Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 18, 2020

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Some repeats of the closing scenes from yesterday. There is a confrontation between Kate and Jennifer, as they happen upon each other in the bench area. Jennifer lets her rage out on Kate, who keeps saying she doesn't want to have the conversation and tries to walk away. Kate says the thing with Jack was one night only and they've stayed away from each other since. Jennifer reminds her she is an investigative reporter and she'll find out if there was anything more and if so, Kate will be in big trouble! She also says she saw Kate and Jack talking only five minutes earlier.

Jack is dejected as he enters the Pub and begins to cautiously open up to Roman about what happened at the party. Abby is at JJ's door and wants to see her mom, needs to apologize. Mom not there so Abby comes in and talks it over with JJ. Chad and Jake at the garage. Jake kiddingly tells Chad not to rag on him. This time he has a screwdriver in his hand. No, Chad wants to talk about how Jake lied about calling Mr. Shin. Wants to know what Jake and Gwen were really talking about and why was he lying, what is he up to?

Gwen goes to the prison and visits Dr. Rolf. Rolf didn't expect to see her again. They go through the past, how she did a little favor for Rolf in exchange for his silence about her plans. She's now there to thank him and update him on her latest plans to destroy Abigail's life. He does his evil laugh, in approval. Jennifer wonders to Kate why she and Jack were just now talking--was she planning to move in for the kill. Emotional hurt in Jennifer's voice and expression. Kate assures her she was only telling Jack how sorry she was for how she hurt Jennifer, and she has no interest in her husband. Jennifer replies, "Really? The way you had no interest in my father?" Abby tells JJ she doesn't remember anything except for drinking with her meds. Doesn't know why she started or kept drinking. Chad told her how Gwen tried to get her to stop. She wishes she had listened to her. At the garage Jake remembers (flashbacks) what happened with Kate, and how Gwen found out about it, as Chad says never mind, he'll go ask Gwen. Jake calls him back.

Gwen explains in detail how she pulled off humiliating Jack and Jennifer and used Abby to do it, filling her drink glass again and again. Rolf laughs and says Gwen is quite impressed with herself. Yes, she is quite pleased and now on to phase 2. Now that Abby's parents' marriage is in the dump, she's going to work on her and she knows just how she's going to do it.

Meanwhile, Abby is still mulling over everything with JJ, says she thinks about her time in rehab and wonders if the same thing could have happened to her and Chad if she'd been there longer. She feels awful for how she brought out the truth about Jack and Kate in the worst possible way. JJ reassures her it wasn't her fault, it was their dad's. They go back and forth with how there was no good way to find out and no matter what, Abby knows how she did it wasn't right and she will live with that for the rest of her life.

Jack is still explaining the details of the dreadful evening to Roman. Drama, as he leads up to telling of his night with Kate and the letter he wrote. But Roman guesses it was a fling with Kate, before Jack manages to tell. More of Jennifer accusing Kate of tearing her family apart when her mother had mental illness. Kate says she has news for her--that family was torn apart long before she came on the scene. Jennifer says her marriage to Jack was far from over when she preyed on him. Kate says fine, if it makes her feel better to think that, but she can assure her Jack's heart was completely into everything they were doing, along with the rest of his body! It didn't come as a surprise that Jennifer slugged Kate in the face at that point. Uh oh, Kate didn't know Jennifer had that in her. Says, I think you scratched me, maybe with your wedding ring--how ironic. She wonders if she can take it as well as she gives it. Yeah, Kate gives Jennifer a hard smack in the face. Jennifer looks stunned.

Jack is also stunned, that Roman knew all along about him and Kate. Roman didn't know for sure but suspected. He was a cop, notices things, had watched him and Kate daily, then a letter came there for Kate with Jack's return address on it. (What?? Who would put their return address on a letter like that)? Jack assures Roman it was only one night and they didn't see each other again after that. More of JJ and Abby, same stuff. He continues to try to reassure her.

Gwen and Rolf continue their conversation, which seems designed to fill in for anyone who may not have been watching the show up to this point. She tells Rolf when she got Abigail drunk, the one thing she didn't count on was Abigail falling asleep in Jake's lap but Gwen made sure to take advantage of the situation. She tells him of how upset Chad had been over his wife's "thing" with Jake's twin brother, how it's something Chad will never get over, and how Jake looks identical to his twin brother. It wouldn't take much for Chad to lose his ever-loving mind over it.

As Jake and Chad continue to argue, Mr. Shin's son, Li Shin, arrives on the scene. Jake and Chad continue to argue in front of him, like a couple of young siblings trying to explain a troublesome issue to their parents--each blaming the other for the problem. Shin makes some good facial expressions while enduring all this, then says he actually has come to his own decision about Jake's involvement in the company and was thinking about it before he got there.

Gwen tries to explain to Rolf how she's going to make Chad think Abigail is having an affair with Jake, by letting him know Jake is sleeping with some woman in the house, which he will assume is Abigail. Rolf is slow at understanding. Gwen says he may be a genius but not so much in affairs of the heart (my words but along those lines). Clearly not part of his expertise. She explains more and says she will be right there to comfort Chad.

Now Li Shin tells that the board would like Chad to remain the sole CEO but they'd like Jake to assume the role of Vice President. Jake is happy and says he accepts so long as he has the chance to climb the ladder. Chad is obviously not happy but tells Shin he accepts because he has no choice. Shin leaves. Chad tells Jake not to gloat. He leaves, telling Jake he's going to go pop some corn so he can watch Jake implode.

Abigail begins to realize having the truth come out about Jack was not such a good idea. It only made her parents miserable and she's not feeling so great herself. JJ tells her to give it time. It will be all right. Next part of the conversation between Roman and Jack is good, as Jack rants about Abigail reading the letter in front of a bunch of people. Roman reminds him she'd had a lot to drink. Jack says, yeah but she wasn't unconscious, for God's sake, a part of her had to know what she was doing. Roman agrees but comes back at him with, "Yeah, like a part of him knew what he was doing when he crawled into the sack with Kate!" A moment of clarity for Jack.

Then it switches right to Jennifer and Kate, as Kate lets Jennifer have it, talking about how high and mighty Jennifer is and how she never forgave her for what she did with her dad. She goes on explain how Jennifer's dad saved her life and points out what a good man he was and that Jack also is a good man. She goes into detail about how everyone, even Kayla had told Jack there was no hope for Jennifer to come out of the coma. He thought he saw some life in her but it never came so that night he was decimated and that's when it happened and he temporarily gave up hope and gave in to his despair but the next morning he knew it was a mistake.

She asks if Jennifer expected him to be a martyr, how long did she expect him to wait. She told her to get over herself. Jennifer seems to have turned from anger to sadness at this point, tears in her eyes. Kate gives her some more talking to and reminds her of some things in the past, telling her if she refuses to forgive him, she'd going to lose him for good this time.

Roman, likewise, encourages Jack to not give up but to fight for his marriage. Jack gets up to leave, laments that things would have been different if he'd stayed sober that night. Roman tells him he can't change the past, only try to fix what's happened. Jack goes off, encouraged. JJ has also managed to encourage Abby. As Chad is leaving the garage, he finds Abby's scarf, confronts Jake. Seems Abby came by there earlier to apologize. Chad warns him he'd better remember that he, Chad, comforts his wife, not Jake!

Kate shows up at the garage, needs to blow off some steam. Jake has a mischievous grin, as he tells her she came to the right place. There was a bit of a build-up that Gwen was about to tell Rolf why she hates Abigail so much but alas, by the next scene of the two of them, she has already told him off-screen and only says, now do you see why I hate her so much? He looks sympathetic and says he's beginning to get the picture, as he once again grins.

Chad comes home with Abby's scarf. She asks where he found it. He only said she dropped it outside. She told him she didn't get to see her mother but she cried on JJ's shoulder and he tried to encourage her. Chad wants to do the same thing. He reminds her of how her parents love each other. Now Jennifer is about to enter the Salem Inn. Jack walks up and calls her name. She turns around and gazes at him for some time. He anticipates. She finally turns and walks through the door of the inn. He looks sad and disappointed. The end.

Sorry if this seems choppy. They kept switching around to the different conversations of people discussing the events of the party but they did a good job of making it flow. It just doesn't seem that way in my telling of it.
You did really well, OC.....Thank you so very much! Guess they are going to make us wait and wait to know why Gwen is out to "get" Abby.
Sounds like a lot of recapping between the various characters.
so much of the show simply was filler..... we didn't need everybody rehashing the Big Reveal.... We got it from Jen's point of view, Kate's point of view, Roman's, Jack's, JJ's, Abby's and of course Gwen's....... Jake is now a Vice President of DiMera Enterprises..... why doesn't Chad simply buy out the shareholders and take the thing private again???

Jealous Chad wasn't a hit the first time around...... but hey maybe we will like it the second time.

I liked Gwen when she first arrived..... now she can go or tell me why I should care about her.

Thanks OC for today's summary.
Jake just proved things said in our "Salem is a great place to live" thread. Garage mechanic Jake gets a new job within DiMera Enterprises, as a Vice President, no less! Nope, not head of any dept., or Sales Mgr., Marketing Mgr., or whatever other titles might be around. But a Veep! Will Jake now change his name, too? (hate that he will probably now have to wear a suit & tie, lolol)
While I think the Jack/Kate thing was disgusting, she had some valid points. Jack sat by Jennifer every night. I'm still having a hard time with the new Jennifer.

We will never find out why Gwen hates Abby's guts.

Abby is such a dunce. She just can't remember anything. Not even Gwen pushing the champagne into her hand.
Maybe Abby will get vague flashbacks, or "memories" Allie.
Thank you, OC.

This sounds absolutely dreadful. I hate when I feel any sympathy for Kate, but a verbal and tactile slug-fest between her and the Sleeveless One might get me there.

I used to like Gwen but this is getting BORING.

I will give the writers credit for giving Gwen a friend, even if that friend is Rolf. They have checked all the necessary boxes but are dragging out her plot points too much.
Nope, don't think she is Jack's daughter......she is too fixated on destroying Abby's life. Gwen feels that Jack & Jen's marriage is destroyed, & she managed to manipulate Abby into being the one to do it. Now she wants to make Chad think Abby is sleeping with Jake, thus destroying their marriage, & then, GWEN will be the one to "comfort" Chad, having sex with him, thus sticking another pin into Abby.

I still think something happened back years ago in London, where Gwen lived, and the Deveraux family did, too, that has fueled this vendetta she has against Abby.
P.S. Agree about filler scenes, recapping of events, definitely. Evidently the show's attempt to "fill in" events for all those tuning out, just coming in for a day or two.
Jenny: In addition to being a self-righteous twit, she has no common sense. Her statement, "I am no fool," was laughable. As Chloe can attest, no sane person would want to get on the wrong side of Kate. Jen-Jen was lucky to get off with only a slap. Kate could have sent her a platter of her "special" brownies instead.

Rolf: Life must be pretty dull for Rolf in prison. Why else would he sit through Gwen's dumb recitation of her grand plot against Abigail? It would have been a nice touch if Rolf had dozed off while Gwen blathered on. It's probably what some viewers did.

Jake: He's the latest example of a common Salem scenario: How to succeed in business without any qualifications. As for Li Shin, he really is an optimist. Before teaming up two executives who despise each other, he ought to have checked with Victor to see how well his Philip-Xander combo is working out.
I understand soap writers wouldn't know what to do without this bit of dialog, but really -- why does every character in a soap think they have the right to demand to know what others were talking about just before that character walked into the room??? It would never occur to me to ask that of anyone. If they think I should know, I'm sure they will tell me. Otherwise, it is none of my business.
Thanks, OC.

Interesting to see all the people go out to the garage to see Jake. Is he out there
repairing the DiMera fleet of cars?

Shin came to the garage to talk to Jake about a job. First thing I thought was oh no
not another co-CEO story like Xander and Philip. The big question is what is he
Vice President of? Maybe the DiMera fleet of cars :)

Roman figured out how something went wrong at the party the way Jack was acting.
Interesting to learn Roman figured out what happened with Kate and Jack over a
year ago too. Too bad he can't figure out how to get his own woman.

What a disappointment Rolf found out what Gwen's secret is and we didn't.

So. Jennifer saw Kate and Jack talk. My question is,how did Jack get to the pub
so fast when Jen finally confronted Kate? Was he wearing roller skates?
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I was surprised that I kind of liked the Kate & Jen confrontation. It’s not often I find myself agreeing with Kate but she made some valid points and was pretty true to her character of justifying her own actions even if others don’t like it. I wasn’t expecting her to give it back to Jennifer.

There’s got to be more to the story with Gwen than possibly being Jack’s daughter. She’s far too fixated on Abby and ruining her life for a relationship with “daddy” to be the end game. The London connection seems to make the most sense. Maybe Abigail dated a guy Gwen was obsessed with or something and it’s all revenge for taking away her one true love. Would explain why they didn’t know one another when she arrived in Salem.

While the friendship with Rolf is amusing, how did they end up meeting and working together? Was that already mentioned on screen and I missed it?
I liked the Kate & Jen scenes too. This "affair" is getting overblown. And Jen reacted like a lunatic when she saw Kate and Jack talking. What do you think they're talking about? The weather? I loved the actress playing Jennifer when she was Dixie on All My Children, but I'm having a hard time with how she plays Jennifer. She's going to make different acting choices, etc. but Melissa Reeves (ex-Jennifer) has played the role for over 30 years. She is Jennifer. It's an adjustment.

And I don't know if Gwen really is Jack's daughter, but I think she thinks she is. I'm still thinking of how she reacted when JJ made eyes at her at the party. It definitely was played like, "Eww. We're related." And I, too, am done with this storyline. It's not interesting unless we know what's motivating her. I don't even understand why Rolf would do all of this for some random woman not knowing until now why she's plotting against them. It's just stupid. Did I fast forward past how Gwen knew about Kate's letter in the first place?
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