Days of Our Lives - Wed. Jan. 25, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Nicole is with Roman, who has come to see her. She tells him about Holly, all that Chloe told her, he says the man she stabbed is still unconscious, Justin is working on getting her arraigned so they can post bail. Nicole sits, having flashbacks of being told she is Holly's mother.

Chloe is hovering over Holly's crib, vowing no one is ever going to take her away from her, Chloe is going to keep her safe. Belle arrives, Chloe tells her the whole story, wants Belle to represent her. Belle says she cannot take the case, that Chloe has a very poor chance of gaining custody, Nicole is the bio mother. Chloe goes on and on about Deimos, Nicole stabbing the man (having her own flashbacks of telling Nicole why she kept the secret from Nik) and finally Belle agrees she will be her lawyer. Knock, knock.

It is Brady, comes to talk to Chloe, learns about Belle being atty. More of the same sort of conversation, with a disgusted and discouraged Brady leaving, after talking to Belle alone, and exchanging frustrated looks with Chloe as he departs.

Abby & Gabi are talking over the war between the families, how perhaps it has fallen to them to try and fix things. They don't know too much, except it is about some tech project. Gabi mentions some tech nerd named Myron being in Dario's office, Abby suggests Gabi go flirt big time, she says no. He is typical nerd, nothing but tech talk, hits on girls, who are bored with that talk, and he knows Gabi. She figures he doesn't know Abby, so she should glam up, and go flirt, be interested in tech talk, see what she can find out.

Myron is busy at the computer when this southern charmer comes in, looking for Dario, all flirty, complimentary, short skirt, low cut top, Myron's eyes pop out. LOL. She claims her phone is all whacked up, wanted Dario to fix it, he looks at it, does the job in a few seconds. She claims she was trying to transfer pics to her computer, suggests they take a selfie, and he can show her how to do it with his computer. Mission accomplished, she asks what he is working on, he says top secret, but does reveal a few details, mentioning the stolen item, but he is rebuilding.

Meanwhile, Gabi has been keeping an eye out, Dario comes in, she warns (via tech message) Abby to get out of there. Abby tries for a couple more details, as Gabi attempts to delay Dario, wanting him to look at her car, which she thinks may be flooded. He will do so, but first...has to check something for a couple minutes. Gabi again warns Abby, who starts to skedaddle, but is not quick enough, Dario comes in. What is going on? Abby drops the southern accent, rattles on about getting her phone fixed, this kind man did it. Myron asks about her accent, she blithely says she has none, and hurries out.

Sonny & Chad meet up, with Sonny attempting to get Chad into an alliance, since Dario is against them all, refuses to talk. They argue a bit, talk of being friends, but in the end, Sonny is a Kiriakis, he is a DiMera. They finally come to terms, Chad will talk to Andre, Sonny will talk to Deimos. Sonny leaves, Chad is at Club TBD, spots Gabi, who claims to be on her way out. She is in a hurry, Chad delays her, Abby appears. Chad is surprised at how she is dressed, just to have coffee with Gabi, who has now left. Abby says they were getting things back on track, and she is dressed like that as maybe she & Chad could do the same. She is flirty, sexy manner, he says he told her he loved her. Oh, yes, he told her, but....He grins, you want proof. Yep. He murmurs, then let's go home.

Sonny tries to talk to Deimos, to no avail. This is war. Sonny doesn't want violence, Deimos says that is what happens. Sonny talks of collateral damage, Nicole, Gabi, Thomas, Holly. Deimos is unmoved. He goes to see Nicole, who won't let him touch her, is angry he never told her about Holly & he knew. Deimos explains, same thing Brady already said. He promises to get her out of there, reunited with Holly. Quick kiss, he is gone. Later, Brady comes, tells her he talked to Chloe, she has a lawyer, is not going to give Holly up. Nicole is determined Chloe won't keep Holly from her.

In Chloe's room, Belle is getting ready to leave, knock, knock. Chloe asks who is there, tis Roman, open up. (Chloe is constantly holding and bouncing that baby, who is not crying, whimpering or anything, plus does have blanket over her face, lol. Yes, we know it is probably a doll, but tis odd how Chloe holds and bounces/shakes this "baby")

Belle opens the door, Roman asks what she is doing there. I am Chloe's lawyer. Good, replies, Roman, because Counselor, we are here to take a paternity test on the baby! He is with a lady cop, they brush past Belle, into the room.
I hadn't thought about it but nothing would be surprising.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot. Doesn't sound like Gabi and Abby or Chad and Sonny are making much progress with their attempts to calm things down over the microchip.

I wonder what Belle thinks she can do to help Chloe win her case?
It WAS mentioned that Chloe has as much of a checkered past as Nicole. But I think Belle took on the case because of the things Chloe noted about deimos, drawing danger, violence, and though she has tried to make Nicole see this, Nik keeps making excuses. Chloe did not want Holly being exposed to a life with mobsters, meetings, threats, and attempts on lives, revenge, etc. etc.
Just a few comments about today's featured characters.

Abby-Gabi Team: They seem to be off to a rather poor start. If they keep up the current follies, they'd be naturals for Salem P.D. undercover work.

Dario: This insect thinks that he can take on the mighty Kiriakis Empire? Deimos could take care of him with a can of Raid or a large-sized Roach Motel.

Myron: Somebody should give him some encouragement by telling him that science nerd Nick Fallon eventually got a love life. Of course, they should leave out what eventually happened to Tricky Nicky.

Belle: She should stick to slip-and-falls, auto accidents, landlord-tenant squabbles. and dog-bites. Getting involved in any litigation over Baby Holly will cause her more heartburn than her bratty daughter.
Deimos more or less tells Sonny that he & Chad are kids, while he is going to do some grown up business. Actually, he says it is not business, it is now Personal.

And then he goes to see Dario, who acts like an arrogant jerk. Deimos is only there about 20 seconds, says he knows Dario put the hit out on him. But his parting shot was you started this, from now on, you should watch your back.

I doubt Abby & Gabi will be able to halt the escalation to this "war", and neither will Chad &, hopefully, Nicole is going to be able to see exactly what Chloe meant about attracting danger, violence and people who want to kill him.
Abigail-Gabi team: I enjoyed the "seduction" scenes with Abigail and Myron. After months of seeing Abigial skulk around town under a floppy hat and then mope over whether or not Chad has "moved on" it was nice to see what Marci Miller (Abigail) can do with lighter material. I got a chuckle out of it.

But this kind of got me thinking of a storyline for Gabi and Abigail that I don't think has ever been done in the history of television or film:: Abigail and Gabi could open a kind of detective agency but they would need a third partner. I suppose Lani could suffice because she's the only other woman in their age group currently on canvas that would fit. So anyway they bring in Lani and some guy to help manage their office for some reason I see him being named Rozley,

So check it out they are financed by some mysterious figure who we only hear as a voice over a speaker phone who gives them their assignments. I envision this figure being named Harley. And Abigail, Gabi and Lani would collectively be known as wait for it:

Harley's Nice Girls!!!

I know, I know that's probably just too revolutionary. I guess I'm just an outside the box kind of guy. :)
Did Brady mention he was watching Chloe so she wouldn't leave town? Why did
Chloe stay in Salem instead of going home to be with Parker?

Nice to see Roman. He's probably not surprised about Chloe having Nicole's
baby. Roman was involved with a who's the daddy one that involved Chloe's
lawyer Belle. Interesting how things go in Salem sometimes.

Abby found out from Mryon he has a copy of the program. What will Gabi
and Abby do now? Will they steal it and sell it before the others do?

I'm glad Sonny and Chad had a talk about working together. Too bad Deimos
won't do that.
Nice scenes with Chloe and Belle today. Loved how they drew on history and also loved that they clarified about the birth certificate. Their friendship is 1000x more believable than Chloe and Nicole as friends.

I wish Belle and Brady could have more scenes together so that their sibling bond would be more apparent.

Nice to see Roman. I too heard paternity test. I hope they explain it.

Abby and Chad were cute. Also nice to see Abby doing something fun.
Thanks for the summary. Good show, all around. Intense scenes with the microchip storyline. I sense in the coming weeks, it'll get way more interesting, especially with Nicole & Holly woven into it. I also liked Abigail having lighter material.

I feel as upset with Chloe as Brady is. No doubt this is the end of the road for her friendship with Nicole, which has struggled throughout the years. I'm glad Roman showed up to do this maternity test. About time this farce ended once and for all.
Abby and Gabi : I kind of liked them. But to see that Myron is so stupid and clueless when it comes to women. That's just too much of a cliché for me. But hey, it's better seeing Abby like that then like a fragile flower. So... all right.

The war between the families : I don't know. It could make for some interesting television. Let's see...

Chloe : She is horrible. Period. She's playing God and she has no right to do so.

Anyway, the fact that Belle accepted to represent her makes me think : no wonder Claire is so annoying and detestable, with a mother like Belle. Plus, there were some facts missing from Chloe and Belle's conversation, and again, Belle should never have accepted to take the case. Here's why and here's how I wish it could have played out :

Chloe : Nicole kidnapped Sami's daughter and made her think she was dead. She would have plenty to say about Nicole getting Holly !

Belle : Yeah, well, Sami always has plenty to say, but frankly, she should learn to zip it. Considering EJ did the same, made her think Sydney was dead, among other horrible things he did, and she still married the guy. So Deimos is really no worse than EJ ever was. Plus, Sami kidnapped ME when I was a toddler and tried to sell me on the black market. So...

Chloe : Never mind. I'll find another lawyer.

Belle : Good luck with that.