Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 17,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Episode #11,105 Taped 5/14/09 Director – Phil Sogard

Hmmm, Is it Porn Wednesday or something? Warning – several hot fantasies between Chloe & Daniel today. Wish I could say “romantic”, but alas I cannot. Daniel is rather out of breath, having apparently just finished a run, and is sort of resting near the park bench, along comes Chloe. Kiss, kiss, his shirt comes off, her top, he is half naked, she in a bra, both going at it, and a snap back to reality, as she just wants to thank him for making her stay on the straight and narrow. She & Lucas made up after their last talk, yada, yada, yada. She again thanks him for being a friend, they shake hands, and off she goes.

Kate & her asst. Chris sit in the Java Café, where he is explaining about talking to several other young doctors for the Hearth & Home segment. Kate has a fit, why hasn’t he gotten the info she wanted on Daniel, Chris’s contact has not come thru yet, Kate wants it within the next 10 minutes, Chris tells her she is actually scary when she gets like this…ha, he does not know what scary is if he doesn’t produce. Well, hallelujah, Chris’s contact comes thru with an e-mail, Kate purrs like a contented cat, and immediately calls Daniel to meet her at the Java Café. He reluctantly agrees. He already turned her down, what does she want. She goes on about Victor being on the hospital board, and she knows Daniel is paid a rather big salary. Daniel admits this is so, Kate says Hearth & Home will match it, and donate the large chunk to Breast Cancer research in memory of his late wife, Rebecca. Daniel is startled, he never told her his wife died of breast cancer, how did she know. Kate insists he must have, how else would she know. She goes on and on about “Rebecca’s memory” then leaves. Maggie has come in, heard the tail end of the conversation and joins Daniel. She knows it has been hard for Daniel, but he has kept his word, and stayed away from Chloe. However, such a huge donation could possibly do a lot of good, help other women, etc. She leaves.

Stephanie is on the K terrace, reading the note she pulled from Phil’s pocket, and is totally embarrassed, as it is not about Owen at all, but telling Phil the new car he ordered for Miss Stephanie is sitting in the driveway. She realizes she spoiled his surprise, he tells her since she GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE, he thought she deserved a nice gift. He takes her out to show her the car, they return, she claims she cannot accept such an expensive gift. He tells her she has to, would be doing the environment some good, as her old car is not good for it, and this one is energy efficient, etc. She agrees to accept, he mentions the meeting with the DiMeras this morning, the war is over…..and he leaves, promising to be right back. She uses the time to take a pill, has a black & white flashback to Owen putting her in the morgue drawer, then the shrink offering her the prescription pills, and takes another pill. Phil returns with champagne, she doesn’t want any at first, then changes her mind, he pours, they toast, and bingo, they are making out and fall onto the infamous scrumping chaise lounge that sits on the terrace. A bit later, Brady arrives, ooops, but fortunately the duo is still fully clothed. Brady is looking for Victor, Philip clues him in on the truce meeting with the DiMeras, gets a call and goes inside. Now Brady chats with Stephanie a bit, commenting on champagne with breakfast, Steph replies it is champagne FOR breakfast. He mentions Grace’s funeral TODAY. Brady clues her in on the fact that Grace was actually Sami’s baby, not adopted, and when Stephanie wonders why Sami would have kept that a secret, drops the bomb about the father being EJ. Stephanie says she would have done the same as Sami if EJ was the father of a baby she had. Brady tells her EJ will probably come to the funeral. Out comes Philip, saying he probably is not going to be able to go to the funeral, he is going to have to go to Chicago to deal with this idiot client. He tells Stephanie she doesn’t have to go, but she insists she will be fine, and she is going.

Repeat of Melanie looking at London brochures on her book cart, being admonished by Nurse Maxine, and deciding to quit! She hurries off, only to bump into this really good looking guy. We get a bit of a stare session between them, then some awkward, bumbling conversation, lol, as he is looking for administrative offices. She tells him they are on the first floor, he leaves, as Brady comes up, smiling as he could see both were instantly rather “smitten” with the other. Ah, but not Mel tells him she is leaving Salem, going to London with Max, she was only in Salem because he was here. Brady tries to talk her out of it, she has friends her herself, Maggie is her friend, Philip & Stephanie, and what about Brady himself? She claims it is only because they almost died together. He offers to stand in for Max, be her big bro, if she stays, making her laugh. Now asks the nurse if she knows who that guy was she bumped into, Maxine tells her if she wants to know, to ask him herself, he is right behind her. Ooops. Another awkward moment.

Chloe is in church, thanking God for helping her, and having a porn flashback as she kneels praying. (sheesh, Days!!!!) She shakes her head, she cannot be doing this, gets up to leave, running into Father Matt. She tells him she is cheating on her husband, admitting not physically, but cannot seem to keep this man from her thoughts, as hard as she tries. She is glad he has been so strong, but she cannot help thinking about him all the time, she loves him more than ever. Father Matt tells her fantasies are not reality, they are what they are. That is all. Chloe thanks God Daniel turned down the job working beside her, as she would not be able to handle being so close to him for long periods of time.

Melanie is in the kitchen at Maggie’s, the door behind her opens, she begins to talk to Mia, turns around to find a semi-naked man with a towel around his neck. She stammers, it is you, hospital you, hospital Nathan. WHAT are you doing in my house?

Daniel thinks a bit, then calls Kate, who is waiting in the park with phone in hand. She smirks as Daniel tells her he will do it, tells him they are all meeting on the Kiriakis terrace. Daniel asks why, Kate replies “because that is the plan”, hangs up, then walks over the grass, having a fantasy of seeing a grave marker with Chloe’s name on it, (date of death Aug. 1, 2009). She pulls the eye dropper bottle from her purse, saying deadly poison! Completely untraceable. Good-bye Chloe, good-bye Daniel. It will all be over soon.

I wish they would end this Chloe and Daniel stuff, my stomach can't handle it (LOL)
Thanks for the great write up Barb!
Thanks for the write-up!
This whole story line with Kate is ridiculous! But I wouldn’t be sad to see Chloe go that’s for sure. If I have to hear her pray to God about keeping her lies one more time…it’s getting old.
More green lecturing…also getting old.
I love scenes with Mel (she has really grown on me) and Brady, they make a good team (not couple).
OK...Kate is just nerve racking!! I wish they would find something better for Kate to do. I mean I am ready for this Chloe/Daniel/Lucas thing to be over, but why does it have to be Kate plotting to kill!! Sheesh!

Looks like Stephanie's troubles are starting!! Will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Maybe Brady will help her thru her addiction since he was addicted at one time too!!

Thanks for the write up Barb!! Great as always!
Thanks for the write-up. It's 10pm here so i'm gonna hit the sack.

But before that....

I would like it if and when Carly comes back that she would give Kate the same herbs old Viv gave her and place her in a coffin. I really can't stand how she.........lost for words.

Thanks again.
Kate just annoys the h*** out of me. No wonder Lucas is such a wuss; talk about Mama's little boy. I think that even if he totally broke all ties with her, she would still find a way to get in his life. Sami doesn't know how lucky she is to be away from Lucas and Mama. He's never grown up. And when he finds out what Chloe did, he'll side with Mama, even though she was a paid prostitute. At least Chloe was with just one guy.

Kate needs a reality check and to have her a** kicked. I'd really like to see every person in Salem totally ignore her.
:rant: Ok.....Kate is really starting to bug the total crap out of me......Why can't she just stop being so vindictive? They made their own bed, so let them lie in it and it will end up coming out and when it does, Lucas will do what he chooses to do;NOT what Mommy Dearest wants to do.
Thanks for the write up and the warning. I got aggravated just reading it....

Warning – several hot fantasies between Chloe & Daniel today. Wish I could say “romantic”, but alas I cannot.

You are right Poirot. There is nothing romantic about these two. :sick:

They made their own bed, so let them lie in it

Please please please let them lie in the mess they made, but don't show it to us anymore! Even the newcomers to the show know how many times these two have hit the sack without having to watch all the episodes. This is just insane!!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Am looking forward to seeing Mel and Nathan meet. Knowing my girl Mel it should be great. Glad that I will get to see it.
Boy Kate is getting real scary.
This whole Kate/Chloe/Daniel thing is stupid, Kate is now a murderer again. Give me a break days. Kate gives me a freakin headache, all this my children bull crap, go to London and take care of the one who needs you.

Daniel and Chloe should just tell everyone and get it over with, who knows they could be a couple.
Just saw the show. Boy really liked the scenes with Kate and Chris. They are so good working together. Laughed out how she pushed him out of the way when the e mail came in.
Mel and Nathan were so good. As you know I just love my Girl Mel. I am thinking that if they get together they would make a good couple.
Was glad that I was packing as watching the show was able to look down when Chloe and Dan came on.
Kate... what a joke- I have wished for years someone would kill her off. Maybe Daniel and Chloe will get her first! Not that I like either one of them much better but I cannot stand Kate! What a waste of air time.
I enjoy Kate. She's that stereotypical villainess that every soap opera needs -- sort of a Vivian Lite. I rarely fast forward through her scenes.

I can't decide whether I think a car is an appropriate gift for a former racecar driver. Stephanie should know a lot about cars and might have some very specific features she wants -- even on a regular roadster. More ignored history.

Looking forward to "meeting" Nathan. I hope he's as quick witted as Melanie (aka DJM's girl Mel).

Thanks for the recap, Poirot!
Kate just annoys the h*** out of me. No wonder Lucas is such a wuss; talk about Mama's little boy. I think that even if he totally broke all ties with her, she would still find a way to get in his life. Sami doesn't know how lucky she is to be away from Lucas and Mama. He's never grown up. And when he finds out what Chloe did, he'll side with Mama, even though she was a paid prostitute. At least Chloe was with just one guy.

How exactly is Lucas to blame in any of this? He never asked Kate to do this or anything else she has ever done to supposedly "help" him. He isn't dependent on Mama in anyway (she asked him to leave his previous job to run her company, not the other way around). Kate is the one who has no boundaries, not just with Lucas but all of her children.

Lucas won't side with mama when the truth comes out, he will be justifiably furious with all of them, Chloe, Kate and Maggie.
Kate shows a lot of disrespect to all of her children by her constant attitude that they are incapable of running their own lives. Most of her schemes end up hurting them more than the thing she is convinced they need protection from. Otherwise, I kind of love Kate, especially when she is going after characters I don't like. I don't expect her latest plan for Daniel/Chloe to succeed but if she manages to get rid of those two permanently, she will have my undying gratitude.

Kate's just going about this wrong. She needs to tell Lucas the truth so he can hurry up and move on. Then, she needs to pair up with Victor to take care of Philip's enemies first. After they have offed Stefano and the boy, then they can plot against Daniel/Chloe.
I love scenes with Mel (she has really grown on me) and Brady, they make a good team (not couple).

ITA.....I like them as friends, but don't want them any closer than that.

Kate just annoys the h*** out of me. Kate needs a reality check and to have her a** kicked.

ME! ME! ME! LET ME DO IT!!!!!!

:rant: Ok.....Kate is really starting to bug the total crap out of me.

Starting to???

I must have missed something b/c I thought Kate wasn't going to plot revenge if Lucas lived. The whole thing is so stupid. Just tell your son and get it over with! She didn't want to tell him b/c he would be upset that she was interfering in his life and would never forgive her. It's going to be worse when he finds out she knew all this time and was plotting and scheming and keeping it from him! Duh!

Can't wait to see Mel and Nathan!
kate compare to viv

no way! kate could never be as good as vivian....she was great! loved her! she was crazy and humorous!
Hmmm. I had to miss today's show because of a doctor's appointment but may watch it later. As far as this one, I don't think I'll bother. Sounds like a yawn fest. I agree with the Kate comments but have to wonder if her revenge isn't based more on Daniel's dumping her for Chloe than because of Lucas.

Why don't Stephanie and Philip just go ahead and get married? They're living together, sharing a bed, she's lying for him and now he's giving her expensive gifts. I don't see any use for a big wedding down the road since they have already put the cart before the horse.
Barb, porn means total nudity, front and back with actual penetration being shown. Showing someone in their bra and panties or boxer shorts if their male is not porn.