Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 3, 2019

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Quickie summary:

John stares at a picture of Claire in Marlena's office, asking how this all could've happened. (it's the next day) Marlena comes in and they talk about trying to get in touch with Belle, who's not answering their calls (she's apparently on the plane). Belle walks into Marlena's office and they break the news to her about everything that has happened to Claire. She rushes to Claire's hospital room. John calls her Izzy as she's running down the hall.

Claire is in a hospital bed, restraints around her wrists and is sleeping, after being sedated (Marlena ordered the sedation). Shawn-D is at her side when Ciara comes in and they discuss everything that has happened. He mentions that Eve called Claire and left a message. Before Ciara leaves, she secretly takes Claire's phone and listens to the voicemail out in in the waiting area. She's outraged to realize Eve knew was was going on with Claire, as Ben comes along. She tells him about the message, as John and Marlena walk up. Ben wants to confront Eve, but John tells him to stay put, that he will deal with Eve. Marlena goes along.

Earlier, Ben and Hope are at the police station. Hope tells Eve to drop the charges against Ben, that it was all Claire. Eve refuses and says all the evidence points to Ben. She pretends not to believe Hope's claims about Claire.

Sarah and Sexy-Rexy are all huggy-smoochy in the apartment as he makes breakfast for her, wearing only an apron. She notices a wrapped gift, which he says is from Kayla. Sarah excitedly opens it, but shows disappointment. It's a framed picture of Sarah and Rex with Eric between them in the hospital chapel. Rex likes the picture since it includes Eric, because his brother "has always had his back" (really? when??)

Rex gets the bright idea to do a Horton-Brady cookout, like they used to do back in the day. He mentions how he and Cassie literally crashed the cookout when they came to Salem. Sarah reluctantly agrees. He tells her to call the family and he'll do the same and get the food arranged.

Rafe's phone alarm goes off and he seems a little surprised to be in bed next to Carrie. They kiss and have a flashback to the kiss the night before and Carrie mentioning that she's staying upstairs at the pub. She asks if he has to leave already but he says no, he hired a new nanny who is home with David and Ari, so they kiss again.

Eric knocks and comes in with a tray of breakfast for his big sis and is shocked, then mad at Rafe for being in bed with her. He asks how many women in his family Rafe is going to hook up with (funny!) and that Carrie's a happily married woman. She tells him that she and Austin are separated. Eric apologizes, says it's not his place to judge and leaves.

Hope comes into the pub, clearly upset. Rex says hi to "Aunt Hope" and tells her about the cookout, tells her to call Shawn, Claire and Ciara. Then they realize she's upset and Eric asks if she's OK. She says no, she's not, just as Rafe comes down the steps, buttoning his shirt. He asks her what's wrong and she asks why he's coming down from upstairs.

Eve sits at her desk after calling the hospital to check on Claire's condition, pretending she's going to send a detective to take her statement, but needed to see how lucid Claire is at the moment. She hangs up, then flashes back to the day Claire broke down and started crying on Eve's bed and Eve got on the bed behind her, hugging and soothing her. She mutters about how she used Claire for her own revenge on Ben and how she failed her when she needed her most. Just then, John and Marlena come in and confront Eve. (good luck, Eve)

Shawn and Belle sit at Claire's bedside (who is now awake) and tell her how much they love her and that she's not alone, as Belle hugs her and cries.
Here's mine:
DOOL 7/3/19

Half-dressed Rex (in apron) and Sarah (t-shirt) meet in the kitchen as Rex is making her breakfast. Sarah inquires about a gift. It is from Kayla so they decide to open it. (Sorry – can’t see the screen from my desk), but it sounds like it was a picture of the threesome – Rex, Sarah, and brother Eric, who always had Rex’s back. Sarah doesn’t look thrilled.

Hope and Ben wait for Eve in her office. Hope tells her that she needs to drop all charges against Ben. Eve protests, but Hope insists that Ben is innocent.

Shawn and Ciara are talking and he tells her that Belle doesn’t know yet. He says he is the worst father ever and asks why they didn’t have a clue. Ciara said she didn’t know, either. She questions why Claire is in restraints and Shawn has to explain that she tried to hurt herself. He explained what happened when they left the cabin. Ciara is upset. Shawn keeps saying that he can’t believe that Claire tried to kill her. Ciara says she drove her crazy and blames herself. Shawn says that Ben is also innocent and asks about getting the charges dropped. Ciara tells him that Hope is going to bat for him.

John is looking at a photograph and in walks Marlena. John is upset and can’t understand what happened to Claire. Marlena said that she is sedated and resting. She said that she used to do bad things and then feel terrible afterwards. John is grateful that Marlena was there to talk her down and they are trying to find Belle, who hasn’t answered her phone. Surprise! In walks Belle, clearly not knowing anything that happened.

Back to Eve, Hope, and Ben. Hope explains that Claire set the fires and Eve is still arguing that Ben did it and Hope was being tricked by him. Hope tells Eve that Claire made a full confession.

Belle is blabbing on about how sorry she is that she missed Caroline’s service (why is she calling her Caroline?) She is asking about Shawn and Claire. Finally, John and Marlena have to tell her about Claire.

Sarah and Rex going at it on the couch. He keeps calling her Mrs. Rex Brady and asks about what they will do that day (including staying on the couch and binge watching This is Us). Sarah points out that it is July 4th and they should do something patriotic. Rex gets excited about the family BBQs they used to have and says that is where he and Cassie crashed into when they first came to Salem. They decide to host a joint Brady/Horton family BBQ (really – that is pretty last minute). So, Rex is going to call and reserve the grill outside the Brady pub and they will get things done.

Rafe and Carrie in bed and he asks how they got there. She reminds him about the kiss and then they flash back and Carrie reassures him that it is OK because she is separated and he is almost divorced. She said she has a room upstairs and then back to present. More kissing and Carrie again says they have nothing to feel guilty about. Rafe said he is off for the holiday and the new nanny is watching David, so they discuss their mutual love of fireworks and in walks Eric with a breakfast tray for Carrie. Eric demands to know what Rafe is doing in bed with his sister and asks if he is trying to work his way through every woman in his family and that Carrie is a happily married woman. She says that she is not and tells Eric that they are separated, but didn’t want to bring it up at the service and that they are consenting adults. Carrie explains and Eric apologizes.

Shawn and Ciara are talking about what a good guy Ben is and Ciara says he saved her life three times now. Shawn remembers the phone message from Eve. They don’t understand why Eve would call.

Hope is explaining that Claire confessed and Eve is asking questions about what she said. Eve asks where she is and Hope tells her that is sedated. Ben starts blaming Eve and said that he told her that it was Claire and Eve refused to listen. Eve gets defensive. Hope tells her that she needs to get Claire’s statement and says that the law is on Ben’s side and she has to drop the charges. Eve refuses again.

Belle is trying to blame things on Ben and refuses to believe it was Claire. As John explains the situation again, she is still refusing to believe it. John is saying how he would give anything to not believe it, but Marlena was there and saw it. Then Marlena takes over and gives more details about Claire forcing Ciara to the cabin to finish what she started.

Back to Hope and Eve who insists that Claire’s confession is hearsay and the charges against Ben stand. Hope tells Ben that she will have to accept it. Ben thanks Hope for standing up for him and she says that she had been accusing him of something her granddaughter did and she is sorry.

Shawn and Ben are sitting by Claire’s bedside. Shawn says he has no idea why Eve would be calling Claire. Ciara goes to check on Ben and mom. Belle is angry that Marlena ordered sedation so Marlena has to explain how she tried to hurt herself. Ciara listens to the message from Eve and says, “Oh, my God. Eve fricking knew???”

Rex and Sarah walk into the (empty) pub with groceries and explain to Eric that they want to have the traditional family BBQ. Rex leaves to call people to come. Awkward looks and Eric asks how married life is.

Eve calls the hospital to get a report on Claire’s condition and says she needs to talk to her.

Ben runs into Ciara and he tells her that Eve won’t drop the charges. Ciara says she knows why and plays the tape. In walks John and Marlena and she plays it for them. John says he doesn’t believe it and is ready to handle the situation. He wants Marlena to stay there and he will take care of it. Marlena says that Shawn is there and she is coming, too.

Eric tells Sarah he is happy for her. Rex comes back in and says that Dad is set to do the grilling and asks Hope (who just came in) to call Shawn and Claire and invite them. Hope is silent and Rex asks if it is too soon? Is she OK? Hope says she is not OK.

Back to Shawn talking to Claire about something that happened at sea when she was little and that while they were scared, Claire wasn’t and said that the angel wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. They asked what the angel looked like and she said it was her Dad, who would never let anything bad happen to her. In walks Belle and they hug.

Eve getting nervous and says she should have seen the signs that night and talks to herself that she failed Claire and in walks John who says, “You’re damned right you did!”

In the pub, Hope is explaining to Rex, Sarah, and Eric what happened. They assure her that Claire will get the help she needs.

Ciara and Ben talk about how Eve needed Claire to do things for her and that she is evil. Ben insists she is not evil – just messed up. Ben says he would not want to be in Eve’s shoes when John and Marlena get there. Eve tries to cover up that she just found out and Marlena tells her that all she wanted is to get revenge on Ben and that their granddaughter tried to kill herself. Eve appears to be upset. They read her the riot act and tell Eve that she will be behind bars if they have anything to do with it – and Marlena says they do!

Claire wakes up and sees her mom and dad and asks if they know what she did. They hold her and tell her that they are all together now and that she is not alone anymore.

Have a good holiday, everyone!
I was happy that Ciara was showing sympathy for Claire.

I did not expect Eric to catch Rafe and Carrie. Should be fun when Hope puts 2 and 2 together.

Really? The wedding picture Kayla puts in gift frame includes Eric?! I have to say Sarah seems very very happy married to Rex.

Please let this be the downfall of Eve! I was so afraid voicemail was gonna get erased but thankfully a bunch of people heard it!! I hope she doesn't go to Claire to still try to get her to lie!!
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I kind of got the feeling that Eve won't be able to get close to Claire and that either Shawn or Belle will be with her at all times. At least I hope so. I am truly hoping that this will be the end of Eve, or at least her job.
If Rex went to store today, amazing he could get anything.......just got back, both stores were a zoo. Surprised Shawn did not listen to Eve message on Claire phone. ....Shawn was so good again today. The show needs to keep him on.
Eve so determined to jail Ben. Really needs to lose job. liked show today....Thank you, Lisa.... good summary!
Eric demands to know what Rafe is doing in bed with his sister and asks if he is trying to work his way through every woman in his family
Here's what Rafe's reply should've been: "Hey, how tight are Belle and Shawn? What does Cassie look like? Is Jeannie T seeing anybody? How is Stephanie these days? Where's Chelsea? Ciara's still with Ben, right? Your Aunt Kim, she and Shane still married? Bet Kayla is lonely without Steve."
They confirmed it's a new day. Ciara, Shawn, Eve, Marlena, and others all have new outfits on, but yet, Hope is still in the same clothes. Nit picky, maybe, but it bothers me.
The ugly truth rose up and smacked several Salemites in the face today.

Eve: She's now discovered that her little helper, Claire, is a psychotic mess and that John and Marlena have a recording that could finish her as police commissioner. And if by some miracle she keeps her job, she ought to learn that the district attorney and the courts have the final say on criminal charges, not the police commissioner. And while she's learning that, she might want to educate herself on what hearsay evidence is. One thing it isn't is a confession by a perpetrator like Claire.

Eric: He really thought that Carrie and dull Austin were forever? If so, he hasn't been paying attention to the marital records of most Salemites.

Shawn & Belle: Will they now realize that raising a child on a yacht sailing the South Pacific, and then bolting for Hong Kong as soon as she reaches college age isn't the best approach? The yacht thing also seems to have been a particularly bad idea when the child was previously lost in the South Pacific before being picked up in time to be entered into a Chicago child beauty contest.

Others may soon be facing inconvenient truths.

Sarah: How can she expect to live happily ever after with cheating Rexy when she's still attracted by the peculiar charm of sourpuss Eric and the animal magnetism of Xander?

Rafe: Assuming that in Salem like everywhere else nannies charge for their services, he's looking at serious child-care costs. Unfortunately for him, the free babysitter of choice for Sami, Caroline, is no longer available.
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Thanks, JS and LisaK

Finally, a new day in Salem.

It's a good thing Rafe got a new nanny so he could have sex with Carrie.

Sarah must be from another world since she doesn't know stores are
open on the 4th of July.

Hope said granddaughter twice today.

John called Belle Izzy.

Nice seeing Belle today with her family. Great scene at the end with
Shawn, Belle and Claire.

Hope told Eve "I believe in the rule of the law" Really?

I laughed when Eric asked Rafe if he was going to sleep with all the women
in his family. Don't worry Eric I don't think Rafe will sleep with Marlena.
So, Rex is going to call and reserve the grill outside the Brady pub
Thank goodness he's a Brady, or he'd never get that hot ticket...:rolleyes:
what Rafe is doing in bed with his sister
Has it really been that long for you, Eric?
asks if he is trying to work his way through every woman in his family
"No padre, just your sisters. Two down, 2 to go."
Claire wakes up and sees her mom and dad and asks if they know what she did. They hold her and tell her that they are all together now and that she is not alone anymore.
Touching. The writers have failed all these characters and fie on the producers for not having them on canvas.
I loved everything about Belle and Shawn today. Belle's scenes with her parents were terrific and then her scenes with Shawn and Claire. They need to be in Salem permanently. Also loved Shawn and Ciara's scenes. The actors have really good sibling chemistry.

Will someone explain to me why 2 married doctors are living in a bartender's apartment? Also, the wedding wasn't even 24 hours ago and Kayla has been treating Tripp yet she found the time to give the happy couple a framed photo of them with Eric? :whack:

Hope should have been at the hospital today. It was bad enough she was propping Ben at the police station but why on earth was she at the Pub? And still wearing that sparkly jacket. It's a good thing we never see Parker. And Hope was ridiculous at the station. As much as I hate Eve, she was correct about the hearsay.

I get that Ben is innocent right now but all these characters apologizing to him and praising him is over the top. I still need Shawn and Hope to be wary of him. No way would Bo have been apologizing like this. It's days like this that I miss having Steve around.

Loved seeing John and Marlena in protective mode. Eve needs to go.

I am so annoyed that we could have had great family scenes like this all along and only now we are getting them. The fact that we've hardly seen Claire with Hope or John/Marlena kind of cheapens their reactions now. I felt the same way about Eric barging in on Rafe and Carrie. It would have been more meaningful if we'd seen him having relationships with either of them. I always thought Eric and Rafe should have been friends.

I'm tired of having to watch Sarah or Maggie's reactions to everything in Salem. Reactions I would have preferred to watch: Doug and Julie, Brady, Aunt Chelsea, Jennifer (on account of the Jack/Eve connection), smug JJ, Victor, Roman.
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I believe this is referencing Chelsea, Bo's daughter. She and Ciara are half sisters. Ciara is Claire's aunt so Chelsea would also be an aunt. Just my take on that.
But everybody else mentioned in that comment is currently in Salem. Chelsea hasn't been around or mentioned in 10 years.