Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 29, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Adrienne sits in her hospital bed, looking rather pensive, when Sonny, Lucas & Justin arrive, Sonny & Lucas bearing flowers. She is happy to see them, they are glad all went well, Dr. Ong arrives, test results show the cancer did not spread, she is clear and probably no more radiation. Lots of rest, etc. After the doc is gone, Adrienne talks of being thankful they all were there for her, especially Kate, who was a rock, then remembers telling Kate something, learns it was only "tell him I love him". She wants to talk to them, Anne bursts in with a gift, is all babble as usual, but finally gets a clue that they want privacy, so waits outside. Lucas now wants just a minute with her, Justin & Sonny go out, he is a bit emotional as he tells Adrienne that he loves her, just wants her healthy & happy, understands why she chose Justin, after all their years together. She finally manages to get him to stop talking long enough to tell him that he is the one she chose......before the surgery, after, for all their lives. He is the one she wants. Lucas is astonished, kissing, happy talk, he goes out, tells Justin she wants to see him.

He is so happy, tells Anne how Adrienne chose him. Anne is taken aback, covers, is happy for him, but runs off with a lame excuse of forgetting a box of donuts.

Inside the room, Justin obviously thinks he is the chosen one, but Adrienne kindly explains she chose Lucas, that while she loves and appreciates their years together, the family they raised, that when it comes to the humdrum every day things, Justin gets easily bored, craves excitement. She loves him for those years, how he has stood by her, but Lucas is the one. Justin goes out, Sonny goes in, she is tired, he will just sit by the bed, she should rest. Out in the hall, Lucas tells Justin her was sure Adrienne chose Justin, that all he wanted was for her to be happy and healthy. Justin says yes, that is what is important, she be healthy & happy. Take good care of her. They shake hands, will remain friends.

In another room, Eli arrives with flowers for Gabi, they small talk, kibbitz, he asks about Deimos, she gets defensive, why is he questioning? For some reason, she won't say a word about what happened to her, doesn't explain, he finally tells of JJ getting the clue about Rigo, who they feel was hired by Deimos. She still clams up. He gets a call, ignores it, admits it is his mother.....and they talk of why he is ticked at his mom, Gabi mentions being abandoned by her dad when little, but he came back, and while it has been hard, she has moved on, he lives with them now. She feels he should at least find out the "why" his mother never told him who is real dad was. He has programmed his phone # into her phone, has asked for another date, she has said no, but in case she changes her mind, or wants to get in touch. He leaves, smiles when he sees her pick up her phone.

And over to the loft, where Tripp is practically having a meltdown to learn Steve killed his mother. Steve tries to explain about being undercover agent, her being involved in bad stuff, him being ordered to take her out. Tripp is angry, goes to leave, in comes Kayla & Joey. Kayla steps in to soften the news, tells him about Ava orchestrating the plane crash, kidnapping Hope, thinking she was Kayla, eventually kidnapping Kayla herself. She has said Ava was certifiably insane. Tripp listens, but nothing is sinking in, he says then both his parents were psychotic. Kayla & Joey both deny this, Steve is a good man. When Tripp asks HOW he killed Ava, Steve says only she was smothered. Tripp is really angry. Steve & Kayla want Tripp to come home with them, he refuses. Joey says he can stay there, tells his parents to give Tripp some space. Steve & Kayla leave. Tripp thanks Joey for letting him crash there, then is checking newspaper articles on a tablet, reading all about the things Ava did, says it seems Steve & Kayla were right on track. Joey says our dad is a good guy, don't be mad at him. Ava hated both parents. He goes for pillow & blankets, tells Tripp he can crash on the sofa, his roommates are o.k. with it (just where the heck are Claire & Theo???)

Steve & Kayla talk in the park, he is grateful she came when she did, softened the story. He figures Tripp may just disown him, not want anything to do with him, but that is not going to stop Steve from trying to be a good father to him. Both hope Joey doesn't slip up and tell. She tells Steve he really is a good man, kisses him, hugs.

Joey drops the pillow & blanket on the sofa, and goes to his room. Tripp checks something on the tablet, takes out his phone, dials a number which seems to be on the tablet. When the phone is answered, he says, "Hi, this is Tripp Dalton, and want to talk to you about Ava Vitali".
Thanks for the summary. I liked this episode. The Tripp stuff is full of intrigue, and the Adrienne storyline was just heartwarming. Although I do wish she and Justin had reunited, I'm glad Lucas "won" for once, and am warming up to this pairing.
Thanks for the writeup. Hope I get to watch tonight. I agree with Squirrel, something about Tripp makes me not trust him. But it will be interesting to see how this goes.

I have very mixed feelings about the Adrienne thing. I wanted her back with Justin but I did not want to see Lucas get hurt, so there was no good solution for me. I like both Adrienne and Lucas but they just don't seem real to me as a couple. Maybe I'll get used to it with time.
I have to say that I admire Lucas's maturity and restraint. I could easily have seen him leaving Adrienne's room with his arms in the air, doing victory laps around the lobby humming the theme to Rocky. LOL

While the scenes with Adrienne and her two suitors were nice enough I suppose I felt it to be kind of underwhelming. That's probably the fault of the sputtering nature of the story then anything else.

I'm not sure what to make of Tripp yet but as I said yesterday I like him and I'm definitely interested in his story. I'm actually pleasantly surprised because I honestly wasn't sure I would be.

Since nobody else has said it I will: Eli and Gabi sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage! LOL

Seriously, as much I liked their scenes, there was one element of them that I found troubling: Gabi's apparent refusal to cooperate with the investigation. Why? I've noticed they seem to have been bringing up the fact she's an ex-con with great frequency. I'm wondering if we're going to see her move towards the darker side? I mean she did rather brazenly stroll into the K-Mansion and crack the safe *which I did a kick out of, I admit* but I hope not. It could just be that want to cement her as a possible suspect should (heaven forbid!) something tragic befall Deimos. But they could do that and still have her cooperate. I don't get it and I don't like it.

With all that being said, I liked what I saw with her and Eli. I see some potential and I think it would be good for her to be in a relationship that doesn't come without any baggage. Well, that is is until Eli's Grandma Julie finds out anyway LOL.
Son finds out that dad once killed mom; son learns that dad has just lost in mom's new-husband sweepstakes; son continues to hate mom for not revealing that his real dad was a faithless rolling-stone. Only in Salem. The silver lining here is that it was a good day for the long-suffering Lucas. With a mother like Kate and ex-wives like Sami and Chloe, the poor guy deserved a break.
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Thanks, Poirot.

Maybe Anne can be with Justin.

I was sad when Justin kissed Adrienne goodbye.

So Tripp knows his mom was a bad woman causing the plane to crash,
kidnapping Kayla and killed with a pillow.

I laughed when Gabi told Eli things had to be done the 'Gabi way'.

Too bad Gabi didn't tell Mami to come back to Salem.
I hope you're right about Gabi's motivation about keeping quiet this Jason. If that is the case I can understand even I don't agree with it.

I just wouldn't want her to all of a sudden go full on Bonnie Parker (of Bonnie and Clyde) fame on us. LOL
I just wish Salem would produce some happy well-rounded children for a change. They are all sad, mean, conniving, nasty back stabbing snorts. But, as it has been said here many times, the writers are stuck on doom & gloom.

Too bad, as there are so many great actors on Days whose talents are being wasted. Kudos for them sticking in there. Here's hoping with staffing changes this and the black cloud will be a curse of the past.
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Sadly, I think Adrienne only chose Lucas so the writers could create a triangle that includes Anne.

I'll take it a step further and say quadrangle with Justin. I think Adrienne will eventually cheat with him.

Since all stories must be repeated, I think Eli will fall for Gabi but she'll realize she still wants JJ. Lani will want Eli. So there's your other quadrangle. I'm totally game for this if it takes Gabi out of Chad's orbit.

I agree that Tripp is up to something. I just don't know what.