Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 13, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A great deal of the show is more or less “filler” except for the scenes with Ben & Ciara, and those are just not to be missed. Tripp is still trying to reach Ciara, leaving messages, Claire comes in, is sorry Ciara won't take his calls. Blah, Blah. He calls Hope, leaving a message that he wants to talk to her about Ciara.

Lani sits with Val, more or less bonding. Val asks if she can be there for baby's birth, backtracks, knowing she has pushed, is sorry, has done it before, forcing Lani to tell Eli it was his baby. Lani admits she was angry then, but Val was right, Eli deserved to know, she has forgiven Val, and sure, she can be there. Val takes off, has to see a patient, and along comes Claire...who has a pity party and tells Lani all that happened with Tripp & Ciara, (including the breakup with Theo) and how she is just a terrible person. Lani assures her everyone makes mistakes, tells her own tale of assuming on her part which led her currently being pregnant. She assures Claire that Theo made mistakes as well, everyone is both good, and bad. Hugs.

Down at the cop shop, Rafe & Eli have no evidence whatsoever in re: Diane's death, Rafe bemoans Gabi being unable to get released now, having been cleared of one murder, gets blamed for another. Rafe asks about Lani, gets good report on the baby, begins talking about Johnny loving FBI, shows Eli a pic of Johnny in the FBI jacket he bought, talks of also being close to Ciara, trying to do dad stuff with her after Bo died as he promised Bo, baseball stuff, mentions she wanted to be an umpire. They wonder if maybe Diane's friends...or enemies....might know something, Eli calls an old snitch of his who is close to Raines in prison. The guy is quite the gabber, but promises to jabber to Raines, see if he can find something.

Meanwhile Mayor Abe has come to see Commissioner Hope, wanting update on Ben, learns Chad gave money and a ride out of town. He then wonders about her & Rafe, she admits putting annulment on hold, he talks of forgiveness, Rafe comes in, he leaves to give them alone time. Rafe wants to talk, Hope sees the call from Tripp, takes off to talk in person with him.

When she gets there, Tripp is babbling away to her, figuring Ciara had told her what happened, swears nothing between him & Claire. Hope has no idea what he is talking about, so now he tells all. Yep, counterpoint to Hope learning about Rafe/Sami. Hope is going to talk to Ciara, learns she is not there, Tripp thought Ciara went to stay at Hope's, and now ….where the heck is she?

And brings us to Ben carrying Ciara thru the doorway of a very messy shack he came across. He stops in the doorway......and his face tells all. (I am saying here and now that Robert Scott Wilson, in portraying Ben, can say more with his facial expressions than 5 writers could say in dialogue). He sets the unconscious Ciara down on the rumpled bed, no linens, wrinkled comforter, where she lays. She has a cut under her chin, blood there, a tear in the knee of her jeans.

Ben looks around, gets a cloth, wipes off her face, strokes her head a bit, telling her to wake up. His hand is holding onto something up against the wall, he looks, and a memory begins, which starts a series of newly created flashbacks with Marci Miller playing the very pregnant, scared Abby. She is begging Ben to unchain her, have her be more comfortable, undo the ankle chain, trust her. She reminds him she forgave him for putting the tracking app on her phone. These scenes are all so good, with Ben flashing back to a memory, being upset over what he did, or said. Wherever Ben looks, or walks around the room, triggers another memory. There is Abby in labor, Wendy helping to deliver the baby, it's a boy! Ben thanking Wendy for her help, pulling out his gun, Abby begging him not to do this, he shoves Wendy out the door, a shot is heard.

Ben puts his fists to his forehead, not wanting to remember. He looks at Ciara, he has to find a blanket to warm her, she is cold. He opens a door to a closet, finds a shovel....remembers returning to the cabin with it after burying Wendy, Abby saying he did not have to do that.....yes he did. He is a father, has a son, has to protect him.

Ben shuts the closet door, opens a cabinet, finds a blanket, is shaking it out, and another memory comes........Chad bursting thru the door, Ben overcoming him, knocking him to the floor out cold, Abby begging him not to hurt Chad, Ben tying him with rope, noose around neck, Abby screaming. Ben puts the blanket over Ciara, tucking it under her chin. He sees something on the floor, picks it up, tis a lighter. He now remembers Chad tied up on the bed, Abby begging him not to do this......him taking her over his shoulder, throwing her on the bed, she is tied up next to Chad who is telling Ben to take her, she is yours. But Ben grabs the baby, his bag, finds the BBQ lighter fluid, sprinkles the bed, Abby screaming, as is Chad, no, no, no. Ben pulls out the lighter, and we don't see it, but sets the bed on fire.

Back to the present, as he now flicks the lighter. On the bed, Ciara stirs, awakens, pulls herself up, sees Ben with the lighter flame......Oh, God, no!
Truly amazing how good that cabin looked after the fire when Abby and Chad were chained to the bed. A tiny cabin, made entirely of wood, should've been nothing but a pile of ashes after that.

Interesting that Rafe was talking of wanting kids when he was with Sami and how close he had gotten to her kids. Hated that he said "especially Johnny and Sydney" and left out Allie like the red-headed stepchild. Poor little forgotten Allie.
I do remember the fire engine sirens as Chad was freeing himself & Abby, however, there should have been nothing much left of that bed.......and perhaps some charred wood might have helped.

Let's be charitable and say that some homeless people found it, fixed up what they could so they could keep out of the chilly winter air. (please note I did not say "cold", since Salemites seem to have no need for scarves, hats, caps, gloves in winter, don't zip or button their leather jackets, and have no problem with sleeveless dresses, and short sleeved shirts. LOL)
So they fully recreated all of these scenes with Marci Miller (Abby) right down to the wardrobe but I don't recall Chad having a beard? Also, they cut out the most important line which was when Ben taunted them with the lighter and said "Good-bye Mama". That said, great job by Marci Miller (Abby) and Rob Wilson (Ben) today. Both were doing intense work. Also, a nice creative use of Chad and Abby without having to go back to the DID story too soon.

The interrogation room suddenly has an outside window. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Why is Tripp awkwardly calling Hope when her granddaughter is standing right next to him???

And why on Earth is Lani comforting Claire when she is related to half the town??? This should have been Hope or Marlena. TPTB really need to fix this.

Nice to hear Rafe mention his marriage to Sami and his relationship with the kids. I'll take what I can get. I'm wondering if the kid talk may have been an anvil, especially since Hope is warming up to him again.
I'm confused. All this talk about the charred, dirty cabin bringing back memories of when the baby was born, Ben killing midwife and then setting fire to bed with Abigail and Chad chained to bed. HOWEVER (please correct me if I'm wrong), didn't Chad drive Ben to the edge of town where he was exiting walking along the highway when he found Ciara? And then he lifted her up (which you don't do with an accident victim by the way) and moved her to an old abandoned cabin that he found.

Wasn't the cabin where the memories occurred actually the cabin on Smith Island, known as the Horton Cabin? And don't you have to take a boat or a ferry to get there? Did Ben also find a boat and just happen upon this shack? Or maybe he is near the DiMera grounds and this is simply an old gardener's shed?
And why on Earth is Lani comforting Claire when she is related to half the town??? This should have been Hope or Marlena. TPTB really need to fix this.
Maybe the writers suspect that if they force the viewers to watch yet another tedious, repetitive JJ-Eli-Lani-Dr. Grant scene, they'll start throwing things at the TV screen.
I'm confused. All this talk about the charred, dirty cabin bringing back memories of when the baby was born ,..
What needs to be kept in mind is that hidden away in the woods in and around Salem are more conveniently-situated cabins than existed on the entire American frontier.
Let's be charitable and say that some homeless people found it, fixed up what they could so they could keep out of the chilly winter air....
Of course they did. It was probably a rehabilitation project cooked up by Eric when he ran the Horton Center. As a veteran Salemite, he would know that Salemites occasionally need a rustic cabin (complete with lighters and shovels) and building some here and there in the woods would be a real community service. Imagine the thank-yous he might get.
  • Dear Eric, I was caught in a blizzard while being chased by a pack of hungry wolves. Luckily, I was able to take refuge in one of your cabins. You're a life-saver.
  • Dear Eric, I'm a Salem U. guy who's madly in love. When people told my girl friend and I to "get a room," we chose one of your cozy cabins. Thanks.
Interesting that Rafe was talking of wanting kids when he was with Sami and how close he had gotten to her kids. Hated that he said "especially Johnny and Sydney" and left out Allie like the red-headed stepchild. Poor little forgotten Allie.
I thought the same thing! Apparently he only likes EJ's kids not Lucas's. :rotfl: And I think yeah, kids definitely out of the question if you marry a 55 year old!!

I always liked Ben. I liked Ben and Abby, ya know, until they turned him into a killer. But I like the actor. He is good. Though he doesn't seem totally mentally balanced now. I thought for sure he would take Ciara to the hospital. I mean, I guess he doesn't have a vehicle but I thought he'd be hero that way. This worries me that Ciara will fall for him now. Though I do like the actor so hopefully he sticks around!

Lani really showing now! But she isn't due for 3 months is she? Got pregnant in December so due September. Just seems like she has been pregnant forever!
Nice to hear Rafe mention his marriage to Sami and his relationship with the kids. I'll take what I can get. I'm wondering if the kid talk may have been an anvil, especially since Hope is warming up to him again.
Anvil isn't a strong enough word. Although I like the Johnny talk too.

Wasn't the cabin where Ben hid with Abby miles from Salem? Like, in another township? It had different police and everything. Apparently this distant location (Mammoth Falls) has conveniently moved.

I liked the Claire scenes.

Ben deserves at least one Emmy® for today's work. Now we know why Wendy was back filming - I can't recall if her hair was long or short back then, I remembered it being shorter.

If Gabi can't be seen, why couldn't she get a vacation away from Salem with her daughter instead of this torment? How annoying to watch characters talk about her agony.

Right now I like Ben more than Rafe and Claire more than Hope. And reading summaries from November 2015 was incredibly depressing.
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Ben, his brain is mush. He remembered what Abigail wore even though she has a new
face, but Chad didn't have beard then. I went to YouTube and found music videos with

It's too bad Wendy is still dead.

I just checked and the room in the police station didn't have a window. Now it has two.
I wonder
what Rafe was looking at. I bet one of the island raccoons was climbing a building
in Salem :)

It was interesting to see Lani talk to Claire about what she had done when she thought
the wrong thing with JJ. Then Tripp was talking to Hope that Ciara got the wrong idea.

Then Rafe talks to Eli about kids except he forgot to mention Allie. Poor thing always
forgotten. And what about his roll in the bed with Sami. Is she or isn't she? Let's
hope not.
I wanted to believe Claire was truly sorry for what she did but I couldn't. She may feel sorry at the moment but I'm pretty sure she doesn't learn from her mistakes.

Abe's conversation with Hope seemed kinda strange to me.

All of Rafe's talk about wanting children has to have some significance. I wouldn't want to see Hope having a baby at this stage of her life, but I don't want Sami to have Rafe's baby either. I'm afraid Sami will be the direction it goes.

Ben's murderous scenes were hard for me to watch the first time around. I had to skip most of them today. The actor does a very realistic job. I agree with Poirot about his facial expressions being so believable.
Rafe and Eli: We had two of Salem's finest discussing the murder of a day-player who was on all of two days. Why am I not riveted? :sarcasm:

If I understood what Rafe and Eli were saying, and I think do because, and I don't want sound immodest, but my powers of comprehension rock, there were no fingerprints or DNA traces on Diane's body. I'm assuming they were referring to the syringe, wouldn't that mean that Gabi's fingerprints were also not on the syringe? Indicating that she had not handled the weapon? Maybe the warden's theory is that Gabi stabbed Diane with they syringe through the power of telekinesis?

It's just a shame there were no strangulation marks on Gabi's neck, because Rafe could have photographed and used as proof of her story. *sigh* Oh wait, there were! :rolleyes:

On the plus side, I did like Eli using his informant to get information about Diane out of Raines because it shows they are at least doing something to bring poor Gabi home. Although I don't remember Raines being a particularly chatty guy, but whatever works. Just free Gabi already.

The Cabin: I I have to give Robert Scott Wilson (Ben) kudos for his performance as full impact of the horrible things he had done hit Ben. The flashbacks were well done as well. But I don't know if they were really needed. I can appreciate what they were going story wise but I just I didn't feel I needed to see them again. *shrug*
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