Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 2, 2019

While I have cousins who do that, they don't do it all the time. Just once in a while. Hope never uses Jen's name , which seems odd. Calling someone Cuz, yes, is an affectionate way to refer to them, and is nice. But with Hope & Jen, is overdone. It would be nice if once in a while, the name was used.
I don’t mind Hope being support for Jennifer - it gives her a break from talking about Ben Weston.
We really need to know the back story here, of how Eve came across Jack, and why he is relying on her so much.

This is what’s puzzling me - How did Eve get Jack to believe what she says?
Oh, am sure the show is going to make us wait for that, and whether it will be plausible or not......who knows?
Actually, I have always felt Jack survived somehow, and in the chaos after the explosions, especially with no actual friend or family member to I.D. the person.......that Jack survived. Honestly did not think when he would be brought back, they would do the overused amnesia thing......but...seems to be a soap staple.
Wonder if there is a group in Salem for anyone who has suffered from amnesia? Probably not, since everyone in town has had it. :)
I'm waiting for someone to think maybe he was brought back to life the same way Will was, and to wonder if maybe the same treatment would bring back his memory. But then, Jack doesn't seem to want help or to regain his memory--yet. He'll probably remain confused and irritated as long as Eve is there, whispering lies in his ear.
Nice that Hope has photos of Jennifer's kids on her phone. I wonder if she has one of Claire.

But why would she have some random person on her phone???? :sarcasm:

Hope, stop calling Jennifer cuz! Neither you or Jen are 12 anymore and it isn’t cute, so grow up already

AMEN.... I know others say it's okay but it feels so out of place when Hope does in and Jennifer appears to remember that her "CUZ" has a name....

full explanation as to how Jack survived the elevator crash, where he's been all this time and how he connected up with Eve.

I know they are filming Thanksgiving 2019 this week... but I'm not sure they have written the answers to those questions yet......
How could they be filming Thanksgiving 2019........that is nearly 11 mos away. They are usually around just 6 mos ahead.
Nice that Hope has photos of Jennifer's kids on her phone. I wonder if she has one of Claire.
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Why would she? Abby and JJ are her "cuz"'s is she even related to Claire? LOL
(That all was badly written at the time - in my opinion).
You are definitely not alone here.

I like the IDEA of Hope being supportive to Jennifer - but the way she approached was too over the top in my opinion.
She also forgot he wasn't her husband when he "died."
I can't remember exactly, but weren't Jack and Jennifer getting back together when he "died"? Not dating together, but engaged together? That would definitely mean something more than she wasn't his wife when he died. Or am I remembering incorrectly.
I know; was just saying what we saw onscreen in 2012.

Let me rephrase it:

Yes, they were back together, engaged and planning their wedding. Then the explosion happened and Jack "died" in the elevator crash seconds after saving Abby's life.
Ok. So, if *someone* in Salem reminds Jack that he was ENGAGED to Jennifer, perhaps that might be another blip that he has in his memory about her and not dismiss her so easily (although we all know that it's going to be them reunited happily forever and ever amen, or at least until the writers "kill" Jack off again)