Days of Our Lives - Wed. July 14, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Episode # 11,374 Taped 5/10 Director – Albert Alarr

Am really getting to hate the way Days keeps leading us all down the proverbial garden path, and today is no exception. Bo is on the phone with Carly, both having a very busy day, but how fortunate they both now have a break. Bo invites her to come home, and take advantage of their mutual small amount of free time. He hangs up, answers a knock at the door, to find Justin standing there, wanting to talk about Hope. Seems he & Hope are getting closer, much closer, he is interested in her, and tho he is not going to pressure her, when she decides she wants to move on, he will be there to take them up to the next level. Bo doesn’t seem all that agreeable with this, Justin reminds him that he certainly moved on quickly, but doesn’t want Hope to do the same? Carly arrives, Justin takes his leave.
Carly realizes the conversation was about Hope, Bo tells her how Justin wants to take up with her, they talk of when she first came to town. Bo claims he was upset when Hope first left with Ciara, his world had fallen apart. But then she came, he talks of having fallen in love with her long ago, and how, when she came back into his life, he fell again. Carly talks of staying with Lawrence, trying to recapture what they once had, but then he changed so drastically. She talks of being fearful when he would go into his rages, and how eventually he turned those on her. Next they are experiencing afterglow in bed, talking of the same things again.

Over at the Kmansion, Hope is on the phone with Bobby at HQ, wants to do some followup on the mugger case, will be in later, has an appt. now. She opens the door to leave, and there stands Adrienne, who wants to talk to her. She evidently tells Hope what she saw (we don’t hear this) and Hope emphatically denies having kissed Justin, even when Adrienne tells she saw with her own two eyes. Hope barely even listens to what Adrienne is trying to tell her, claims Justin is a very good friend, doesn’t know what she & Ciara would have done without him. Period. End of sentence. She has an appt. She walks out.

Abe is sitting in Dr. Spaceman’s office, learns all his tests came back fine, complains of being unable to sleep since the mugging, how the case is on his mind all the time. Dr. Spaceman gives him a prescription for sleeping pills, Abe is reluctant, asks about side effects. The doctor says it is unlikely there would be any for him. There is a very small percentage of people who are affected, and the larger percentage of those are women. He tells how, in those cases, the meds put the brains to sleep, but not the bodies. One woman was a nice stay at home housewife, but her night job was something else entirely.
After Abe leaves, in comes Hope, looking for a refill on her pills. Dr. Spaceman is reluctant, as this would be her 3rd one. She claims she still is having trouble sleeping, her grandmother died, tells how she stopped the pills then to care for her, make sure she was always alert, is going thru a difficult divorce and her daughter is not taking that well. Dr. Spaceman asks if she has had any problems, no…just some strange dreams. He finally agrees to give her just one more refill, then starts to tell her of a study being made, she brushes him off, leaves.

At the hospital, Abe meets up with Lexie, informs her of the city getting the grant for special needs children, she notes the presciption in his hand, asks why he did not tell her he was having a problem sleeping. He did not want to have anyone know the mayor was having problems after his mugging, and thinks this new doc very good. Along comes Hope, asking Abe if he remembered anything else about his mugging. Nope, if he does, she will be first to know. Next, Hope is at the Pub, running into Justin, asking him if he remembers any more about his mugging. No, he doesn’t. Adrienne comes up behind her, saying she thought Hope was so busy, had an appointment. Hope asks Justin to let her know if he remembers anything and leaves. Now Justin & Adrienne sit and talk, Justin wondering why Adrienne went to see Hope, Adrienne reminding him she is her friend. Justin then reminds Adrienne they are divorced, what he does is not her concern. She just tells him that the two of them seem to have different ideas about what is going on between you.

Dr. Baker sits in his room, more or less talking out loud to himself. He reads the paper, headlines about Arianna being released on bail, is sorry she is being blamed for the muggings, but…better her than him. He wonders why he has not heard from “pretty lady”, flashes back to her giving him the list of items to buy, talks of Nicole…and speak of the devil, there she on the TV.
And down on the pier, Nicole is beginning her live report, ready to tell the world what has been heretofore an unsolved mystery. EJ suddenly say stop, steps forward, grabs the mike as he has something to say. And now EJ begins to put his spin on what Nicole has not even said yet. He tells of having been married to Nicole at one time, that she is a pathological liar who kidnapped the child of Sami Brady, his daughter, and is out to make his life miserable. She tells lie after lie, (Nicole is trying to take the mike back, he keeps pulling away) has been lying to her TV audience constantly, and they should never believe a word she says. Sami, Will, Gabi, Brady are all flabbergasted at his words. Nicole finally gets the mike back, telling EJ he knows she has proof of what she is going to say. EJ tries to get them all to leave, Sami won’t go, wants to hear what she has to say. Again Nicole starts her little speech, (no, folks, she just cannot blurt anything right out), but Arianna calls “cut”. Seems the station is breaking into Nik’s report, with other breaking news. Nicole is not a happy camper, since the news is that the snow leopard at Brookfield Zoo (that is in Chicago, folks) gave birth to two cubs. Nicole wants to know whose idea was that, seems Ethan (who is standing there) is the station’s new consultant for getting younger viewers to tune in. And there goes Gabi, all excited about the cubs picture on the cell phone, and she seems to have won the lottery about the birth date or time. (Thus folks, we all got hit over the head that the only way to entice young folks to the TV news is put stories of animals in…J)
EJ manages to shag everyone away, Brady wants to know what exactly Nicole has on EJ, she is sorry, but she cannot tell anyone, even the person she trusts the most, which is him. She leaves, Ethan leaves, Brady and Arianna have a few words, again about Nicole. Arianna doesn’t like Brady’s friendship with Nik, and especially that he refuses to see the trouble she causes.

Later Baker calls Nicole, laughing that she got pre-empted by a leopard. He worries about EJ remembering him, but Nicole assures him when she is through with EJ, no one will believe anything he says.

Hope is getting coffee at the hospital as Bo & Carly get off the elevator. She is thanking him for walking her up there, he babbles something about that is what one does for the gal they love, and they kiss. Hope has turned around, taken one look and turns away.

At DiMansion, Sami comes into the study, informs EJ the twins are having their baths, and after the day they have had, will probably go right to sleep. EJ was on the phone when she came in, and now tells her he was thinking of taking Johnny & Sydney away for the summer, was hoping Sami, Allie & Will would join them. Sami is taken aback, first she heard of this. EJ claims he was thinking about it a long time, but Alice Horton’s death, funeral, Sami had lots of family in, etc. He claims to have been talking with his fther’s property manager….maybe Hawaii. That sounds great, but Sami is puzzled. Nicole seemingly has something she wants to tell that EJ has done, and he suddenly wants to leave town, and for the whole summer? Hardly a coincidence. EJ claims to want Sydney out of the limelight. He gets a call, it is Arianna, he leaves the room. Arianna is wondering what Nicole’s big story was about. He claims Nicole knows he figures she framed Arianna, not to worry, then asks where Nicole went. Arianna has no idea.

The doorbell rings, Sami answers, to find Nicole standing there. EJ is lying to you, Sami. Don’t you want to know why?

Well...I still feel like its a so so show today!
But it is a wonderful write up!! Thanks so much!!!
well its about time Sami starts to get a clue. Wise up chickie, the man is up to something! Don't let him take Jonnhy and Sydney on vacation, you will never see them again!
and is Sami leaving the kids in the tub alone, oh how stupid of me, the housekeeper is probably bathing them!
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

So ... EJ sees that it's going to hit the fan, so he's going back to his plan of leaving town with 'his' children. Nothing but a coward!! He knows Sami won't want to go ... so, he can disappear, as originally planned. :)

Now, will Stefano go along with this extended trip out of town? or, will he stop EJ in his tracks if he tries to take Stefano's grandchildren out of his realm?

And, will Abe get to use the Salem brain & figure out that the pills are related to Hope's strange behavior?
I hope this comes out soon. Can't stand it...just blurt it out Nicole.

I am soooo hoping Justin and Adrienne will find their way back to each other, would be nice if their boys made it on screen too!
Nicole should re-phrase- Sami Ej is lying to you- do you want to know what about?!
Screw the why and how- just come out and tell the lie.
Bo and Carly Yuck! :zip:

I bet Sami thinks Nicole is lying. I am loving EJ and Nicole in these last few eposides though! EJ is shakin in his drawers!
That secret won't come out this soon.

Now that Abe has some of those sleeping pills, maybe he will start mugging the women of Salem. Can Carly be first????
maybe abe will mug:)Dejavu the woman of salem . then hope and abe will have a mugging team
I am so ready for this whole Sydnapping s/l to be finished. Please please please let Nicole tell Sami and play one of the copies of the tape she has. That way Sami would have to believe her.

I agree, hopefully Abe will figure out that Hope is taking the same sleeping pills and that is why she is acting so bizarre. Justin could be her attorney, if she gets busted, and get her off due to the fact that she was taking those pills and has no memory of the attacks. The doctor could come and be an expert witness about the effect they have on some women.
GO Justin...I'm glad that he told BO off so only BO can move on BUT HOPE Can't.
Thanks for the recap Barb tomorrow is a barf bag day or go out and do errands during Days day

We'll we finally are getting to see how Bo felt when Hope left him and took Ciara from him. According to him his whole world fell apart. That's what I saw when Hope left. It's why I can't see Hope as the victim. I don't think anyone is the victim here. Both Bo and Hope are at fault for their marriage crumbling.
I want to see Justin and Adrienne reunite!
Also Hope seemed to go on alot about how she didn't know what she would do without Justin's friendship. This sounded like forshadowing. I think she will lose his friendship when he finds out that she was the one who hit him over the head and mugged him and has been leading him on.
I don't like that Justin went over to Bo's house to announce his intentions with Hope. It was a bit high schoolish but maybe Bo needed it to wake him up.
Liked Adrienne trying to knock some sense into Justin. These two should be together.