Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 30, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Replay of Gabi waking up, seeing dead Diane with hypo in neck, becoming frightened. She is still on floor when Rafe & warden come in, rushing over. No pulse for Diane, warden blames Gabi, She has told Rafe, he tells her not to say another word without lawyer present. She is scared, warden seems determined to blame her. He leaves, Gabi babbles to her brother now about this cannot be happening to her again, she did not do anything, repeats events of Diane coming in, telling her she is not getting out alive, choking her, and Gabi passing out. Warden returns, unable to find witnesses among all Diane's many friends, Gabi wonders how Diane got in, guard not on duty, warden's fault. Rafe has mentioned the security footage, it will show what happened, warden leaves to go see it, Rafe comforts Gabi.

Hope sits with Marlena, chatting about John & Marlena's upcoming wedding, how happy and excited they are. Reminded her of how she & Rafe were, then talks of how she has a hard time trying to forget what happened between Rafe & Sami, admits it was just that it was Sami, she can forgive, but not forget. She finally makes herself stop, still loves Rafe, he loves her, the annulment papers are off the table for now. Marlena glad to hear it, hopes they will have things worked out by the wedding. Phone for Hope, news that Ben is being released, supposedly o.k. to be released as to mental condition by some psychiatrist. Hope is having a fit, serial killer, etc. etc. She thinks Ben is pulling scam, maybe Clyde helped, did something. Marlena assures her that mental condition can be alleviated, pointing out Abigail is perfect example. Hope gets Marlena to agree to evaluate Ben herself. If she thinks he is faking, she can recommend a stop to the court.

At the club, Chad & Abby talk over events, Gabi being freed now. Abby wants to do something for her, Chad says just give her space to be with her daughter, family, etc. They talk of Gabi herself getting treatment, etc. and in comes Jennifer with her mother, Laura. Abby happy to see her, hugs. The women sit and talk, Chad has gone to the square to give them time together. Abby is blaming herself again, Jennifer telling her that was not her. Gramma Laura wants Abby to go with her to Boston, for 2-3 wks. Intensive therapy, immerse herself in it with no distractions. Abby had been hesitant, Chad, too, though both agreed finally. Now they talk of this, of the alter Laura, the gatekeeper, who wanted to protect Abby, but hid what did to Andre, and then Gabby, who slept with Stefan. Abby notes how much she hates Stefan, loves her husband, Jen & Laura remind her that was not her. Later, Chad returns, Jen & Laura have gone to see JJ, Abby reports that Gramma Laura thinks they should leave tonight. Chad not happy, but sooner she leaves, sooner she is back. Abby wants to go home now, say goodbye to Thomas. They kiss, hug, tell each other they love each other.

When Chad was at the square, met up with Kate, who made a few digs at Abby about sleeping with the brother Chad hates. Chad is visibly upset a bit, but manages to keep his cool. They talk about Kate no longer at DiMera, Chad either.

Kate had met up with Steve, who wanted to volunteer to be human guinea pig for bionic eye. Kate lets him know she was fired, Chad quit, so neither can help, no longer any in with anyone.

Meanwhile, Kayla has gone to see Stefan, needing a favor. Stefan reminds her of all the names she called him when last they saw each other in the hospital. Kayla explains about Visionary Optics, what she read about bionic eye, and wanting it for her husband. Stefan is going to sell to government, make a bundle. She knows that will take years, with experiments, o.k.'s, etc. Hospital recently got a generous grant, could make it worth his while now. Stefan sneers, he is talking about making figures with 8 zeroes. Hospital cannot afford that. Kayla is defeated, but Stefan will offer his own deal. He will let Steve have the eye, if Kayla helps him take down Kate. Kayla would not do that. Too bad then, thought you would do anything for the man you love. She gets a phone call from Steve, who tells her of meeting with Kate, no dice there. She will meet him at the Pub. She is going to leave, Stefan smirks, gives her his business card in case she changes her him.

Kayla meets up with Steve, he would never ask Stefan for help, after what he did to Abigail. No way. Kayla fingers the business card.

Kate is sitting alone, her phone rings. Tis Stefan, who says that maybe everyone else believes her story about Vivian, but he doesn't. Kate says your mother died because she came at me with a gun. Stefan doesn't think so. Says he is coming after her, her time is up.
I had the same thought, JS. Stefan is still despicable, mind you. But better him wanting to take Kate down (and I for one would actually be glad if he did, as I'm sooooo tired of Kate) than to have another go at Abby's body, for a second rape. :sick::angry:I do expect troubles between Kayla and Steve in the future, though, when Steve finds out Kayla went to Stefan behind his back. And if that happens, I will not be a happy camper.

Now, back to the prison infirmary. How ridiculous, once again, is this? What kind of warden is this dude? And you want to bet the darn cameras were not functioning properly when the attack happened? Really, the "writers" are still doing a great job when it comes to depicting life in prison, or just plain life, aren't they? :sarcasm:

Hope : Once again, YOU broke off the engagement. Rade DID NOT. :angry: And was I the only one thinking it was weird for Hope to be telling Marlena all that, when Marlena is Sami's mother? Then again, after all the crap Sami pulled over the years, her sleeping with Rafe must have been a welcome change for poor Marlena. At least this time, Sami wasn't in her face for her table romp with John and him ruining her life. :rolleyes:

And Abigail seems to be heading out of town for a while. Again, I certainly do not approve of what Stefan did, but I will welcome and Abby break. The show had really become "The Chad and Abigail Show". Too much is just, well, too much.
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Just a random observation. I think it's funny that the injuries to Stefan's face have lasted much longer than Jennifer or Brady's open-heart surgery scars. You know Steve will eventually get his bionic eye and Stefan will still have a bruised face. :rotfl:
Just a random observation. I think it's funny that the injuries to Stefan's face have lasted much longer than Jennifer or Brady's open-heart surgery scars. You know Steve will eventually get his bionic eye and Stefan will still have a bruised face. :rotfl:
Could it be that the magical properties of Salem water don't work as well on the sleaziest DiMeras? Recall that when Andre's face was injured, it took a long time for the mark to disappear.

On other subjects:

Marlena: How long will she have to endure the prattle of amateur psychiatrists? First, it was Dr. Laura the alter, and now it's high-and-mighty Hope the all-around expert on policing, relationships, and diseases of the human mind.

Slimy McSleaze: He continues to hit new depths by putting conditions on helping poor Steve. And what makes this idiot think that Kayla is the go-to person to get dirt on Kate? If he'd do his research, he'd learn that a call to Sami would produce more unflattering information on Ms. Blue Chunk than Ewe Search ever could.

The Warden: Vivian's repulsive son might be the bottom of the Salem barrel, but that warden is a close second. Not only is he totally unapologetic about the appalling lack of security in is own private Alcatraz, but he also:
  • without any evidence accused Gabi of killing Raines's old crime moll;
  • is taking his sweet time to look at surveillance tape;
  • has proclaimed that Gabi can't leave prison. (Only the courts decide whether she leaves.)
Rafe should turn the tables on this moron, get a good lawyer (not Justin), and file a major lawsuit against the warden and the prison system for the grossly negligent failure to protect Gabi.
I thought Abigail was supposed to be sent to a residential treatment center. Which would have been something, but apparently that's not the case. So while Gabi remains incarcerated for crimes she did not commit, it looks like Abigail is essentially going to be sentenced to a couple of weeks in Boston with Grandma. I can't deal with this, I'm sorry, I just can't. :angry::angry::angry:

I have to ask, is the warden of Statesville corrupt or just an incompetent idiot? I mean, he runs a prison where the guards don't do their jobs, prisoners like Diane clearly have free reign over the place, to the point where they can even come and go as they please, like Hattie. We shan't mention the Adrienne/Bonnie mess.

His refusal to even consider Gabi is telling the truth flies in the face of logic. I mean she has just had her murder conviction overturned and is hours away from being released, and she's going to turn around and murder another inmate? Hello?

He even mentioned the fact that Diane beat up Gabi, so he didn't find the fact that she should not have been in the infirmary where Gabi was supposed to be kept safe, telling?

He actually seemed to be personally upset that Diane had so suddenly departed from this mortal coil. It made wonder if he could be one of her "many friends."

Now that I've considered it a bit more, I'm leaning towards his possibly being corrupt and/or incompetent, which are not mutually exclusive concepts. Maybe he's just a corrupt incompetent idiot.
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It WAS explained when Laura first arrived, that she had talked to the judge, telling of previously and successfully having treated Abby, so thus received permission to take her this time as well.

First of all, it seems ridiculously inappropriate and probably unethical for Abby to go into therapy WITH HER GRANDMOTHER!!!

Second, if Laura had treated Abby so successfully before, why did Abby develop DID??? Wasn't Laura the one who kept Abby hidden, gave her psychiatric drugs, and helped her hide from her family when she bonded with Andre??

This all seems totally, utterly, absurdly wrong. "Let's talk about your dysfunctional family," says Abby's previously catatonic grandmama.
Just a random observation. I think it's funny that the injuries to Stefan's face have lasted much longer than Jennifer or Brady's open-heart surgery scars. You know Steve will eventually get his bionic eye and Stefan will still have a bruised face. :rotfl:
I think we're supposed to feel bad for him.

I don't. I refuse to watch rapist-centric episodes. Thanks for the summary!
Thanks, Poirot.

I don't feel bad for Stefan. Right now, he looks like something the cat dragged in.

Nice to see Laura, but I'm with Kate. I'm really not sure if Grandma Laura
is the right person to help Abby. She kept Abby away from her family when
they thought she was dead.

I'm surprised Abby hasn't figured out that maybe there was something in the
back of her mind that she wanted to sleep with Stefan. She slept with EJ, who
was also Chad's brother.

Poor Gabi, she's stuck in prison and probably won't get to be with Ari when she
wakes up. Where's my tissue?

I loved Kayla's outfit today.