Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 20, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our lives
Wednesday, February 20, 2012

Memo to Grant A. did a great job directing this episode. And kudos to Richard Culliton, who wrote it. Cameron is picking up his to go lunch at the Pub, is about to leave when Gabi stops him with a question for him, as her doctor. Would it be safe for the baby to have a paternity test. Julie walks in, her jaw dropping as she overhears this exchange. Cameron asks why, is there a question about the father. Julie chimes in as well, Gabi assures them both no, no, Will is the father, definitely. Then just says never mind. She introduces Cam to Julie as Will's cousin, Cam takes his leave. Now Julie is wondering what is going on, does Will have a problem. No, no, replies Gabi, and the lightbulb goes on for Julie, who realizes out loud it must be Sami Brady. Gabi does not deny it, Julie is taking her leave, just stopped by to see how Gabi was doing. tells her not to worry, she has lots of Hortons around to back her up. She leaves.

Will is at Sami's office, come to see the engagement ring. An embarrassed Sami admits she jumped the gun, there is no ring. Will knows how she must feel, been there, done that. Sami asks if he means Sonny. Yep. So why did you want me to come, sez Will. And of course because Sami wants to know what the results of the paternity test were. Will admits they have not even set a date up yet, Sami starts having a fit, Will tells her to back off, reminding her this is his child, his & Gabi's, that the two of them & Nick have talked over everything, and made their agreements. Sami is persistent, and insistent as well. Will asks if she is also picking out a name, buying the clothes, choosing the schools, arranging a marriage. Sami looks a tiny bit chagrinned, but is claiming to looks out for her son. And Will is looking out for HIS child. In comes Julie, who wants to talk to Mz. Brady. Sami asks Will to leave, but Julie wants him to stay, since it concerns him.
And now Julie gives Sami what for, more or less telling her that Nick, Gabi & Will are handling everything fine, and that Julie only wants to talk Sami out of making the situation worse now. They clash, of course, Will has been listening, but gets up, agrees with Julie for Sami to step back and butt out. Julie leaves, Sami promises she will not interfere, asks Will to stay, telling him there are snacks in the back if he is hungry, asks him to bring her a protein bar. The second he is out of sight, she grabs her coat and takes off.

Father Eric kneels down in front of the cross, closes his eyes, and begins to pray. A junkie has come in, pointing a gun at him, says "Bless me Father, for I have sinned". Eric looks up, as the guy insists Eric give him money. Eric quietly tries to reason with him, noting his hand holding the gun is shaking. He will help him, noting that taking this money is not going to help, things will only get worse. The junkie punches Eric in the jaw, down he goes, as the guy wants Eric to stop talking, shut up. Eric has the safe open, is taking money out, all the while trying to convince the man that he can help him, that there are other paths besides this for him to follow.

Nicole meets up with Rafe at Common Grounds, wants to tell him goodbye, she is leaving Salem, nothing more for her here. She doesn't know where she will go, has no family or friends. Rafe asks if he is chopped liver. lol. He wonders if this is about Daniel, no it is not. He says that though he was a bit drunk at the rectory, he realized she & Eric were having words. She only says that life is not for her, living at the convent, all this pure and good stuff. He says she could get an apartment.....but here in Salem. Nope, this is best for her. He will miss her, they chat a bit about Sami. Nicole thinks he still cares, he says no, doesn't care who she is with or what she does. Not after what she has said to his sister. Nicole & Rafe hug goodbye.

Jen is hrrying after Daniel in the Square, gets stopped by Abe & Theo, Abe wants to work on a fundraiser thru the hospital to repair damage caused by the tunnel explosions. She is very distracted but polite and agrees. When Abe leaves, Daniel is gone. and here comes Chloe, trying to apologize for her behavior when Jen came by. Jen is onto Chloe, knows what she is up to, chastizes her about it. Chloe denies it, thinks Jen is just paranoid.
Daniel is with Maggie, is picking up toys, (evidently Parker is sleeping), and of course Maggie brings up Jen, and mentions the message Jen left at the hospital. Daniel never got it, now realizes why Jen was at his apartment, while he had gone to her house. He loves Jen, is going to end all this, and takes off.

At the Horton house, Daniel is doing his explaining, Jen is smiling, he realizes he never got her message, yada, yada, yada. Tis o.k. let's kiss and make up smiles Jen. They do, then begin talking about another attempt at a getaway, 3rd time should be the charm. Both are all smiles and happy. And now Jennifer thinks Daniel has to do something else. Yes, she realizes there is Parker to consider, but Chloe is constantly going to be trying to come between them. Cut off all ties with Chloe. Not see her or talk to her again. Daniel is taken aback, but Jen says it is the only way.

Ann comes to visit Chloe at the apartment, not too impressed with how "cozy" it is compared to the Kmansion. Chloe likes it, but confesses Daniel moved to a hotel, and she had a run-in with Jennifer, and went over the top. Reacted badly, and thinks she blew it.

Abby is at the hospital looking for Cameron, where nurse Courtney explains he is on break, and mentions the questions about the Golden Circle club at high school. Abby goes to the Pub, hears from Gabi that Cam just left, returns to the hospital. Abe is talking to Cameron, making plans for him to come over tonight, leaves, Abby tells Cameron they have to talk.

And Sami comes into the Pub, starts in on Gabi about getting the paternity test. Gabi claims she still has to talk to her doctor about the safety, Sami pooh poohs that, claiming it is perfectly safe, she is stalling. No she isn't. In comes Will, not at all happy, since just 7 minutes ago she had promised him to back off. She has no right. She claims she does, Will says that when they get the o.k. from a legally recognized doctor they will have the test. Sami starts ranting, in walks Rafe, who tells Sami to lay off this whole thing, none of her business. Oh, yes it is, she is stalling...blah, blah. Will is telling her to go back to the office. She refuses. Rafe is going to call a lawyer now! Gabi yells at them both to stop this, then doubles over in pain, putting her hand to her stomach, gasping "the baby". Sami is looking at her as though she doesn't believe Gabi is having a problem.

Father Eric has put the money into a blue bag, pulling the strings tight as he gives it to the junkie, still talking of trying to help him. Nicole comes rushing in, the guy grabs Nicole, one arm around her neck, the other with the gun on Eric, who is saying not to hurt her. The gunman demands her earring, which she removes, setting them on her desk. The guy says "now the necklace". Nicole protests, it was her mother's, not worth very much, she cannot give it up. The guy insists, Nicole refuses. She is NOT parting with it. She stomps on his foot, causing him to let her go, Eric rushes forward , knocks the guy away, goes to Nicole. The guy grabs the heavy wooded cross, smashes it against the back of Eric's head, down he goes. Nicole cries out, the guy takes the money bag and takes off. Nicole has sunk to her knees besides the unconscious Eric, calling his name, She starts to cradle his head, but pulls her hand away, sees the blood. She bends over him, holding him, murmuring "Eric, I love you".
...She has no right. She claims she does...

SAMANTHA GENE...BACK OFF!!!! That is what Will should have said. He needs to tell her if she does not butt out that she will never see him or the Grandbaby!

Lucas...oh Lucas...please come and do what you do best (besides look pretty :D) and set Sami straight!
Used to really like Julie but .. Ok, guess it is time to put Julie in the same catagorie as Maggie.. two meddling old ladies.. "lots of Hortons to back her up??? Did she forget that Will is a Horton too?? Why is that so hard to remember??
This is looking more like Will is not going to be the father after all.. too many hints and protests of "oh no Will is the father".. are they leading us to think again of Andrew??
Do love the look of "really... ok Gabi playing the baby card to stop the conversation and take pity on me" on Sami face..
Sami was over the top, and I am proud of Will for standing up to her, repeatedly telling her to back off, this is HIS baby, and not her decisions. Julie definitely remembered Will is a Horton, which is why she was sticking up for him. Sorry if I did not make this all clear. When Sami sent Will off to get her a protein bar, and was gone when he returned, he knew exactly where she had gone, and went straight there, and immediately told his mother to lay off. Sami just refuses.

To tell you the truth, tho, while Sami is impulsive, etc. it is just hard to understand her doing this, and going back on her word to her son. And yes, I think right now, she needs to be put under a restraining order. She really has gone too far. And I think her son should tell her that unless she backs off, that yes, she will not only be seeing him, she won't be seeing her grandchild either. Ever.
I just had a realization... I think they are deliberately writing Sami as the most vile character on the show at this point. (I think I even prefer the fake-ly improved EJ to Sami lately.)

Of course, Nicole is not going to leave town, but Rafe could have been a bit more insistent that she stay.

Jennifer and mother, like daughter. They sound like a couple of pre-teens, running all over town chasing after their crushes. Silly.
Oh Lordy, I 'm getting so tired of the Gabi/Will/Nick /Sami/Rafe scenes. The dialogue is lather, rinse, repeat stuff from a bad blond just keeps repeating over and over.

This show isn't big enough for all of the buttinski's.....Sami, Kate, Maggie, Jennifer, and Julie. Hmmmm - I just noticed that all 5 of them are Horton by birth (Jennifer & Julie), related through marriage at some time (Maggie & Sami), or affair (Kate).
I think they are deliberately writing Sami as the most vile character on the show at this point.

I'm thinking the same thing. I can't imagine why someone would write such a destestable character, unless they had some kind of plan. Is it to eventually have the fans (though I must say I'm not one of them, in case anybody still wandered where I stand on the horrible character that is Sami) accept her demise, even her death, as maybe some of the persons in charge would like to get rid of her ? Just wondering myself about that... If I'm right... Hey, there, don't try so hard. Just get rid of her at once. Get it over with ! I would be :clap::clap::clap:
After watching Sami being a perfect DiMera wife and she isn’t even married yet I hate her as much as junior, she has never had one pregnancy where someone was doing the exact something to her but yet she is like a pit-bull going after Gabi! A month ago Sami is telling Gabi she wanted to be her substitute mom or sister and even an Auntie and they are family. It’s one more reason I don’t watch the show anymore!
This merry go round with Chloe and Jennifer is tiresome - so board with it!! Will this story ever get even remotely interesting?

I like that Julie is a meddling old busy body (and Maggie, too) I'm kind of the matriarch in our family (since my Mom passed about 8 years ago) so I like their scenes when they're in other people's business. :) I do think it's unfair that they completely ignore Will's being part of the Horton family - it would be nice if someone pointed that out - maybe Sonny will at some point?!

Based on your fine recap Poirot - I will actually watch the Samantha scenes today.
As always, thanks for posting.