Days of Our Lives - Wed. Dec. 9, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Episode #11,225 Taped 10/16 Director – Grant A. Johnson

In Cleveland, Rafe is searching Nicole’s hospital room, having found it empty, and an adjoining door open, even finding the item she used to pick the lock. He questions the cop outside the door, who did not see her, and is sure she wasn’t taken for tests or anything. Meanwhile, Nicole is sort of bumbling around the hospital, (another one where there is never anyone around) and finds a supply room. She is murmuring about finding her baby, as she grabs a set of blue hospital scrubs, then finds a parka conveniently hanging on a coat rack. She finds scissors, cuts off her hospital I.D. bracelet. Outside Nicole’s room, EJ has learned of her vanishing and is having his usual fit. Rafe tells the cop to order a lockdown of the hospital so no one can get in or out while they search every floor. Roman comes along, talking of staking out Fay Walker’s place, Rafe takes off, EJ paces, with a few nasty words for the cop who was guarding the door. Rafe finds the supply room, spots Nicole’s discarded hospital gown, finds the I.D. bracelet, and realizes Nicole has flown the coop.
Next we see Roman & Brady outside, talking of how upset Sami is, and that Roman got her a motel room near the hospital, hopes she is getting some sleep. And we see Arianna come up, listening, as Roman gets a phone call, then tells Brady they picked up someone at the train station who might be a person of interest. He leaves. Brady spots Arianna, is surprised, she stumbles around as to why she is there, then starts in on not understanding how Brady still wants to help Nicole after all she has done. She thinks Brady is addicted to her, Brady denies it, but Arianna talks of how he runs to Nicole’s aid, no matter what. Usually it is money, but then it is for him to help her in some way. Brady is denying, but as Arianna is listing his reactions anytime Nicole pleads with him, he realizes she is right.
He suddenly has an idea as to where Nicole might have gone and leaves, Arianna follows.

Hope is at Java Café, getting hot chocolate for her, and one to bring back to Ciara, as Justin comes in. He thought they were decorating the tree at her house, but she tells him that fizzled, Carly came back, and she left. Yes, she was supposed to be moving out, but guess now she has decided to move back in, tho she claims she is going to the Salem Inn. Justin does his darnest to try and make Hope see things in a different light, but she absolutely refuses. She won’t even mention that she is the one who left her home, but instead is blaming everything on Carly…..and her secret, and Hope is determined to find out what it is. She is a detective and is putting herself on the case. She firmly believes, tho, that Carly did return to Salem to steal Bo from Hope. And nothing Justin says will sway her mind.

Over at the Kmansion, Vivian is talking to Victor about her plan to get revenge on Carly, and wanting his help. She reads a letter Lawrence wrote before he died…..sort of a rambling one (it is to Carly) wherein he calls her names, talks of her betraying him, and the “results of that betrayal”. Vivian & Victor both agree Carly had an affair, and that there were consequences from it. Viv thinks that in order to throw Carly off track, she has to come up with another reason for returning to Salem, and thinks it a good idea if they pretend it is because she & Victor are madly and passionately in love. Victor grins. And next we see Hope coming down the stairs, surprised to see Vivian, and hearing from Victor that Vivian is moving in to stay with them. He asks if she has any objection, and Hope starts to say….”actually”….but catches herself, smiles, and says that actually, she thinks that is a very good idea. Welcome.

Bo has a Santa cap on, as he finishes setting the Christmas tree in it’s stand. Carly thinks he should have Hope & Ciara come over now to help decorate, but he figures Ciara is tired and they can all do it tomorrow. He texts Hope a message, then chats a bit with Carly. She is readying to leave, figures she has spoiled Christmas enough for him, and he should be with his family. He says it is still two weeks off, Carly remembers this is the anniversary of the day the married in the Mayan ceremony…..actually, just a symbolic wedding, not a real one. And we get a flashback of her reciting some vows. Bo remembers, too…..Carly wishes for him, Hope & Ciara to have a wonderful Christmas together, and she puts her hand up to his cheek. Outside, Justin has arrived to talk to Bo, spots this thru the window, and is not too pleased at what he has just seen.

Roman has come onto the hospital floor with Fay in tow, introducing her to EJ, who at first ignores her, then goes into accusatory mode. He demands to know where his daughter is, Fay doesn’t know. Roman mentions the men finding a black wig in Fay’s car, some baby clothes and a doll the size of Sydney and both men insist she tell them where Sydney is. Fay talks of EJ being this husband who physically & emotionally abused his wife, she is glad her daughter was finally able to get away, and take her granddaughter with her. Both men realize she does not know the truth, and proceed to fill her in how all Nicole has done, and how Sydney is Sami’s baby, not Nicole’s. Fay is horrified, but really knows nothing, has no idea what happened, only that Nicole was going to Canada. She now learns that Nicole was brought to the hospital, has now escaped and Sydney is missing.

Nicole is sitting on a bench, looking rather lost & forlorn, but actually seemingly a bit out of it. She reaches in the pocket of the parka, finds some change and goes to the pay phone, trying to call her mother. She suddenly realizes this is where it happened, flashes back to kneeling down in front of the stroller, tells herself she has to find her baby. We see a hand on her shoulder, and there is Rafe, wanting to know what she has done with Sydney. Nicole protests she doesn’t know, then pulls the scissors out of her pocket, pointing them at him, keeping him away. He manages to wrest them from her hands, is holding her so she can’t run away, asking where Sydney is, when her knight in shining armor comes riding up. O.k. it is Brady, who comes up as Rafe is asking Nicole to tell him where Sydney is, and Brady telling Rafe not to hurt her.

Thanks for the write up Barb!

I just want to know how to get Brady, to be my hero?

Well now we see mama Fay is all filled in, what is she going to think now?
Oh...come on Brady...get a clue! I really like you Brady....dont make me change my mind! :)
Hope is just driving me bonkers!! Get over yourself already!! Sheesh!!
Thanks for the write up!!!
Thank you Barb~
Yea Brady, come help out Nicole -Arianna is right he still loves her. Rafe sounds as bad as EJ grabbing her. Threats will not get answers from someone who has none.. they have not figure that out yet.
She firmly believes, tho, that Carly did return to Salem to steal Bo from Hope.

If someone came to town to steal my man.... I'd sure act witchy and keep our child away from him and accuse him of every wrong doing in the world....


I'd move in and be a loving and supportive woman making him certain that I was the one he deeply wanted...

Who is this woman??? What has happened to Hope??? :confused:
If I remember right, Stefano is talking to someone.....Sami is talking of finding Sydney to someone else....(the previews were extremely short, just a couple seconds each. )
I wish the writers could use Justin for more than just being involved in Bo/Hope's storyline. The actor is too talented to be wasted like this. Thanks Barb. :)
Who is this woman??? What has happened to Hope??? :confused:
ITA. I could care less if her and Bo ever got back together. I think it's time for the couple to go their separate ways. They have become boring with the same storylines. JMO.
Thanks Barb!!! I think the lady from the motel has Sydney.....greedy witch!

OOOOoohhhh, GOOD THINKING ! LOL... (I just take it "Day" by "Day" so I don't give much thought.... I barely get to watch anymore either !) Nice shot ! I bet you're right !

I REALLY loved the Mayan Wedding between Bo and Carly. I will also say, it was nice to see Hope actually act nice yesterday (Monday's show) and I was excited to see the Old Hope back.... but then.... screeeeeeeching halt. Whop, Darn !


Eh, I'd not mind Barly together, but not with Hope and Ciara around. It would be different if he didn't have her.

LOL.... Barly ! LOL


STAY WARM BARB !!! We got our little blanket of snow drifting down here in Chicagoland too ! LOL..... Ch ch ch chilly !
Days of Our Lives

Viv thinks that in order to throw Carly off track, she has to come up with another reason for returning to Salem, and thinks it a good idea if they pretend it is because she & Victor are madly and passionately in love. Victor grins.

This made me squee a little bit--sounds fun!

It sounds like Nicole is disoriented and erratic, which makes sense with her head injury on top of everything else, but I have to laugh at her threatening Rafe with scissors. I'm glad Brady shows up but honestly, the things people find the time to talk about when a baby is missing. I don't really think now is the time for Arianna to be scolding him about his feelings for Nicole, whatever they are. Though that wasn't quite as annoying as Roman rejecting Bo's help in finding Sydney in favor of lecturing him about his marriage the other day.

Thanks for the writeup!
EJ yelling again! I suddenly found myself singing "Sing Johnny one-note. Sing out with gusto and just overwhelm . . . "
EJ has only one note to sing lately. And I'm tired of it.
In Monday's episode the dialog between Rafe and Stephano was great. They both had some great one liners. Stephano has a way of putting a shadow of doubt into anyone's head. He planted the seed of (EJ and Sami) into Rafe's. I think Rafe always has that in the back of his mind anyway. I had a thought about the kidnapping. What if the Motel clerk was working for Stephano the whole time? He knew everything including the randsom note that is supposedly sent next week. He still controls the purse strings so EJ will have to come begging back to him for money, and then Stephano will have regained control of his family again. He knows something because how the heck did he end up in Cleveland when noone called him.
I'm sticking with the theory that Stefano's thugs hit Nicole over the head and took Sydney. You know grandpa Stefano, if he can't control a situation, he does something to control the situation. This situation is to bring EJ to heel.:idea:
Hope is definitely menopausal. What other reason could she have for being so dense? It is so stupid to not tell her Carly's big secret, though. she could surely keep it to herself.
Thanks for the summary Poirot! I am so ready for these storylines to move along. I think you said the show hasn't gone far since the Monday one. That reminds me of Passions, except they would be stuck in the same day for about a month.
Hope is definitely menopausal. What other reason could she have for being so dense? It is so stupid to not tell her Carly's big secret, though. she could surely keep it to herself.

Sorry but I don't think Hope would keep it to herself, she would tell Maggie then all of the Mid West would know. And if she's monopausal so to the GYN and get hormones like all the rest of us do.