Days of Our Lives - Wed. Mar. 16, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Have to say, the episode today felt like it was 2 hours long, instead of one, and while the return of Rory was at last was disappointing, to say the least. But, we sure do jump around town, & characters today, goes. Rafe, Steve & Marlena question Eduardo about safe houses, etc, the Agency may have used. Eduardo is not much help, but tells Rafe to get a black card from his wallet, phone numbers on it, call the second one. That person gives Rafe a list of places with safe houses. However, whoever took John could not have gone far, as they had a 5 miles area around the warehouse cut off within a couple minutes of John being gone. Hope has joined them, says something about being back on the force, they are going to spread out, Rafe insists no one go alone, Rafe tells Hope to stay home, Ciara needs her. Marlena, Rafe & Steve all leave.

Brady deals with the nearly hysterical Summer, trying to calm her down, she did not ruin everything. Blah, Blah. Theresa raises her hand, thinks that Maggie should be told about Summer being her daughter right away, Summer doesn't want to, wants Maggie to like her first. Brady agrees with Theresa, but tells Summer to go to her room, rest, they will talk later, Brady promising to help. When she leaves, he tells Theresa he agrees with her, better Maggie knows sooner than later. First, wants to get back to where they were, smooch on the sofa, Tate cries, Theresa leaves, Brady is frustrated.

Dario visits Summer, figured Brady would put her up in the best place, she moans & groans, he reminds her she was about to take a swim to Hawaii, and encourages her to take advantage of the fact her bio mother has money. He keeps talking "we", and it is apparent that Dario has become a rather shady character, up to no good, even in L.A. He tells her to finally buy that mansion in Malibu that she has been mentally redecorating for so long. And he leaves.

Kate comes to visit Deimos in his apartment, (Ben's old one) his first guest. She brings some little feng shui gift, looks like a door knocker with a tassel, explains what it is, brings good luck, yada, yada. Short conversation, Deimos claims he thought about it, she was right, he doesn't want to spend his days now obsessing on revenge on Victor, would rather be obsessing over her. Kiss, kiss, nope, she has a meeting, more kiss kiss, but she really has to go. She leaves, he calls someone, saying to bring his medication to his new address. And, when there is a knock at the door, he opens to Rory, who has brought some kind of nasty, strong, illegal drug for which Deimos is paying him big bucks. He hopes Deimos becomes one of his regular customers, but Deimos doesn't ever want to see him again. Rory leaves.

Nicole comes to see Maggie on the pretext of wondering if she has a place she would like Daniel's medical books to go. But really, Nicole just misses Daniel so much, Maggie is only one who understands, Nicole has tried to move on, can't. Maggie assures her she already has, that one thing stronger than grief is love. Nicole figures she has none of that, but Maggie claims she does. And soon Nicole is talking about Summer, worried about Maggie, & telling about going to CA, being there when Brady rescued Summer from the ocean, wasn't thinking of his heart, just what to do. They agree Summer needs help, Maggie is going to talk to Brady & find out what is going on. After Nicole leaves, she calls, leaving message on his cell.

Nicole runs into Dario in the square, small talk, he mentions seeing Summer, but being unable to reach his brother, sister. They kibbitz a bit about her missing sunglasses, then about the drink they were to have, making arrangements for tonight.

Theresa returns, Brady finally gets his chance, down on one knee, Theresa is shocked, overjoyed, cannot wait to say yes, before he even asks. She knocks him over, kissing on the floor, he finally gets to take out the ring, slip it on her finger.

John is desperately trying to get loose, evidently rubbing his chains against the back of the pole. He grunts and groans, Yo Ling comes in, tells him that is all useless, kills a cockroach, expounding on how they go on living, will exist long after all are gone. Talks of a few dictators like Idi Amin, Gadaffi, how that is what they are trying to stop. Put a jacket or something around John's shoulders, telling him he loves him, and is sorry if he has to die. The transfusion will take place tomorrow morning. He hobbles out. John continues to try and wear out his chains. A door opens, 2 men come in, carrying something, dropping it down across from John, but in silence, not answering John's question.
Finally, they remove a hood from the figure and depart. John looks in shock, no, no, Paul, not Paul, as he looks at his unconscious son.
Oh, yes........after Rory leaves, we see Deimos' laptop with a Ewe search for Mysenthia Gravis, the disease Maggie has, which has been in remission.
Later, he shows up at the Kmansion, telling Maggie he thinks they should talk.
Oh I missed that part about Maggie. Interesting. And does Kate have to sleep with and then fall in love with every man that comes to Salem? She does get around.

I'm not sure how it happened but I really like Brady and Theresa. She isn't as awful as she use to be. But he does fall in love a lot too. I think probably this time last year he was all in love with Melanie. Who by the way was on CSI Cyber the last couple of episodes. She was a psycho stalker. :rotfl:I do like her. Was nice to see her in something. And apparently Dario is not a nice guy. That's disappointing.
Thank you, Poirot. It sounds like a good show except for the Summer garbage.

Thank goodness Brady put that ring on Theresa's finger before Summer found it in the couch. Otherwise, we'd see it keeping company with Maggie's red shoe charm and Nicole's sunglasses.

Yes, Molly Burnett (Melanie Jonas) was on the two parter of CSI: Cyber. She also appeared 3 times before as the same character. I was surprised to see her in a new Longmire episode that I watched last weekend on Netflix.
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So is anyone keeping a count on the number of Dr. Dan the man who Tanned mentions? Will died recently. His daughter was kidnapped, any mention??? Bo died recently, his daughter was raped, his wife has become a nutcase, any mentions??


How sad Rory has turned to really hard drugs. I liked him as the lovable half baked pot-head.

Thanks for the summary.
Will died recently. His daughter was kidnapped, any mention???
Actually, and surprisingly, Will did get a recent mention. Gabi and Marlena were together with Ari, and Gabi asked if Ari would remember her dad. Marlena said yes, of course, because they'd all speak of him often to her.
it is apparent that Dario has become a rather shady character, up to no good
Dario was a shady character when he first came to Salem and stole those earrings and Melanie's necklace.

And apparently Dario is not a nice guy. That's disappointing.
Disappointing, but not surprising.
Actually, and surprisingly, Will did get a recent mention. Gabi and Marlena were together with Ari, and Gabi asked if Ari would remember her dad. Marlena said yes, of course, because they'd all speak of him often to her.

I saw that but someone else was asking me a question in the room. I thought Gabi had asked if Ari would remember, and Marlena replied with <insert real voice asking again> I missed it. Thanks.

So it tallies 200k mentions Dr. Dan
1 mention Will
3 mentions Stefano
0 mentions anyone else who passed
Completely agree about Rory. Fie on the wretched writers for turning Rory into a seller of hard drugs. This foul act of character assassination overshadowed them turning the once-reformed Dario into a sketchy con man who's worked in the past with psycho Summer. Won't Rafe love this news. Another negative was yet another episode in the Love Doctor grief-athon. Will it ever end? As for interesting developments, one was Hope learning that Eduardo used to be an assassin. Maybe now, she can sit at his bedside and swap stories about murdering high profile targets. Then, there was the unusual sight of Jeannie T. actually giving somebody good advice -- telling the klepto mermaid to immediately inform Maggie about being her long-lost daughter. Maggie wouldn't be surprised -- this kind of thing is an everyday occurrence in Salem. Finally, the bizarre Yo-Daddy may have made a big mistake by kidnapping a famous ex-baseball player. Such a crime is sure to bring high-pressure heat, and not just from the hapless Salem P.D.
I don't know how it happened to me either but, I liked Theresa and Brady today! Of course Dario is a loser (as far as we know yet anyway. Please have him be an undercover ISA!!), they will for sure put Nicole with him now, so that she can get hurt again and looked down on.:angry: I'm not even sure the actor was playing Rory today, they made him seem like a totally different person,:( Oh, I'm not sure I have seen it mentioned yet, but Shane was mentioned yesterday by Rafe!

Oh and Dario, Summer is not and wouldn't be the "heiress to the Kiriakis fourtane". And no Summer, not "one of them, anyway". Why should Victor make his stepkids, that he never even sees, heirs? He has enough on his own side.
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Sorry, not me. Brady had a heart transplant. He barely spent any time in hospital afterwards, then ran out to CA, dove into the ocean, carried a soaking wet woman out, (anyone see CPR being given after), and today Theresa jumps on him, knocking him over, ....
She loves him so much she cannot worry about incisions, healing, etc., but then, neither does the show itself.
O.K. guess Days just has to speed up the healing process, but their story has been annoying since Day 1. I hate that Brady is such a sex addict, that he has been betrothed to so many women. that Theresa tried to kill John & he doesn't care, As long as he gets his sex.
And let me add.....contrast this story with Chad & Abby.....and contrast Brady & Theresa's interaction, if any, with Tate...with Chad & Abby with Thomas.

By the way.......I DID get a kick out of Brady calling their son "Tater Tot". Gee, wonder where we have heard that before? LOLOL
So Brady decided that he likes it and wants to put a ring on it. Will he actually tie the knot this time? From what I understand he pretty much embodies the male equivalent of the old saying about "Always a bridesmaid but never a bride."

I wasn't able to watch the entire show because I had a prior engagement but I heard that Dario expressed a disliking for Victor in his scenes with Summer. My guess is it's going to turn out that Victor had sex on the Titan board room table with Mama Hernandez at one point and ruined Dario's life!! I know that's Sami's schtick with John and Marlena. But Sami is presumably off on a beach somewhere with her younguns living off the purloined DiMera fortune. So I figure a gem like that is just too good leave laying around unused for too long.
After today's episode I feel Dario has a grudge against Victor. Perhaps Dario was fired from Titan and using Summer to get back at him.

At this rate I see JJ having to handcuff Rory soon. Guess a way to write off his character.