Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 20, 2019

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Xander sees Ciara in his office and asks what she's doing there. She nervously says she's there to give him some papers. He tells her to turn around and hand the papers to him. She knows her goose is cooked, but then his phone rings. It's a hysterical Sarah, telling him Mickey has been kidnapped. He tells her to call the police and runs from the office, as Ciara breathes a sigh of relief, then continues to try and poke around.

Clyde tells Ben about having Mickey kidnapped by one of his "associates" on the outside, in exchange for Xander admitting he killed Jordan. Ben is sickened that Clyde would use an innocent baby like this and tells him to stop the kidnap order. Sorry, too late, already done. Ben calls Ciara; she jabbers about finding the locked metal briefcase, so it must have something incriminating, right? He finally interrupts her to tell her of Clyde's plan, and tells her to try to stop it. Oh no, too late, since Sarah called Xander and he raced out of the office.

Rafe is in the square, getting info from the distraught Sarah, when Xander comes up to them. Rafe then says he's going to check security cameras in the square, as Sarah and Xander look all over the square and end up in the little area with the bench. She sobs, wants to keep looking. He says they've looked everywhere, but he assures her that he will kill whoever has taken the baby.

Rafe calls Hope about the kidnapping, so she goes to the cop shop. He talks of her knowing the horror of a kidnapped child. Silence. Oh, yes, of course, Ciara was kidnapped by the crooked cop, yes, it was terrible. Ciara comes in to see her mom; had a light workday and wanted to see if she was available for lunch. They tell Ciara about Mickey being kidnapped. Ciara pretends to be surprised. She offers to sit and man a tip line, but Rafe declines, telling her the police can do it. She leaves and heads to the K-mansion. Rafe sits down to look at the security camera footage and Hope says she'll leave him to it. He seems surprised and says he thought she'd want to be fully involved since it IS her cousin's baby. Oh, yes, of course, was just heading to her car to get her laptop to help. Rafe stares at her oddly.

(Gina had been at the loft with "Steffy" when Rafe called. She was surprised he lost the chess game to Chadwick. When Rafe calls and she has to leave, she makes "Steffy" promise not to look at her painting before heading out)

Ben is telling Clyde this is a terrible idea and he doesn't want Clyde getting him in more trouble. More trouble for what, asks Will, who walks in. Clyde and Will go back and forth. Will calls Clyde garbage. Clyde says if it wasn't for him, he'd still think that batty Susan was his mother. Will reacts and Clyde asks if he still has affection for her. Ben covers and says Clyde wanted Ben to share a smoke but he didn't want to get in trouble. Clyde and Will go another couple rounds of insults, Clyde talking of Will killing his own mother-in-law and ruining his marriage. Will finally walks out, goes to his cell. He tries getting comfortable in his bunk, but ends up throwing his pillow and book. When he gets down to retrieve them, he picks up a picture of Sonny that had fallen from the book and stares at it sadly.

Abby goes to see Eve, who keeps pleading her case that she's innocent and was set up. Abby's having none of it and goes to leave, but Eve reminds her how as "Gabby", she and Stefan set up Gabi. And how Gabi set up Abby to appear she was crazy, so Abby should be more understanding. That gets Abby's attention, so she agrees to listen to Eve, although she does mention the security footage showing Eve was guilty. Eve keeps saying she was framed. Abby mentions Eve showing up at Jack and Jennifer's wedding, drunk and trying to ruin it. But Eve says Maggie took her to the hotel, where she passed out. Abby points out that Eve had blacked out and could've done it. But ok, she agrees to see what she can find out.

Eve is ecstatic. Hattie comes in, complaining about the stuff Bonnie said about her in the book, that she's boorish and gives bad advice. Eve laughs, agrees with Bonnie, but says in this case, she was right. She jumps up to hug Hattie and thanks for the advice to call Abby to re-investigate. Hattie doesn't like being hugged like that.

Chad sits in the DiMansion study when Sonny walks in. Chad's happy to see him. Sonny reminds him of their brunch plans, but Chad had forgotten. He offers to have chef prepare something there; Sonny agrees. They eat and chat. Sonny asks who Chad was playing chess with and Chad says "my father", which gets a look from Sonny. Chad talks of being in contact. Sonny thinks it's odd, which Chad agrees.

Chad offers his sympathies again on the loss of Adrienne. Sonny says he still can't believe it; every time his phone rings, he thinks it's his mom, calling to say where she's been all this time. Just doesn't seem real. Chad talks of losing people and how hard it is. Then Sonny mentions talking to someone about it recently. Chad asks who and Sonny says Evan, Rafe's nanny. Chad knows of him, and tries, in a roundabout way, to ask if Evan's gay. Sonny chuckles, says he thinks so, but isn't sure. Chad asks if it was a date (when Evan and Sonny shared the takeout from Julie's Place the other day) and Sonny says no, they were just 2 friends talking. Besides, he's still married to Will and not sure how things are going to go with that.

Later, Sonny's walking through the bench area of the square and calls Evan. He wants to take him up on his offer to get together (that Evan offered the other day).

Sarah and Xander are in the K-Mansion living room; he has gotten her a cup of chamomile tea, but she doesn't want it; she wants to keep looking for Mickey. Xander says Rafe told them to go home and sit tight. Ciara comes in, says she just heard from her mom about Mickey and is so sorry. Sarah and Ciara are hugging when Xander's phone pings. He looks at the text and it says "We have your kid. You'll get her back when you admit what you did."
To quote Roman : "What da hel?l" did Will do to kill Adrienne? How long are they going to keep us waiting for answers?

P.S. I fell on the ice yesterday, spent the day in the hospital. I'm back at home now, nothing broken, but lots of bruises and pain on my back. I was lucky though, as it could have been a lot worse. So thanks for the summaries. I can keep up thanks to you all who write them.
thank you, idea what is going on with NBC, the networks cannot be having the kind of numbers watching they ordinarily do. People who work, are in school, or whatever, get all the highlights in the evening. Hard to believe anyone really is enjoying listening to those politicians drone on and on, but some do, I guess.

Meanwhile, Clyde is still as nasty as ever, & Ciara is wearing her invisible Sherlock hat...while seems Abby is putting on her Nancy Drew uniform. :) I am tired of them keeping what happened to Adrienne under wraps.
I'm starting to hope Xander kills Ciara. She's crossing the line with this once-dangerous man.

I hope there's a baby switch during the kidnapping. Something to liven things up. Perhaps another baby fathered by Rex?

Is Hope a cop again?

Eve is serving more time for an alleged drunken attempted murder than Hope served for actual murder (since she shot SOMEONE and moved their body to the construction site with Stefano's ring on it).

I'm hoping it's a ruse, and I think if my dead father started IMing me I'd be eager to meet with him. (Note: I have no father, so I am speculating here.) Especially given Stefano's habit of not staying dead. Why is Chad being so cautious?
LOL, Jason, you gave me something to think about. My dad was in Illinois, died in hospital, his wife had him cremated, and never even saw his ashes. No funeral. I agree with you.......if my dead father suddenly was reaching me on my computer, of all things, after all this time, I would not be so eager to believe. Especially if Rolf was on the loose. LOL
P.S. I cannot believe Princess Gina was fooling folks for so long, pretending to be Hope, and that Hope was even appointed commissioner again. Gina knows nothing about police procedure, her royal highness still manages to fake it, doesn't she?
Thanks, JS

Ciara was saved by the cell (phone) when Xander got the call about Mickey.
She was stupid when she took the case with her.

I enjoyed the Sonny and Chad scenes. Chad wondered if Sonny had a date
with Evan. Sonny said no, but I think Sonny likes Evan since he called to
have a drink with him.

Xander told Sarah he would kill the person who took Mickey. Sarah nodded
her head yes.

I laughed at the end when Xander got the text about admitting what he did to
get Mickey back. He might have to ask person what year because Xander
has done a lot of bad things over the years.

TheWriter feel better soon.
He might have to ask person what year because Xander
has done a lot of bad things over the years.
I was thinking that, too, kat. He might have to reply "can you be more specific???"

Shooting Marlena?
Trapping Eric and Nicole in a heating vent?
Working with Kristen to kidnap little Holly?
Forcing Nicole to marry me?
TheWriter, sorry about your fall. So painful, even if nothing broken. Feel better soon.

What? Is "Hope" the commissioner now?

Yes, please tell us what kind of accident killed Adrienne!

I wonder how long these preemptions are going to continue. I'm something of a news junkie, and so are some of my friends, but I don't know anybody who can stand watching this stuff.

I haven't watched today's episode and won't, since none of it was shown in my area, but I assume Princess Gina was still talking to Stefano without any response from him. This is getting on my nerves. How stupid, that she just talks away at him and he never answers. Most people get more response out of talking to their dogs. What is the point of these scenes?

Thank you, Just Samantha, for the good summary!
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I don't know what happened to Kristen and her baby. Has that been revealed yet?
Very strangely Tuesday was never up on my demand but Wednesday was last night. Weird.

"Hope" is commissioner again!! I would have thought Gina would have found a way to get out of that. And she has has fooled them for 6 months or so? I am hating this Princess Gina garbage. I still really think Steffy is Stefan back from the dead. Julie has doppleganger's heart. Though watching I would love if Joe Mascolo (Stefano) could come back. :cry: But sadly he cannot. We can only have his essence.

Is Mackenzie being kidnapped going to bring out that she is actually Eric's? Or better yet, will it bring it out she is actually not Eric's!? I would love that!

I do wish they would tell us already how Adrienne died. They have said not intentional and an accident but Will is in jail for it!?
@TheWriter I'm sending healing vibes your way. Feel better.

GinaHope is Police Commissioner lol. I'm not surprised with Abe as Mayor but still. I hope Rafe figures out something is off. He should be the one to do it.

The scenes with GinaHope and Steffie were annoying. It's like she's talking to herself.

Sarah has taken over from Sami as Salem's most annoying cryer.

Nice that they remembered Chad and Sonny's friendship.

Abby/Eve is much better than Jennifer/Eve.
Do you think maybe *speculation based on something Ben said to Will*, maybe Will is in jail for driving drunk/involuntary manslaughter? The comment to Will was "everyone forgave Eric after he killed Dr. Jonas, I'm sure you'll be forgiven too". I don't know, ever since that comment, I've been leaning towards an accident like that.