Days of Our Lives - Wed. Nov 11, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Episode #11,196 Taped 10/1 Director – Albert Alarr

Rafe sits on the pier, opens the envelope Tim gave him, and says, “my God, I was right, Sami is Sydney’s mother. And now the hard part, telling Sami”. Behind him, Matteo has crept up, called Stefano to say he has tracked the problem. Stefano tells him to then “rid me of it”. Matteo takes out his gun, equipped with a silencer, takes aim. The camera focuses on Rafe, who has stood up, hears a shot and goes down. And we see EJ coming at Matteo, knocking him down, and out, rushing over to Rafe, turning him over, calling his name, then checking for a pulse. He sees the paper in Rafe’s hand, takes it, and starts to open it, when Rafe comes to, jumps up, with EJ telling him to calm down, it wasn’t him, to look over there, just look. Rafe glances over to see Matteo out cold, EJ asks about the paper, but Rafe puts it away, saying it is none of his business. Later, Roman and another cop are there, Matteo is in cuffs, Rafe says he was meeting a buddy of his, minding his own business. EJ claims to have just been passing by, saw this guy taking aim at Rafe, and knocked the gun out of his hand. Matteo is not taking the fall for this, tells Roman he was hired by Stefano DiMera. EJ gives him a “look”. While everyone is talking together, EJ takes the opportunity to call his father, warn him to get outta Dodge. EJ angrily reminds his father that he (EJ) is the head of the family, and was not informed as to what was going down. Stefano is furious that EJ apparently betrayed him, and tells him that when it all comes out, he will understand why he (Stefano) did what he did.
Next, Kate walks in on Stefano who is furiously packing things into a duffle bag, tells her he has to leave for a while, will call her. And in his absence, she is in charge of the house. She is surprised that it is not EJ, but he says she could perhaps consult with EJ on small things. LOL He leaves.
Down at the station, Matteo is booked, a room is ready for EJ to make a statement. He reminds Roman he is a lawyer, is his own counselor, and goes off with the cop. Roman wants Rafe to make a statement, but he wants to leave. Roman protests, Rafe tells him that with EJ he knows he will not even have a case against Matteo, and that he will give his statement tomorrow, but right now, what he has to do concerns Roman’s daughter. Roman caves, agrees, tells him to be back tomorrow. EJ comes out, having made his statement, Roman has learned Stefano left town. He asks if EJ warned him, but EJ insists he has been in the company of the cops all this time. Roman wonders if they trace calls on EJ’s cell phone, perhaps they might find something interesting. EJ retorts they would need a warrant and probable cause. (Yep, playing cat and mouse here, of course)

Philip sits in Java Café, trying to call Melanie, who is not returning his calls. He leaves a message for her, asking if she has thought over what they talked about. Over at the hospital, Nathan brings a bouquet of flowers to Stephanie (who never seems to be in her office where she belongs, no idea why she is continually working near the nurses’ station). Seems the woman whose life he saved at the Pub sent him flowers, and he thinks Stephanie was a big help. (Big deal, she handed him his bag, Whoop de do). In comes a bubbling over Melanie, telling Nathan she aced her mid-term, is #1 in her class. He picks her up, swings her around, so proud of her. Stephanie offers her congrats, Melanie is surprised, Stephanie wants to mend their friendship, offers to take both to dinner, then insists they go somewhere right now. Nathan can’t so the two girls take off for the Java Café. Once inside, Melanie spots Philip, suggests going to the Pub instead, but Philip comes over, mentioning Melanie not returning calls. Stephanie can see something is going on, mentions Melanie acing her mid-term, Melanie insists it was all the late night tutoring help from Nathan, and now they are off to the Pub, Phil wants to join them, she says no. He finally leaves, and girls have their cookies and lattés there. Stephanie inquires, Melanie confesses she does still like Philip. And as for Nathan, yes, she likes him, too…….and doesn’t know what to do.

Arianna & Brady talk, he believes her story of being undercover, offers to help, promising not to tell anyone. And yep, before you can say Bingo, they are in the bed, kissing, and blink your eyes, they are naked, sheet covered, basking in afterglow. They talk a bit, and seem to go for Round 2. Later, they are talking of how Brady can help. He says his grandfather is the one who learned she was dealing drugs, so Brady can start with the people who informed him. Arianna has explained how she has been unsuccessful at meeting the kingpin, tho she tried. She remembers now she has to pack up, cuz she has to leave, but first wants Brady to know she never dealt drugs in the Pub. (Oh, but she sure got a shipment there, didn’t she?) She said she sold a bit down on the piers, in a few parks, but basically would call the cops, who took everything from her, gave her cash, she would tell Troy she was out, and the cycle began again. Brady is going to go talk to Caroline, tell her he & Arianna made up, that she really doesn’t want to leave, and he is sure Caroline will let her stay on. Kiss, kiss, sound the gong for Round 3.

Right after Stefano leaves, Mary comes rushing in with Sydney, telling Kate she has to watch her, Mary has an emergency to the hospital. Kate is taken aback, Mary takes off, and a bit later, Kate answers the doorbell to find Chloe standing there. Both are rather abrupt with each other, Chloe says Nicole wanted to meet her there. Kate has no idea why, but it is good Chloe has come. She insists Chloe take Sydney and vamoose.

Sami is in the Pub with Nicole, insisting she tell her what is going on with her & Rafe. Nicole is sly as usual, at first pretending not to know what Sami is talking about, and then seems to have gathered herself together, talking of Rafe not liking her, not liking that she & Sami are friends, and how she doesn’t think he is stable. She talks of Rafe dumping Sami, disappearing, returning with a bizarre story of working on a big case, is probably making up lies. Sami reminds Nicole that this is supposed to be about Sydney, and something that would make Sami happy. She goes on how Rafe promised to tell her when she returned, but “you know me, instant gratification, I have to know NOW”. Nicole backpedals, did he mean Sydney’s health, Nicole’s problems with EJ, and says something about “if he returns”. Sami asks what she means, Nicole says well, he left before, who knows? . Sami talks again of Nicole being her friend, and Nicole finally starts to break…telling Sami that no, she is not her friend. She even says Sami is the victim here, then gets up to leave, she can’t do this any more. Sami follows her, stops her, then gets a call from Rafe. He asks where she is, she replies at the Pub, he tells her to get home right now. Sami is repeating some of his conversation…oh, my gosh, Stefano put a hit on you, are you all right? Nicole hears that and takes off.

Nicole comes into the mansion via the French doors, goes to the playpen and no Sydney. Harold comes in, she asks where her baby is..Harold has no idea.
Chloe sits in her apartment, talking to Sydney, wondering where her mother is and why she hasn’t called.
Sami comes into the apartment, is so happy to see Rafe, wants to know what he found out. “Your baby is alive” say Rafe to a shocked Sami.

Thanks for the great write up.
Glad to see things starting to move along. The war beginning with EJ and Stefano, the baby switch coming out. Seems like all is starting to heat up.
The crack in the dam is opening a little bit wider, the levy is not going to hold much longer, and Nicole's world is about to be crashing down. Sounds like a great show except the whole Phil/Melanie/Stephanie/Nathan thing. This is too much like the Carrie/Lucas/Sami/Austin mix and match that days tried a few years ago. Neither worked. I can not wait EJ's house of cards is going to fall when he finds out his father helped Nicole keep this secret. I am sure it is going to be some great acting by James Scott (EJ) ,Alison Sweeney (Sami), Galen Gering (Rafe) and Ari Zucker (Nicole) in the next few episodes. Almost as emotional as when Grace died.
I have never seen a baby passed off to so many people in my life. Especially with out it being a parent that hands the baby over! Sheesh! I would scream if I came home to find my baby had been given to someone else & then someone else again!
Thanks for the great write up! I cant wait for the fireworks to start between Sami & Nicole. The way Allison & Arianna have been acting these days, it is sure to be great!

Thanks for the write up!
You got that right. Sydney is being passed around like a hot potato.
From Nicole, to Stefano, to Mary, to Kate, to Chloe.....all in one day.......and it is not over yet.
Thank the Good Lord this stupid storyline is about to be over. I am so ready for them to wrap it up. Ari (Nicole) really needs to leave because they are not even bothering to cover up her pregnancy at all!!!. She looks great, but she is supposed to be this slender little thing and here she is looking pregnant.

It will be interesting to see EJ's reaction once he finds out that not only is Sydney really his daughter with Sami, but his father knew all about it. Can anyone spell tension at the DiMiera Mansion???
Ha! I love that Stefano leaves Kate in charge not EJ! That's right if there is to be war between EJ and his fatha, then I am 100% on the side of Stefano and Kate!

Thanks for the summary Poirot!
Thank you, Barb.

This episode sounds really good except I'll have to do a little fast forwarding tomorrow night. Those scenes with a certain character who I simple can't stand, and that's putting it mildly. Looks like I'll miss Melanie, Nathan, and Philip, too. DARN
Melanie Melanie Melanie...good Lord, girlfriend! Will you never learn? You're spilling your guts about two men that Stephanie is interested in (you CANNOT possibly believe her, can you?!!!!!!!!) and it's gonna bite you. And Nathan, I don't care if you twirl our girl Mel a HUNDRED times, you have NO BUSINESS giving flowers to Stephanie, under any pretense. WHY do you continue to be a fool and jerk where Stephanie and Melanie are concerned. Someone needs to explain COMMITED relationship to you. If you want Mel to yourself, you gotta stop flirting with Stephanie. Either you are the dumbest man on the earth or you are a major player. ARGHHHHHH!!!! :mad:

Well, EJ, you are really playing with fire now. And Kate is going to enjoy every second she gets to be in charge. :evillaugh:
Can't WAIT 'til the baby switch is FINALLY out in the open!!! Thank you for the great write up, Poirot!

OMG-- definitely a must see episode. I better take those bathroom breaks during the commercials, lol. I not taking the blame for this, Stefano DiMera put me up to it... lol.

Thanks Barb.
Poor Nicole! Her one and only ally in the baby switch mess is Stefano and he's leaving town! I'll be FFWing through the Melanie/Stephanie/Philip/Nathan stuff. Too much of a ShawnD/Belle/Philip/Mimi storyline revisited to me, except no one's pregnant yet.
Arianna & Brady talk, he believes her story of being undercover, offers to help, promising not to tell anyone. And yep, before you can say Bingo, they are in the bed, kissing, and blink your eyes, they are naked, sheet covered, basking in afterglow. They talk a bit, and seem to go for Round 2.
Kiss, kiss, sound the gong for Round 3.

:smile:I couldn't help laughing out loud at this sequence. My wife asked, "What are you laughing about?"
We really don't know much about Nathan except that he is a Horton. We've learned that that isn't necessarily a guarantee of good character. Maybe he will turn out to be a MAJOR player!! I hope not, but I'm not liking the direction he seems to be going.
We really don't know much about Nathan except that he is a Horton. We've learned that that isn't necessarily a guarantee of good character. Maybe he will turn out to be a MAJOR player!! I hope not, but I'm not liking the direction he seems to be going.

ITA Lil0. It seems like all they can do with these four is play them off of each other, with Stephanie being the key to all and I am VERY quickly becoming bored with that. Being that Mel and Philip are two of my favorites, I am now rooting for them again because Nathan continues to be entranced by Stephanie. If they could get rid of her, maybe I could even enjoy the triangle between Mel, Philip and Nathan. Grrrrr.
Matteo is not taking the fall for this, tells Roman he was hired by Stefano DiMera.

Does Matteo have a death wish?!?!?! I thought that all of Stefano's hit men, and other employees dealing with illegal matters, knew better than to tell the police that they were hired by Stefano.
Thanks for another great writeup, Barb! Well, here is a peculiar thing....I can't even decide which couple to root for in the Philip, Melanie, Nathan, Stephanie deal because each and every one of them is so fickle and unworthy of any of the others. At this point I couldn't care less how they are paired up. I have been somewhat interested because I do like some of the characters but now that there seems no couple for me to favor, the whole thing has become boring.
Wow... So excited here

Thank you , that was in deed a great write up.. I just can not wait.. I hope nothing comes up.. I am going to be glued to the tube tomorrow. LOL

thanks again... :smile::smile:
so true

Thank the Good Lord this stupid storyline is about to be over. I am so ready for them to wrap it up. Ari (Nicole) really needs to leave because they are not even bothering to cover up her pregnancy at all!!!. She looks great, but she is supposed to be this slender little thing and here she is looking pregnant.

It will be interesting to see EJ's reaction once he finds out that not only is Sydney really his daughter with Sami, but his father knew all about it. Can anyone spell tension at the DiMiera Mansion???

I noticed that today too.. they are not hiding.. its like what is the point... everyone knows she is expecting.. today while eating her fries.. it almost look like she was getting a bit sick there... for a second I thought maybe they are going to write this up some how... gesh hope not...

It looks like the real truth is about to come out. cannot freakin wait! maybe in just a few more days we'll get everything out... and I'm sure those will be some awesome acting epis.

was kinda disappointed not to see mia and will in the write up. lately i would much rather watch them than the "stephanie triangle-& melanie too" I dislike stephanie very much.