Days of Our Lives - Wed.June 2, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Episode #11,347 Taped 4/5 Director – Grant A. Johnson

It is too weird when the show opens with the closing scenes from the day before, but they are all a bit different. Brady is coming out of the Pub as Caroline comes up, he explains about getting the change of clothes for Arianna, Caroline is really sorry about this, knows Arianna is innocent, tells Brady he looks tired. He admits he is….between this and grandfather’s wedding…..Uh oh, ….HUH? Victor got married. Caroline is shocked, recovers as she asks who….and when she is told Vivian Alamain, nearly has an apoplectic fit.

Bo says he is going to call Ma to tell her about Victor’s marriage, Ciara plops on the sofa with her backpack, Carly asks her what is in it, Ciara holds the back pack close, tells Carly she cannot see, they are her secret treasures, and then says to get away from her. Bo returns, hears this exchange, comes round to the sofa, Carly leaves, murmuring it was her own fault, Bo sits down, telling Ciara that Carly is a good friend of his, and he wants all 3 of them to be friends, so maybe she can work with him and Carly on this. Ciara nods her head. Now he mentions her secret treasures, they must be pretty important that she guards them so well, so he won’t ask to see them. Oh, that is o.k., replies Ciara, you can see them. Bo unzips a pocket, but nothing in there. Let’s look in the other pocket. He begins to unzip, knocking at the door, he answers to find an angry Caroline, all upset because she just learned that Victor married Vivian Alamain , how could he let that happen. Why did he not call her. She is sitting on the sofa, ranting a bit, there has to be a reason, but Bo is saved from telling her the why when Ciara returns with a picture for Gramma, and the announcement it is time to go bake cookies. Caroline gets up, …gramma’s work is never done. LOLOL

Vivian walks aimlessly about the room, wedding decorations still in place. Gus arrives, sorry that Vivian’s husband is not there. She was not happy with the wedding itself, but the reception was better, she made headway. Over to Chloe who is pacing in the apartment, finally deciding she has to do something about Carly, she calls Vivian, very carefully choosing her words as she asks for her help. Now she is with Vivian, who talks of Carly being claustrophobic, and who gives her a number to program into her cell, some guy who will make sure that a certain elevator will do the job. All Chloe has to do is make sure Carly gets on this particular elevator at a certain time. Chloe doesn’t understand, so big deal, she is inside an elevator for a while. What good will that do. Vivian’s expressions are a clue, as Chloe gets her lightbulb moment, realizing there is more to this than just closing the elevator door for a spell.

Daniel has found Philip & Melanie at the Pub, tells them the good news about being married tomorrow, Melanie says NO, rather forcefully. So now we get into some rather lame conversations, Melanie really has no reason, just doesn’t want Chloe to hurt her Dad, he assures her she won’t. Philip thinks it is great and they should get married tomorrow. Daniel says Brady is gonna be best man (nothing like having your fiancee’s ex-husband as your best man, huh?) and asks Philip to give Chloe away! (Ah, Salem, ya gotta love it, right?) He leaves……running into Carly down on the docks. She wants to know if he told Chloe, yep, and Chloe is thrilled. Carly asks all kinds of questions, until finally Daniel has had enough, tells her that he loves Chloe, she loves him, they are getting married tomorrow. Period.

Nighttime Hope has called Baker, is all set to go on the prowl again, promising this time to do some serious damage. He is curious as to what she means, she only says to meet her, he will find out.

EJ sits with Nicole in the Cheatin’ Heart, telling her she is Arianna’s alibi, causing her to spit out her drink, then spill it. She is wiping it up, referring to spilling champagne on a plane one time, he is not amused. Back to serious business. Nicole is not too happy, but EJ is pretty calm, and suggests that Nicole herself has set Arianna up, and could go back to prison, even hinting that Nikki may be the mugger, since she seems to be involved in all these muggings. She is a reporter, which makes EJ laugh, but she says if she is Arianna’s alibi, then Arianna is hers for Justin’s mugging. EJ leaves, returns to the jail to tell his client, who is ecstatic, jumps on him with big hug in her happiness. He will see her later. He assures her all should be fine, as even the date on the check matches up.

Earlier, she called her mom to tell her about being in jail, no she doesn’t want her to come, cuz with Rafe out of town, Gabi will realize how serious this all is and get very upset. Arianna is sorry she has disgraced the family, but she is innocent here. Later, Brady has come with her clothes, Arianna tells him the good news about probably getting out of there and being proved innocent. The guard orders Brady out, visiting hours are over, he only let him come in because of the clothes.

Nicole is talking to her boss evidently, who wants her to do a story on DA Woods, she refuses, then spots Brady and hangs up. She grabs Brady with the good news, Arianna will probably get out of jail, there is a way to get her freed.

Baker is outside the Brady house, asking Hope where they are. She explains this is her home, her husband is inside, so is her child. She goes on about her husband leaving her, is with someone else…”in my home”, Baker gets a clue right away, saying the other guys were sort of replacements. She admits they were just stand-ins, Bo is the one who left her, traded her in for another model. Baker is a bit taken aback, you mean Bo Brady, the police commissioner? . They are looking in the window, which appears to be open (no screen, either) and they see Ciara come into the living room, sit down on the corner of the sofa, calling her daddy, saying she is ready to show him her secret treasures now. She unzips the pocket of her backpack, pulls out a wallet or two, as Hope looks on in astonishment. Oh, my God, that little devil. She has the wallets!

sounds like a pretty good episode. thanks for the writeup.
Oh wow!! I am so glad Ciara shows Bo the wallets!!
I was really trying to be a Carly fan since she came back because I liked her so much her first time on the show. And while they whole Bo & Hope story has me perplexed...I am seriously irritated at how nosey she is being with the Chloe Daniel stuff. Now while I do think Chloe has flipped her lid & should be busted....I dont see how its Carlys biz!! Oh well!!

Great write up Barb!! Thanks!!
Poirot said:
Bo sits down, telling Ciara that Carly is a good friend of his,..

So that's what they're calling it now! :rotfl: Thanks, Barb.

Caroline has no right to be upset with Victor for getting married and I think she would feel that way no matter who he married. It seems Caroline doesn't want him but doesn't want anyone else to have him.
:rotfl: Only in Salem is your ex-husband and your 1st love/tryst part of the wedding party. They should have asked Lucas to be a groomsman.

Thanks for the writeup!
I don't think I have ever seen screens on windows on soaps.

Gotta agree that Caroline has no reason to rant. She has had her chance & didn't take it.. She can be upset as is everyone else that he married Vivian, but that is all.

Looks like the Hope s/l may be ending soon... let's hope so!

Great write-up as usual Barb!
I love Hope calling Ciara a little devil, yep ole night time Hope is a whacked out woman.

& Ari hugs EJ....oooh wub....
Melanie needs to quit protesting so much about her father's marriage. She really has no right and she's going to drive a wedge between herself and her newfound father. How funny that Philip is going to give Chloe away. Here, you take her. I don't want her anymore. LOL.

Chloe must be really desperate to get rid of Carly. Go Chloe! Love how most of these stories are intertwining and overlapping.

I thought for sure Caroline knew that Victor was marrying Vivian. Am I wrong? And if she did know, why was she so shocked? Maybe she never expected him to actually go through with it. Looking forward to seeing her reaction and to her eventually confronting Victor (just speculating about that last part).

Fab summary. Thanks Poirot!
Victor has always professed his undying love to, tho she let him know that she would not more or less be interested in a relationship......I think she was just surprised that Victor evidently was in such a close relationship with someone, and then double shocked that it was Vivian Alamain. Boy, won't it be interesting when Caroline knows just WHY Victor married her. hah.
Thanks for the write up. Sounds like a great show today. So glad that Bo has now seen the walets. I am hoping that she tells him where she got them.
Boy, won't it be interesting when Caroline knows just WHY Victor married her. hah.

Remember when Caroline gave Victor hell for getting Bo to compromise his professional integrity (using this phrase loosely) to keep Philip from being implicated in the Hollingsworth case? Now Victor is having the tables turned on him. How fitting.

Hi!,I just wanted to say that i dont see the hope storyline ending anytime soon ...........
Welcome Cynthia.

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Thanks for the recap Barb...boy at times like this I really wish Ciara was SORAS so she can give Carly a peice of her mind. Yes Carly it is YOUR FAULT..and Bo don't dumb it down for your daughter SHE knows exactly what you are doing with Carly and it isn't being a FRIEND.

I am another one suprised that Caroline is so shocked at Victor's marrying Vivian. It has been no secret. Vivian has been planning for months (in Salem time), and I remember her telling someone it was in the society pages. How could Caroline not know by now?
@lookinguptoyou remember Caroline was in California ..... due to Kimberly's illness ....during the whole wedding planning.
Just thought of something. Why in heck would Philip be walking Chloe down the aisle? She has two living parents. Hello Nancy. Hello Craig. This is Daniel. I'm marrying your daughter tomorrow. Wanna come?