Days Of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 11, 2013


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Days of Our lives
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rafe is the next up in court to testify, and barracuda Prosecutor Trask takes her time, but manages to get get him to verify Sami is his ex-wife, gets him established as a hostile witness, and then finally to admit he has lied for her in the past...referring to helping her keep Grace Rafaella away from her father. The looks passing between the two show how sad he is to have to admit to things. Then comes the establishment of his working with Bernardi, and while Trask seems intent on proving them friends, Rafe insists they were co-workers/colleagues. Period. The judge ends court for the day.

Kate has gone to see Arianna, tells Will & Sonny about her testimony in court, including lthe mention of Nick claiming Sami threatened him. They leave for a few minutes, with Kate minding Arianna. But she wants to take her to see Uncle Rafe anyway. (Arianna is the star today, absolutely adorable thruout the show). She is just leaving when Maggie arrives, lemon bars in hand, wanting to see the baby, and of course, ask her usual questions, but Kate just takes off with the baby, leaving Maggie in the apartment.

Gabi meets up with Abby, who is shedding a few fake tears over JJ being in jail. Gabi mentions her sister having dealt drugs, Abby did not know. Gabi explains how her sis went to prison, cut a deal to be an informant and got out. She assures Gabi that JJ, first timer, won't go to prison.

Chad is in the park with Theo, playing with a boomerang, along comes Cam. He show theo how to throw it and tells him to go to an area with no trees. Now we get the repeat conversation of Cam inquiring about Chad's health, urging him to tell his family, get some help, yada, yada. Chad tells him to back off, ends up leaving with Theo.

Rafe feels really bad in the courtroom, as everyone is leaving, figures he blew it, tells Jordan they should leave now. Back at the hospital, she feels that the stress has caused him a set back. Kate arrives with Arianna, Jordan says just in time, leaves. Kate sits with Rafe and the baby, he is enjoying this. Gabi arrives, both women telling him to concentrate on his therapy.

Earlier, Maggie had run into Nick in the square, does some catching up. Nick loves his new place, now has to find a job. But he is trying to find a modeling job for gabi, she loved that work so much. But hasn't told her he is doing this. They get along fine, are friends, blah, blah. She leaves, Gabi comes up for a few minutes. Doesn't have time to stop, going to see her brother. Will & Sonny arrive, Gabi leaves, they want to talk to Nick. They ask him about Sami brandishing a gun and threatening him. Nick explains it all, breaking into his room, taking his money, money he was investing for a friend, and could not lose. He admits not asking Sami to return it in a nice way. Thus she pulled out the gun.
Along comes the guy with the subpoena for Nick to testify. He is bewildered, but Will tells him that the fact he told Kate is now on record, and he is going to now have to tell that story in court. He firmly tells Nick not to make damaging statements about Sami, that she saved Rafe's life, who is Gabi's brother. Family. He walks off, Sonny stays a minute, telling Nick he knows that Nick & Gabi slept together, that Gabi & Will are parents together, Sami is Will's mom, Rafe is Gabi's brother, Will is Nick's cousin. Don't turn your back on family.

Sami & EJ are in the empty courtroom, she is being handcuffed to return to her cell. She thanks EJ, says she loves him, talks about Johnny's football game, and helping Sydney with her math. (Poor Allie, glad she has a daddy, cuz Sami has forgotten her, it seems) and leaves. EJ is at home now, shouting something at the kids. He opens his briefcase to take out his notes, spots a letter. He opens it, and it is from Sami. As he reads it, her voice is saying the words aloud, and the camera goes back and forth between her in the cell, and EJ in the study.
It is a poignant note, about hearing his heart beat when she lays her head on his chest, and how many times she found him on the floor or ground, nearly dead, even when she put him there, how she worried that his heart would stop beating. It goes on and on, and she ends it talking of hearing it as she goes to sleep at night in her cell, and promising she will not be staying there, she will be home with him and the children, and he will wake up every morning with her in his bed, at his back.
I was thinking I wasn't going to have to do a summary with the site down, but ...tis back up. So, this is shorter, but ....
Boring show. In my opinion. And honestly, I could not stomach the "letter" at the end.
It is a poignant note, about hearing his heart beat when she lays her head on his chest, and how many times she found him on the floor or ground, nearly dead, even when she put him there, how she worried that his heart would stop beating.
Gee, I thought after she put the bullet in his head that she went home and made love to Rafe? :confused: :rolleyes:
Gee whiz Will and Sonny are a piece of work. A few days ago they wouldn't give Nick the time of day and now here Will is telling Nick not to make trouble for Sami on the witness stand and Sonny is reminding him about being family. I wonder if they (Will/Sonny) would be so willing to give Nick that second chance he wants if he played the "family" card.

And Sami really has the mentality of an abuse victim - she hurts for him more than for herself.
It is a poignant note, about hearing his heart beat when she lays her head on his chest, and how many times she found him on the floor or ground, nearly dead, even when she put him there, how she worried that his heart would stop beating. It goes on and on, and she ends it talking of hearing it as she goes to sleep at night in her cell, and promising she will not be staying there, she will be home with him and the children, and he will wake up every morning with her in his bed, at his back.

Oh gag, blech, ewww :zip: :zip::sick::sick: Please make it stop!!!
@ JS, I'm sure after she left him there bleeding on that pillow, she went home to Rafe and crawled back into that warm, comfortable bed, cuddled up in his arms, and fell asleep breathing to the sound of Rafe's heartbeat, hoping that EJ's had stopped.
@ JS, I'm sure after she left him there bleeding on that pillow, she went home to Rafe and crawled back into that warm, comfortable bed, cuddled up in his arms, and feel asleep breathing to the sound of Rafe's heartbeat, hoping that EJ's had stopped.

Oh golly, cryin, you must be mistaken, because as per her letter, she worried that his heart stopped beating..... :sick::rolleyes: :wink:
@Poirot, I think Sami asked EJ to help Allie, not Sydney, with her math homework. Makes sense, since Sydney is probably still only in preschool and wouldn't have homework.

That letter was definitely gag-worthy. These writers can try to shove some ridiculous "love" story down our throats but it ain't working. I love how EJ was giving Rafe the evil eye after his testimony. Now he's probably going to blame everything on Rafe if Sami is found guilty. :rolleyes: This trial needs to be over now! I hope we get a break on tomorrow's episode.

That little Arianna is so cute!

Abigail/Chad.....:zzz: I really wanted to get into these two as I think they make a better pair than her and Cameron but after all the back and forth I just don't care anymore.
I’m so glad that Rafe didn’t compromise his reputation for the likes of Sami and junior. Junior wanted Sami he got her so she is his problem to get out of this mess. Rafe can hold his head high because he told the truth. I laughed when junior called Rafe an idiot; there’s an old saying “it takes one to know one”! And why is everyone supposed to lie for Sami? Especially look at all the people she has screwed over for years and years. I didn’t watch after the trial was adjourned! A friend told me about the letter I just don’t care about junior and Sami and there love for each other, when the majority of their relationship they hated each other.
Melinda really does need a refresher course. She puts Rafe on the stand expecting that the jury will believe what he says and then she brings out that he's lied for Sami in the past. And if she insists on putting Tricky Nicky on the stand, it's not going to help anyone but the press (headline: Heart-Shaped Pillow Guy to Testify Today!). Finally, if EJ is helping the kids with math, some of his examples might be interesting: e.g., "Today, daddy extorted $50,000 from a Salem drug dealer; received a payment of $1,000,050 from Middle East terrorists for guns, bombs, and ammunition; stole $20,550,990 from Basic Black; and cheated a poor widow out of her life savings of $45.10. How much money has daddy made?"
@DrBaker, Allie's answer to his little math problem - "I don't know how much you've made but you're not my daddy".

And I don't understand the prosecutors approach with HER witnesses. It appears she tries to discredit them during her questioning. Don't they usually try to discredit witnesses during cross-examination.
EJ/Sami are sucking the life out of DAYS!

Finally the Horton couch is getting' some action on DAYS instead of DiMera's Old Crusty!

Sami's sappy letter to EJ...Reassured me that they will soon hit rock bottom!

Rafe was looking mighty handsome today.. Ej looked like an idiot
And now that you've mentioned those that shouldn't be named Daysd, how much do you want to bet they'll be on tomorrow.

That Will/Sonny/Nick scene just infuriated me. Both Will and Sonny acted like uber idiots today. It's none of their business how Nick came across $30,000; what matters in this instance is that Sami STOLE his money and then pulled a gun on him. They actually tried to intimidate him into lying on the witness stand. And Sonny leaving with his parting shot of "do right by him for once". They were jerks! I love them, but today I didn't like them very much.