Days of Our Lives Wed., June 12, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

And today we get to visit with the other half of Salem, as Jennifer reads a riot act to Eve about the diary, figuring Eve won't reveal it's whereabouts because Jack might get his memory back. Eve argues back, then Jen talks only of Will Horton dying, refusing to leave the office, she cannot be the monster she is seeming to be. Jack comes in, wants to know what is going on, Jen tells all, concentrating on Will, but mentioning how Jack could possibly regain his memory. However she does tell Jack she wants nothing from him, leaves. Jack queries Eve, who talks of knowing too well the pain of losing a child. Jack tells her even if he got his memory back, he loves her, they are a team, and would stay that way. She knows that, claims she worries he could get a tumor like Will, and then she would lose him. Jack smiles, talks of them always being honest with each other, not, as a lie would destroy that.

Brady finds Maggie with an ice pack on her head, terrible headache. He warns she better not try to get out of the meeting. They talk a bit, he brings up finding her & Xander asleep on sofa, did not wake them, as both snockered. Carried Maggie up to her bed instead. She talks of how nice Xander was, they talked, etc. he was so kind, she mentions his dad dying and his mom being an alcoholic, had to raise himself. Brady warns not to fall for anything Xander says, he is not to be trusted. Sarah rushes in, has to tell Maggie something, Brady says they are just leaving, it will have to wait til later, and says they are going to meeting, Maggie found bottle in his room, he did not drink, but need the meeting. Maggie goes to get her purse, grateful he covered for her, Brady promises Sarah she can tell Maggie ab out Will as soon as they return.

Stefan runs into Chloe in the square, tries to make excuses & apologize for her seeing him & Gabi. She will have none of it, tells him off, leaves. Victor is sitting there, begins to clap his hands, good for Chloe, tho she almost had Brady til he came to his senses. Too bad you screwed up, she could have taken you down even further than you are right now.

Earlier, Jack had run into Abe, bragging how he accomplished more in a few days than Abe did in a few complete terms. He is gone, but now Abe comes along, Stefan stops him, mentions playing chess with Theo online, how he pulled a terrific move, talking of Abe.....and Stefano. Victor is making all kinds of nasty remarks about Stefan, as the other 2 men talk. Stefan offers Abe a job as CCO of DiMera Enterprises, Vic tells Abe to tell Stefan to shove it, Abe asks what this would require. Stefan talks of honestly, impeccable reputation, smarts, good decisions, etc. (Chief Communications Officer). Vic is still urging Abe to refuse, but Abe says he will think about it. Will be in touch. Vic tells him bad decisions like this lost him the election. Abe walks away, Stefan smiles at Vic, leaves, too.

Kristen sits in her room, fondles the Nicole mask, flashes back to a time when Brady & her had sex, knock at door, tis Xander. Quite the interesting conversation, as they talk of Dr. Rolf & Kristen trying to retain/get back DiMera to all it's glory. He mentions her not being a blood DiMera, she rants about being adopted, Stefano raising her to be what she is, and now it is up to her to get DiMera back. She tried to get EJ to toe the line, did not work, he went with Sami. Xander mentions working with her & Dr. Rolf, and initials, AV, AD, SD & one other. He talks some about Jack Deveraux being sold to Eve, who paid a pretty penny for him. Kristen notes he did this without her permission. Now he talks of figuring AD & SD, ones she insisting on taking care of herself, who he figured was Andre DiMera & Stefano DiMera. Then he says AD could be Antony DiMera. He wonders if he is right. She gives him a look, says nothing.

Chloe is talking with Rex, telling him about Stefan coming on to her, how she was not quite ready for next level, and all while he was sleeping with Gabi. She cries a bit about Holly, wonders how he deals with that kind of thing all the time, dying patients, family grieving. He tells her of Will being his dying patient, going thru all his notes of that time, just mad scientist stuff like prosthetic masks so one could pretend to be someone else, and how they are needing Rolf's diary to try and come up with antidote. She needs to go talk to chef, thanks him for listening to her.

Rex calls Sarah, who admits she has not told Maggie yet, they have no way to help Will. What they need is a miracle. Xander has come in. I am the miracle you are looking for.

Jennifer runs into Abe, hugs, tells her of his job offer. She cannot believe he would go work for DiMera. He is thinking about it.

Maggie & Brady have left the meeting, are in square, see Victor, who immediately berates Brady for dragging Maggie out, just lost her granddaughter, should be resting. Maggie leans down, tells Victor it was not Brady who fell off the wagon. It was me.

Stefan on phone with Mr. Shin, assuring him what a great asset Abe will be, get the company back on track. Door bell rings incessantly. He calls for Harold, then finally goes to answer himself. Open the door, there stands “Nicole”.
I can accept a two-punch serum that resurrects people when administered before & after being killed.

I can't accept the idea that Stefano had that administered to him before Hope shot him & dumped him in a building which then was DEMOLISHED onto his corpse.

And then someone digging him out and resurrecting him.

If SD isn't someone else, this show is over.
They did seem to get off everyone except the AD.
I suppose the show wants to keep the "mystery" of Stefano's life status going. While we, the viewers, know he was dead and that Shane was disguised as him in Prague, they threw in that little thing when Shane and Steve were looking at pictures of Shane dressed as Stefano around town, then Shane was confused when he saw a picture of Stefano sitting in a park feeding the birds, something Shane hadn't done while in the disguise.
Maybe until they make up their minds. But as Jason noted, Stefano's body went thru a lot, the bldg. falling on him would have broken all his bones.
That said, I actually could not remember the 4th initials that Xander named. Someone on another site said WR......I don't think so, and wracked my brain as to WR........and only can come up with Wilhelm Rolf. The guy who took the cyanide pill after being found out. Those of you who record, listen closely......sometime after the half way mark, and before 3/4.
It annoys me that at no point does Jennifer ever refer to Will as her nephew.

Interesting to hear Kristen say that Stefano had adopted her (after Xander said she wasn't a blood DiMera).

Was surprised to hear Rex mention baby Emily today.
That said, I actually could not remember the 4th initials that Xander named. Someone on another site said WR......I don't think so, and wracked my brain as to WR........and only can come up with Wilhelm Rolf.
He said WR, AV, AD and SD.

We saw the WR, AV and AD initials on the doors in the Nashville warehouse.

WR has to be Wilhelm Rolf.

This is from October 22, 2018:

And over to the warehouse, where Sami has left Brady locked in a room, while she hunts for EJ, (and folks, her obsession with him is gonna make you throw something at the TV today). Meanwhile Nicole is searching for Eric, trying all the doors with weird initials, AV, AD, WR, VA, and even a JD today. She finally comes across the one where Brady is, but she has no key to unlock the door, has to find Eric. She is pulling that stroller up and down the halls.

We speculated AV is Ava Vitali, AD was either Anjelica Deveraux or Andre DiMera, but it could also be Antony DiMera, VA is Vivian Alamain and JD was Jack Deveraux.
AV would get Joey out of jail. I only want to see Vivian if it's Louise Sorel, and I thought I heard she wasn't ever coming back. There will never, ever be another Stefano. So unless they're going to create him with CGI (computer generated image), they'd better not. Since they don't have the budget for proper housing or offices for anyone, a CGI Stefano hologram is probably not in the cards.

I'd love to see "Nicole" working at Dimera with Gabi. I can see Gabi sniffing this out and in some way helping Stefan if Kristen tries to take the company. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I like Gabi and Stefan as a crazy couple.
I don't think they're trying to bring back Stefano. I think it's just to keep the "mystery" going as to whether he's dead or alive.

I only want to see Vivian if it's Louise Sorel,
We already saw Vivian, alive on the gurney in some stark room after her death. Someone opened the door to her room and she said "you??" (although we didn't see who she was talking to)
I can accept a two-punch serum that resurrects people when administered before & after being killed. I can't accept the idea that Stefano had that administered to him before Hope shot him & dumped him in a building which then was DEMOLISHED onto his corpse. And then someone digging him out and resurrecting him.
I seriously doubt that the writers would try to resurrect the Phoenix. Why bother? If he he's not being played by Joseph Mascolo, he isn't Stefano -- period. However, if they did and were true to the sad fate of his body, he ought to look like one of the zombies in the old Michael Jackson video, Thriller. That said here are a few comments on other characters.

Xander: So he's revealed his softer side? Perhaps, he could start a therapy group for fellow psychopaths who want to get in touch with their warmer, fuzzier selves.

Rexy: Apparently, he's now aware that he's a jerk. This also presents the opportunity for a new therapy group. The cheating doctor can help other certified jerks come to terms with the fact of their jerkiness and help them achieve a sort of dorky normality.

Vic: He was in rare form today in the Town Square, zinging Zero and dumping on Brady and Abe. Why should his rare talent for insult and invective go to waste? Maybe he could get a booking at the Salem Improv Comedy Club entertaining the audience with his insulting one-liners. (Maggie would probably approve. It would get Vic out of the house.)

Kristen: She badly needs a reality check. If Zero had to talk Mr. Shin into the idea of hiring Honest Abe what chance would a sadistic, deranged lunatic have of getting the board to make her CEO.
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I think it's just to keep the "mystery" going as to whether he's dead or alive.
I'm really hoping that this is the case. Frankly I wouldn't mind if the entire DiMansion collapsed in on every living DiMera - and yes that includes Thomas because I do not look forward to the sweeps 2022 story where he tries to take over the company.

Meanwhile Kristen is mad that EJ left with Sami? Did the mummy even have a choice?
They should just have him always sitting in Horton Town Square, offering zingers to/about whoever happens to be walking by.
I might like this. It'd certainly be better than the Titan-go-round, and his insulting his relatives' lovers.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed Xander today. He said some interesting things. Especially when he said AD could
be Antony DIMera beloved Tony. He defended Maggie when Kristen was talking about her
being a lush.

Even though we didn't see them, Henderson and Harold were both named.

I laughed when Rex raised his hand when Chloe talked about how men not keeping
their pants on.
I would be happy if the DiMera hotel and Kiriakis Rooming house would collapse, & folks would have their own homes again. don't care if all we ever see is a living room (tho it WOULD be nice to see a kitchen, someone dishing onto a plate, or into a bowl, but especially sitting round the kitchen table.
I always loved the scenes in the Tom and Alice Horton kitchen. That is, except for when Marlena killed Alice with one of her own doughnuts.
That is something nowadays that irks me. Everyone eats out. (so of course no one washes dishes, even so far as putting them in a dishwasher). Hope no longer has a home, neither does John & Marlena, Kayla (& Patch). Rex & Sarah are still mooching off Eric in his apt. but they all only seem to use the entry way/foyer. LOL
The mayor & his wife, who is police commissioner live in a hotel room. Egads. Oh, yeah, Abe no longer has a home either. And everyone, I do mean everyone practically LIVES in the square. Seems you cannot go anywhere in Salem unless you walk thru the square. Over done, Days, overdone.