Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 11, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Summary is only last 45 minutes, as first 15 were pre-empted. Nicole & Eric are talking with Brady, she is apologizing to Brady, as she had to help Kristen impersonate herself. Brady knows Kristen forced her, threatening Holly, no need to apologize, he understands. Eric also apologizes to Brady, who knows how grief stricken Eric was. The guys shake hands, Nicole says they have to go to police station so she can make statement.

At the cop shop, John is with Kristen in the interrogation room, where Kristen is bragging about being under Brady's skin. John says Brady thought she was Nicole, she is convinced he knew down deep it was her. She is enjoying herself, telling John he is just jealous, as John warns her to stay away from Brady. In comes Nicole & Eric, Nicole attacks Kristen, calling her an evil “bleep”, Eric pulling her off, John pulling Kristen away. Nik rants at what Kristen did, using Holly as a threat to Nik, pushing Eric away, making him think he was responsible for Holly's death. Kristen finally admits she did push Eric away, Nik is glad she will now behind bars, but Kristen brags of her deal with the mayor, tell where Nicole is, she gets her freedom. Eli comes in, Kristen wants Nik arrested for assault, she has witnesses. Eli tells Eric & Nicole to go make her statement, tells Kristen he will have a doctor come in.

Earlier, at DiMansion, Eli wanted to see Vivian, Stefan blocked it, claimed she was upstairs sleeping, been thru a lot, even provides an alibi, claiming his mother came straight there, was with him all day. Eli says Gabi has been quiet, but she backs up Stefan. Eli is going to go upstairs, but Stefan says no warrant, Eli will be back with one.

Over at the Kmansion, Will & Sonny have been talking, and in walks Vivian, no, she is not dead, Rolf used his wonderful serum to bring her back, and then again to recover her memory! She has been recovering for the past year. She claims wanting to see Kate, the guys wonder why, since Kate is one who shot her. Oh, but Vivian is on a forgiveness path, next is Maggie. The guys are disbelieving, Sarah comes running downstairs, says Kate was shot, in hospital, going for surgery. Vivian rather surprised, but covers. Will & Sonny take off, Viv is about to, Sarah stops her, knows who she is, introduces herself. Takes Viv like 5 seconds to ascertain that Sarah has a thing for Eric, and despite him saying Nicole is love of his life, thinks Sarah should not give up so easily. Sarah not admitting anything, but Viv forges ahead, telling her she should use everything in her arsenal to get the guy back. She gets a call from Stefan, who orders her back home.

Stefan thanks Gabi for backing him, protecting his mother, who means the world to him. He goes upstairs, returns, Viv is gone. He calls, ordering her back home. When she arrives, he scolds her, she claims covering her tracks with various family members. He tells of Kate being alive, Viv knows. Stefan warns Kate will come to, point finger at Viv. She replies that then she will have to be prevented from doing so, at any cost.

After Nik & Eric leave Marlena's apt. she comes out to talk to Brady, who admits he came to see see her and dad. They talk about all that happened, how Kristen wants him, but Brady assures Marlena there is no way he would have anything to do with Kristen. Marlena wonders if perhaps, unconsciously, he would really want to.

Will & Sonny are at hospital, Kate still in surgery, they talk and between them figure out that it had to be Vivian who shot Kate.

Eli comes in to see Kristen, no assault charges, doc says Kristen has no injuries.

John comes home, he & Marlena hug, both have lots to tell. John says he will tell the bad news first.

Brady walks thru park, hears his name called. There is Kristen, Hello, Brady, I am free!

Sarah reads her crumpled lab report, recalls Viv telling her she should use every weapon in her arsenal to get her man, mutters, it's true, am pregnant with Eric's child. She turns, Eric is coming thru the door.

P.S. Vivian is in yet another wig today!
P.S. Vivian is in yet another wig today!
Sounds like she has more wigs than Dolly Parton.

I remember her on a talk show one time and they were asking about her beauty secrets. They asked something about how she keeps her hair from getting messed up at night and she giggled and said she just takes it off and puts it on a wig stand.

But back to Vivian, it's amazing how someone who was shot and nearly died, and has been "recovering" all this time, is able to be up and prancing all over town, even burying a woman.
The beginning shows Sarah in bed and Eric coming in, asking if it's true, if she's pregnant with his baby. She reluctantly admits it and says she didn't think he'd be happy since he's found Nicole. He's thrilled about the baby, then asks if she needs to "get that?" She asks, "get what??", then her phone rings....and awakens her. Was just a dream. She sits in bed, looking sad.

Eric, Nicole and Holly come to Marlena's townhouse. She's thrilled to see Nicole and Holly, fusses over Holly, noting how big she's gotten. Eric and Nicole ask if they can leave Holly with Marlena for a bit while Nicole goes to the police station to see Kristen. Marlena is happy to do so. Nicole then takes Holly into the other room. She returns and says Holly is going through her books, trying to figure out which one to read to Marlena, who heads into the other room to be with Holly.

Brady comes to the door, is visibly moved when he sees Nicole. He apologizes for all he did to her (blackmailing her into leaving Eric, etc.). She forgives him, then thanks him for saving Eric's life in Nashville, saying she'll be eternally grateful. They talk about Holly, how much she's grown and that she learned to read while they were away.
On a side note, the dress that Kristen has been wearing for days now appears to be the same dress singer Eve wore on The Talk on Monday. Who knew it was such a popular dress??

Here are a few dumb questions.

Why isn't there already a clamor from Salemites for Jack, the bogus crusader for law and order, to be impeached? To let a dangerous criminal walk free for his own personal reasons is unconscionable for a public official.

Why wasn't cuffed Kristen wearing a Salem jail uniform in the conference room? If the writers are going to disgust viewers by allowing this monster to walk free, the least they could have done was given the audience the pleasure of seeing the witch in prison garb.

Can the writers make the Salem P.D. look any dumber? Today, Nicole had unsupervised access to prisoner Kristen and Eli left the DiMansion without arranging for officers to watch the house in case Vivian either tried to leave or returned from an outing.

Why didn't John also demand that the Salem witch stay far away from poor Marlena? After all, Kristen has been tormenting Doc Evans for far longer than she's been messing with Brady's life.

How would Sami react to her mother giving a big welcome to the the infamous Sydnapper and babyswitcher? Perhaps, she'd see as another instance of Marlena pandering to the foolish desires of feckless Bad Twin Eric lest he fall into another major funk.

Why couldn't Sarah have had snappier comebacks for batty Vivian. It might have made for a good line if she'd said that she's given up on sourpuss Eric because she now has a new admirer, the handsome, charming, caring Xander.
It will be surprising if all the citizens of Salem did not move to other towns, inasmuch as they have such an inept police dept., hospital, and town govt. Those who have jobs rarely show up at them, except those who waited tables in the square, but both are now gone, so who knows maybe they will close up. LOL.

Marlena was really nice and kind to Nicole, inasmuch as she was very recently urging Eric to go after Sarah.

To be fair, Jack negotiated with Kristen for the location of Salem citizen Nicole, & her young child, Holly. Rolf was bonus. However, Trask already gave immunity to Xander, so seems Salem really needs a clean sweep in that dept. Forgot to mention the inept attorneys in town, as well.
Maybe their wonderful year round weather makes up for the ineptitude! :sarcasm:

Of course, we did have Vivian, who just shot & buried Kate, learn she was alive, and instead of dashing off to see how she could "fix" that, she sits and gives a complete stranger advice on her love life, of which she really knows nothing. Sigghhh.

And Dr. Baker.....:clap:
Thanks, Poirot.

I hope we'll get to see Holly with Maggie soon.

Was it really Kristen at the end of the show? Did she put a tracking
device in Brady to know where he is? I hope Brady isn't daydreaming
about her.

I laughed each time John said "my boy" in reference to Brady.

Sarah texted Rex. Will she tell him she's having his baby or will she
tell Eric it's his to win him back? And will we have to see her again
Please, make it stop.

Sarah/pregnancy - stupid, insults our intelligence and every human's understanding of time.

Sarah/Vivian - why are they sharing the screen

Brady/Kristen - this is getting grosser than it was in '13

Sonny/Will - I can't believe I actually would rather see a triangle than these two acting like Jr Scooby Doo members
I think Sarah texted Rex to tell him about his mother being shot not about the pregnancy. She told Kayla the timing isn't right for the baby to be Rex's baby.

When Marlena and Brady were talking why did she not bring up the fact that Kristen raped him? I'm having a lot of trouble with the irresponsible writing in terms of rape. This is really unacceptable. I understand that soaps have been very irresponsible with rape in the past but society had changed and we can no longer tolerate it.