Days of Our Lives - Wed. May 19, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Episode #11,338 Taped 3/19 Director – Herb Stein

Yawwnnnnn, someone wake me up here. This is really May sweeps, right? So why does the show seem to be going in slow motion? Maybe it is just me. Philip is making dinner, surprising Melanie, who is in a reflective mood. She doesn’t think Chloe is right for her dad. They don’t seem to have the same open and honest relationship that “we have”, Chloe is sort of a tiny bit high maintenance, yada, yada, yada.
Over at Cheatin Heart Stephanie sits with her orange juice, as Nathan arrives, kisses her, orders a couple beers which she declines. She has given up drinking, using the excuse she was dehydrated earlier today and so is sticking to her O.J. They play pool, she beats him, Phil & Mel arrive, chatter back & forth. Philip goes to buy a round for them all, it is bandied about that Stephanie is sticking to her O.J. Melanie makes a couple private cracks to Stephanie about no alcohol cuz she is trying to keep Nathan by presenting him with a baby neither of them wants. Later, Melanie is outside, Nathan joins her, she is “thinking”, but tells him how she doesn’t think Chloe is right for her father. Something is off there. Obligatory flashback to Nathan overhearing Chloe telling someone that no one can find out they slept together. Inside to Philip & Stephanie, who thinks Philip is bothered by something, ignores his telling her it is nothing, and none of her business, and keeps insisting he tell her what is bothering him.

And now, let’s go over to Daniel’s apt. where he & Chloe have just returned from a session with the therapist, she doesn’t want to discuss a thing, he wants to know what he can do to fix things….nothing, nothing at all. Chloe does her best “poor me” again, without saying much, Daniel tries his best, Chloe just clams up… they sit on the sofa, cuddling. Soon, they are kissing and really getting into it. Off come the clothes, things are heating up…..nahhh, another obligatory flashback to Chloe shacking up with Philip, and in the present, Chloe calls a halt to the action. Just cannot do this. Daniel is taken aback, she tells him to just hold her….lays her head on his chest.but he pulls away. Nope, he won’t go this route.

Real exciting and intriguing so far, right? LOL. Let’s bop over to repeats of yesterday’s ending scenes….Arianna unable to sleep, muttering it is too hot in there, then starting to get up as she realizes she won’t sleep til she fixes things with Brady. Outside, Roman is leaving the Pub after locking up, and goes down for the count after Hope bops him on the head. She is busily getting her “empowerment” stamp going, while Baker, with latex gloves on, is trying to sneak the doctored flashlight somewhere. Hope asks why the gloves, Baker claims he wants Roman’s wallet, is just being careful. Inside the Pub, Arianna has come downstairs, as has Caroline, both having heard a noise. Nearby, Carly is leaving a message on the cell for Hope, seems a package arrived at the house for Ciara, Hope can pick it up, or Carly can drop it off. Baker, meanwhile, isn’t happy about all of this, only got $60, tells Hope she is on her own from now on. She tells him he is still in, any money, he gets to keep it all. They hear someone, take off.
Carly has arrived, finds Roman, calls 911. Caroline & Arianna rush out. And of course, during all of this, Nicole has been to see Brady, planting the seeds of doubt about Arianna, , seeming upset, hanging up on her, then not answering her phone, blah, blah. Brady is taking off to see Arianna, Nicole feigns a pain in her knee, old prison injury, crooks her arm thru his, is going along. So…Roman has quite a crowd, what with EMTs, police, even Abe arriving on the scene. Roman is taken to the hospital, everyone goes along, an officer finds the flashlight.

Over at the hospital, Nicole continues her gardening, (those seeds of doubt about Arianna), getting into an argument with her, Brady breaking it up. Carly has told Caroline Roman’s injuries are not serious, she goes to call Sami, Carrie & Erik, returns, is told Roman will be fine, she goes in, Roman wakes up. He urges Caroline to go home and rest, she finally leaves, telling him she loves him. Abe is talking to Roman, telling him how this time the mugger got sloppy, left evidence behind. Nicole is hanging around, asking questions, but no one will talk to a reporter. LOL. Abe comes out to talk to Brady & Arianna, Nicole eavesdrops, as Abe has the envelope with lab reports. Brady asks if the fingerprints have been identified…Abe replies, yes, they belong to Arianna Hernandez. Cue Arianna to look completely puzzled as Nicole smirks behind her back.

Carly has brought Caroline back to the Pub, and as Caroline makes herself some tea, Carly talks of how happy she & Bo are, and that Hope talked to her, is no longer angry at her. Caroline bluntly tells her… you think she is no longer blaming you, that she is not angry at you. That means that she is angry at Bo, blames him, HE is the evil one!

Hope enters the darkened Kmansion, goes over to the decanters, pours herself a drink (water???), as she looks in her purse at the wallet. Now she is upstairs in her bedroom, takes out the box from under the bed, opens it. She takes Roman’s wallet out of her purse, picks up another wallet from inside the box, holds it, puts it back, and before setting Roman’s in it, says something about being so close now, so close to her ultimate target.

Your not kidding Barb. This is a bit slow for May Sweeps!! Wow!
I wish Nicole wasnt being so underhanded in trying to get Brady. Makes me mad. She needs to go about things honestly for once. Heck Arrianna can ruin her & Bradys relationship on her own. :)

Hope is just freaky!! Not sure where this is all going.

Thanks for the summary!
I'm sorry, but are the writters serious? Is this really suppose to be may sweeps. I'm almost embarrased to watch this ****.

great writeup
So Hope's goal is to have the best billfold collection in Salem...??????
UT OH...!!! Looks like Caroline isn't happy with Hope, thinking she's blaming it all on Bo....well, Caroline, Bo is the one that unzipped, repeatedly.....those Horton's sure are susceptible to pills, first Nick and now Hope....maybe they can share a cell when Hope gets caught...oh wait, Bo will come to the rescue and save Hope, or maybe Bo will fall for the seedier Hope, reminds him of Carly and all.....

Not quite sure I get Daniel pulling away from Chloe.....I guess he wants his sex when he wants his sex, have to wait and see that one.....not that I approve of Chloe's having sex with Philip, but I still think she needs to tell Danny Boy to stuff it.....

Thanks for the write up, as always, job well done....!!
What's with Caroline and Carly hangin' out together?! I'm sorry but I do not like where any of this is going. Days is ruining Days.
I skimmed it and felt no real need to read any of it... thanks for the write up. A person won't need sleeping med, watch this eppy it will be better than Nytol or Unisom. Thanks for the write up though.
Couldn't Caroline point out that both she and Ariana came out of the pub together and found Roman? So, how could she have done it if she wasn't outside? Let's hope Caroline can remember this. I really don't like Nicole setting this up like this. If she can't get Brady in a decent, honest way, I hope he sees through her before it's too late. Maybe when he finds out she is setting up Ariana, he'll totally be done with Nicole. Then that would be her payback. But of course, knowing Days, they'll drag it out till November (like the baby switch and kidnapping).
garcar ~ we don't know the time lapse between when Roman was hit and when Caroline and Arianna met up inside the pub. Arianna could have just come inside after mugging Roman.
Everything needs to come to a head already. I feel like I am stuck in a vortex. The same suck everyday.

But was Philip actually touching a pot and working the stove? That might almost be worth a look see.

Thanks you as always for all you do.
Exactly! Arianna was already in the Pub when Caroline came easily could have just come inside.
Caroline called Sami, Carrie and Eric about Roman being attacked? What about Cassie and Rex, his other two children? Guess the writers have erased them from history!
Caroline called Sami, Carrie and Eric about Roman being attacked? What about Cassie and Rex, his other two children? Guess the writers have erased them from history!

They should erase that from history, it was so dumb, 2 people landing in a space pod, come on.
Thanks for the writeup. I can't help but wonder if the writers didn't put a whole lot of effort into May sweeps because they wanted to make sure they did a good job with writing for Alice's memorial in June. Maybe once that is over we will see some movement with these storylines going into July.
Thanks for the recap Barb...why is Caroline all buddy buddy with her son's mistress when just a few months ago she was barating Bo for even being with Carly?? Barb how was that scene with Caroline and Carly? Did Caroline seem happy that her son is with Carly and completely ignoring his daughter?

I can't help but wonder if the writers didn't put a whole lot of effort into May sweeps because they wanted to make sure they did a good job with writing for Alice's memorial in June.

I was thinking/hoping the same thing. If, as Barb said in another thread, the scripts are written six months out, then edited and reworked, there may have been a lot of stuff taken out/watered down in order to not have a lot of other stuff going on during Alice's memorial. If a slow May sweeps means a good memorial for Francis Reid (Alice) in June, then I'm okay with a slow May sweeps.

Thanks for the write up Barb. Sounds like parts of the show were quite good, even if most of it was boring.
Thanks for the summary Poirot. You have confirmed my suspicions. The episodes you find boring are the ones I find interesting. Philip is in an episode for the first time in a week and that's enough to get and hold my attention. To me, it sounds wonderful. Can't wait to watch him cook! Looking forward to seeing Caroline and Dr. Baker too. And I'm with Jade. No Sami. No EJ. Yay.