Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 10, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ari's birthday party continues, Hope is surprised Justin & Adrienne are not there yet, can't imagine them missing it. Will mentions his dad is out of town on business. Over to Horton Square with Adrienne walking along, being greeted by Lucas, who had finished his business, could not wait to get back to see her, took an earlier flight. He tells her it is time they told folks, but she thinks not today, it is Ari's birthday, the focus should be on her, not us. She suggests going into Club TBD first, and he should come in a couple minutes later.
Inside, Kate is flapping her big mouth, saying to Will that everyone knows Lucas is sleeping with Adrienne. Will's jaw drops, Others look startled, just as Adrienne comes in, hears Kate babbling away. It does not go over well with anyone there, she keeps saying she thought it common knowledge. Lucas has walked in, sees what is going on, chastises his mother. He notes it was bad enough she took his job, then sabotaged his new job, now she has to embarrass him & Adrienne, too. She is making excuses, doesn’t work. Hope consoles Adrienne nicely, tells her tis o.k. No harm done. She quickly suggests the cake, candles, etc. Ari blows out her two candles, all cheer, Hope takes it to cut into slices, Will offers a toast. He thanks all who came, who have helped him & Sonny thru this past year since Gabi had to go away, especially Sonny. Kate brings Lucas cake, he refuses, says he already had some. She is saying how she loves him, he is still her son. He says that sounds like a threat. LOL. And then lets her know that he does mean it, he is done with her, finished.

Aiden is taken aback that Clyde knows he is supposed to pick up his son, but tho Clyde at first evades saying how he knows, he claims Aiden’s secretary mentioned it, when Clyde was making the appointment. Aiden apologizes for thinking Clyde was keeping tabs on him, but Clyde figures this has to do with that detective woman he is seeing. Then he talks of how Kate told him about Ciara being kidnapped by a bad cop, and how upsetting that had to be. (Clyde sure has a way of making innocent comments sound ominous)

Justin has run into Paul, invites him back to the house to help with a translation of a contract, which doesn’t seem right to Justin. Paul is glad to help, does the translation, they have a nice conversation....about Sonny, his current marriage, Paul’s previous relationship with him, etc.

At the party, Will had been talking of how Sonny almost died last winter, Rafe & Hope are nearby, Rafe talks to Sonny a bit about it, with Sonny saying the doc said 6 mos. but it is 4 and he is healed pretty well already. Hope talks to Rafe, what was up with that. Rafe hems and haws a bit, but...seems right after that happened to Sonny is when Victor suddenly told Rafe to lay off Clyde. There has to be a connection.

In the park, Ben is telling Chad he saw him with Abby. They argue a bit, Chad accuses him of spying, hiding in the bushes...and after playing beat around the bush a bit, Ben finally admits he saw them together in the park, that he wanted to offer his condolences to Chad about his sister, but that is what Abby was talking to Chad about. He offers his sympathies now, just as Abby arrives, asking what is going on. Chad tells her how Ben saw them together (making Abby nervous) and thought they were having an affair. Ben denies this, saying he only wanted to offer condolences for his sister. Abby needs to go home, Ben goes with her.
At the house, Ben is trying to kiss her, Abby is a bit withdrawn, sort of puts him off. He figures they are alone, he missed her. She talks of being tired, etc. they hear a noise, she says it is JJ, and with his recent problems. Ben takes the hint and leaves. She is relieved, he ponders outside the door.

Lucas goes to see Chad, show him how he managed to overcome the inroads Kate made into their business, then lets Chad know he is seeing Adrienne, that his mother opened her big mouth at the party, and he felt Chad should know. All will be o.k., no messes. Lucas then comments it wasn’t a secret, as they always have a way of coming out. Cue a thoughtful look on Chad’s face.

Adrienne comes in the Kmansion, finds Justin, tells him about Kate telling all at the party. Justin is really in a good mood, thinks it is bothering Adrienne more than she is letting on, and reminds her that he is home now. He is here. She wonders if it is his own choice. He just repeats that he is there now.

Kate has met up with Clyde, tells him how she innocently blurted out the news about Lucas & Adrienne, but he says she never “innocently” says anything she did not want said.

Rafe is holding Ari, talking of taking her to see Gabi tomorrow, but Will insists that he & Sonny are taking her right now, on her birthday. This is news to Sonny, but he definitely wants to go, too. As they later walk in the square, Sonny goes to get something, telling Will to get ARi in the car. he walks away, Will spots Paul, calls him over to berate him for trying always to just bump into Sonny. Paul smiles at Ari, wishing her a happy birthday, while Will nastily says to Ari, this is the man who is trying to destroy your family. Sonny comes up then, Will only says Paul wanted to wish Ari a happy birthday, and let’s go. Paul says have a good time, and leaves, Sonny follows Will.

Rafe runs into Aiden at the ballpark, mentions having a pkg. for Ciara, shows him the little hockey (or catcher’s) mask that Ciara wanted, he asks Aiden about Clyde, Hope has arrived, listens, as Aiden gets ticked, tells Rafe that his business with Clyde is none of Rafe’s business, or Hope’s either. He walks off. Hope comes up to Rafe, telling him she will handle it.

Ben now joins Daddy dearest, sits down with Clyde, who can tell from Ben’s face, he is not a happy camper. What is wrong?

Chad comes home, opens the study door, stops abruptly. “FATHER!!”
UGH Kate just shut up...geez. Everyone did NOT know about Lucas and Adrienne. :beat:And that goes for you too Will. Holding Ari while telling Paul he is trying to ruin her life. :angry: Ari will grow up to be a bitter bitty like Sami and Will hearing that nonsense.
UGH Kate just shut up...geez.
Shut up indeed. As for Lucas's question to her: "What's wrong with you?" it would take an entire issue of Sonix to explain. As for brat boy Will, he just won't let up in the nastiness department. That said, if he wants to be more effective he ought to take lessons from Stefano on how to be convincing forceful, effectively threatening, or to veil his threats under superficial charm. As thing stand now, he's simply annoying. And his statement: "I tell the truth for a living," couldn't be more laughable. As for the clueless Ben, like JJ, he badly needs a new love interest -- one who hasn't got a thing for "Freakin' Hot" Chad or lingering memories of showering with EJ.
Okay, I REALLY need for a piece of the International Space Station to come off fall to Earth and crush Will. If that seems a bit too far fetched I would settle for a meteorite or perhaps a chunk of comet, it could come from Hayley's or the Halleebop I'm not picky.

I have not been reluctant to criticize Will but I have still held out hope for the moron until today. He did two things that in my view push him past the point of no return: 1) He exploited Gabi, which alone would in my opinion be a hanging offense okay well, a reason for tarring and feathering at least. And secondly and most importantly he deliberately used Arianna as a weapon against Paul. :angry::angry::angry:

See up until this moment I felt one of Will's few saving graces was that he was a good father. Now that's gone, I find him as contemptible as Theresa. As far as I'm concerned he could run into a burning building and save the lives of 134 orphans, 68 nuns (including a Mother Superior), 28 kittens, 14 puppies AND a canary; and, I would still want the weasel gone. I'm done with him.

Oh by the way if the aforementioned space debris could also take out the Dixieland dirtbag I would be most grateful. In fact I might even be willing to forgive some of the writing staff's missteps should that occur, including the Preposterous Pachyderm Predicament. How's that for something to think about writers? :)
Things that made me snort:

Kate explaining to Clyde that Salem is "a bit incestuous" - ya think?
Chad accusing Ben of lurking in the bushes... which is exactly what Ben was doing at the time.
Abby telling Ben she was just really tired last night. Yeah, we know why!

Things that made me want to slap Will, again:

Using Arianna to try and gain points on Paul. You don't rag out on people in front of the children, EVER.

Explaining to Kate that he's often the town pariah too because he tells the truth for a living. Um, no, you are the town pariah because you are a self absorbed whinging twit, and your mother is the town pariah because she's a selfish whore. Don't get me wrong, I love Kate when she's being cunning and clever, but right now she's just awful.
I really hope this show is building up to a Clyde murder mystery with Kate being taken down with him by accident. I've never liked Kate but I don't think I've seen her worse than she is right now. She truly is just as one note as Eve and Jeannie are. That was not always the case. It's just really not even entertaining anymore--Lucas/Adrienne, Will, Victor, etc all of these characters would function just fine with or without Kate in the picture. That tells me it's time for a long and hopefully permanent hiatus.

And how stupid are Lucas and Adrienne to blurt that out in front of the town? I'm surprised Maggie wasn't forced into the scene today to provide obligatory Jonas representation. But back to Lucas/Adrienne, I don't like or hate this relationship however, at least wait to announce it until Adrienne is divorced. Justin had better be explaining a lot if he thinks Adrienne will magically reconcile with him.

Arianna spoke today!!! What a cutie pie. I noticed a twitter account for Arianna was started today and it's very funny! If it's someone here, kudos to you!

Will needs to go visit his mother permanently and leave Arianna with Uncle Rafe. This way Gabi can still see her regularly.

Ben still hasn't shaved. I can't take him seriously until he does.

Where were Jennifer, Eric, JJ, Ciara, etc? If the show makes such a big deal out of this being a FAMILY party, then include some FAMILY!

Did I miss the scenes with John today?
In the old days, I'd chalk up Kate's recent behavior as setting something up. With the current writers, who knows?

Using Arianna to try and gain points on Paul. You don't rag out on people in front of the children, EVER.

You also don't make statements like "I tell the truth for a living" when all you do is lie. I think even Kate had a tough time swallowing that tripe.
Heather, you need to give us an example of Arianna's twitter account. You didn't
miss John since he was at the cop shop. I hope he opens Hope's file cabinet
and reads about Clyde.

Clyde talked to Aiden about Ciara's kidnapping. I hope Aiden
wonders why.

Clyde talked to Stan. Does he work at the police station?

I enjoyed Ben and Chad too. Especially when Chad mentioned hiding
in the bushes :)

Interesting how Kate "outed" Adrienne and Lucas. No one seemed to
care. Have the people in Salem gotten used to married people having affairs?
Kate & Will made the show nearly unwatchable. I did like the scenes with Justin & Paul, though. I enjoy them mixing up characters that way. It's really important to give us reasons to care about the characters outside of their purported "romances".

I like how the stabbing in the park wasn't important until Hope learned about Victor's business changes after the stabbing, LOL.

I also liked the Hope/Adrienne scene, and the umpire mask thing.

Where were the other kids during the party? They could have been playing in Sonny's office or something.

I just about lost my lunch when Will said he "tells the truth for a living." And when he said, "Here's the guy who's trying to ruin my marriage," I assumed he was looking in the mirror.
Since Will "tells the truth for a living" (geez it hurts to even write that), I wish the writers had included a line for Paul saying to Arianna as he left Will and Sonny "bye, bye, Sweetie, and don't believe your Dad when he says I'm out to destroy your family" so we could hear Will tell Sonny the truth about why he used their child in such an utterly despicable way.

Guess if he tells the truth for a living, he doesn't make much of a salary.
If you hadn't been watching the show, the way Will is acting would make you think that Sonny is the one who cheated. Will is absolutely insufferable.

I couldn't believe not one person even blinked an eye about Lucas and Adrienne. Did no one wonder what happened between Justin and Adrienne? Or did I miss the part where everyone knows that Justin has supposedly been cheating with Elsa?
I can't take any more of these pitiful sets. Paul is jogging into the bushes as Justin is walking out of the bushes. Then Hope comes walking out of the bushes to side eye Rafe. No pathway or sidewalk in sight, just grass and trees. :rolleyes:

Married Adrienne, who still lives with her husband, is playing kissy face with her boyfriend in her son's bar while. Why couldn't they just let her divorce Justin via FedEx the way Hope did.

Ari smiling at Paul was too adorable for words. She had this shy smile that lit up her little face.