Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 19, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

And the plot thickens! Adrienne is talking to Justin, explaining her feelings about the danger she feels their son is in being with Will. She recites all the various drama, and how Will ended up getting shot, next time it could be out little boy. Justin smiles, Sonny is not a little boy, he is a grown man, making his own decisions. He very nicely tells her she needs to take a step back, stay out of Sonny's life, and not try to pick his clients for him. He kisses her lightly and leaves.

At the hospital, Sonny comes to see Will, talks of him being released, then is about to show him the video he has of Arianna, and he sees the video of Sami & Bernardi. He makes excuses of not being able to get the pic up, decides to go get Arianna instead, which he does. He calls Chad, tells him to meet him stat. He takes Arianna to see Will, then claims he has to go back to the coffee shop, but will return.
Will holds his sleeping daughter, is so happy, and in comes Adrienne. She is glad Sonny is not there, came to talk to him. She asks if Will loves Sonny, then proceeds, very quietly, to ask him to break up with Sonny, citing all the various "drama" reasons, including gabi & Arianna moving in with them. Will refuses, saying that he & Sonny love each other, are committed, and if she cannot accept that, she will be on the outside. Adrienne ends up telling Will he is as selfish as his mother, and storms out.

JJ comes to see Cameron at the hospital, while Cam is sorting various drug samples. Small talk. JJ keeps eyeing the pills, pretends to have a coughing fit so Cam will get him water, but Cam doesn't go but a few steps away. JJ stalls, another doc comes in, says something about Cam and his rounds. He leaves, JJ is getting frustrated. Abby arrives, a bit upset, flustered at seeing JJ there, and bolts. Cameron runs after her, JJ takes advantage, shoving some hand fulls of the pill boxes into his backpack. Another doc comes in, JJ smiles, as he zips the backpack, says hi, takes his watter bottle and leaves. He sees Abby & Cam in the hall, Abby seems upset, he will talk to her later. Abby is telling Cam she made a promise to someone and isn't sure if it is the right thing. He tells her that if she is doubting, then it isn't. She leaves.

Earlier, a replay of EJ making sure Chad & Abby will not tell anywone about the video. Chad agrees, Abby is reluctant. EJ sits her down, cites a bunch of reasons, including that if the knife is missing, someone took it, wants to set Sami up. She finally agrees, but evidently is bothered, goes to the hospital. See above.

Chad arrives at Sonny's, is shown the video Sonny has, asks where he got it. Sonny tells him that Chad himself gave it to him. Abby arrives, and again, they all go over and over the entire thing. Finally, Chad reminds Abby how her mom & Nicole argued in public, everyone saw that, and later, Nicole claimed Jen pushed her down those stairs, Jen got arrested. Lots of witnesses to them arguing. Abby protests that Nicole recanted, so Jen got all, all was well. Chad asks....but what if Nicole had died? People saw them arguing. How would it have looked. Your mom would have gone to prison for something she did not do. Abby gets the point, and agrees to not tell. Sonny & Chad delete the videos from their phones.

Eric comes to see Sami, who is back in her cell. They have a nice chat, he tells of going to D.C. but will stay if she needs him. He asks why she did not scream when she saw the guy, she says she just did not think of that. If she did scream, the guy could have continued his mission anyway. She tells of remembering it was a razor. Eric worries since she now is changing her story, reminding her of how she lied under oath about Lucas hitting Will. She protests it was years ago. Eric notes it shows her personality. He leaves.

Justin meets with Sami in a conference room, has gone over her file, thinks they have a case. She tells him about her mom hypnotizing her, and it was a razor. Why didn't it turn up. Sami suggests someone could have put it with personal stuff, a man's utilites case for instance. Justin now asks if there is anything, anything at all she is not telling. EJ is in the doorway, shaking his head "no" ever so slightly. She is flashing back to jumping on Bernardi's back. She says no, nothing. He gets a call, bail hearing in an hour. They get up to leave, EJ stays behind a minute, calls Chad to make sure all is o.k. at his end, and the video has to be destroyed.Chad is on it. When Chad hangs up, he notes he will tell EJ later about the copied video on Sonny's phone. He has got a lot on his plate right now.

Kristen is looking at the newspaper pic of Father Eric, saying she is sorry he has to take the fall, but the only way now to get revenge on Marlena is for her to see her son totally destroyed. She crushes the paper, leaves, running into EJ in the square. Where else? He is in a hurry, she thanks him for being so supportive to her over the non-wedding, etc. Yada, yada. Blah,. blah. He thinks she is up to something, she brushes it off.

JJ & Rory are going thru the stash of pills. Alas, these are laxitives, these are for a bad back. JJ is aghast. All the pills are not what they are looking for. One last package, the boys look, grin from ear to ear. Evidently they have struck what they consider to be gold. They high five each other, happy as larks.

Father Eric checks into his hotel, the desk clerk remarking his parents live in Salem, the Durants. Hey, ERic knowsl them, says "you must be George". Yes he is. Eric talks of the meeting he has tomorrow, wants a quiet room, etc. etc. Has to prepare. All fixed. Eric goes to his room, turns on the light, looks around, sits on the bed.

Down in the lobby, Gina Lollobrigida has arrived. Actually, tis Kristen in a short black wig, dark glasses, and an Italian accent. The desk clerk has assigned room 458 to her, but she insists on 201. He says no, impossible. She is even more insistent. Won't take no. The clerk explains about the priest next door, who needs quiet, etc. She claims she & her husband spent their honeymoon in that room, he is now dead. She has taken off the sunglasses. The clerk is still trying to convince her about #458, she is adamant, and behind her comes Father Eric. "Is there something I can do"?
If nothing else, Adrienne is persistent. Great job by Will though for standing his ground. EJ telling Chad to handle Abigail, typical. And look how easily Chad played on her sympathies with what happened between Jen and Nicole. And this whole thing with the 3 amigos concealing evidence is not only going to blow up in their faces but also in EJ and Sami's. Justin made a point of asking them today if there was anything they weren't telling him. I'm going to love watching Adrienne drop the bomb on all of them.
I'm a little confused. Did Chad know the video was on Sonny's phone before Sonny showed it to him today?
Chad should have known, because he put the video on Sonny's phone last week or so. He said something like "you need to see this video and show it to's classic Sami" as he laughed about it. Then he did that "smartphone bump" thing to share it to Sonny's phone.
So... I'm so glad someone called Sami out on her behavior, especially regarding the false accusations against Lucas. Of course, the little twit that is Sami says "it was years ago". I'm surprised she did not say "it's in the past" and "I'm changed now" :rolleyes: . But the fact is she did lie under oath. And guess what ? Eric is right, it is part of her character, past and present. And I'm so tired of hearing Sami say "someone is trying to set me up". If anything, she set herself up, by shooting the guy first, no questions asked. Like Eric said, why didn't she scream, anything but shoot Bernardi in the back. Missing razor or not, she's guilty of that, no matter how anyone tries to sugar coat it. Eric backed down, because Sami has an answer for everything. But in the end, even if she did save Rafe, she's no hero in my book, never will be. And she should rot in jail. And take EJ with her !:beat:

As far as Adrienne is concerned, it's too bad really. Because she does have some valid points and it would be nice to see her, Justin, Sonny and Will work on them together. But the writers, as usual, feel the need to ruin a character by having Adrienne react too strongly in order to create drama. I can't wait either for the video to show up. Sonny, Chad, Abigail, EJ... They are all guilty of withholding evidence. And they should be punished for it, face some kind of consequence. Because if Adrienne comes out looking like the only villain in all this, it's all very, very cheap, really.
What are the odds the cameras in the hospital are working today and one caught JJ and his sticky fingers.

somewhere between none/ nada/zip/zilch

So sorry Adrienne is now being destroyed to prop up the golden ones..... we should have a poll on who is next...

Thanks Poirot for the summary....
I watched the Chad, Sonny, and Abigail scene again and these 3 have lost complete control of their senses. Right now there is no proof that Sami shot Bernardi to protect Rafe. They have video of Sami attacking Bernardi, which is proof that she had something against the man. Chad has to know what she's capable of because he referred to the video as "classic psycho Sami" and I'm sure Sonny has heard plenty of horror stories from his mom. Why are Chad and Sonny so quick to believe that Sami did not kill this man on purpose?
And he will have his son, his son's best friend, his niece, his client and the oh so truthful EJ Dimera to thank for that.

Edited to add: And if Abby isn't careful she may end up with a trip to the Dimera dungeon, courtesy of EJ. Can't have someone with morals rocking the boat.
Thanks for the summary. I like Eric telling off Sami for her behavior, but the episode wAs nothing special in my book. Maybe because I am just so sick of Adrienne.
It may not be the case, but lately everytime I watch DAYS it appears as if Ej is setting up sami BIG time....

I've got the same feeling, like he's making a mess on purpose so that he can come riding in on his white horse and rescue her. We all know how Sami loves to be rescued. EJ is so sleazy that it wouldn't surprise me one little bit.
Thanks for the summary. I like Eric telling off Sami for her behavior, but the episode wAs nothing special in my book. Maybe because I am just so sick of Adrienne.
You're welcome. Just wondering, tho, how you judge how interesting or not it was if you don't watch. Or did you? :)
If you didn't, then I guess it is my fault for not being more descriptive I guess. But then, I try to leave out as much "fluff" as I can. LOL
No, no it's not your fault, I appreciate all the summaries you write. I watch all the clips I can find online. I think I was just not excited about this one because of Adrienne.