Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 10, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives'
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

EJ has moving men over, taking a few things out, especially the big portrait of Stefano. He is giving orders about taking things to a warehouse, etc. as Chad comes in, wondering what is going on. EJ gleefully tells him about kicking the old man out, taking over his company. Chad is surprised, but not displeased. EJ pours champagne, toasts Stefano's portrait, telling him to never darken his door again. EJ talks of how Sami called this room a museum, there are going to be changes around here, lighter, more family oriented, and wants Chad to live there. He can have the whole wing on one end, all the privacy he wants, Kristen can have the one on the other end. Kids will be here, they adore Chad, yada, yada. Chad gets up to leave, is a mite dizzy for a second or two, blames the booze. The moving men have removed Stefano's portrait and bring in a new one, covered in a sheet. EJ asks to see it, then smiles and then laughs. Perfect!

Kristen is reaming out Dr. Chyka, about Daniel calling in specialists to check those lab results, etc. He mentions "if he could only see them himself.:". Kristen call the hospital, learns Daniel is at home, and off she goes to see him. Daniel is going over the lab results, is puzzled by one set of results, talks on the phone to someone, then goes back to studying the file. Knock, Knock, tis Kristen, pretending to be oh, so concerned about him & Jen breaking up and wanting to help. He tells her, in no uncertain terms, none of her business, and to leave. She is trying to make excuses, and has about run out, when Parker calls out for Daddy. Awwww, she never met Parker, would love to do so. Daniel goes to get the boy, she quickly gets her phone out, and takes pics of the lab results pages in the pile, throws her phone back in her purse, then goes to straighten out the papers, as Daniel comes in, asking what the hell she thinks she is doing.

Maggie comes to see Eric, all excited about the upcoming dedication. He asks a favor, mentioning when Victor was there last, things were tense with him and Nicole. She smiles, will have Victor behave. And he promises to have Nicole behave as well. She notes she was Eric's lst love, he says it was a long time ago. Maggie smiles, he still takes care of her. Eric replies she watches out for me too, saved the school, and she saved my life. Maggie leaves
Nicole comes to visit Brady, to pick up his donation for door prizes or something, as the school dedication is today. She brings in the mail which someone neglected to get from the box out front or something. Brady finds a letter from lthe adoption agency, wanting to make appointmets for meetings and further work on the adotpion process. Brady's face falls, Nicole reads, starts to tear it up, Brady says no, she offers to call, he says he will take care of that. Both talk about adoption per se, she is sympathetic, etc. etc, and the good friends finally part company, are fine.
Nicole returns to the rectory.. Small talk. A mention of him agreeing to the Dr. Jonas doing the addtional testings. He gets a call, she has to go pickup something or someone, and leaves. Eric prays that they will get answers as to what is causing his illness. He suddenly has a flashback of the disguised Kristen at the hotel desk. He looks puzzled.

Maggie comes home, Brady talks to her about addictions. How in the program they tell you that when over the drugs or alcohol, you might sub addictions to other things. He wonders if love could fall in that category, love, breaking up. Maggie agrees, that yes, because real love would not get all wound up. They have a nice talk, she leaves, reminding him that he can talk to his sponsor any time, and that she is always there. She goes upstairs, he tears up the letter.

Sami sits in Rafe's room, (yes, in that Pepto pink dress, and apparently is sitting on her brain as well) asking if he is awake. His eyes are closed, and she begins babbling away, dissing Kate, insulting their relationship. Rafe has flashbacks, quick ones, of him & Kate in bed, of Sami meeting him in the square. She is going on and on, talks of the kids, how they drew pictures for him every day, how Johnny still wants that FBI jacket, but she wants Rafe to give it to him. Rafe's eyes flicker open, Sami is happy. She continues on, talking of him seeing Arianna, how healthy she is, etc. He is not saying anything, his eyes looking around. She is murmuring how they are glad to have him back, almost lost him, lucky she had her gun. That triggers Rafe remembering his dream of Sami claiming she is not going to lose him again and shooting. His monitors go off again, she calls for help. Cameron, Gabi & Kate all come rushing in, Cameron now chases an indignant Sami out of the room again. She is claiming Rafe was only trying to tell her something when they all rushed in. Gabi wants to know what she was talking about, Sami says the kids, and then mentions him seeing Arianna, how beautiful. Gabi is horrified. The last Rafe knew, Gabi was pregnant. Sami talking of him seeing Arianna probably made him think he is going to see his dead sister. Sami is protesting, Kate is noting that the world doesn't revolve around Sami, that she is making this about her. Cameron comes out, and once again tells Sami, she is not allowed in the room. And if she tries, hospital security is going to call the police. And after the last few days, I don't think you want that again. She leaves in a huff.
Gabi bemoans being unable to get a sitter, Sonny has to work, Will......Kate assures her she will be there, not to worry, she will stay. Gabi leaves, as Chad arrives. He chats with Kate a bit, fills her in on the hostile takeover of all things DiMera by EJ. Kate is astonished, but evidently pleased.
Now Chad goes to talk to Cameron, has something Cam should know. But Cam insists he is on call, has the whole floor, no time, perhaps later. Definitely puts him off.

Sami arrives home, all indignant because she is barred from Rafe's room, and didn't do anything, blah, blah, blah. Ej calms her down, has something to show her, takes her to the study room doorway, asking if she notes anything different. She says it is still a museum, he urges her further into the room, she sees nothing different, turns around, and her jaw drops. EJ comes to stand beside her, as they look together at the new portrait hanging in Stefano's old spot. There is EJ, side by side with Sami, she is leaning slightly on his shoulder, his hand is on her shoulder.
Sami figures Stefano is going to have a cow, and now EJ tells his good news, Stefano is out, he is in. Not only the major companies, but the subsidiaries as well. She is astonished, that would take years to do. Nope, just 5 months for ol EJ. She smiles, so proud of him, is about to kiss him, when the "5 months" lights up the brain she was sitting on earlier in the hospital. Five MONTHS. You were planning this for FIVE MONTHS, and did not tell me????
The picture of the “golden couple” is about as flattering as their relationship APPALLING! This sudden concern Sami has for Rafe is doing nothing for her character a few months ago she can’t stand him now everything is right with the world WEAK! Glad Gabi, Kate Cameron and Daniel told her she was the cause for Rafe’s monitors going off. But again Gabi and Kate were right it’s about me, me, and me. I laughed when Sami went running home to junior sniffling acting like a spoiled child I would think he would get tired of have a child in his bed. But as I have been told many times junior lets Sami be who she wants an ADOLESCENT! It’s really time to move on for Sami either become a loving wife and mother or a bitchy scheming twit but they can’t have it both ways. HOw about putting Sami with Theresa and JJ so they can play in the sandbox together. It was so refreshing to watch Nicole today being a mature caring woman thinking of others and not what she can get out of it!
I wanted to smack Brady upside the head when he made that comment to Nicole about adoption. I know it's really the writers I should be mad at but I couldn't help yelling at the tv when he asked Nicole if she ever thought of adopting. Um, yeah, Brady, she did...when she was with you after the whole Sydney fiasco and you wouldn't commit to her and you convinced her with her criminal record she would never be able to adopt and you weren't interested in marriage and family. You then started shacking up with Madison and talked about having a zillion kids with her and then not too long after her death you started romping with Kristen and did for her what you refused to do for Nicole re: adoption. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now! :beat:
What if, just for arguments sake, the writers have Nicole pregnant with Brady's child in a half-arse attempt to right the wrong of her last miscarriage. They knew they didn't want Nicole tied to EJ because they were going gag, vomit, hurl (i.e lock, stock, barrel) with EJ/Sami, so they try to correct the slap handed out to many Nicole fans by giving her yet another miracle pregnancy, this time with Brady. If Brady reunites with the evil-one, and Nicole ends up with Father Eric, this baby will tie the 4 of them together. Just a little wild speculation given the dull episode today.
Thanks for the summary. So happy everyone told off Sami, but I just can't stomach those scenes of her and EJ today. It's so revolting, almost as much as her ugly dress! Otherwise, nothing was really that good on the show, but it wasn't horrible. Afterall, we got a break from Jennifer and JJ.
I am going to apologize here, as I wanted to put this at the end of the summary, and then forgot as I was finishing it.

Kate sits by Rafe's bedside, as his eyes open, he tries to talk, He slowly speaks one word.......Why. She asks why what? He struggles to speak, says Sami, and then why is she trying to kill me?
I think it is the same dress, and yes, the same outfits from that promo pic. Of course the stance is different, etc. Though admittedly, the dress looked more pink, in fact I was making sure it wasn't the Pepto pink one. LOL Cause it was odd how EJ put his hand on her shoulder, just like in the painting.
Like this one?
Yes, I'm thinking the picture they used came from that photoshoot and they turned it into the painting and lightened the color of Sami's dress to pink.