Days of Our Lives Wed., June 19, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Replay of frantic Sonny, trying to get Will to wake up. He dashes to the door, but in comes the crash team.....or rather Kayla, and next scene she has paddles, is saying “clear” and applying, to no avail. Meanwhile, Will is in a hazy front of the Brady Pub. The sign says closed, then open. He goes in, he is looking around, puzzled, no one seems to be inside. There is light shining in, but everything is fuzzy and hard to see. He is behind the bar, finds a pic of him & Sonny torn in half. He says they were forever, but now he left Sonny in a lot of pain. He is raising a glass of beer, Grampa Shawn always said nothing like an Irish Wake. The haze gets more intense, and he hears Gramma Caroline say his name.

Replay of Tripp & Ciara agreeing to work together to expose Claire, Tripp asking how he can help with Claire walking in. Awkward, til Tripp says Ciara wants to move all her belongings out of the gatehouse, before Ben might come back. She is afraid of him. Claire understands, will help, too, then talks with Tripp, is he o.k., so worried about him. Hug. He sort of pulls away, she asks why, he makes up some excuse, then she starts talking about having recorded him, giving to Eve as she pestered, yada, yada. The lies rolls off easily and go on and on. Ciara listening, getting more upset. Finally, Tripp suggests they go get Ciara's stuff, while Claire agrees Ciara has to move back there, her place. Ciara talks of how hard it is to be around someone you know tried to kill you.

All the grandparents, plus Sami & Lucas are sitting, waiting for some word, and no they do no know what happened with Will. They chat, Rex comes out, he & Sarah have come up with something, don't know if it will work, will go to administer it. After a few minutes, impatient Sami is wanting to go see what is going on. Roman stops her, let people do their job. He goes to call Kimberly, tell her they think they found a cure, but gets no answer.

Eric is in the chapel praying, and no idea why, but Sarah comes in, listens for a bit. She has to come up, engage in conversation, does tell him they think they came up with something, and then it goes on to her and Rex being together, Eric with Nicole, which he denies, after their last fight he realizes they are done. Sarah is sorry, thought it was just her grief causing her to say horrible things to Eric. He mentions his mom thinking maybe it was meant for him to be with Sarah, but no, it is obvious to him how much Rex loves her, they are marrying, etc.

Roman suggests Sami go to the chapel and pray, Lucas goes with her, they come in, Sarah takes off. The 3 sit together, Sami prays aloud, citing Will's goodness, that he had come back to them, don't take him. Eric tells her for someone who never prays, she did well.

Rex enters Will's room, learns of the cardiac arrest, one more paddle attempt by Kayla, and his heart starts weakly. Rex gives the shot. They watch anxiously, as it doesn't seem to have any effect. Will is still in the Pub, Caroline is swallowed in the haze, reaches out her hand. Will walks up to her, she stands, hugs him, we see Will over her shoulder as he becomes clearer to see, the haze is receding. And back in his room, Will opens his eyes. Marlena, Roman, Kate there with Sonny, Kayla, Rex. He wonders what everyone is doing hangin' out in his room. Rex rushes out to tell those in the chapel. Will starts telling of the light, Gramma Caroline, the torn picture (Sonny says he had just mentioned it to Roman out in the hall...Will could not have heard). Sami, Lucas & Eric are there as well, everyone all smiles, as Will continues, talking of how Gramma Caroline told him it wasn't his time, he had to go back. And he did. Roman rushes out to call Kim, tell her the good news.

Roman is on the phone all happy, Tell Ma she needn't worry any more, good news, it worked, Will is gonna be fine. His face changes, frowns, what???

Sarah & Rex talk of hating to fill out the paper work now, but Sarah likes writing patient expected to make full recovery.

Kayla comes up to Roman, who is in shock, saying how wiped out she in, asking if she can go buy him a beer, he doesn't move. She asks what is wrong, he slowly and sadly tells her Ma is gone. She died a little while ago, in her sleep. She is gone, Kay. They embrace each other as both cry.
It was hard for me to avoid a few sarcastic comments, but to me, this episode was not done well at all. The editing was bad, plus commercials every 5 minutes do not help in what is supposed to be an emotional scene. Sami is too over the top, tho I liked that she berated herself for putting EJ before her son. Lucas barely says a word, Shame on the writers for that.

Am sick of Sarah appearing wherever Eric is, even the chapel. Why was she there. She did not pray, she did not thank God for guiding her & Rex to the antidote....why the chapel? Why wasn't she with Rex to administer the shot? I realize the writers are trying to fabricate situations in order to feature her, but it doesn't work, and is annoying.

And while the Claire set the fire storyline is current, it was out of place today, just did not belong.
But to give credit....was funny when Claire told Ciara that since she is so stressed maybe she should talk to Marlena, & Ciara gets annoyed......."you're saying I should see a shrink? " LOL, as Tripp manages to defuse that situation.
I thought the scene with Roman finding out “Ma” has passed and telling Kayla was very touching. So much so I actually teared up. Sure looked like Roman's reaction and tears were not merely acting.

On another note:

How long do we have to endure the whole Claire the fire starter story? It has gone on way too long. My hope is that when it is revealed, Claire takes down Eve with her. Enough already.
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I realize the "afterlife" scenes were done purposely to give an "other-world" feel to them, but I thought they were poorly done. The echos on the dialogue made it hard to understand a few times. And Caroline's hand reaching toward the camera was just weird.

But the very end of it was nice when she and Will hugged.
I was just about to write the same thing. I believe when Peggy McCay (Caroline) died they concocted a story of a brain tumor for Will and that "Caroline" would take his place. This opened the door for her memorial.
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I thought the same thing JS. It was very akward and weird. The spoilers made it seem like Caroline was going to say more. So for those of us who ready spoilers it was a let down.

I think the Claire/Ciara fire scenes where to give us a break from the emotions from the Will story. It just didn't work.
I think it was beautifully written & acted, referring to the storyline of Will & Caroline. I didn't take it as Caroline taking his place. I took it in a sense of timing and prayers. I am still wiping away a tear or two. I think if they had not had so many commercials and devoted the hour to this emotional story it would have put it over the top.
I agree, fanofdayz. This wasn't Caroline taking Will's place.

My Mom and Dad told me the same thing...that it wasn't time for me, and I was to go back. (I heard beautiful voices singing that pulled me in the direction, but no bright light.)

My Mom's experience was seeing my Dad along with my grandparents telling her to go back, it wasn't her time because we were still young kids and needed her. (My Mom described a beautiful light that drew her.)
Voice from the Beyond: It was good to see the Caroline character appear one last time to interact with Will. It's too bad she can't come back a few more times to straighten out problem Salemites.

Divine Retribution: Screechy Sami and awful Sarah actually went into the chapel. Aren't they risking being struck by lighting?

Outgunned: Scheming Claire has no chance against Ciara, the person who once outmaneuvered Sami and got a free trip to the Baron's jewelry counter.

Good mothering?: The mention of Kate as a mother brought to mind one of EJ's better quotes: "If bad mothering made people gay, all of Kate's children would be waving rainbow flags.

It's about time: Kudos to Ciara for telling motor-mouth Claire (aka MIss Insincerity) to shut up. Somebody should have done this a long time ago.
Thank you for an excellent summary, as always. I'm not a fan of Will and Sonny or of watching people die or of weddings in general so I've been skipping their scenes. But I think it will be interesting watching Will go to the brink today. Also, though I don't usually watch scenes about someone dying when it is done just to make a story, I am not opposed to it when an actor has passed and there is a need to bring closure, so I will watch the scenes about Caroline's memorial. I always liked Caroline so it will be sad.
And NOW Sami is wearing a hooded sweatshirt, everyone else in long sleeves including Gabi. Ciara is wearing a long sleeved sweater with sleeves so long they go over most of her hands. (I cannot stand that style/look).

Someone shut up Sami! PLEASE!!
Thanks, Poirot.

I wish the scenes with Will and Caroline were longer too. There was too
much other stuff going on.

At least, Eve wasn't on.

How does Sarah and Rex know Will will make a complete recovery?
They didn't run tests to see if his tumors were gone.

Great end scene with Roman and Kayla when he told her Ma died.
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I thought the last scenes with Roman & Kayla were the best part of the entire episode.
Amazing how the dying, barely able to talk or breathe Will, wakes up all smiling, jovial, strong voice, laughing, etc. Really a miracle potion Rex & Sarah came up with, huh? :sarcasm:
And Sarah not the least curious if it worked.....glad she is not my doctor....I feel for any patients she has, if there are any........