Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 9, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Chad conducts a “job interview” with Ben, inasmuch as Stefan is no longer CEO, and Chad is in charge. He asks why Ben left his last employer, Ben replies because his girlfriend had a problem with it, because of things Stefan asked him to do. His girlfriend means the world to him, is more important. Chad wants to know who that is, doesn't think it helpful to Ciara for her to be with Ben, advises he break it off for her sake. Further talks of trying to get his family back together, that Abby would not think much of him having Ben there, after what he did to them both. Ben talks of not being the same man, Chad knows he keeps saying that, but he should, for her sake, break it off with Ciara. If you do, then we will talk.

JJ runs into Gabi in the square, and gives her heck about what she did to his sister, his family. Gabi makes all kinds of excuses, seems remorseful, hated herself for what she was doing every second. JJ notes it did not stop her, his entire family will never recover from this. He is grateful to her for how she helped him, cannot understand why she did not come to him, let him help her. She claims he was her conscience, but it did not stop her. He finally tells her he will always be grateful to her for helping him, but he will never forgive her for what she put his sister and family thru. He quickly leaves, has to go to work.

The half naked Xander is in trunks this time, as Leo comes in, admiring Xander, deciding he will join Xander in the hot tub. Runs upstairs to get in his trunks. Victor comes in telling Xander to get dressed, they have to talk. Xander sits in a chair, Vic tells him he cannot make him CEO, Xander says he already saw his info, Victor wants to see the rest, no dice, you would have it all, and get rid of me then. Vic says he needs brains & savvy, not brawn. Xander says he has the brains, proved it by acquiring the info. Vic says looks like we are at a stalemate, until I get the rest of the intel. Leo has come down, eavesdrops on the ending. Vic leaves the room, Leo jauntily enters. Xander suggests a drink first they can get to know each other better. So now they banter a bit, Leo flirts, makes innuendos, let him know he knows he & Uncle Vic at impasse. Xander asks what he wants, Leo places his hands on Xander's chest, Xander says Leo is married to his cousin, doesn't seem to bother Leo. Xander says he doesn't swing that way, Leo claims to not knock it til you tried it, talks of being irresistible when Xander asks how he managed to go from sexual harassment suit to husband. Xander figures Leo has something else he is using, what is it. Leo ain't telling, again making suggestive remarks. Xander brings up family.

Earlier, when Leo first came in, intrigued with Xander, Sonny quickly called Will, who was at the Pub, talking to Roman, so would join him. When Sonny arrives, both so happy to see each other, but wanting to get rid of Leo. What about this Achilles heel of his. Sonny says meet me in park, private square, as he looks around the Pub, we should not be seen together.

They meet in the square, kiss a few times, get down to business, Sonny tells of hitting a nerve when Leo talked of his mother. They go on internet search, but too many Coopers. Sonny suggests asking John, Will doesn't want to ask Paul's father. (GIVE ME A HUGE BREAK HERE..John is your Grandmother's husband, your step-grandfather...) Huge data base at Spectator office. Sonny has to leave, more kisses, he goes. Will calls Jen to say he is going to office to do some research.

Ciara has come home, Tripp & Claire can tell something is wrong. Ciara does say Ben had to do something for Stefan, she did not like, but won't tell what, goes to her room. Claire & Tripp puzzled, he gets call from Roman about his dad, rushes off. Claire calls Ben, voice mail, yaps on and on about their deal, don't screw it up, blah, blah. Naturally, Ciara has come out to hear, questions her. Claire tries to evade, avoid, but when Ciara threatens to end their friendship, she admits she & Ben had a deal to work together to break up her & Tripp. Ben arrives, Ciara makes Claire leave, and Ciara lights into Ben.

Will spots Gabi, sitting on Benchie in the square, crying. He calls her, she jumps up, arms around his neck as she sobs.

Tripp comes to see Roman, learns Stefan arrested for treason, hopeful his father will be exonerated, Roman brings up Ciara, Tripp still cares about her, as a friend, is trying to move on. Roman mentions Claire, Tripp says they are just friends.

Chad sits, looks at Stefano's portrait, says “how about a game, old man”. Next he is playing on the chess table, but then begins talking to himself, how Stefan is gone, he is back in charge, is in the house, but not the same without his family. He has to get them all back together.

JJ is at hospital, Chad calls him, wants him to help him get his family back together.
Xander's face when Leo came onto him cracked me up. Look who's sexually harassing now! I'm curious how many of Xander's appearances are going to be shirtless.

Claire is the most inept villain. She needs to give up plotting. She's no good at it. I actually feel sorry for Ben because he'd pulled out of their stupid plan, and Tripp's framing Ben ended up being the reason Ciara broke it off.

And did Roman actually call Claire sweet? She's never done an unselfish thing. Ever. Maybe he was referring to Ciara.
How many times is Ciara gonna walk in when Claire and Tripp are getting close. And Claire how stupid are you to call Ben and leave that message when Ciara was in the apartment!! So dumb.

I never disliked Will and Sonny but I do know. They way they keep acting like they are soul mates and meant to be together. And bad gay and good gays? Really?
Actually, did they not say, pay day for the good gays??? Grinning at the pun?

Leo said "gay for pay". I'm not a fan of any of this. Xander clearly said no right away yet Leo persisted and then mentioned the gay for pay thing.

So now Gabi says she felt bad for what she did? Really? When did she feel bad? That's not what I recall watching. The show clearly has no idea how to write for her. However, I'm still here for her and JJ reconciling. That would be the ultimate Horton/Deveraux drama.

I kind of feel bad for Ben even though I shouldn't. Too bad all couples couldn't be written with this level of angst.
It was Will and Sonny who said pay day for good gays. This was when they were talking of finding Leo's mother.
Ciara. If you do, then we will talk.
He finally tells her he will always be grateful to her for helping him, but he will never forgive her for what she put his sister and family thru.
Nice beat; well played.

I will watch the Xander/Leo scenes before I judge, but I am fearful. It was all I was looking forward to in this episode.
Thanks, Poirot.

The secret is out about what Claire and Ben did to break up Ciara
Tripp. What will Tripp do when he finds out? Will he tell Claire the truth
the Christmas gift was for Ciara?

Ben wasn't smart today. He thought Chad would hire him even though
tried to roast Abigail and Chad in bed.

JJ told Gabi "I know there is good in you". Luke said that to Darth Vader :)

I laughed at the funny stuff Xander and Leo said to each other. "Hit the
hot tub X-man", "Real Househusband of Salem".

Thanks for the summary and all the comments. I don't know if I will skip watching this completely or not. There are too many things in it I don't want to see and I can't think what parts of it I would want to watch. It might be worth watching, just to see Xander's expressions, but then I would have to look at Leo.
JJ told Gabi "I know there is good in you". Luke said that to Darth Vader :)
Luke did indeed say that Darth Vader and may I point out he was absolutely right, and he brought his father back to the light side. I believe JJ is right too.

I was dreading their scenes because of the way spoilers were worded but I wasn't surprised that it wasn't harsh as made out to be. I mean JJ was upset and angry and he every right to be. But there was still some compassion for Gabi as well. I smiled a bit when he told her that he didn't think she was a lost cause and that he knew in spite of everything he knows there's still good in here.

But then he said that even though he would always be grateful to her for saving his life *sniff* he didn't know if he could ever forgive her. :cry:

Why, *sniff* did he have to go and say that? I know he's upset but they were my couple!! :cry::cry:

They still have so much POTENTIAL. :cry::cry::cry:

*If someone wants to pat me on the back and say "there, there" I wouldn't mind. Either that or cookies. I'm partial to chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin.*
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