Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 29, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Replay of closing scenes from yesterday. Rafe comes back, asks Shawn how it went with his mother, he says she doesn't think you are over the divorce, but that woman is not my mother. Been through this before, she is Princess Gina. Rafe is not quite believing, Shawn goes thru past history. Princess Gina is dead, died on wedding day, tried to kill me, ended up being killed herself. Yes, Gina smoked, absolutely. How could this be, asks Rafe. Same way it happened to my mother before......Stefano DiMera. They leave together to go deal with this situation, before it gets out of hand.

Kristen is about to leave her room, Chad arrives wanting to know what happened when she met with Stefano. Kristen is evasive, lots of flashbacks of Steve-ano telling her he was her father, she says Stefano did not seem like the same person, but after he said something to her, she realized it truly was him. More flashbacks. She says he wanted her shares, she won't give them up. Chad talks of the company, of Gabi, etc. They could pool their shares, oust Gabi, but Kristen balks. Nope, she isn't parting with hers. Right now she is looking out for herself, doesn't want Gabi to fire her, blah, blah. She takes off, has to leave.

Kate has barged in on Gina, wanting to know what the plans are. They go back and forth, Gina finally saying that Marlena is to think John dead, while John is to think Marlena dead, then she & Stefano will have their desires. Kate doesn't want her friends harmed, Gina says Stefano would not like her doing anything to Marlena. Kate is talking of exposing their plan, Gina waves her gun around, warning Kate that Stefano would be very unhappy, she would not get her rewards, & would be arrested as accessory, etc. Later, Gina is alone, talking of Katherine finally seeing things her way.

Replay of Steve-ano listening to Anna going on and on, insulting Stefano, he blows up. He shouts for her to shut up, shocking them all. Tony insists he not talk to his wife that way, John trying to calm him down. Steveano jumps up, ranting on and on, but John manages to get him calmer, however he wants Anna to just shut up. Now Tony is upset, as is Anna, Steveano is sort of praising Stefano, talking of him always outsmarting everyone, rising from the ashes. This surprises everyone, John is looking rather puzzled.

Anna talks of all the horrible things Stefano did to them all, Steveano agrees that is true, & now blathers on how all this chatter is wasting time, they need to find Stefano. Tony asks how Steve would feel if he assaulted Kayla the way Steve just did to Anna. Wants apology. Steveano says he & Kayla no longer together, she with Justin Kiriakis now. Anna & Tony leave, Steve-ano says he has to go see his contacts, no John cannot come, he would make them nervous, see you at the hotel. John is becoming wary, something not right here.

Marlena cannot get hold of John, Kayla comes along, they talk, Kayla did not know Steve went to Prague. They chat, Marlena tells her that there is not other woman, Steve lied (having told John), just wanted to make things easier. Marlena wonders if Steve came back now, would Kayla be interested. Nope, he made things clear, I have moved on and am happy.

Chad comes to the Pub, Kate waits on him, inquiring about his meeting with Kristen. Chad tells her, but feels something was off, she was holding something back. He relates Kristen saying father looked different, but was fine.

Marlena returns to her apt. Hope/Gina waiting for her. Marlena says, got your message, what is up?

Rafe & Shawn are in Hope's office, looking around for anything unusual.

John comes into the room, making sure no one outside, starts going thru Steve's luggage, eventually finding Stefano's ring. He is holding it, when Steveano comes in. John holds up the ring, what are you doing with Stefano's ring?
Finally, some brains seem to have been jump-started. Now I'm hoping they don't pull another one of those deals where a character seems to have a revelation, and then it is just a red herring and the character goes off on a wild goose chase.
Wow! It's amazing that Shawn figured things out so quickly. There are many others in Salem that dealt with Gina and should have made the connection. After all, Rolf has been running around injecting people with who knows what so it should not have been that difficult to make the connection. But, I guess it's a case of not seeing the forest for the trees.

My son-in-law came home from a six month deployment in Iraq and immediately noticed his dog was blind. My daughter and I were with the dog every day and we never noticed anything was wrong. I suppose that's the case with Gina and the rest of Salem.
You have a valid point. Sometimes it does take someone who has not been around, but was always close, to take notice. With those in Salem, Hope was never gone, just did or said things at times which were unusual. I guess after a year, folks just were no longer questioning the "change" in Hope. Fresh perspective.
And today, John took notice of a complete change in Steve...........finally!
Shawn & Rafe: They want to protect Hope from "Princess Gina?" Why not send the faux aristocrat to Bayview. She'd be so shocked and humiliated at having to share space with Claire and her mentally-ill friends that she'd flee Hope's body immediately.

Steve-ano: Once again, he showed that he's one sorry imitation of the real thing. Now he says that he's sick of "the charade." That's not true Phoenix behavior. Stefano could keep his eyes on the prize and not allow himself to be distracted by minor inconveniences.

Kate: "Princess Gina" would be making a big mistake by seriously messing with Kate. She's a hardened veteran of the Salem social wars and if push came to shove, she'd eat the fatuous aristocrat for lunch.

Chad: It's remarkable that he could keep a straight face while crazy Kristen was explaining her convoluted reasoning for not giving Chad control of her DiMera shares. After listening to her Brady-centric nonsense, Chad could be forgiven for thinking; "She's out of her mind."

Finally, the people who put together sets ought to get a little credit for adapting Days standard settings to give them a Prague look. John's hotel room had a picture of the famous Tyn Church on the walls and its doors had lever handles, rather than American-style door knobs.
DrB............your darts hit the center every time. Congrats!
Most here know know/realize I am a huge fan of Stephen Nichols, and just love Steve Johnson, was so happy when it came out he was to return. And while he has done well with this idiotic farce he is portraying, I want Steve back, and if his patch is gone, don't care, just that Steve Johnson is back. Himself. Caring about his sweetness, his kids, and doing the bad guys in, however he can.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed Stevano's ranting and raving today. Something we saw
with Stefano.

John made great faces when "Steve" was talking and John wonder what was wrong
with him. Then he
found the ring just when Stevano came in.

Nice to see Anna and Tony again. I like it when Anna says "my Tony"

Kate needs to watch herself with Chad. She asked him if Kristen said anything
about how Stefano looked.

So, Shawn knows it's Princess Gina in Hope's body. Too bad Shawn and Rafe
got to the office after she left.
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Thanks for the write up. I'm going to play catch up on my day off tomorrow. I love that Shawn is back and just knew some thing was up right away and Operagirl, you make a great point. I still say that this storyline missed an opportunity to bring back Princess Gena's daughter, Greta Von Amburg, but who knows where she is. She could be stuck in virtual reality world ruling over her kingdom for all we know!! LOL!
Yep, you're remembering correctly.
