Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 16, 2020

Allie herself was born October 23, 2007, but wasn't named until November 23, 2007.

Sami and Lucas named Johnny immediately after birth, but Allie lagged around without a name. Right before Belle and Shawn's wedding started, the family was gathered and Lucas announced that he named her Alice Caroline Horton, after both of her great grandmothers. Sami was ticked that he named the baby without consulting her, but grudgingly admitted she loved the name.

Baby Boy Horton was born July 31, 2021, but who knows how many actual Salem days have passed since his birth. In Salem time, he could still be only a few weeks old.
The thing is, a baby cannot be released from the hospital without a name! But then Salem is in it's own little world, has different rules & regulations than the rest of the state or country. So Sami wants to get him a passport, with no name, & thus no S.S. number either! Passports are national, so, cannot be done. But the nerve of Sami, going to sneak the baby out of the country, without permission of the court, the parent, the grandfather, and NO name.
Will Xander get chummy with Jan because Philip hates her?
Not if he's smart and knows what's good for him. Oh, wait. Huh. Maybe Sarah will help keep him honest.

Also, Go Xander, go - I'm rooting for him in the Xander vs. Philip fight card. (no, I don't like Philip)

Kind of surprised Sami didn't have a private jet to handle her travel. She's got a bunch of money still, right?
Philip was always one of my favorite characters (with this actor). I can't believe I don't care so much for him now. I'm rooting for Xander too. For one thing, I don't like the way Victor kow-tows to Philip and Brady in all their whims. Xander has done some awful things but he's worked hard for Victor's approval.