Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 12, 2014

Just like yesterday, today's episode calls for awards:

Mr. Deluded to Lucas for thinking that he can get Kate to give up her inane war against Jordan (it's the only thing that gives her life any meaning);
Ms. Perplexed to Abigail for her futile attempts to sort out the meaning of her "relationship" with EJ;
Mr. Self-Important to Nick for actually thinking that Kate and Sami cared so much about him that they planned his dip in the icy Salem River well in advance;
Ms. Let Down to Nicole for laying her life on the line to get the evidence needed to keep Eric in the priesthood only to be told that he's decided to quit;
Mr. Clueless to Percy for hitching his wagon to Nick Fallon's star (he has no idea what he's up against if he crosses Sami and Kate);
Ms. Understatement to Sami for not bluntly telling Nick that she didn't need a better rebuttal to his claims of attempted murder because one word to EJ would mean that the Trickster would vanish again, this time for good;
Mr. B/S to Tricky Nicky (who else) for all the manipulative statements that he was directing at the frazzled Gabi.
Up until now, Percy thought Nick was simply a victim.
I don't think we are privy to what Percy actually knows about Nick. For all we know, he heard the conversation between Nick and Gabi and witnessed the "almost" rape. If he is devious enough to go along with Nick's plan for revenge, he may be cruel enough to have watched the whole "drowning" incident before he stepped in.
I think Gabi should grow an evil side and stick it to Kate, Nick, and Sami, that would be a great twist. Nick had an excellent point, everyone makes her decisions. I would love it if she played the victim to all of them and got revenge. Like can you imagine Gabi suddenly going to the police and suddenly doing her rapid talking then goes "and Nick tried to rape me, and I didn't know what to do, so then Sami and Kate convinced me to kill him. It was all so confusing!" By the end, everyone would be saying "Oh Gabi, I'm so sorry. You poor dear." And yelling at Nick, Sami and Kate. I can see all their shocked and frustrated faces. Then Gabi could be all "wait, was that a dream?" And have all three of them under her control. I mean come on. It would be brilliant and so unexpected. I'd love to see that twist, but I don't see it happening.

I honestly think Nick, Kate and Sami are the same kind of evil, so no one is innocent or justified in their actions. In fact, if we look at their track records, Nick is slightly less evil in comparison to their history (but if we're going to be technical, that's because Nick has only existed for about 8 years, if he had the same longevity of Sami and Kate, well we know how that track record would go). But props to the writers for seeing the potential of a war between this trio, if you're going to do a storyline like this, you put the best actors, currently on the show, at playing manipulative, crazy, semi-evil characters together. But man, they're revealing a lot about this storyline so fast...I never expected Nick to admit he knew this soon, which makes me wonder where this is all going?

Jordan and Rafe were so boring. I think I officially went from slightly intrigued by them, to not caring. Eric and Nicole have the same potential for this fate, because the reveal was very disappointing. It's been built up this long and seeing him finally pick her just fell short. These are currently the only happy couples on the show right now (minus Will and Sonny), I need more from them if they're going to be carrying the romance element of Days.

I don't appreciate Abby's self-pity act over sleeping with EJ, and the show is back peddling. Now they're all EJ really loves Samantha he made a mistake. Way to sit on the fence with this storyline to keep certain fans happy. I can already tell I'm not going to be happy where this storyline goes in the next couple months. Sidenote: I haven't seen Monday and Tuesday's episodes yet so not completely aware of why the sudden "we must end this" speeches, I'll find out over the weekend.
I truly am sick of Gabi's inability to see what is going on with Nick. She already had an argument with Sonny about it, then Kate & Sami. She was so frightened of Nick she hit him with that rock, but now thinks he is all fine, dandy, contrite, and would make a good friend/stepfather to Arianna. She refuses to stick up with the people who tried to help her, and won't tell her brother what happened. She is allowing Nick to isolate her from everyone, just as he did when trying to get her to New York.
Gabi hasn't exactly been the portrait of stability LOL. When she thought he was dead she was distraught because they'd killed him and was wrought with fear someone would find out. When Nick reappeared, she freaked out because he was alive and I think she actually said it would have been better if he'd just stayed dead. Salem Home for the Mentally Impaired - get a bed ready.
I LOVED the Roman and Rafe scenes and such a relevant conversation too! I felt that Roman's comment about something happening for Sami to see EJ's true colors once and for all and then the camera panning to EJ and Abby was foreshadowing. Can someone tell me--was that the courtroom set?

I think Abby is just being honest about her feelings. I said this in Monday's thread but Jennifer was the same way with Jack. And EJ wasn't exactly forceful at trying to end things either. I'm think we'll still see a few more romps before this gets revealed. However, I agree that I do want to see EJ jealous and pining over Abby.

Gabi is just an idiot and it's time to have Rafe enter this storyline for multiple reasons.

We still don't know much about Jordan. I'm glad Rafe called her out on it but then he seemed to forget when she told him Arthur was a cat.

Liked the Eric/Nicole scenes

Overall I liked that so many characters were on and nobody seemed to dominate the show. It should be like that everyday.