Days of Our Lives - Wed. May 12, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Episode #, 11,333 Taped 3/16 Director – Albert Alarr

What is it about Wednesdays, that make the show seems to move more slowly. Oh, yeah, maybe cuz nothing much happens. Arianna & Brady are rolling around in bed, when her phone goes off, tis work, she has a fit, cuz it seems Nicole has checked out all the equipment, gone off on her own, it is going to make her look bad. Despite Brady’s protests, she jumps out of bed, gotta go to work, find Nicole, stop her.

Nicole meanwhile is calling Dr. Baker, telling him she is not gonna go to the cops about him, instead, she wants Arianna Hernandez to be his next victim. She orders him down to the piers. Baker is with Hope, who warns him against telling anyone who she is, and there is poor Dr. Baker, caught between a rock and a hard place. He plops on the sofa, muttering how he hates it here, just hates it here. He goes off to meet Nicole, Hope follows, stopping short when Baker meets up with Nicole. However, Ciara calls her mommy, upset cuz she woke up and mommy wasn’t there. Hope promises to come right home, and leaves.
Baker tries to tell Nicole his partner hates men, won’t attack a woman, Nicole figured that and has a better plan. She wants Arianna framed as the mugger, figures Arianna has a prison record, was an addict, knows lots of low lifes, should be a piece of cake. Baker wonders why Nicole is so hell bent on this, Nicole says Arianna has something she wants, Baker figures it’s a man, and wants no part of this if it is a DiMera. Nope, Nikki claims EJ was the biggest mistake of her life, and while she was so busy going after him, the best guy was right in front of her, but Arianna stole him while Nicole was in prison. LOL. She warns Baker he better come through, or he will be keeping company with Bubba in Cell Block C. He wonders how any charges against Arianna could be made to stick. Just leave that to me, replies Nicole.

Hope is with Ciara, apologizing for having to go to work, Ciara is thirsty, Hope goes for something for her to drink, giving her a book to read. (And we have no idea if this is nighttime Hope or daytime Hope at this point). Downstairs, Arianna is about to leave, Brady still trying to dissuade her, Hope comes up, gets into the conversation about dealing with Nicole, tho she apologizes for butting in. They talk of the muggings, Brady mentions getting “stamped”, doesn’t doubt Nicole is capable of conking a guy on the head, doubts it, but thinks this mugger is just getting started. Hope finally leaves with the glass of water for Ciara, Arianna has talked to work, decides she is not going in, will stay and let Nicole do whatever. She & Brady decide to resume, and bingo, back in bed, rolling around, only this time, Ari makes sure she shuts off her phone, so they will have no distractions. Upstairs, Hope gives Ciara the water, tells her she was talking with Ari & Brady….Ciara likes Brady…..Hope asks about some little boy in Ciara’s class, but learns he was mean to Ciara, and likes someone else now. Hope strokes her daughter’s face, makes a comment about that.

Melanie is packing up a few things to take to Maggie in the hospital, clearly very worried about her. She didn’t see this coming. She tells Philip how when she first moved here, she didn’t care about anyone but herself, felt she could trust no one. And now, she has a father, and a mother, and Maggie, and Philip. Hugs. Meanwhile, Daniel is still in the park with Carly, rambling on about his problems with Chloe, as Carly tries to be encouraging. He gets a call from Melanie, who wants him to check on Maggie, he leaves for the hospital, meeting up with Melanie there. Later they are talking, he thinks Maggie is doing well, she has sat with her til she fell asleep, they both sit and talk. Melanie mentions Philip telling her about the hysterical pregnancy, Daniel is surprised, Melanie can understand how the news of Daniel having a daughter coming at the same time was hard to take. Daniel would rather she not mention it to Chloe, Mel promises not to say anything to anyone.
Meanwhile, Vivian is doing her best to incite Chloe against Carly. Chloe hates Carly, but seems rather wary of Vivian, finally just leaving. Philip has gotten Chloe’s message about Daniel believing Chloe lying, goes to find her, and they do meet up. (Gosh Salem is sure a small town. LOL.) Chloe is wracked with guilt, tells Philip so, (and we have already seen he is, with another of his flashbacks to his romp with Chloe) and she feels that no matter what she thought Daniel & Carly did, what she did was horrible and she is going to tell Daniel. Philip tries to talk her out of that, telling her that it would be hurting the ones they love. For a few seconds she accuses him of only thinking of himself, then apologizes, knowing how he loves Melanie and doesn’t want to hurt her. Philip figures he has talked her out of it…..but after he leaves, she tells herself she has to go tell Daniel the truth.

Carly runs into Vivian, had just been thinking of her, begins talking of infections that won’t go away, quoting advice from a med professor, who said a good doctor always keeps watch, as those infections just lie, seemingly dormant, but growing and gathering strength, until …POW. And Carly is a good doctor, she is watching Vivian. She goes inside the Pub, Gus shows up, Vivian rambles about getting Chloe to do in Carly. Zzzzzzzz.

Philip shows up at the hospital to take Melanie home, they go off, hand in hand. Chloe arrives home, where Daniel is waiting, telling her they need to talk. She agrees, but wants to go first. Says she has something she has to tell him, that she has done a horrible, horrible thing.

I dont know if its just me, but I am so tired of those damn flashbacks of the phloe romp. come on writters we get it. philip feels guilty enough already. jay is an amazing actor so I'm pretty sure he can show facial expressions of guilt rather than showing those darn flashbacks all the time.

great writeup
Chloe - UGH! Go see Father Matt, go to confession, do your penance and be done with it. The need to confess to Daniel is just selfish - she wants to hurt him as much as she feels he has hurt her. Honestly, she was more mature (and SMARTER, too,) when she was in high school and was "Ghoul Girl!" I actually used to like the Daniel/Chloe pairing. The writers have gone out of their way to make sure I could not care less what happens to them.
Thanks for the write up.
Blah blah blah....Vivian I am so tired of her Carly vendetta!!!
Chloe is just totally irrational!! Tired of her too.

Slow show, but a great summary....Thanks Barb!
Ya know, as I was watching, I kept thinking, how the heck am I gonna make this sound remotely interesting.....LOL.....However, a couple bright spots...Love Dr. Baker whether interacting with fake Hope or Nicole.

Also, there are a few references thruout the show to Salem is Salem, what do you expect. Or Weird things happen in Salem. Or even Baker saying he hates being here, just hates it.

Also, I wonder if Hope will the morning.....her conversation with Brady & Arianna.
Thank you for the write up.

I think they are deliberately moving things slow because of the Alice stuff next is like they are not wanting too much action to happen because it would have to basically stall for the month of June...or maybe I am giving the show too much credit. Maybe it is just that dull.

For me the most interesting part is the Chloe/Daniel/Philip/Melanie stuff...I feel like it somewhat is being very forced. I always thought Chloe's reasons for cheating were weak, but her still blaming Carly and her guilt **** just makes it all harder to believer. I wish they had just stuck to a more realistic story about her infertility and her jealousy that Daniel now has a child.

As far as Philip....he is in a boat with a hole in it. I get the impulse to want to try to preserve what you hold dear, but that really never works. Truth always comes out. I can't see him being able to maintain a real relationship with Melanie while he has this secret...he keeps flashing back and being uncomfortable. She is going to notice at some point.

So my point is...can they hurry it up already?
Thanks for the write up!

I feel like we have seen this all before, Chloe blames Carly, Philip feels guilty, Vivian schemes, Hope acts crazy. That's pretty much the same thing that was going on last week, and the week before...
Thank you Barb for the day ahead. Chloe has turned from what I was beginning to warm up to-- to not! I am feeling sorry for Carly in all of this she did not cheat with Daniel and they have not ever gone in that area since they met up here. -just friends--
She has done nothing wrong in this situation ...
what ever happened to the shrink and those meeting for Chloe??
Poirot said:
poor Dr. Baker, caught between a rock and a hard place.

So true, Barb, and that rock and hard place are named Hope and Nicole. Baker's butt's in a bind again.

I wonder if Hope will mug the little boy who was mean to Ciara??? :rotfl:
Nicole had a million and one chances to be with Brady but she CHOSE EJ. He did not want her and still she chose him all the while using Brady. This is the stupidest storyline. I'm only hating Nicole more, and all for Arianna taking Nicole down!
Chloe - UGH! Go see Father Matt, go to confession, do your penance and be done with it.
I think ol' Father Matt is going give her a thump on the head with his rosery if she don't stop this rompin' around. Yah know he could probably make a sweet deal on a book about "true confessions of Salem"...I know I would buy it. :)
Barb, thank you for sitting through these shows and somehow making them interesting in your writings, even when they are not interesting to watch. I thought maybe it was just me. I have been bored with the show lately and I'm not easily bored!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Hmmm the way that Hope was talking with Ciara I am thinking she was the Nighttime Hope. Did not get to see the show today.
Thanks for the write up.
Blah blah blah....Vivian I am so tired of her Carly vendetta!!!
Chloe is just totally irrational!! Tired of her too.

Slow show, but a great summary....Thanks Barb!

I agree completely regarding Vivian. I am already weary of this character. . . and she is going to be on the show for a whole year? Sigh.
I think they are setting up Chloe big time. Everyone is talking about her, excusing her irrational behavior. Philip keeps telling her to calm down. I predict that there is going to be an attempt on Carly's life and Chloe is going to get blamed and no one will believe she didn't do it. Maybe she'll even get blamed for the muggings.

Hope's conversation with Ciara was very weird. Is Hope going to bop Ciara's little school chum who was mean to her? Then, Ciara said "I like Brady. He's Arianna's boyfriend" as if Ciara just met him. Brady is the one who lives in the same house and is related to Ciara. Arianna is just visiting. It just made no sense. Shouldn't Hope be concerned about impressionable Ciara seeing Arianna staying over in Brady's room?

Great summary, Barb. Thank you!
I predict that there is going to be an attempt on Carly's life...

Only an attempt??

As far as Ciara's being exposed to the comings and goings in Brady's bedroom, I guess they figure she already learned a lot by seeing Carly move into her mother's bedroom and make out with her dad via web cam.

This is my 7,000th post!!
