Days of Our Lives Wed., Jan. 8, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

JJ & Lani sit in the miraculous private area of the park or square, with it's flowers in full bloom, trees & shrubbery green leafed out like it is middle of summer. And it is mid-January in the midwest. Salem is sure lucky. He is grateful to her for preventing him from killing Kristen, she asks if she can crash at his place, sure. She tells him that Gabi blackmailed her into dumping Eli at the altar, but doesn't tell him exactly how. He asks questions, but she feels that if she spilled it all, & Gabi got wind of it, it would be really bad for someone else. JJ realizes Gabi might hurt someone else, not Lani, but she clams up. He accepts it, says let's get you settled in at my place.

Kristen has come in to Basic Black, says Gabi made her Co-CEO, She & Nicole snipe and snark at each other, semi-threats, etc. etc. Nicole realizes Kristen only came there to get close to Brady, won't work, they throw digs at each other about that, with Nicole snidely saying Kristen only got Brady to sleep with her by wearing a mask, pretending to be Nicole. More snark, Nicole had enough, tells Kristen she & Brady ARE together, talks of laying in bed this a.m., bodies intertwined (LOL) & she did not have to wear a mask, blah, blah. Nicole has gathered up a pile of files, tells Kristen if she is working here now, file these, drops them on floor, and out she goes. (oh, yeah, Kristen wanted to know where Brady was, Nicole would not say, but finally tells at hospital, Victor had stroke)

Brady at hospital with John, Vic in surgery to try & remove blood clot, they talk......about Kristen, and Nicole. Yes, Kristen back in town, Brady tells of Kristen accosting them, accusing Nicole of all kinds of things, called her terrible names, etc. Insists just friends. John notes he & Nicole do have a past together, yes, but they are just friends.

Sonny & Evan are kissing pretty passionately, but pull back, he is not divorced, and proceed to have a long and boring conversation about Will, the pending divorce, their interest in each other, yawwnnn. They agree to hold off til divorce is final,. Shake hands, are casual acquaintances, or some such nonsense. Sonny gets text about Victor, takes off. Rafe comes in, talks with Evan a bit about Sonny........and Will. Upshot is he has some paperwork in re: his adopting David......since Evan lives there with David, has to agree to background check. Evan doesn't look too pleased about that, but tells Rafe no problem at all. Rafe tells him to sign and return the paper, leaves room, Evan looks solemn.

Sonny shows up at hospital, learns from Brady & John, Vic in surgery, he inquires about Maggie who is in chapel, John will take Sonny there. Nicole arrives, asks about Victor, then tells Brady she knows this is bad time, but something to tell him.

Eli comes to see Gabi, has just seen Lani, who told him what Gabi did to her. Gabi gets defensive, can explain, Lani probably lied, blah, blah. Eli, of course, spills that Lani said Gabi made her beg, while it was awful, wasn't evil. Eli can understand Gabi being upset Stefan was killed, but Gabi did give Julie his heart. More hogwash of the same vein. Gabi tells him she put Kristen in Basic Black, cares nothing about that company, but only way to get Kristen's shares eventually.

Kate is visiting Will in prison, complaining to him about not saving his marriage, instead starting divorce, because she told him about Even. Another long and boring conversation, she argues, Will says this is not about him, he wants Sonny to be happy, he won't be with Will in prison. She says he will get paroled, Will says it could take years. They argue, until finally Kate says she doesn't trust Evan that he will end up hurting Sonny, so she is going to do some digging, and find out more about him.
In addition to the flowers and green leaves, did I mention that despite being January in the mid-west, where it is below zero with a couple feet of snow on the ground, Gabi is wearing some spaghetti strap top, with a bare midriff.......wonder if she is going to the beach? Lake Michigan shoreline is not going to look like Marco Isl. (FL) shoreline. She needs a wakeup call.
Yes, it WAS, so they could roll it back to watch fireworks, see the stars, etc. That is when they had the white sofa, and the little burning fire pits. Those are gone......and sorry, but I refuse to believe that all the homes in Salem, & businesses are just a few steps away from each other. One does have to be outside at some point, meaning one gets rained on, snowed on, needs heavy jackets, etc. And having been in malls, everyone sees plants are in planters, not tons of shrubbery, trees, flowers, grass, etc. growing in the ground!
Thanks, Poirot.

Lil0, that was the best in of the day. I rewound my tape so I could listen to
it twice. :)

Kate got mad when Will called her Grammy.

Too bad Lani didn't tell JJ everything about Gabi. Maybe one day she
will. Hopefully, they will get to his apartment before Gabi sees them.
She just left the mansion.

Nicole was mean, mean, mean to Kristen, lying to her about Brady.
She better tell Brady what she told Kristen.

KathyLu, I'll add you to my prayers.
Groan. Couldn't we have skipped two or seven years?

For everyone's information, tomorrow's summary will be late. I will be working until about 4:30 so should have it up by 6:30 Central or so. (If anyone is willing & able to do it earlier, I would appreciate it, but am happy to do it when I get home.)
Yeah, because Nicole's plans always work as she intends them to, right?

Yes, I was thinking, there goes Nicole, stepping in it again!

I wonder if Julie forgot to return with the coffee or if she got in a really, really long line for it. If she ever did come back with it, JJ and Lani were long gone.

Several of the conversations were much too long. Will and Kate. Nicole and Kristen. JJ and Lani (would have been okay, if she'd ended up telling him about Gabi's cell phone app, but she didn't). Sonny and Evan (too boring to watch at all, but I did watch Evan with Rafe). I watched Will/Kate, Nicole/Kristen, JJ/Lani, and Gabi/Eli scenes for a bit but had to start fast-forwarding them because they were dragging out so.

I did laugh when Nicole told Kristen, "You don't work here." Kristen replied that Gabi had made her co-CEO. Nicole asked, "Why? Because you've had so much experience in the prison laundry?" By the way, has Kristen ever been in prison?
Let's beat a very dead horse: Kristen blathering on and on about "being with Brady" made me want to toss something at the TV set. How much longer will the viewers be asked to tolerate more of this repetitious, inane drivel. The same goes for Steve-ano's renewed obsession with his Queen of the Night. That ship sailed long before the "real" Stefano was shot by Granny Hope.

Find a new hangout spot: Is it really a good idea for John to merely hang out at the hospital? People will think his presence means trouble is brewing or that he's about to go into one of his classic comas and wants to be near medical attention when the worst happens.

How can you tell she's lying: Eli's b/s antenna should be vibrating. Anytime anyone in Salem says: "I can explain everything, I swear" as Gabi did means that a whole series of whoppers are about to told.

Line of the day: Brady gets it for saying about Kristen, "Like malaria she never really goes away." If only she would.
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