Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 20, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Replay of Ciara & Ben kissing, and the shot coming thru the window. Ben takes Ciara down to the floor with him, more shots ring out. In the foyer, Stefan & Chloe hear, Stefan makes her duck down, away from the door. Ben gets Ciara out, down on the floor everyone. More shots, Ben goes back into the room. After a while, there is silence, Ben comes out. Security is looking for the guy, cops have been called, are there. Everyone is shook up, but o.k. Ciara asks Ben to take her home, he does. Stefan calms down Chloe, has her go up to her room. He is going to leave, she asks him to stay with her for a little while. He agrees, takes off jacket, (she is curled up on the bed), no she doesn't want him sitting in the chair, could he hold her for a bit. He climbs up on the bed, put his arm around her, she lays her head on his chest.

Ciara & Ben are at the loft, he knows she is shook up. (By the way, somehow, between getting shot at in the DiMera living room, and the loft apt., Ciara's hair has gone from the awful buns, to being all down.) Ben knows Ciara must be scared, it is o.k., and cements his knowledge that it is not safe for her to be around him. She protests, a hail of bullets isn't going to scare her. She wants to be with him, they are kissing, she would like them to be like when they were first in the cabin, and he took such good care of her. They are getting pretty passionate, but Ben, hating to do this, against his better judgment, should get back to mansion, make sure Stefan & Chloe are o.k.. One last kiss.

Claire comes rushing into the apt., wanting Tripp to call Ciara, she wants to borrow her red sweater as she is doing a podcast, and doesn't want her fans to see her in something she already wore. Tripp refuses, is trying to find out what happened with Haley's hearing. Claire pretends to care, but is rushing to find something to wear. Tripp tells her he really wants to know who outed Haley. Claire gets a bit defensive, tho Tripp never accuses her, grabs her things, and rushes out. Tripp waits a few seconds, grabs his stuff, but as he opens door to leave, there is Kayla. She just stopped by to see how he was doing. Yes, heard from Steve the other day, unfortunately the cleanup with the ISA is taking longer than expected. He misses all his family. She can tell something wrong, he talks of Haley, worried, still cannot believe his Uncle Jack came over here pretending to want to meet and bond with him, but in reality using the outing of Haley as a campaign item.

Meanwhile, Eve & Jack sit in the square, gloating over the positive comments being made about Jack, and the immigration situation. Jennifer arrives, Eve tries to get rid of her, claiming campaign meeting (yep, middle of the square, in public, yeah, right!) but Jack notes he invited her there for an interview, not to worry, he will handle Jennifer. Eve leaves, Jack tells Jen he only agreed if this was fair, etc. Jen is a pro, she replies, not to worry. But she does ask how he feels ruining some innocent person's life. They get to arguing about the interview, Jen finally telling him she is dropping the interview, and if he was smart, he would not open his mouth at all if he wants to get any votes, she ends up throwing a glass of water in his face. Kayla arrives, as Jack is wiping his face dry, sees there is a problem, but agrees that Jack is not a good candidate. The women leave, Jen telling Kayla that she knows Jack cannot remember his past, but he is that person she remembers, the one she thought changed, but he hasn't She doubts that Jack will be a decent person now, even if he gets his memories back.

JJ has been waiting, Justin & Haley come out, the judge has postponed making his decision. JJ & Haley are at the Pub, talking over all that happened. JJ blaming himself for ever telling his father her secret, Haley noting she herself did it all, blaming herself, but JJ will never ever forgive his father for what he did. Haley talks of having no one, even sister Melinda won't answer her calls, not that they were ever very close. JJ mostly listens.

Claire is outside Eve's door when she returns home, frantic for Eve's help, she thinks Tripp suspects she is the one who betrayed Haley. Inside the room, they talk, Tripp arrives, knocking on the door. Claire hides, Eve lets him in, he wants her to spill as to who tipped them off. Eve sidesteps, but eventually says it was a neighbor. Tripp says the name, Mrs. Carney, Eve doesn't say yes, but says the neighbor saw Haley entering the bldg. Claire makes a noise, Eve claims Jack is taking a shower, dropped something. She pretends to check on him, says he would come out but is butt naked and dripping wet. Tripp doesn't want to see or talk to him, leaves. Claire comes out, gushing thanks. Eve advises her to come clean with Tripp. Haley was a threat, she did what she had to do.

Tripp is at work, sees Jack at a table, comments how fast he got there, but he doesn't want him in his section, so take a hike elsewhere. He wants nothing to do with someone who would purposely ruin an innocent person's life.

Justin arrives at the Pub, bad news. The judge made a decision, and preparations are being made for her to be returned to China. He is sorry. Haley is devastated. He tells her she has 30 days.

Eve gets a beep, smiles at Claire. Judge made decision, Haley will be gone in 30 days.

Haley is beside herself, she has to go back to China. JJ says there is a way for you to stay here. Marry me.
So far, all we know is that she was born in China. Her parents died when she was young and she came to America illegally, to be with her older sister, Melinda. But there could be a twist that Melinda is really her mother, or that maybe she was born in America and only thinks she was born in China. It's all just speculation until we see how the story plays out.
Thanks for the summary.

Claire, Jack, and Eve are just disgusting! I really can't wait for the truth(s) about Claire's conniving to come out. Maybe then she can leave town, disgraced and isolated. JJ & Haley, I just don't feel them. But also one has to wonder why JJ would think Haley would marry him after he betrayed her?

I really like Ben & Ciara as well as Chloe & Stefan.
Wow I would certainly hope that Haley isn't really an American citizen and Melinda has been lying to her the whole time. That would be horrible!! But now for JJ marrying her, I don't watch any of the Housewives shows but last week i saw on news that Joe Guidice was being held and possibly deported because he's not a citizen. But he's married to Theresa Guidice and she's an American citizen, isn't she? I just checked and she was born in New Jersey. So then I wondered maybe marrying doesn't work anymore?

I was never a Jen/Jack fan but I am still hating this. Glad she threw that drink in his face. That was a very hateful thing for him to say.
Joe Guidice was here legally but not a U.S. citizen. If that is the case and you are convicted of certain crimes, they can deport you.

If you come to the U.S. illegally, then you can marry someone to stay in the country. But it is a long process. And Immigration checks up on you up to 2 years after the marriage to see if you're still married, etc.
Eve & Jack: Should they really be glad that a judge has ordered Haley deported? Since she appeared to be the only known undocumented person in Salem, there goes the only issue in their one-note campaign. And should Jack really be calling himself, as an amnesiac, the "clean-slate" candidate. Abe could turn this around and call him the "empty-headed" candidate.

Stefan Zero: With the DiMansion under siege from Noodlites, all he can think of is hiring more people? How about bullet-proof glass for the windows, better doors and locks, and sophisticated surveillance devices?

Claire: What more can be said. Shawn and Belle's little toddler has devolved into a back-stabbing, scheming idiot. All of her plots are doomed to failure and she'll soon be as unpopular as her mentor, Eve Donovan.

Jenny: Her interview with Jack was anything but professional. Now that she's thrown water in his face will she file a story for the Spectator stating that candidate Jack is "all wet."
LOL, well, she said she was not going to do the interview, so who knows?
Actually, Jen, instead, should do a piece on the undocumented alien, who may not have done the paper work, because she wasn't able to wait 10 years, but instead, got herself educated, becoming a nurse, working in Salem, and has not a single black mark against her.
I wish the show would explain why Haley was not made a citizen. Melinda could have seen to it, never did......but am assuming that since she was in the country illegally, and using a false name, Melinda did not want to stir the pot.
So far, all we know is that she was born in China. Her parents died when she was young and she came to America illegally, to be with her older sister, Melinda. But there could be a twist that Melinda is really her mother, or that maybe she was born in America and only thinks she was born in China. It's all just speculation until we see how the story plays out.
Thanks. I tried Who's Who in Salem but she is not listed. I kind of feel like Melinda is her mother but not sure. She isn't very motherly.
Jack's campaign slogan reminded me of Sgt Schultz on Hogan's Heroes: Vote for Me. I know NOTHING!!!

And I don't understand how Stefan can think that hiring MORE people is going to help them since the people they have supposedly hired have not been able to stop the Pasta Posse.

And what Jack said to Jennifer was inexcusable.
Thanks, Poirot.

Why doesn't someone close all the drapes in the DiMera mansion? That way no one can
see inside.

Poor Haley.. she has to leave Salem because she had to have Justin, who isn't
the best, but most of the time the only lawyer in town.

Will Claire come clean and tell Tripp the truth she turn Haley in? Probably not.
And she's not going to be happy if Haley stays at the loft before she leaves.
You have a point about the drapes, Kat. In fact, the minute the camera suddenly was showing the windows, I though Uh, oh.
And then, did it not seem rather foolish to be hunkered down on the floor/stairs in the FOYER? (was waiting for bullets thru the entry door). Why did they not run upstairs, into the kitchen, etc. And how amazing that not a single servant appeared. Of course, maybe they were hunkered down in safer places. LOL