Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 16, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sami comes to visit John, Hi, Mom told me the good news, brought you something, she brings out a plastic small vase with a cactus plant in it. Gives it to him, says it is low maintenance, like her. John picks it up, says something about low maintenance, is clearly angry, throws the thing at the wall behind Sami, telling her to take her cactus & leave. He remembers all she said to him before, about not being a part of their family. She thought he did not remember that, but oh, he did. He tells her she doesn't think anyone deserves any care except for herself, says she is a selfish b*****. She has started to pick up the cactus, putting it on the tray table, spitting venom herself, she hopes he gets another blood clot, which goes straight to his dark dark heart. Marlena enters, pulls Sami out of the room. Sami immediately is, not my fault, he started it, called me a b****. Marlena stops, doesn't sound like John. Sami did not think so either. Marlena tells her to stay away from John for now, she is going to find some answers.

Long replay of Jan conning Claire, being sympathetic, Belle coming in, get away from daughter. She pulls Claire away from Jan, faces off with her nemesis. Jan tries to be all nice, talking of being sorry about Ciara, Belle is not buying any of it. She tells Jan to get out, stay away from her daughter, and never come back here again. Jan leaves.

Marlena is with John, who is upset, admits all Sami told Marlena was true, he doesn't know what happened, not like him, he usually tries to keep a lid on things. Marlena is understanding, this can happen, as you heal & get better, will lessen. It all takes time. John angrily snaps at her not to talk about how much time. He immediately is remorseful.....see, just so sudden. She says not to apologize, it will happen and he doesn't have to apologize every time.

Xander & Philip are facing off, trading insults, as Philip confiscated Xander's desk, which used to be Brady's, but Vic had given it to Xander. Insults galore, but Philip had taken all of Xander's things, put them away, making fun of them. Xander picks up a mug, asking if it came from souvenir shop, Phil says his mother, Xander drop it on the floor, it breaks, he says now it is garbage. More nasty insults back & forth, Philip constantly bringing up the “I am the son” card. He sits down in the chair, claiming no one will get him out of it. Xander walks around the desk, pushes the chair out the door, into the hall, telling Phil to enjoy the ride, closes & locks the door. He goes back to the desk, to find the drawers all locked, and the key missing.

Cue to Phil, pulling the key from his pocket, smiling, returning it to the inside pocket.

He runs into Jan in the square, surprised she is there. Jan brags of just having left Belle, expressing condolences, getting a chance to bond with Claire, thinks they will become very good friends. Phil grabs her arm, warns her to stay away from Belle & Claire or she will answer to him. He will kill her himself! He then goes to see Belle, tells her of seeing Jan, & promising she won't bother Belle or Claire any more, saying he would kill her if she did not stay away.

Eric gets a call from Justin, who wants to apologize for losing the case. No need, Eric hopes Sami will understand how she alienated others, he will pray for her. He gets a visitor from Africa, Angie, who talks of how Ebola has devastated their village, plus the rebel forces have been hard to deal with. They want Father Eric to return. Eric explains he no longer is a priest, is married, has a 5 yr. old daughter. No, he is staying put. She tells him to think about it, she is on a fundraising tour for their people. Leaves, as Nicole returns. Eric shows Nicole the info, tells of saying no, she asks if he is sure that is what he wants to do,.

Earlier, Lucas was babysitting his grandson, who was crying, in spite of all Lucas's efforts to comfort him. Nicole comes in, offers to help. Lucas refuses, but baby still crying, he finally lets Nik take him & the crying stops, she soon is able to get the baby to sleep. They talk of Sami springing Jan Spears on the court, bringing up stuff from 10-15 years ago about Nicole, and how she isn't one to point fingers herself. Nicole hopes Lucas doesn't get in trouble. After a bit, Lucas wants the baby back, Nicole talks of being so long since holding an infant. Tells the baby she will be back, and be there in case anything old grammy Sami drives you crazy “Who are you calling old”, & there is Sami, insisting to give her the baby. Nik does, then leaves. Sami whines, upset that others in town are upset with her, figures she will take the baby back to Italy with her. Lucas protests, my grandchild, too. Sami agrees, tells him to pack up the baby's things, she will go back to Mom's, we will talk about this in the morning. Lucas leaves with the baby, Sami immediately grabs phone, calls for 2 first class tickets to Rome. One for her, one for her grandson,, we have not named him yet. Well, he's an infant, can't he go on my passport. I live in Rome, am taking him there. “Like hell you will”. Sami quickly hangs up, turns, there stands Allie.
And, as usual, Sami bounced back with vicious vitriol...Wish Marlena would have given her another tongue lashing for that as well......but, she was too worried about John......

And then Sami finally mentions the fact she has other children she left back in Rome....oh, yeah, the perfect mother, huh?
Be kind to our plant friends: Fie on John for pitching a poor innocent cactus against the wall and on Belle for throwing a nice bouquet on the floor. If Days went all out in the science fiction area, they both could be attacked by rogue, revenge-minded vegetation.

Don't tug on Superman's cape: John better be careful about more outbursts aimed at Sami. They may be soul-satisfying, but John should remember the fate of EJ after he provoked the screecher. Similarly, Philly K. better be careful with the dirty tricks and insults aimed at Xander. If he doesn't, his next ride in his executive chair could be down a flight of stairs or out an upper-floor window.

How desperate are those poor African villagers: Things must really be bad for them if their great hope is the Fallen Father Eric.

I'm a lawyer -- big woop: Belle better not get too self-satisfied over being an attorney. Sure, she knows how to get a restraining order, but Jan Spears would surely treat it like a meaningless scrap of paper.

Legal stuff: The law was all against Sami today. Baby Boy Horton does need his own passport, and Allie has not been away from her son long enough to be declared unfit so Sami could keep the child.
Thanks, Poirot.

This was a good show with John getting angry at Sami. Then Allie coming back
to Salem. Somehow she knew Lucas had the baby at the DiMera mansion.
I hope she names him soon.

Philip got a MBA while he was away.

Will Xander get chummy with Jan because Philip hates her?

Philip told Belle he'll protect her and Claire. What about Shawn? :)

Claire wants to give Jan a second chance. That sounds like trouble in the making.

Great end with Sami on the phone trying to get a ticket and Allie heard her.

I got lucky today. On Demand/Peacock had Days on at 7 with one commercial.
Loved John telling Sami off today. My only regret is that he was remorseful about it later with Marlena. If more people would stand up to her and stop giving in to her and her wants, she would not be the awful person she is today.

I thought the judge only gave Sami temporary custody of the baby. Can she legally take him out of the country, even if the airline would allow him to fly without a passport?

Nicole mentioned to Lucas she would have had the time to devote to the baby as she had no job at this time. What happened to Basic Black? We never heard that Gabi or Chad at DiMera discontinued the line, so why is she out of a job?

I am already tired of Philip and Xander's antics. The trouble is, I see both sides of the story with them. While I always wanted Victor to reconcile with Philip as his only surviving son, he has developed a rapport with Xander that I like between them.

Holly is now five years old. They must have snuck some SORASing in there.

Now that Allie is back, can that baby finally get a name!
Holly is now five years old. They must have snuck some SORASing in there.
Holly was born in December 2016 and it is now 2021 in Salem, so she's technically 3 months away from being 5 years old. Plus, some people round up when they say how old their kids are. Unless they're one of those parents who still do it in months, even when the kid well past a year old. "My stepdaughter Holly is 57 months old."
Does anyone know why the show isn’t on Thursday 17 & Friday 18, please?
Any idea why?
U.S. Open Golf......(supposed to be done in May...was delayed because of pandemic)
Just have to share this.......Missed a few scenes because of impt. phone calls, so today I was able to watch the episode online, & I always use CC (yes, have a slight hearing problem, but it helps with characters speaking fast or mumbling) and it was too funny in some places. In one, Belle is telling Philip about how Jan Spears came there while she was gone.....CC said "chance beers".

LOL.......Then, later on, I noticed John was talking to Marlena......& not sure of his 2 words (maybe for when ..or ???) but the CC said "bourbon". There were more but it was cracking me up.