Days of Our Lives - Wed. May 26, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Epsidoe #11,343 Taped 3/26/10 Director – Albert Alarr

Lots of different, but interesting (and some fun) conversations today, as the show starts with repeats of the ending scenes from yesterday, everyone getting text messages from Henderson about Victor. Philip is unable to get anyone to answer the phone at the Kmansion, so leaves to go there. Bo is arguing with Carly about his life, I guess. She thinks she should leave, Bo protests, saying something about killing Vivian himself, if that is what it would take. Carly protests he would not kill anyone, she leaves. Bo gets the text about Victor, calls someone to pick up Ciara from her skating lesson so he can tend to his Victor emergency, then calls Carly asking her to come. She has already seen Daniel run off for the same reason after she was confronting Chloe, and is on her way.
Anyway, Brady, Daniel, Philip & Bo all show up at the Kmansion, unable to find anyone inside. Then, the women begin appearing, Melanie & Maggie, Carly, Chloe, even Nicole. And in comes Vivian, happy to see everyone, not really answering their questions about what is going on. And surprise….in walks Victor, wanting to know what is with all the racket, then asking what the heck they are all doing there. Philip tells him they all got a text from Henderson, Victor protests that Henderson can’t text, is just learning how to use a push button phone. Viv confesses, it was her, she used Henderson’s phone to contact them all, as………..she & Victor are getting married today. Vic nearly has an apoplectic fit, fixes himself a drink, tells them all to go home, they should have anything to do with this debacle. LOLOL. He leaves the room.

Over at DiMansion, Kate is going over some papers, sits down upon a squeaky toy, which aggravates her. Sami comes in, looking for her cell phone. Kate complains about the clutter Sami leaves around, hinting she should pick up after her children much better, Sami gives it right back, that she doesn’t want to be there, that EJ has hired a contractor and when her mother’s townhouse is done, she is moving out with her children. They go back & forth, each throwing a few barbs at the other, Sami mentioning brownies and poisons, Kate rubbing it in about Will wanting to leave Sami, how she goes through men, even needing a paternity test to determine who fathered her children, how Will wanted to move in with them, loves it there with them. Sami points out the lack of supervision they give, yada, yada, more of the same. Kate gets a text, says oh, no, Sami worries it was about Lucas or Allie, she hasn’t heard from them, it is why she is trying to find her phone. (Gee Sami, use the land line to call your phone, when it rings……VOILA!) Kate notes it is not about Lucas or Allie, says it is nothing, as Sami finally finds her phone, finds a message from her gramma, and has an “oh, no” of her own.

Later, Sami is at the hospital with Caroline, hearing about her father, who is having another MRI just to be on safe side, asking if he is yelling and wanting to go home. Yep, and that relieves Sami, he is gonna be o.k. Sami admits to her gramma she wishes she had never moved into the DiMera house, that she should not have let Will leave to go there, that all he wanted was for her to have EJ stop staying there, and she should have made EJ go. Caroline agrees, telling Sami she should have kicked him out on his keester. Sami talks of only wanting to try and connect with Will again, Stefano wanted the family all under one roof, Sami WAS making progress with Will, then he got the D in advanced algebra, she went ballistic on him. Wise Caroline tells her that you love your children, and always make sure they love themselves, so when they are tempted to follow the wrong path, that little voice is inside them, telling them you love them, and to love themselves, too. Sami claims she wants to leave the house, but can’t, Caroline tells her to more or less, stay focused on Will. Sami figures she cannot tell Will what to do, reminding Caroline how that did not work on her when she was that age. Caroline decides she is going to do her part, she will say a novena….that something will happen to bring Stefano down in a week……well, maybe 2 weeks. LOL

Over at the Pub, a casually dressed Stefano is reading the paper as Will comes in, surprised to see him there. Oh, Stefano just wanted to talk to Will, knew he “hangs” there with his friends after school, wanted to talk to him away from the house. (and away from Sami & EJ, of course, lol). He is sorry he could not fix his algebra grades, Will says it’s o.k…….his mom would’ve had a fit if he had. Will is a bit ticked as he talks of his mom already having 3 kids, then gets pregnant again, has to go into witness protection, her children farmed out to relatives, not knowing what is going to happen with their lives. And then she meets up with Rafe, a stand-up guy, and everything was going so good, gut she screwed that up, too. Here comes Chad, joining them, getting introduced to Stefano, who asks if he is in Will’s class. Nope, he’s a senior, Will mentions Chad perhaps going to Wake Forest. Stefano congratulates him, shaking his hand, only to have Madeline come in, telling him to take his hands off her son. Everyone is a bit taken aback, Madeline is obviously furious. Chad gets a text about cap and gown fittings, leaves, Will goes with him. Madeline is warning Stefano, who points out he had just been introduced & that Chad will be leaving for Wake Forest at summer’s end. Madeline tells him no, Chad wants to stay in Salem at Salem U, and to make sure he stays away from Chad and all her family. She still has the tape, and will use it if she has to.

Back at KMansion, Chloe is convincing Daniel that since he is not on call, they can go home, have a bottle of wine, and “talk”. Hmmm, sounds good to Daniel, better than staying there. Outside the front door, Nicole talks with Brady, who knows darn well Nicole only came cuz she thought perhaps she’d be dancing on Victor’s grave. Kate has arrived, gets filled in by Philip & Melanie as to the non-emergency, and Vivian’s supposed surprise wedding. Vivian is playing the hurt party to the hilt, but no one feels one ounce of sympathy.
And upstairs, Maggie has come into the room where Victor is morosely sipping his drink. She is holding a white veil, asking if Vivian is really the “veil type”. She wonders what Vivian has on Victor, as he obviously is entering into this reluctantly. They kibbitz back and forth a bit, with her telling him more or less, that life is short, one never knows what is in store, that he should enjoy his life, and the money he has made. She gets a great idea, telling Victor to go down the back stairs, she will go downstairs and say he was summoned by the U.N. to go to Greece, and work on the Greek economy. LOL. He smiles at that…she tells him she is offering him a ride. He tells her he thinks perhaps that ride might be really something.

Downstairs, the various “guests” are taking their leave, when Bo halts them all, telling them to come back, there is something they don’t know.

Something they dont know?? What?? Where is that line going?

This episode sounds pretty funny!!
Thanks for the write up!
:)Thanks Barb~ sounds like a fun time at the K mansion this afternoon! Viv's up to her old tricks again huh... I love Maggie and Vic's lines-wish he would take her up on the "trip" that would be a ride!! Cannot wait to see them ..:)
oh I cant wait for the victor/maggie scenes. they are just magic together.
I think the Victor/Maggie scenes sound fabulous too, and I love the reference to current events. If only Victor could save the Greek economy, it would benefit us all.

Sounds like a fun episode, and we haven't had a lot of lighthearted fun in ages. Thanks a million, Poirot!
Thanks for the summary Poirot! Now this sounds like an episode worth watching. :D

From the debacle with Vic/ Viv all the way to a casually dressed Stefano hanging out with the teens at the Brady pub. :) I think I will love all of this.

This Madeline needs to :chill:. She is as good as Chloe at discretion. :rolleyes:
It's a miracle! I not only want to watch an episode of Days again, I even want to watch it knowing Sami and Melanie are in it! That, like, NEVER happens. But this one actually sounds entertaining.

I'm actually kind of interested in the Will/Stefano stuff. However, if the goods Madeleine has on Stefano and/or Kate turns out to be nothing more than Chad being a DiMera, as we've all speculated forever (not a spoiler) . . . yawn.

Thanks for the writeup!
Thanks for the writeup, Poirot...........We can all only hope that Caroline's novena bears fruit! Isn't odd she said a week or two.......
Things are looking up!.................JT:cool:
Hmmm, what is Bo going to tell them....???? Any ideas...???

Sounds like a fun episode....can't wait for several of the conversations....thanks for the preview Poirot....!!!
It's a miracle! I not only want to watch an episode of Days again, I even want to watch it knowing Sami and Melanie are in it! That, like, NEVER happens. But this one actually sounds entertaining.

I don't understand why many posters on this forum only watch certain episodes, for example, "I won't watch it when _______ is in it." I read Barb's writeups every day AND I watch the episode. Is there something wrong with me?

By the way, I hate Nicole; I don't hate Carly; I like Melanie; I like Rafe; . . . .; I think Sami is an idiot. But I still watch to see what they do.

Oh, well, to each his own.
Nah nothing wrong with you, I dont' select which episodes to watch by who's in them either cbutton....and the only thing I will fast forward through is Sami having physical relations with EJ......other than that, I'm good to go.....
Sounds good! All my favorites in one place. I am very much Team Kiriakis. I personally like angst better than the comedy/light but Vivian is so over the top she is always fun.

I do actually only watch the show when certain characters are on. I am only interested in the Kiriakis storylines. Since they divided the canvas into two camps - Dimera and Kiriakis - it sort of forces you to watch the entire storyline of the family. So for me to fully understand the story of my favorites (Philip, Melanie) I have to watch (Victor, Vivian, Carly, Bo, Chloe, Daniel, Stephanie, Nathan, Hope & Justin) and then there is overlaps with Brady, Ari and Nicole and Kate. The show was quite smart doing that, because it makes me watch almost daily.

Thank you so much for the precap.
Is there something wrong with me?

No. But by the same token, there's nothing wrong with me, either. You have asked me about this issue before and I have explained to you before that I feel no moral or legal obligation to continue watching a show that does not entertain me. When it does entertain me, I will watch it. I keep up with Barb's writeups in the event that things change to the point where I feel like I will be interested again. If another few months go by and I'm still not interested, then I will give the show up again like I've done in the past.

I have in the past been able to watch through many storylines and characters that I disliked. However, right now, I find all the stories terrible and the characters I dislike are on the front burner.
KL, they lost his SORAS button years ago. There was a q&a in Soap Opera Digest asking when some of the characters were born. Will was born in 1995, before both EJ and Philip.

As to that fast forward/no watch discussion, I will never stop watching. I am too heavily invested. But I will gladly skip over any scenes or characters I don't like (like Sami and her flavor of the month). Been doing it for years and I don't feel like I've missed anything worthwhile yet. Plus, I have Barb's summaries to refer to if I ever need any blanks filled in.
kpatch, Philip was born in 1995 too, on February 21st. (Pulled that from both Dutin's Days Page and Wikipedia.) He should be a year younger than my oldest daughter. Will was born November 16, 1995, after Philip. Someone got their information wrong for the q&a. EJ wasn't born until 1997 though, on February 21st.
Thanks for the preview, Barb. Sounds like a good show. I'm glad to be looking forward to a show. I don't skip shows but lately they haven't held my attention very well.
okay, just a few rants...

Why is Stephao allowed at the Brady pub after all the grief he has caused that family?


Although he has caused this grief "saying a Novena for someone's death/bad will" is hardly Christian Like!!!!

But then again, you get get married in their church in one week with a divorce and all!!