Days of Our Lives - Wed. July 8, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Episode #11,117 Taped 6/1/09 Director – Albert Alarr

For some reason (plot device??) EJ has taken Johnny to the Java Café, where he has bought a donut and some sort of drink, and is urging him to have a bite of it and wash it down with the drink, even tho they know they should not be having this BEFORE BREAKFAST. It will be their little secret. Johnny grins, takes a bite, says Mommy. EJ say he knows that Johnny & Nicole have a secret, but then Johnny whispers, “about mommy”, and grins from ear to ear.
Nicole puts Sydney in the playpen, leaves to get her bottle, returns to find the playpen empty and the French doors to the outside open. She yells for Mary, who knows nothing and calls the police to report the missing baby. And of course, Stefano comes strolling in, cooing to Sydney, bragging about the bonding time he & Sydney just shared, and he thinks it will become a morning ritual. Like hell you will, says Nicole. Now she & Stefano get into an argument, and he firmly tells her this is his house, his rules. And then reminds her that Sydney is his blood, not hers. Just then EJ returns, asking what is going on. Nicole now has Sydney in her arms, just says Sydney and her grandfather were spending time together. EJ asks what kind of secret she has with Johnny about Samantha, Nicole hedges, then makes up a story about bad mouthing Sami in front of Johnny, realizing it was not right. She is sorry, won’t happen again. Stefano has heard this, EJ leaves the room, and Stefano hopes Nicole is not lying to his son again. She talks about Rafe nosing around and asking questions, Stefano says not to worry, he will take care of Rafe, then rubs his hands together as he notes “ but always keeping your hands clean”. EJ returns, wants to speak to Nicole alone, Stefano leaves, and EJ goes on about how patient Nicole has been with Johnny, how much he appreciates it, and thus decided to gift her with this, handing her a box. It is her locket with a new chain, and he put pictures of Sydney & Johnny inside. She loves it, hugs, smooches, and then Johnny;s voice is call ing for Daddy. EJ leaves, Nicole looks at Johnny’s picture on the table, and calls Sami. She is saying she has to talk to her about Johnny, as EJ comes in behind her, and appears to have heard her.

Mia is dashing out Maggie’s door on her way to work, as Nathan comes in, just returning from a visit with Great Gramma Alice. She looks great, they had a nice visit, she told him he was the “bees’ knees” (LOL, that is a compliment and a phrase I think comes from the 30s. LOLOL).She also gave him Grampa Tom’s medical bag. He doesn’t think he can live up to what it implies. He was very happy to have decided to take his mother’s name years ago, he certainly was never in touch with his father, but he is not sure now of the responsibility of being a Horton doctor and following in Tom’s footsteps. Maggie gives him a pep talk, makes him feel better, and now he is ready to go with her to help clean up the Horton cabin, but Maggie tells him how Melanie wanted to just go there with a couple of her friends, so they are cancelled out.

Arianna walks into the Horton cabin on Smith Island (sorry, this is lame beyond lame, folks), looks around saying this is not too bad. Brady comes in, they both do the “what are you doing here” bit, and in walks Melanie. (so they all did not see each other on the ferry???). Melanie makes excuses, Arianna & Brady are not happy about the conniving, Melanie says they can all work in silence then, no one has to talk. And now it is later, and of course, Brady’s shirt is off, he is drinking a glass of water, Arianna comes in with a huge feather duster, supposedly wanting to get at something up high, and gets up on a chair. Brady protests he can get that, no she is fine, and of course she slips and falls right into his arms. Melanie shrugs, hey, she was just sweeping. As Mel is down on the floor, brushing dirt into dustpan, Arianna tips over a small bucket of water onto Mel, who comes up sputtering. Ari says “oops”, Mel talks about that water being disgusting, Ari tells her the shower is outside. And off Mel goes…with Arianna & Brady grinning at each other. (Don’t ever ask these folks to help you clean, I think Alice herself would put them to shame!).

Sami is at her computer, trying to find info on Emily Hudson, when Rafe comes in. She closes the laptop, he is all sweaty, having just run 3 miles from his place to hers. He used to run marathons, so this is just a warm-up. He goes to take a shower, dropping his wallet on the table. Sami uses the opportunity to return the Emily Hudson memorial card to it, as Will comes in the door. He asks what she is up to now, saying Gramma Caroline talked him into coming over to talk to her. Sami sputters a lot, but really cannot manage to say anything, as Will accuses her of lying, of perhaps not trusting Rafe. Of course she does. Will tells her Grace is gone, Johnny is gone, Allie is gone, and he is gone, and if she cannot trust Rafe, who does she have. Rafe comes out right then, shirtless, with a towel over his shoulder, saying hi to Will, but Will takes one look and he is outta there, despite Sami’s pleas.

Mia shows up at work, and find Chad at her counter. She asks for his order, he will make it himself, jumps over the counter, chattering as she realizes he got a job there, too. She flashes back to some recently filmed scene of them in school, at a locker, and talking of some dance that she decided she did not want to attend, but he is asking her about it. She now tells Chad she told him she never wanted to see him again, he talks of thinking of her constantly while away, she makes a crack about reform school, he says it was military school, his parents did not want him associating with any of his former friends. He leaves just as Will comes in, rather in a down mood. Chad comes back in, takes one look at Will, says so this is why you have been blowing me off. Will asks who are you? Chad says “I am her boyfriend”. Mia just stands there, silent as a statue.

Sami talks to Rafe about Emily, and how Rafe refuses to talk about her. She knows she died young, Rafe agrees, but Sami says that she realizes Emily had to be important to Rafe, that she herself loves him, but can’t understand why he won’t tell her about Emily. She wonders if she really knows him at all. Rafe finally tells her that Emily was the love of his life, that they were engaged to be married, and that she died unexpectedly on their wedding day. Sami is sorry for his loss, says she loves him, dpesn’t know what she would do without him, gives him a quick kiss, and lays her head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of her head, says he loves her, too.

Melanie is under the outside shower, as Nathan comes walking by. (Poor guy must be hard of hearing not to have heard the water spraying, lol) She gives a short scream, tries to cover up, he is equally shocked, attempting to cover his eyes or something.

Stefano is on the phone with someone, assuring the person that yes, he meant Rafe Hernandez and Emily Hudson. He chuckles, smiles, and says, heheh, yes, so that is what happened.

Thanks for the write up! Not to much of a thrilling episode today huh? I always love reading your write ups though!!
Thanks again!
Thanks for the write up. I am confused about Nathan. He is suppose to be the son of Melissa and Pete. Pete's last name was Jannings. He states that he is glad he took his mom's last name but didn't Melissa always go by the last name Andersen and not Horton. Am I confused or are the writer's confused and too lazy to do proper character research.....
Maybe we will finally find out about this mysterious Emily. Thanks for the write up Barb!
Those of you who tape/DV R the show might want to check with your local stations, to see if they will be showing Days at it's same time.
With all the hullabaloo about that memorial service scheduled for Tuesday, some may decided to carry coverage (if there is coverage) and shove Days into a different time period.
By the way........this is really tooo funny. Maggie is talking to Nathan about Tom Horton, and mentions that his mother, Melissa, was pregnant with him when she came to Tom's funeral. And goes on about the cycle of life, a person dies, and another is born. They talk of him being a doctor.

And let's see.....Jason47 just posted a memorial tribute to Tom Horton on the 15th anniversary of his death.....with clips from the funeral, etc.

So....looks as tho Days may have it's very own Doogie Howser, Huh? (the perils of SORASing.......)
Thanks Barb for the writeup. Well I hope that there is something interesting about Emily because nothing else seemed that interesting in this show. I think I would be a little put off if the person I was in love with said that the love of his life died and now I am in love with you. It would make me think I was second fiddle. I would love if Days would get back to the writing where the audience knows, but the characters have to discover it. It would also be great if they would come up with better ways for people to interact with each other. I really hope that Will forgives Sami. I her to have him in her corner for once. Maybe Will can see EJ for all the awful things he did to his Mom.
Thanks Barb. It looks like Melanie and Nicole are the saving graces for this episode. The rest of it looks pretty boring.

OK, show of many of you knew that Johnny was going to blab something to EJ........1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, use in keep counting, looks like everybody to me.
At least, they are correct about Melissa being pregnant. She must have been 8 1/2 mos. With all the skinny minnies, she looked huge.
Regarding the schedule for Tues, NBC caved to pressure and is covering the chaos in LA. Here in the NYC tri-state area, that means a different time. Probably one of two alternates, either an hour early, or Wed at 3AM. Nothing mentioned yet. IMHO, ridiculous!
I know MJ was a pop icon, but they are making him out to be a saint. Let his family grieve and let him RIP. If his adoring fans want to mourn create a concert of all his songs and give the money to charity. It has gotten so ridiculous IMHO.
This name-change business really bugs me.

Melissa was pregnant when she came home because the actress was pregnant in real life, and I think Maggie or someone asked her, How's the hubby? But we were never given any more info.

I actually like the character of Nathan so far and am glad we have another Horton, but what really bothers me is the writers trying to tell us that Melissa used the name Horton when she never did.

And we now know that Nathan didn't get along with his dad, but has Pete's name ever been mentioned? Since that would be an offscreen pairing (Melissa and Pete divorced and went their separate ways), it might make sense not to call Pete his dad. I know that was the speculation, but has the show addressed this?

I wish Nathan would say that he wanted a name to be proud of, so he adopted the Horton name -- especially since there have been so many Horton doctors (Tom, Tommy, Bill, Mike, Scott, Sandy). But Melissa's name was not Horton!!

Okay, I'll stop now. :)
I don't think they ever said before that Pete was Nathan's dad. He could be someone that Melissa hooked up with later. It's all kind of fuzzy, but that's what I kinda of think.
Pete has not been mentioned at all. Nathan only said "my dad". Melissa may have taken the name Horton after the divorce. She WAS adopted by Mickey & Maggie, so easily do that.
As I recall, Pete was the father. And Melissa always went by Anderson. She could have changed her name after their divorce but if she did so, I don't recall it being addressed in the show.

I have to comment on the "bee's knees" comment. My hubby has a first cousin born and raised in Australia. One of his uncles was there in WWII and decided to stay. She used that comment one time and I had to ask her what she meant. At the time I thought it was Aussie expression. But maybe not. Since her father was a soldier in WWII, it would make sense that he could have remembered it from his time in the US, and then passed it down to his (Aussie) children. Tis a small world sometimes :)