Days of Our Lives Wed., May 29, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

John & Marlena sit trying to figure out how they might help Will. They pull some favors/strings & are able to download the security footage from outside Seth Burns office, maybe can find out all who entered and left Seth's office. They study the laptop, footage, and amazingly, there is Eve! John leaves to go talk to her.

Ben is going over some things for Stefan when Ciara comes in with a bunch of craft items. She is going to try and repair one of Maggie's figurines, since Claire broke it. Over at the loft, Tripp is barely speaking to Claire, who is apologizing once again, offering to help JJ & Haley in any way, even with money should they need it. Tripp picks up a sock, smells something odd, Claire confesses she spilled nail polish remover on his clothes, tis why she laundered them, too embarrassed to tell him before. At same time Ben is smelling this familiar odor, seems Ciara used too much glue on the figurine, and is using nail polish remover to fix it.

Ben begins talking to Ciara about how he kidded Claire about maybe setting Tripp's clothes on fire, she had that lighter, said she threw it away when he asked about it later. What is Claire set that cabin on fire. Ciara protests, no way, etc. Ben reminds her how Claire was so resentful of Tripp's interest in her, how she got Ben to help her break them up, etc. Ciara still denies and defends, finally loading all the stuff back in the paper back, telling Ben she is going to give the figurine to Claire.

Jack kisses his wife, sees the Ben file, asks what is up. He realizes she intends to frame Ben for the fire, she goes on about him killing 3 women, should be in jail. She says he got off, convincing the cops he was insane, but she wants him where he belongs. This is not setting well with Jack, she admits Ben did not start the fire, she knows who did, but won't tell him. She needs this, her daughter is dead. Jack was taken aback about framing Ben, wants no secrets between them, they are a team. He finally agrees, but reminds her they need to find Haley.

In the park, Rory is on the phone with JJ, got the fake passports, will be bringing them over to the cabin. As he leaves the park, Eli spots him, gives him a hard time about looking thru his backpack, finds some pot, takes him to the P.D. Rory is mum, plays dumb, wants to know what the big deal is. He insists on talking to his lawyer, Eli leaves the room, Rory calls JJ, tells what happened, he ditched the passports, tells him where, behind some tree. Jennifer has come in, talks Eli into letting her talk to Rory for a few minutes. Rory not happy to see her, she knows he doesn't like her, but they both care about JJ, who is in a lot of trouble,she has to find him.

Jack sees Eli, asks about finding Haley. Eli is rather abrupt with him, despite Jack being mayor, is an ongoing investigation, they are working on it.

JJ has rummaged around in the storage shed, found some small trunk of stuff supposedly used as disguises by family members in the past. They have some fun trying things on, pretending they are Dylan & Lily (no idea who that is, but am sure most viewers will!) JJ gets the call from Rory, so calls Tripp, who takes the call out in the hall, away from Claire, and goes to find the passports. Claire was going to eavesdrop, but gets a call herself from Eve, who promises to get that fire she started blamed on someone else.

Ben calls Marlena, sorry it is after hours. She says she told him to call her any time. He says he needs her help.

John comes in to Eve's office, she claims she is so busy, lots of cases to check out, crimes to solve, stack of file folders. John is smiling, very pleasant, asks her if she perhaps should start with herself.

Tripp gets to the park, looks around, finds the envelope in a planter, but it is empty. Where are those passports? Did they fall out? He looks around on ,......and a voice says...”Are you looking for these, as a smiling Jack holds out said passports. !!
Thank you, Poirot.

Lordy, does Eve have to be front and center, AGAIN! Too many other characters are used to prop up her lame story line. I'm so sick of her mantra to "get Ben".

Good to see that Rory is actually seen, and not just mentioned in a one sided phone call. It would be nice to have "T" (Tad) on the show sometime, too.

Looks like Ben, Tripp, and John are sharing a portion of the Salem brain today.
Rory had his hair cut, looks so different, but good looking, still. A shame after all these years, he still is using pot. (he tells Eli he had not seen JJ in years, ever since he became a cop. LOL)
Joining the chorus. I'm sick of Eve too. I guess she is the new Daniel Jonas, who was the main character for such a long time. It's been disgusting to watch Jack follow her around like a lost puppy all these months. So now he is going to start right out on his new position by helping her frame someone? Does losing one's memory also mean losing all sense of morality?
No good deed goes unpunished: Rory got a haircut and bought some new clothes, but he still fell victim to a thoroughly bogus stop by Eli, who claimed to smell pot. Really? Everyone knows that members of the Salem P.D. have no sense of smell. For example, recall the time one of its "forensic experts" didn't smell a thing when he entered a sorority house basement minutes after Max had exhumed the week's-old body of Ford Decker and then stuffed it in a water heater shell.

Prayers answered?: Eve says that "people are waiting for her to fail." More likely, they're praying for it. And their prayers might just be answered thanks to John Black and maybe even Ben.

Dumb question: Clueless Jack actually asked lowlife Eve to tell him the truth? Good luck with that -- Eve couldn't tell the truth if her life depended on it.

Desperate situations call for desperate measures: So snoopy Jack has found the fake passports for JJ and Haley. Trippy ought to throw caution to the winds, give Jack the thrashing that he so richly deserves, and then dump him upside down in a trash basket.
I wish I knew why it seems so odd to me that Jack found the spot where Rory & JJ used to hang out as teens. Could he have had a glimmer of a memory, just calling it a hunch?
Don't hold out much hope, but want John, so badly, to have Eve spill the truth about where that diary is.
I did like that Jack called Eve on framing Ben, and seemingly forgetting all about finding Haley. However, once again, she pulled the strings, getting him to agree. Yuk.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jack listened to Rory's phone call on an extension
phone and that's how Jack got there before Tripp.

It was funny when Tripp and Ben started smelling their clothing to figure
out what the smell was. Then I wondered if Xander's body spray might
smell like nail polish remover since others have commented about it.

Why oh why didn't someone look at the hospital footage to see Eve steal
the diary before the election?

Poor Ben, he found Eve is the police commissioner and she hates him more
than Hope did.

Nice to see Rory, but he looked different without his long hair.