Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 15, 2017

Remember Kate overheard Kayla talking to Steve and telling him about Tripp being the one that changed the patient charts, etc and that she never reported it? She said that if the hospital found out, she could lose her job. I think that's what Kate is going to blackmail Tripp with so he doesn't give Hope the phone.

But, Tripp already told Hope about the phone, so how will he explain that it's now gone? And, Tripp could go to Steve and tell him if Kate does blackmail him.

Really can't stand Kate right now.
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I was hoping Marlena would come see Claire and Abe too but glad at least Hope did. I did want her to insist Claire come home with her though.

I also hope Claire isn't pregnant. I think we have enough other candidates for that at the moment. Though I do think it would be good to build on the blood pressure comment and say she has some type of undiagnosed heart defect or other ailment.

Hope should have taken both the phone and the evidence bag with her. She should be penalized for that. Also why would Hope even share this info with Kate?

Loving Claire and Tripp together. Great chemistry.

Kate can permanently leave Salem anytime now.

I can appreciate Abe being afraid, concerned, and worried sick for Theo, as any parent would be. But his harsh behavior and never ending ranting was way over done.

Totally agree. He was way out of line with Jennifer. I wish Brady would stop by and ask Abe to hold his beer.