Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 5, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, Febr8uary. 5, 2014

Oh, what a fun (?) episode. Sami finds the door to the gym locked! But first a replay of Abby stripping, and into the shower, Sami arriving outside the door, talking of how he will be surprised. She tries knock, but realizes with the water running, he cannot hear, so leaves in search of help. And lots and the camera stays with EJ and Abby, clinging to each other in that hot shower. But Sami returns with a guard, Carl, to open the door, and she babbles and babbles about her relationship with EJ, their 2 kids, and that she only needs him to sign a paper, and all the problems with the chauvinistic guy in Chicago, as poor Carl fumbles with the keys, unable to find the right one. At last, he does, Sami goes in, yelling for EJ. Cue shocked faces inside that shower. EJ finally blurts out he will be right out, is just putting conditioner on his hair. (so this truly cracked me up). She is still babbling out there, and finally EJ turns off the water, comes out of the shower, while Abby huddles behind the curtain.
More babbling from Sami, who just doesn't stop talking, as EJ gets dressed. She only wants his signature, finds a pen at last, he signs the contract. She goes on about being sorry she hung up on him, he is trying to cut her off, saying they will talk at home. O.K. but Sami still doesn't shut up. She goes on and on, despite EJ's attempts to get her to stop, and leave, he will see her later. She mentions him not being in her bed, Abby hears, EJ deflates. Now she starts babbling about Nick..again he tells her "at home", we will talk at home. So now she mentions Johnny's basketball game, (EJ forgot) and he practically falls apart with exasperation. Says he had a bad day, lots to do, will try to make it. Sami finally leaves, he pulls the shower curtain aside, giving Abby a towel. She knew they were having troubles, but not that they were no longer sharing a bed. He wants to talk this with her, but somewhere else. She should leave. She wonders what she should wear? Hmmm. She does have a change of clothes in her car, but EJ doesn't want to be perhaps seen getting clothes from her car. He remembers a photo shoot there, figures the models left some clothes, goes off, returns, with a very inappropriate outfit. (Think Victoria's Secret in re: the top) She hopes no one will see her in this outfit, and cannot wait to get her coat on over it. EJ says he is sorry, Abby turns, gets closer to him, and says I'm not. She leaves, he lets out a big sigh.

Replay of Theresa receiving the bag of gift cards, JJ coming out , surprising her. She is surprised, what is he doing there? He claims he came to get some school supplies, he is calling her Theresa, she tries to hurry out, the clerk calls her Abigail, she claims he made a mistake, but eventually Rory comes bounding out, high fiving his brother, and JJ, and it is revealed to Theresa how she has been played. She claims it would be her word against his, but...the brother has video, which is copied onto JJ's phone. Checkmate. She runs out, he goes after her, offers a deal. No one will ever see his video, if she promises no one will see hers. But, she refuses. She will go to prison happy because his mother is miserable and he is in jail. He tells her she is insane, that if she comes to that hearing, spilling all this, he will go to the police, the family, her parents with all he knows. Plus, she already tried to embezzle $2000 once before, got fired for it. Theresa doesn't care. She really hates Jen. JJ tells her she is an evil ****** as Abe comes around the corner, asking what is the problem here?

Eric is with Brother Timothy, going over his options. He wants to remain in the church, Timothy notes that since he cannot prove being drugged, he probably would not allowed to remain a priest, but could come into a place like this. Eric really cannot see becoming a cloistered monk, he has to help the parishioners, be with them, guide them. And he just could not give up his family, he is a world person. Tim understands, this life is not for everyone. So...then, what about Nicole?

Stefano is in his study, with his goon, bemoaning that he has tried all of Chyka's numbers, none are working. He has disappeared, and Stefano is not happy. He needs to have that business out of the way. Later Abe is there with Theo, visiting Nono. Theo asks about Aunt Kristen, as kids at school say she did bad things. Stefano sidesteps this with talk of family, loving each other, and family always sticking together....right Abraham??
And then, Stefano is alone again with his goon, sending him to find Chyka and making sure there is no problem any more. All lose ends to be tied up. The guy will take Marco with him, not to worry.

and over at Chyka's cabin, he has heard a noise, grabs his gun, goes outside. Daniel has vanished, Nicole is watching thru the binoculars, is worried. Somehow Daniel comes out of the cabin, behind Chyka, grabs him from behind, they fight a bit, Chyka has dropped the gun, Nicole has picked it up, and has the drop on Chyka, and inside they go. Chyka is tied up, Bonnie & Clyde....sorry, Nicole and Daniel are questioning him and getting no where. (Nicole is definitely in Bonnie mode, lol) and an angry Nicole slaps him a few times, Daniel stopping her. Chyka is worried, the doc won't hurt him, he did his research, a stand up doc, follows the oath......first do no harm. Nicole agrees, but she never made that oath, she threatens to shoot him in the foot, better yet, the knee, will hurt a bit more. Daniel calms her down, tells her to remember, their rules, their game. He leaves. Chyka wonders where he is going.
And now he jabbers away at Nicole, realizes she loves the good priest, and he probably loves her as well. Let him go, and she will have the priest in her arms morning, noon & night. He pours it on, talking of how much Eric was concerned about her when he put them in the basement, etc. And then Daniel returns with his backpack. Chyka asks what that is, what he has in there. Silence. Dan digs around, pulls out a vial, then a hypodermic needle. He draws from the vial. Chyka is getting nervous, what is that, I demand to know. Nicole laughs. Well now, you are going to get a taste of your own medicine, as Daniel flicks the needle.
EJ/Abby: :clap::clap::clap: These 2 are totally falling for each other and again, this was completely MUTUAL. This show has not aired scenes like that in years.

Sami: Beyond annoying and if she is the Head of Countess Wilhemina as she stated yesterday, why can't she sign the contract herself??? She is engaged to the CEO! And I still hate her outfit.

JJ/Theresa: JJ showed his immaturity. He should not have showed Theresa his hand. He should have saved that for a more opportune moment.

Nicole/Daniel: Couldn't they just call Abe or Roman?

Eric/Monk: I tuned most of this out but it's really annoying that Eric has been with Timothy now for 3 episodes and we are no closer to finding out his decision!
A friend pointed out that DAYS tape their scenes in one take, so with that in mind these showers scenes were fantastic and believable! WOW!!! HOT!!! Ej didn’t seem to be too ashamed of himself having sex with Abby; I thought he rather enjoyed her company! The only thing he was nervous about was getting caught and his afternoon delight would end. Never have we seen anything like this between junior/Sami! While I was watching I remember what Rafe told Sami about junior, “he will hurt you”, so it is beginning!

The rest of the show was uninspiring!
Thank you, Poirot. I saw most of the show in between shoveling snow today.

One thing that really irked me today was when Sami went into the shower room. After all of the remarks to the security guard about EJ not having anything she hasn't seen of his before, why didn't she just pull open the shower curtain? You'd think if she really wanted to make up with him, she would've disrobed then climbed in the shower with him.

I know...Da Plot. :(

Geez, showing Abby pulling in that black bra by Sami's feet was just plain stupid.

On a happier note, I LOVED Nicole and Dr Dan today. I cheered out loud when Dr Dan decided to walk away while Nicole threatened Chyka with the gun.

Very nice scenes of Brother Timothy counseling Father Eric.

It was nice to see Abe and Theo.

Loved the look on Theresa's face when she realized she was set up. This girl is still dangerous, though.

I was happy not to see Jennifer, Anne, a screechy nagging Maggie, or a drunken Brady today.
Shame on Stefano for feeding Theo a line of DiMera b/s about Kristen. She's an example of a person who only wanted to help other family members?? As all Days viewers know, the Salem witch did nothing but cause headaches for EJ and the Phoenix. On the subject of troublemakers, Theresa had better not think she can claim "entrapment." That only applies to persons who can claim that they were not predisposed to commit an offense, a description that hardly fits the nasty little blackmailer. And in addition to being caught stealing, she now also has to live with the shameful knowledge that she was actually outsmarted by the likes of stoner Rory and his brother. Finally, NIcole and the Love Doctor are now acting like Bo and Hope did with Fake Rafe. By failing to call the police after they caught Chyka, tying him to a chair, and pointing a gun in his face they have committed the crimes of false imprisonment and menacing (pointing the gun at him). And if the doctor-detective injects him with a drug, it would be assault. Fortunately for them, it seems as if Chyka won't be around to complain now that Stefano is sending his hirsute operative after him.
EJ & Abby Shower romp is the sexiest,raciest sex scene I have EVER seen on
DAYS, I have reason to believe either the censors are fans of the duo or they were asleep in the booth!

Seriously...Sami needed to barge in on him in the shower, to make EJ sign some damn contract, duh don't they live together!!

Abby looked as if she really enjoyed the shower scene!

Sami groveling, and ranting, as if she can't stop herself, regarding kicking EJ off her bed...Barf worthy!

My guess Sami will now give EJ access back to her body...Can't wait for EJ to start having flashbacks of sex with Abby while in bed with Samanther!

In the END I feel as if EJ is still very much keeping the door open for more possible hook up with Abby!

Go Nicole for being feisty and slapped the daylight out of Dr. Chyka!

edited comments....JS