Days of Our Lives - Wed. Feb. 8, 2017

Gabi said something also about being glad the lights were on. I heard the word, locker, so perhaps that meant meat locker? I would agree about air circulation, first.......and I am sorry, but that small room.....what about a bathroom? What about dehydration? And if Deimos wants to use them for bargaining chips, should he not make sure they have food & water?
Austin wants to talk to Rafe privately, brings up Carrie & Rafe's little flirtation last year. Rafe assures him twas nothing, Austin knows he is into Hope, yep, she is the one, says Rafe.

If I am expected to watch Paul & Sonny, let's make it enjoyable. Talking about their dirty little affair when Paul was in the closet is not the way to do this. Show me some adventure now, please. Though I'd rather see the Rafe/Carrie/Icecube scene on a loop than that.
Well, at least Paul & Sonny talked of their past, and Sonny claims now to understand why Paul was adamant about staying in the closet back then, tho he was upset at the time.

It truly is a shame that a good idea for a story, has to stretch out so long that everyone is bored beyond belief, and then the conclusion ends up being a disappointment in how it comes about.
Is anyone else getting creeped out by the way Eric is treating Hope. Almost like he wants to keep her captive.
I think it's probably just Eric looks creepy! He looks like a serial killer to me. That's why last week when he was skulking around the hospital in that baseball cap I couldn't believe he didn't attract attention!