Days Of Our Lives - Wed., July 22, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days Of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

And the wedding progresses. Replay of a bit of the end of yesterday's show, several scenes of the bomb ticking away. Rafe sees Ciara, is stunned how beautiful. She thanks him, her mom, is happy Rafe will be there with her. Ben all nervous up at the altar, Will calming him down. Elsewhere, Gabi is talking with Jake, who suddenly realizes he is supposed to be at the wedding, invites Gabi to come with, be his plus 1. She figures Gwen will be mad, he says she is always mad. Gabi agrees.

Claire is having a meltdown with her mother, everyone thinks she did all those horrible things, she did not, all she wanted was to make it up to Ciara, be friends again, but now that won't happen. Dad is at his sister's wedding, she figures Mom is there to guard her, no need, she agrees to return to Hong Kong with her parents, the sooner the better.

Music starts, but in rush Eli/Lani, sorry to be late, some dress did not fit, Lani needed a new one. In comes Jake & Gabi also late, so, the late arrivals delayed things a bit. Finally the music, Hope walks down, then comes Allie. Ciara gets a case of nerves, knees turning to jelly, Rafe reminds her of when she was little, teaching her to ice skate backwards, he would be holding her up. She calms down, grabs his arm, door opens, Ben breathes big sigh, all guests have eyes on the bride. Smiles, they arrive up, Julie asks who gives this woman, Rafe says this woman makes her own decisions. Laughter. And so it begins. Julie asks if anyone objects, then tears up her note card, not gonna ask, because she is marrying these two, no matter what. Then she loses her place in her note cards, gets a bit nervous, looks at Doug, who is mouthing “most beautiful girl in the world”.

Julie says she is going to wing it, throws the note cards away, tells this story of this mean, nasty feral cat who was under the porch, never come out, they could not get rid of it. One day, she & Doug come home to find wee little Ciara on the porch swing, cat in her arms, purring away contentedly. Ciara explains how she talked to the cat, who mewed, snarled, etc. but eventually began purring and came out. Ciara told Julie never to tell her she can't love someone, everyone deserves to be loved.

Now Ciara & Ben relate their own vows. Ben does a wonderful job, talking of being a broken man, actually, the feral cat. He goes thru rescuing Ciara after her crash, nursing her, fixing her bike, getting engaged with the washer from her dad's bike. Then flashbacks of their journey. Ciara does the same, how Ben found her, had her not only trust in him, but herself as well, She had been mad at the world, & he helped her so much. More flashbacks. Finally, the rings from Will, they do the “with this ring, I thee wed”. Julie pronounces them man & wife, introduces Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Weston. (Ben kisses Ciara, a long, passionate one, bending her down nearly to the floor. Cheering, laughter, more cheers, etc. Music plays, they walk back down the aisle, confetti falling all over. They reach the door, Ciara goes to hug her mom, turns to go back, Ben's arm outstretched to take hers.......BOOM, the bomb explodes, Ben goes backwards onto the floor in the foyer, Ciara falls in the aisle.
Was funny when Shawn-D got up to read something and he had a giant fortune cookie, cracked it open and took out the fortunes to read.

Hope looked nice, but was weird she only wore one earring.

Wonder where Sonny was? (since he's also Ciara's cousin) No Jack and Jennifer. No Sami (no loss there). Sad that budget cuts mean most of the family members can't attend weddings.
Yes Sonny should have been there. Wonder where he was? And Jack and Jennifer. Odd.
The ending was a bit confusing. Was the bomb in the foyer? Or the sanctuary? It seemed to not be very destructive. More like a few fireworks .
It was in the back of the church, next to the pedestal on which was a large statue, against a back wall. They showed it several times. ticking away. I think it was not intended to be destructive, more of a distraction.
I got the first 4 minutes and the last 10, thanks Governor. I'll have to watch overnight when they replay it. All I have to say now is they better not kill Ben!! Was that the "gift" from Clyde. I wouldn't think he would try to kill his son.

I just loved that Claire said she blew up any chance to reconcile with Ciara. They keep making her look guilty.
As weddings go, this one was above average until the ceremony ended.
  • There was a nice floral display.
  • The pews were filled.
  • Most, but not all, Salem notables were present (even Jake and Xander).
Downers included:
  • a wedding in a Catholic church not officiated by a priest. (Couldn't TPTB popped for a few extra bucks to bring in Father Louis?)
  • concluding the ceremony with a bomb explosion. If somebody is out to get Ben and/or Ciara, couldn't have such nastiness occurred at another date?
  • interspersing wedding segments with Claire and her issues. Like bomb that could have waited until another day.
A scene I'd like to see:

Roman: What da' hell?? I heard a bomb exploded over at St. Luke's after Ciara's wedding. Dammit Sami, what did you do this time???

Speaking of, you'd think Uncle Roman would've been at Ciara's wedding.
Good wedding episode even though I did fast forward a little bit of the vows. I did like the ending right before the bomb, I remember when I got married, I was so giddy when we turned around to walk out, just that happy feeling!

Speaking of, you'd think Uncle Roman would've been at Ciara's wedding.
EXACTLY!!! I was highly disappointed. There could have been another Brady there. For crying out loud, Ciara is freaking Bo Brady's daughter. Sad. Also no Sonny and still no one wondering where Brady is.
Might be one of my favorite weddings in recent memory. It’s probably the one that felt the most like the Days weddings of old. (Also, I withdraw my music complaint from yesterday. I literally LOL’ed when the organ music started!)

I was not originally on team Ben when they first decided to reform and make him a good guy, but I find myself rooting for him more and more lately. It sure feels like they’re trying to recreate a Bo/Hope story with them.

And I know, I know...budget...but people usually come into town for weddings. Wouldn’t it have been nice to see at least one family member who has been away there? Surprised not to see Abe, Sonny, Jack & Jennifer, Lucas, Sami, Uncle Roman (unless he’s getting the pub ready for the reception!), Brady. I mean Ciara is a Horton, Kiriakis, and a Brady. The whole town is related to her!
Thanks, Poirot.

Some foreshadowing today with Jake talking about the wedding being a blast.
Then Claire said blew up any chance being Ciara's friend.

Why did Shawn and Doug have to sit in the back row? Sarah and Xander
should have sat there.

Julie compared Ben to a feral cat.

Belle found out Claire lied about not knowing about Ben and Ciara getting
married when Belle told her.

I enjoyed the flashbacks with Ben and Ciara. It reminded me how I used
to like them, but now not so much.

Who set the bomb? Will Claire get blamed?
I got the first 4 minutes and the last 10, thanks Governor. I'll have to watch overnight when they replay it. All I have to say now is they better not kill Ben!! Was that the "gift" from Clyde. I wouldn't think he would try to kill his son.

I just loved that Claire said she blew up any chance to reconcile with Ciara. They keep making her look guilty.
Same for me. We can tape it for 2am!
Yes, I was really annoyed that Kayla (is she back? If not, she should have made it a point to be back) and Roman didn't make the wedding. I also think that Roman and/or Shawn probably should have walked her down the aisle instead of Rafe. I guess the Brady family isn't as close as they say.
The only thing that popped into my head is the song Doug was mouthing was a bit off!! The words of the song say "picks my ties out"!!
It was sweet that he was helping Julie but, I sure am didn't he sing it out loud. :rotfl:
I agree that it was overall a nice wedding and I was impressed.
Actually, the fact that other Salemites planned weddings when they knew others were doing the same was thoughtless. Every one of them would take away from the other. If anyone felt they absolutely had to be married NOW, then do it at the courthouse, with a celebration with friends later in the year. Don't know why it was so necessary to do this, but, then, we don't know what goes on behind the scenes, either.
Yes, I agree Poirot. They were all too close together. No one would do that to friends and family. Although the only people that attended Eric and Nicole's wedding and Ben and Ciara's wedding was John and Marlena. I didn't watch Eli and Lani's wedding but obviously Julie was there.