with a shopping bag of gifts, Justin is snowed in at the Denver airport.
Back to the Horton house, lucas & Allie are there now, Kate, Julie, Doug, JJ, Abby, Jennifer, Maggie, Victor , Hope, Ciara, Will, Sonny, Gabi, and Arianna Grace who has her ornament for the tree this year. Hope talks to her dad about Bo not being there, but Ciara has his ornament, saying he is there in spirit, that when they hang his ornament up, he will know they are thinking of him. And the ornament hanging begins. Frankly, it brought tears to my eyes , as Hark the Herald Angels Sing is playing, and we watch the traditional hanging of the Horton ornaments. Jennifer's is hung next to Jack's, with Abby and Jack, Jr. hanging theirs just below. Maggie's is next to Mickey's, with Victor hanging his below, next to Melissa's. Will hangs his, and there is ARiana Grace's. Doug & Julie put theirs up, kiss, Lucas holds up Allie to hang hers up high. Hope's is next to Zack's, while Bo's is hung next to Ciara's.

Back to Daniel's where he and Parker get off Skype with Melanie (computer programs to talk and see the other person) and then Daniel opens the box, which has his and Parker's "name" ornaments. Nicole comes home, Parker rushes to hug, and she agrees to help them hang the ornaments. Daniel "borrowed" them for this year, has to return them. She does, then Daniel has Parker get the gift for Nicole that is hidden behind a cushion. She opens it to find a star, I think it is wooden, with her name on it in glitter. They thought she should have a name ornament on the tree as well. Later, Parker is sleeping across the lap of Nicole and Daniel, on the sofa. Both agree this Christmas turned out better than expected.

At the Horton house, everyone is getting ready to go to the hospital. Mention is made of Jen again reading the Christmas story. Jen gets a call that the turkeys she ordered for the food bank had not arrived, she has a confirmation order, and leaves earlier for the hospital, will see everyone later over there. Ciara tells Allie that she had to give the earring back to Sami because Allie had blabbed her secret. Allie says she is sorry. Ciara says she is NOT forgiven, and walks off. Everyone leaves for the hosp;ital.
But over there, Anne is plotting to make this year's Christmas party a bit different, and in her opinion, better than before. Maxine is warning her not to tamper with the time honored tradition. But with the kids all assembled, out come Anne in an elf costume, with a small book, all ready to tell them a different story. Abby protests that the chair is Jen's seat, Anne comments that Jen's name isn't on it. Kayla asks where Jen is, Abby explains about the turkeys, Kayla says baloney, she got a confirmation and a thank you already. .
HO HO HO,. here comes Santa and Mrs. Claus, who says the only story told here is the one telling about the true meaning of Christmas. He grabs the book, throws it aside, and gets Anne out of the chair. With Jen not there, the family decides Abby should read the story. She goes to the chair, and with Santa & Mrs. Claus on either side of her (Doug & Julie, she talks of how one year she was in this hospital at Christmas, and actually does a nice talk of what this all means, before then reading the story of Christmas. Doug then begins singing Angels We Have Heard on High, with everyone joining in.

Back at the Horton house, the folks have trouped back, Victor leaves for a bit with Maggie's blessing. He goes to the Pub, where the Bradys have all been leaving to go the Horton house. He wants to talk to Eric, and offers a deep and heartfelt apology for the hurt he endured. He explains that both he & Eric's mother only knew what Kristen had done, not with whom, and wanted to open Brady's eyes as to the kind of woman she was. He was wrong, went abouit it wrong, and hopes that Eric can forgive him. He starts to leave, Eric wishes him a Merry Christmas. Caroline tells Theresa to pick up a pie, but theresa begs off. Caroline insists, it is a Brady/Horton tradition.

And back to the Horton house, which is filled to the brim now, with smiling, happy faces. Gabi jumps when a jackinthebox jumps up, Sami & Kate both warn her she has to stop that. Gabi is worried about the fact Percy keeps showing up everywhere. Julie notes to Lucas that Sami & Kate seem to be bonding, very unusual. JJ is not happy Theresa is there, she explains she tried to get out of it, but then reminds him of having to do her bidding in getting her what she wants, or next year won't be a good one for him. Hope passes by at that point, but says nothing. Victor has returned, and now, Maggie takes Jennifer's hands, thanking her for having them there, for maintaining the traditions of this home. Jen says the house belongs to all of them, it is their heritage. Maggie makes a loving, sentimental, heartfelt speech, noting the ups and downs that life has had for them all, commenting on love, tradition, happiness, new beginning. lasting love, family, as she walks around stopping in front of various people. At the end she is facing the camera and talking to us all, wishing us all peace and love, all the days of our lives.
It amazes me how pleasant the show is with out Elvis. Elvis/Sami’s SL is very confusing if he has changed then why can’t he be with Sami and kids at the Brady’s? Everyone has welcomed Victor even Caroline and Eric were glad to see him! Galen Gering (Rafe) kids were cute sitting in the group of kids at the hospital. I agree it was a nice episode!
I have to say that I really liked the way the show handled Daniel's ornament. I know there was a lot of flack back at the show because Daniel is not a Horton, neither is Parker or Melanie, is not married to one, nor is he the son of one. I really liked that those ornaments were hung on his own tree.....that really was very nice. It was done very well...Thank you, Days.
Just read the recap and still angry that Rafe has been left sitting in his apartment alone with an un decorated tree. Not spending his nieces first Christmas was wrong on so many levels. He has decorated trees, been Santa wished all the kids Merry Christmas in the past but not this time? No one even mentioned him but everyone else that was missing was mentioned. Bad and cruel to him and his fans. Sorry glad I didn't watch.
I was tickled to pieces to see Allie actually hang her own ornament. Looks like they did a new ornament for her (the color looked different). I think the other one had a penguin on it (and there was a matching ornament for Johnny).

Loved Sydney calling Nicole "Mommy Nicole" and Sami hearing it. LOL

Was funny when Allie and Ciara had their little exchange and Ciara said Allie's apology was not accepted. Oh boy.... she's going to be a handful.

YAY to seeing several glimpses of Joey Johnson.

Baby Ari's ornament was beautiful.

So sweet when Adrienne started to say that Ari was her first grandchild, but couldn't get it out, so Will finished it for her. And I loved when she said all the presents were Justin's fault because he now had a baby girl to buy for, after having four sons.
I loved seeing Sami at the Brady breakfast, and Horton Christmas with her children and without EJ. Sami is that much closer to leaving EJ. I think Nick is going to turn up alive, and then Sami will be free and clear to get the hell out of the Dimera Mansion aka House of Horrors. I guess Sami doesn't have an ornament on the Horton tree anymore. That's sad. I wish Sami would give that bracelet Lucas gave her to Allie. It was nice of Sami to let Nicole see Johnny and Sydney. There is no way I would be that nice to someone who kidnapped my baby daughter twice.

Ciara wouldn't forgive Allie. That's sad. Nice foreshadowing though. I'm looking forward to watching these two as they grow older.

"Kate and Sami bonding. Stranger things have happened. Okay, maybe not." That was hilarious.
It was a breath of fresh air to have festivities replace fights, but just wish there were some flashbacks of those departed. :(

I wanted to slap Sami, the way she treated Nicole. Let the woman be, she is trying to help Eric and was an important part of Sydney and Johnny's lives, don't shut her out. When Sydney said "Mommy Nicole," I teared up a bit, remembering all the pain Nicole has gone through in her efforts to become a mother. I'm glad that she was able to see Sydney and Johnny, if only for a short time.

I, also, welled up with tears at the ornament hanging. So many people are either gone or far away. I especially felt bad for Ciara, and the look on Hope's face indicated, to me, that she does not believe, or even knows for a fact, that Bo is never coming back to Salem.

Nicole looked stunning. Now I'm on the fence as to whether or not I think she and Daniel should be a couple again. The first time was under very difficult circumstances. Now, with so much behind them, perhaps it would work. When they were on the couch with Parker napping, they looked like a real family.

I'm glad that Maxine is aware of Anne's manipulations and is trying to stay one step ahead of her. It's one thing for Anne to have it in for Jennifer, but when it involves other, like the children and the families in need, that crosses the line. With all due respect to the wonderful actress portraying Anne (Meredith Lynn Scott), Anne needs to pack up her bags and take her act on the road.

Abigail did a lovely job reading the Christmas story, so it worked out after all.

Ciara sure has a mind of her own and takes the hard line. The way she spoke to Allie was almost like reverse behavior...she acted more like Sami, Allie's mother, than Hope, her own mother. No more play dates for them, I imagine.

Nice that Victor apologized to Eric and was forgiven for the video fiasco.

Maggie's speech was very lovely and emotional. She looked so radiant in white and happy to be back with Victor. May their happiness at this moment continue well into the new year and beyond.
guess Sami doesn't have an ornament on the Horton tree anymore. That's sad. I wish Sami would give that bracelet Lucas gave her to Allie.
Since Lucas and Sami are no longer married, Sami's ornament is probably buried in the storage box, along with Carrie's (from when she was dating Mike and got an ornament).

Since Allie is so young, my guess is the bracelet would be put away for her until she's old enough to have something that valuable.
I also liked how Adrienne almost referred to Ari as her grandchild but hesitated and Will finished her sentence and said it. Judi Evans (Adrienne) was radiant today. She was practically glowing. I have to admit, Parker and Daniel are growing on me. Parker was so cute telling Daniel the present needed another piece of tape.

When I first saw Anne conspiring with the other nurse, I was ready to start swearing but I rolled over laughing at Doug practically tossing her out of the way in that elf costume so Abby could read the Christmas story.

Did anyone catch Doug, Julie, Hope, Lucas, Will and Sonny taking group pictures with a cell phone in the background during Sami, Kate and Gabi's conversation LOL. Kristian Alfonso (Hope) actually posted that picture on twitter months ago when they were taping those scenes. I thought that was hilarious because I was like "oh my goodness I've seen that picture".
Sami acts like Allie isn’t her daughter she wasn’t at the Brady’s Christmas morning breakfast, but Johnny & Sydney were at both, most of the time Allie was by herself while the other two kids sat by Sami. In my estimation its poor writing! But how much do you want to bet that she will be at the DiMera wing-ding!
Thanks for the summary. I liked the episode, but did not like the hideous leopard jacket Nicole wore. I LOVED when Sydney said "I love you, mommy Nicole" right in front of Sami, and Sami's jealous reaction!:rotfl:It's also obvious that there is some form of attraction between Eric and Nicole, and even possibly Daniel and Nicole. The whole part with Anne was stupid and unnecessary. So glad her plot was foiled. I just loved how much more positive this episode was. The scene with Daniel, Parker and Nicole all in the apartment was heartwarming.
Let's not forget when Julie said how did we forget this ornament and hung Nicolas' (Nick) and then the look of those involved with his "murder". I also enjoyed Doug (Santa) tossing Miss Grinch (Anne) out of the way and continued on with Horton tradition.
Wonderful show. A lot of great stuff on today's show.

Poirot, thanks for posting on this special day of the year.

Nice seeing Roman on. Was Marlena not there because
she's not a Brady anymore???

Loved Adrienne trying to call herself grandma. Too
bad Justin wasn't there.

I'm assuming Melanie's ornament was with Daniel's.
I didn't run up to look.

I'm glad they remembered "Mommy Nicole"

I teared up when Arianna Grace's was put on the tree.
I teared up a lot today.

Enjoyed Maggie's speech at the end.

Where or where was the back of NIcole's dress :)

Eric said today was the day for "Friends, Family
and Forgiveness" Then Victor walked in.

JJ said this about Anne "Elf Yourself"

I guess tomorrow will just be another typical day
in Salem. Wouldn't it be great if the Christmas
spirit lasted all year round.

I hope everyone had a joyous day with family and friends.