Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 22, 2015


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Western Wisconsin
At New Restaurant, closeup of the ring as Daniel asks Nicole to marry him. Nicole accepts, they kiss. They discuss how much they've gone through to get to this point, how nothing's ever perfect, but how this "feels very close to it." Nothing can come between them now, Daniel states, causing Nicole to flashback to kissing Eric in the furnace. Nicole looks upset, deflects and asks if Parker knows about this. He's sure Parker will be OK with it, when he returns from Chloe's. Nicole considers removing the ring until people know, Daniel dislikes the idea. There's no reason to hide. Nicole wants to make sure that Daniel's sure about this before they tell anyone. He's confused, she offers him another "out" before they go forward. Daniel won't forget the past, it is going to make him much more grateful for the love they have. He's sure he wants to marry her.

In the Square, Hope is calling Abby, leaving a detailed message about how scary it is to be unexpectedly pregnant. Aiden comes up behind her with flowers, they get kissy as they walk through the Square. They run into Kayla, who invites them over to dinner. She laments not doing it earlier, admits she wasn't rooting for them as a couple and apologises, admitting she was wrong about Aiden. They'll have dinner Sunday night, Aiden will bring the wine. Aiden departs; Kayla's about to leave, but Hope wants to know what's going on with Kayla.

In the Brady Booth, John and Marlena are having lunch with Doug and Julie, back from a cruise. Julie comments about a lot of voicemails concerning them, and Doug asks flat out, "Are you two back together, or not?" Julie apologises for being nosy, jokingly asks if they're on, or off, or off 'n' on, LOL. John says they're "finding our way back to each other." Julie talks about how grateful she & Doug are that they've had the years they've shared together. Wants to take a picture of John and Marlena kissing. A bit later, John has to go, goes in to kiss Marlena, who moves a bit to the side. Marlena tries to rush off, but Julie wants to talk. (She says the hospital is 5 minutes from Brady Pub.) Julie wants to know how the addition of Paul & Tate in John's life (as well as his new job) will affect the couple's finding their way back to each other. Julie worries that all these things will keep John from having time to focus on Marlena. Julie wonders how these changes with John are affecting Marlena. Marlena's been involved every step of the way, she's glad to have these two new people in "our family." Doug laments Paul and John losing so much time. They talk quite a bit about Paul.

In the Kmansion, Paul has stopped by to see Brady/Tate, whom Maggie brings out. Paul holds him, Brady talks about how being a father changes a body.

In Roman's office, JJ has come in the back door and wants to go undercover for the DEA. Roman's glad and Watts want him to start ASAP; JJ's already set up a meeting with Kyle. This upsets Roman, JJ is not to make moves without Roman's approval; Watts is glad JJ got the meeting with Southern. Roman wonders what caused the abrupt change. Just wants to do his part, JJ claims. Everything has to be secret, it will take a long time and will require patience. JJ's only requirement for going forward is that his mom know what he's doing, for fear that her heart would break if she thought JJ were dealing drugs again. Watts tenatively okays this. Roman tells JJ not to do anything with Kyle, just talk; offers him another chance to back out. JJ flashes back to watching Kyle with Paige, refuses to back out.

Meanwhile, Kyle and Clyde are talking on their phones (probably about 10 feet from each other in separate part s of the park). Clyde tells him to be careful, disposes of his phone when the call is done. Kyle is carrying a gun.

At Eric's, Serena continues to push to find out what really happened between Eric/Nicole in the furnace. He won't play games with her after her "friend" Xander tried to kill them. Serena pushes more, thinks there's more that Eric's not saying. Serena gives up, goes to leave as there's a knock on the door. It's Brady, angry at seeing Serena, she explains she was returning something, is leaving. Eric spits that she IS LEAVING. Serena's headed to the hospital, had to pick up another project since she can't leave town. Eric is angry. (There's a new feeling, LOL.) Brady orders Serena to stay out of his brother's life. Outside, Serena notes that Eric's a terrible liar. Back inside, Brady wants to know what's wrong. Thinks Serena's up to something, Eric yells at him. Tries to change the subject to Jeannie T., rubs his head a lot, looks like he's having an anxiety attack. Brady pushes, Eric refuses to see a shrink. Talk to me, then, Brady insists...what happened that night with Xander/Nicole? A moment later, Eric has calmed down, he's okay, has nothing more to tell Brady. Brady accepts this and leaves; Eric checks his phone, then leaves as well.

At Club TBD, Paige and Daphne are talking about Paige going out with Kyle, whom Daphne thinks is a drug dealer. Daphne wants to know WHY Paige is thinking about dating him, suspects it has to do with JJ.

At the hospital, Jenn laments to Maxine that nobody's taken the Clerk job yet. Only one applicant, Paige Larson, was qualified, but she turned the job down. Worries that Paige's not taking the job because of Jennifer. Maxine heard that Paige turned down internships because of her as well. Maxine wants to know why. Jenn did something bad (Maxine doesn't believe this), and can never make it up to her.

Second Half
At the Kmansion, Paul is bonding with Tate, telling him he will teach him how he'll teach him to do baseball things. John enters, they talk about the miracle of being a father. John wants Paul to experience the same thing someday. Paul does want to have kids someday, when he finds the right person. He talks about working for Kate, getting back into shape, and playing basketball with Will & Sonny. He thinks they'll all end up being friends, and John's sure that Paul will someday find someone he'll care about as much as Sonny. Paul's in no rush. John says sometimes the right one can be on the other side of the world, or right across town.

In the park, JJ meets Kyle, who frisks him and checks his phone before they exchange stuff. We need to talk, Kyle declares, as Paige lurks in the bushes. As Paige watches, Kyle and JJ discuss what they're going to do, how risky it will be. Kyle doesn't trust JJ; JJ doesn't know what he means, doesn't want to play games. "You came to me...and I am in," JJ says, not knowing what's up or what changed. Kyle tells him, "Paige." Kyle notes that JJ didn't want anything to do with him until the fight with Paige, now Kyle (who fingers his gun) wants him to come clean.

On the other side of the clearing, Jenn runs into Paige and wants to know how things are going at the Yogurt Shop, wishes Paige would consider working at the hospital, better pay, better experience. I'm not the one you should be worried about, Paige declares. Tells Jennifer to worry about JJ and his friend, the drug dealer.

At the hospital, Daniel is working. Brady comes looking for him, wants to know if he's seen Serena. Daniel says Serena doesn't work here, Brady says don't be so sure. She saw her at Eric's. Behind them, Serena enters. Daniel gets a call and leaves; Serena crosses her arms and walks toward Brady and they exchange hate glares.

At Dan/Nicole's, Nicole comes home, screeching with delight. She pulls a BRIDE magasine out from behind a pillow, there's a knock on the door. It's Eric, he called her office and learned she took a half day off. He's going to leave, she wants to talk. Eric says Serena might know "about us."

In what is surely NOT a pickup scene, sitting in front of Club TBD, Clyde talking with somebody (whom he refers to as male) on the phone. He's looking forward to the tour, he might make another donation to the hospital. Talks out loud about Abby's upcoming paternity test, which he's sure her Aunt Kayla will perform.

Kayla is talking with Hope still, showing her a pamphlet on the Salem Bicentennial. She's on the committee, coming up with events to commemorate the big day (November 9, 2015). Hope will help, sounds like it will be great.
He's really just speculating from what we've seen.

He knows Chad/Abby were together and that she's hiding her pregnancy from "his boy" Ben. Clyde's filled in the rest.

(There's also the possibility that some of his scenes were cut, but from what we've been shown, he's just putting the puzzle pieces together.)
I wonder where John lives. Do you think Doug & Julie stay at the Horton house when they come into town? I wish we could get early morning scenes of them at the house drinking coffee in the kitchen or making breakfast just to make it feel real.

I haven't watched yet, but so many of the comments I've read and much of the dialogue lead me to believe this episode was a major reshoot or an insert episode from the new writers.
Yeah it seems a little off - most of the places 'round these parts (I'm in the generic midwest like Salem) won't turn 200 for about 20-30 years. But it's pretty close and a great way to tie in to the show's anniversary, so I'm all for it!! As long as they don't say the town was founded by Jojo DiMera or something silly like that. LOL

Cryin: Yes, indeed. My head's still spinning. I'm sure some scenes were dropped. Of course, they kept all of the Daniel/Nicole and Eric/Serena scenes even though they went nowhere, LOL. Even though it's confusing trying to figure out what's old and what's new, I can tell makes for a fun watch!!
For those who might not be aware of the terminology, a "pickup" scene is one that is filmed separately from the rest of the show and then "inserted" later. Tell-tale signs are extreme closeups on actors, lack of extras, and lack of background sounds. Clyde's scene on the phone reeked of that, but it's just my editorial addition.
Cryin: Yes, indeed. My head's still spinning. I'm sure some scenes were dropped. Of course, they kept all of the Daniel/Nicole and Eric/Serena scenes even though they went nowhere, LOL. Even though it's confusing trying to figure out what's old and what's new, I can tell makes for a fun watch!!

I have a feeling the proposal was a reshoot also. We'll know for sure if Daniel is in full facial hair, wild hair, and in a state of general unkemptness by Friday.
He just "deduced" it, from all the various clues, especially remembering how Ben told him he heard Abby & Clyde talking about having sex.

Thanks, Jason........and yep......this was another re-edited, or tweaked script, in my opinion. Am so glad Doug & Julie are back in town.....although it did seem that along with John & Marlena, the episode was filler. However, it is probably a leading up, as is the mention of the Bi-Centennial for Salem on Nov. 9th.
The miracle was seeing John & marlena in the same scene, even sitting next to one another, and sharing a kiss. LOL

Just let me vent over something. TIRED OF THAT FLASHBACK! You know, the one of Nicole & Eric in the furnace room kissing. Tired of Eric acting as if they did the horizontal mambo, and really tired of the non-conversations, especially by Serena, and her nosy questioning.
Liked the Paul/Tate/Brady bonding scenes, & John/Tate as well. But why did Paul only mention playing basketball with Will & Sonny? Why did he not also mention Chad, Rafe & Ben???
gonna add something here about that Bi-Centennial. The first settlement in the area that became Chicago was in 1781 by Jean Baptiste duSable, a trading post. (Chicago named a high school after him). A bit later, same area came Fort Dearborn. And finally, in 1833 Chicago was incorporated as a town, & in 1836 as a city. And since Springfield, Illinois was founded in 1819.....hey, close enough. Definitely a possibility for Salem. (Just sort of wish they did 150 instead of 200 years..but what the heck!).
I wasn't sure what a pick-up scene was either. Of course my mind went to the gutter and I thought pick up as in Clyde picking up drugs, or picking up on someone else.

Ben overhears Clyde and Abby talk about having sex, Poirot. lol I knew Clyde was a cradle robber but daaang hehe I'm sure you meant Chad. :)
I think Nicole is making excuses to Daniel to make sure he isn't in shock from her near death experience. I don't blame her. I would be suspicious too. But this would've been a GREAT time to admit to Daniel what happened with Eric (really nothing). She almost had a logical opportunity.

I really hope Nicole has learned her lessons on keeping secrets. Look what happened with Sourpuss Eric.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
I'm suspicious here. The way the scenes between Nicole and Eric are shown leads one to believe something more than a silly "we're dying what the hell" kiss took place. With the unspoken words, the guilty looks and obvious innuendos, I'm wondering if maybe just maybe there was something more. Eric is placing far to much energy and concern for a mere kiss. Just saying

P.S. If it was an innocent kiss what's the harm in coming clean with Dan. I'm so disappointed in Nicole, she had so many chances to be honest with Dan. She's her own worst enemy and setting herself up for the next heartbreak. What's the old saying, "give them enough rope".
Pointless visits today: 1) Bluebird (in a black dress) dropping in on Mr. Sourpuss -- why is she wasting her time with this? She's on the police's radar and Xander might decide at any moment that she's excess baggage, which needs to be at the bottom of Salem harbor; 2) Sourpuss visiting Nicole -- what woman who is aglow because the man of her dreams just gave her a ring wants to see some nut case who's obsessed with a kiss that they shared when they thought death was imminent?? If he keeps this up, the ex-priest might qualify as a stalker.
Needless question: Nicole asking the Love Doctor if he was "serious." Of course he was -- he shaved, got a haircut, and put on a suit. This is practically unprecedented.
Odds and ends: 1) Kyle is apparently not as dumb as he looks. That said, if he's really perceptive, he'll drop crazy Paige in a Salem second; 2) Doug and Julie: it's always good to see these perpetual cruisers, but Caroline really needs a new supplier for baked goods. None of the foursome in the Pub booth appear to have touched their dessert.
Have to say I always thought of Salem as a small town, certainly not the size of Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, etc. But then some small towns have all that you describe, gram.......In Northern Wisconsin, there is a "small town", Eau Claire, (population 68,000) with several hospitals, TV stations, newspaper, motels, malls, car dealerships, fast food restaurants,banks, etc. I know it is sure close to tons of lakes. Ha.
The thing with Salem is most of the action is confined to one area of town. Heck, they mention another hospital, a clinic, a club all the way at the south end of town, even Sami's witness protection house was in another area of Salem, right in the neighborhood where Rafe grew up, the church & convent across the street, & Dr. Baker's clinic close by.