Days of Our Lives - Wed. Jan. 6, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The big bright spot.....RoboChad has left the building!! Opened a new box of tissues today, much needed, as the decision about Daniel's heart is made. Nicole is sitting by Daniel's bed, crying, talking, telling him how he is going to be saving the life of one of his best friends. And over in the waiting area, John is insisting they take his heart to save his son, Maggie, Kayla are saying that is not going to work. Marlena comes in, says he cannot do that, but he figures it is the only way to save both their sons. Kayla tells him this situation is already difficult, and he is just muddying things up. Maggie declares loudly, that she just cannot make the decision, asks Kayla what she would do, then wants to know who would have the best chance of surviving.

Kayla very firmly says that Brady suffered blunt trauma to his chest, there is nothing that can be done for him in this state. They accidentally discovered an infection in Eric's heart muscle which has damaged his heart. Fynn is up on all the latest drug treatments, anti-biotics, etc. Maggie says then there is no doubt about what to do. Kayla says to get Brady ready for surgery.

Over in Eric's room, Roman is sitting by his side, telling him to hang in there he is strong, don't leave him, and how much he loves him. Later, Marlena is with him, basically saying the same things. Eric's monitor goes off, she calls for a nurse, who comes in, says it was arrhythmia, due to infection, she gives him a beta blocker which seems to be working.

Hope is napping on the sofa, dreaming of being in the warehouse, calling out Dr. Malcom’s name. Rafe is in the square, talking with Gabi, who is checking her phone because a friend’s mom was in an accident, she is waiting to hear from him. Hope has woken up suddenly, has a “gotcha” look on her face, calls Rafe, needs to see him NOW. He arrives, she starts talking about Malcolm, and how she has figured out the person he called was Stefano. She goes thru the steps Bo took after leaving Salem, looking for a drug, etc. and figures it can only be Stefano. Everything bad ever happened to them was because of him. Rafe tells her to leave it alone, she will not, he asks if she plans on Russian roulette again, look how that turned out. He notes she has changed, she is not the kind of cop person she used to be, it is not her. Oh, but she claims she has changed now. He tries to talk her out of going after Stefano, let him find the proof, but she is not to be dissuaded.

Maggie comes into Daniel’s room, tells the distraught Nicole that a decison has been made, Brady gets the heart. Nicole is crying all the more, rubbing Daniel’s chest, thanking him for loving her, giving her all these good memories. Now Maggie takes her turn, saying goodbye to Daniel, she will see him againd. The orderlies appear to take him away, disconnecting the machines, Nicole is crying, no, no, don’t. She and Maggie sobbing and holding each other.

Chad holds Thomas, looking at him. Abby is saying she knows Stefano & Andre’ did something to him, but she knows how strong he is, that he can overcome this. There is a rush of fast images (from the brainwashing) of war, explosions, Belle, Abby, the baby, all jammed together, Chad shudders, looks at Abby with tears in his eyes, “how could I have treated you that way”. She smiles, he is back. He talks of how fierce she was when she came to his room last night, how she never ever lost faith in him. He loves her. Just a bit later, the doctor comes in, says that while Thomas will have to be monitored frequently, he should really be o.k., lead a normal life. The parents are both happy with that news. Abby wants to leave to see her mom, who is being discharged today. Chad stays behind to be with the baby.

Abby comes across Jen, who is dressed, has been discharged, but is waiting to hear about Brady. Abby doesn’t know any of it, so Jen, haltingly, tells her of the 3 cars involved, Eric in one, Brady & Daniel in the other, the two men injured, Brady needing a heart transplant. It takes a bit, but she finally manages to tell Abby about Daniel not making it, Brady getting his heart. She asks about Thomas, Abby tells of all that has transpired, and how Chad had his breakthrough as well. She is so happy about thomas, but hates being happy after hearing about Daniel, such a good man.

In the operating room, the two men lay side by side, Fynn says to Daniel that he is going to do this..exactly the way Daniel would. He turns on the surgical saw.

In the waiting area, family is pacing, sitting.....John, Belle, Maggie, Victor, Philip, Theresa, even Paul arrives. No words, as they fidget, look at the clock (we keep seeing the clock hands moving thru the hours). Nicole is in Daniel’s room, going thru his personal effects. She cries at all the pics in his wallet of the two of them, She stands up, raging at God, asking if he is satisfied now. After taking her two babies that never got to draw a breath, now it is the man she loved so much, who loved her. “Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?“
Finally, Kayla comes into the waiting area, all went well, Brady is in recovery, they will be watching, it will be a while, then he goes to ICU.
Victor wants to take Maggie home, stay with her til she falls asleep, then return. But Maggie doubts she will ever sleep again. Nicole goes to the morgue, for one last visit with Daniel. She breaks down, Fynn holds her, asking if there is anything he can do. It is too late she cries, no one can do anything. She leaves, Theresa follows Aunt Kayla, thanking her for all she did.
Marlena is in the chapel, asking God to help her son get well. John comes looking for her, hears her.
Kayla comes in again, Brady is breathing on his own, has no fever, is going to ICU.
Theresa sit bedside, telling Brady how great he pulled though all this, and how she will be telling their little boy, in the future, about the night his dad came back to them.
Brady’s finger moves, holds her finger. She smiles.

Chad has gone home, tells Harold to tell Stefano & Andre' he is back. But, they have retired. Wake them up, replies Chad.
I thought the same thing......How come John did not say...Paul, this is your sister, Belle. However, Belle was at the launch, Paul was a model, John & Marlena were there, so the introductions were done off
Would not want to be Eric when he wakes up with the wrath of Maggie, Nicole, and Melanie!!! As well as Jennifer and Brady! He is going to be close to being the most hated person in town. Has anyone thought to get in touch with Sami about her twin and step-brother or are they expecting the twin telepathy to tell her?
I didn't like the way Marlena whirled around left when they chose Brady. lol It looked like a spoiled kid who didn't get her way. I mean, really! Eric has a chance with meds. Brady had none.

It did look odd with the time lapse with all of them waiting it out together and yet we (like you said Poirot/JS ) we have never seen introductions to each other.
Ariane Zucker (Nicole) is killing me! And when she was saying why why do bad things happen to everyone I love? Do you hate me that much? I was thinking Nicole, we ask that all the time!! And I can see Fynn moving in on her already. And apparently he is now the resident miracle doctor/surgeon.

Kinda weird how Chad is just "back" now. There wasn't really a big revelation just him saying how I could treat you that way.

I wonder too if more about the accident will come out. Like it wasn't Eric's fault. But he was drunk so that's not good.

And Hope. Just so tired of this story with her. Oh and was it not weird that Gabi says waiting for a call from a friend. His mom was in an accident. Rafe does know Jennifer, right? Why would she not use names?
Another tough day in Salem where it was Arianne Zucker's (Nicole) turn to give a great performance. Elsewhere in the hospital, it was a good day for Baby Thomas and Abigail as Chad shed his "Zombie Chad" persona. Stefano is going to have to rethink his hypnosis procedures. A few years ago, "The Pawn" and "Princess Gina" escaped his control, and now Chad has slipped the leash. Over at the Brady home, Hope was making John "Take My Heart" Black look sane and sensible. If Stefano ever did go to trial for the kidnapping and torture of Bo, his defense attorney would have a field day. "Detective Brady, how did you conclude that my client was guilty of the crimes for which he has been charged?" Hope: It came to me after I had a dream." "Detective Brady, how did you induce my client to make his so-called confession?" Hope: "I put a bullet in a revolver, spun the cylinder, and pulled the trigger." Rafe had better straighten Hope out before she does something that will put her in Gabi's old cell.
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Barb, I don't know how you manage to write this stuff without shorting out your keyboard. Like others, I can't even read it without tearing up.

Is it too much to expect that they'll at least reference some of the obstacles that people with transplanted organs have to navigate? Just Samantha mentioned rejection. Brady would have to be on anti-rejection meds for the rest of his life with the attendant compromises to his immune system. But this is Days, where Philip grew a new leg and Johnny grew a new eye, so I suspect Brady won't have to worry about such nuisances for long. I have a friend (lung transplant patient) who I'd love to send to Salem!

I thought it was mentioned (by Roman) that Eric was going the wrong way as well as being drunk. Did anyone else hear that?

I agree that Marlena acted very strange (for her) when Brady was chosen to receive the heart. I get she wants Eric to survive, that is her son, but she raised Brady since he was a child and I know she would not want anything to happen to him. He had no chance without the heart transplant while Eric does have another choice with antibiotics.

Where did Philip and Belle come from as they were in the waiting room waiting for word on Brady? Was there a scene where they received word about the crash or was it off-screen? It was nice to see Paul come in as well, but again, there was no introduction between Paul and Belle unless it happened off-screen again.

Hope is really driving me nuts. Is she really going to go after Stefano, a sick, old man who is past defending himself? And will Rafe quit running to her side like a lovesick puppy? I would rather he go comfort Nicole during her time of grief as she is all alone. I'd prefer Rafe pair up with her eventually instead of Fynn and let Hope find someone else. However, I guess he is not aware of the car crash.

I'm glad Chad is back and that baby Thomas is fine, but that story was so anticlimatic.
If Gabi had told Rafe about Jennifer (apparently he was off duty and didn't know about the crash) he could have told Hope that "cuz" had been in an accident and Hope could of said "cuz will be fine, I don't have time to care".
I wonder how long before Andre says the word and Chad reverts back? This is getting old lol. I hope Chad stays like he is and no can longer be controlled.