Days of our Lives - Wed., Sept. 24, 2020 (full summary)


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Sorry I only captured the first half of the show. (NOTE: I was able to do the other half, post #5, below - JS)

Justin on phone with Sonny, doorbell rings, Bonnie at the door. Sonny and Will are doing well in Arizona. Bonnie came as Justin summoned her. He has received information on her settlement. There is a hearing today about Bonnie's case, we presented our offer, and the publisher is going to present their offer today

Eli: do you think you could ever forgive me? Lani is going to try. But can Eli forgive Lani? Eli and Lani continue the dumbest conversation ever.

Kristen is angry Brady confessed. Brady has a better chance of avoiding prison. Rachel needs Kristen. Belle comes into interview room, the DA won’t take Brady’s change of pleas. Melinda Trask is the new DA and apparently she’s angry about Kristen killing her daughter. The former DA sold a pilot to Peacock. Kristen should go free. The DA refused Mr. Black's confession. DA Trask has the Salem Brain today.

Eric returns home to Nicole. He said all his goodbyes except one. Kiss kiss but no crying in baseball or saying goodbye. Nicole asks what he thinks about her taking care of a baby. Eric assumes Nicole is pregnant, Nicole explains about Allie. Eric asks how Nicole feels about raising the baby alone, but maybe it’s a good thing for Nicole to be so busy she wouldn’t miss Eric. Nicole is leaning toward accepting the request to take care of the baby. Eric warns Nicole that Sami will be upset that a judge is giving her the baby.

Sami pounds on the door demanding to speak to Eric. Nicole answers, Sami says to Eric, you were really going to leave without saying goodbye? Eric gets up from the couch says yes, but now you are here, goodbye Sami, and closes the door in her face. Sami demands to have the door open or she will break it down. Eric is not happy about Jan. Sami counters with she was going to be released soon anyway. Sami accuses Eric of leaving his wife, Eric says he’s not leaving his wife, Sami says well her goodbye tour isn’t going well. hey ask where are you going???? She says she's taking her grandson to Italy. Nicole points out that Allie will fight that. Sami mentions that she has custody and Allie can’t get before a judge before she gets on a plane. Eric asks what the hell is wrong with you? Eric tells Sami that she will lose her daughter forever.

Sami is not going to give up the baby. She has a window of time to take the baby back to Italy. Sami says she is going to take baby back to Marlena’s. Kate rats her out. Sami is on her "Nicole the murderer" rant and she can’t take care of a baby. Sami is told that Eric is leaving. Sami drops everything and runs to talk to Eric. Sami wants to take the baby but Allie won’t let her. Kate promises to watch the baby.

Allie wants to call Justin to get a restraining order to stop her mother from taking the baby to Italy.

Baby wakes up Kate asks Allie to hold her son, he’s awake, Allie thinks he’s a beautiful thing but she’s scared of screwing him up like my mom did to me. Kate points out that she loves her baby, witnessed by her coming by. (The baby is crying loudly all the way through this) They are trying to talk over this little dude. Kate can’t calm him at all. Allie missed him every minute of every day. Kate tells Allie she will have to give it a try holding the baby. He’s a cutie and he continues to cry.
Memo from Days management to the twins playing Baby Boy Horton:

Dear twins, please remember our "one take rule" here at Days. If you continue to bawl during your scenes, we'll have to replace you with fan favorite, Doll-in-Blanket, who never squawks in a scene.

Good day, Days Head Honchos
Thank you, robinsnest.

Oh, my goodness. Can the screaming banshee, also known as Sami, get any worse?!?! I just can't tolerate her any more.

I bet we can all see Allie changing her mind once she sees Little Boy Horton smile up at her. It may take Doll-in-Blanket to get that to happen, but I really want to see the smiling baby face of one of the twins.

The Eli/Lani/Kristen stuff is tiresome.

Eric is getting a better farewell than most characters. Plus he got to slam the door in Sami's face.
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2nd half:

Sami rants and raves at Eric, but he eventually gets her to calm down. He comes up with a plan that could benefit everyone involved, if Sami will check herself. You don't hear the plan, but the scene comes back to Sami, Eric and Nicole agreeing to Eric's plan. Sami and Eric say goodbye and she leaves, goes back to the DiMansion.

Eli and Lani talk at their little apartment, then snuggle in the bed, seems all is forgiven. She said a side effect of pregnancy is this, and she kisses him. They share some sexy time together, then head back to work.

Justin talks with Bonnie about the upcoming court case, but has an emergency situation he has to handle (Allie's case). She gets Henderson to get Justin's cowboy hat from the closet and asks him to wear it. He agrees; she feels it's his lucky hat.

Melinda Trask says she's going after Kristen with both barrels for killing her daughter. Brady, Belle and Kristen all argue that fact, but Melinda won't listen. She goes out into the main room at the police dept, where Lani and Eli are shocked to see her. She explains about being the DA again and she's going to put the screws to Kristen. Cue the looks between Lani and Eli.

Allie and Kate continue to talk (Baby No-Name has finally quieted down and is back in his carrier). Allie says she does love the baby but is afraid of screwing him up. Kate says it's not possible. Allie says one thing for sure, she and the baby are NOT going to Italy. Kate says she and Lucas will be happy to have Allie and Baby No-Name here in Salem.

Eric and Nicole kiss, happy with the solution, hoping Allie agrees to the plan. She asks how they want to spend their last day. He suggests doing a lot fun things, like going to Buddy's Burger Barn (gasp....not going to the pub for Brady Burgers??? Oh, for shame, Eric Brady; your Grandpa and Grandma Brady are rolling in their graves). Kiss kiss.

Justin and Bonnie are now in the little park area, very happy with the settlement. He shows her the figure, she whoops in delight. He explains that he gets 1/3 of the amount. She doesn't care, they're both rich, woo-hoo!, then kisses Justin.

Kate and Allie continue talking at the DiMansion when Sami walks in, says she's going back to Italy. Allie's not going, neither is the baby, she got a restraining order. Sami agrees; she just came from Eric and Nicole's and they had a nice talk, came up with a plan. How about Allie stays at Eric and Nicole's place, with the baby??
Thank you, JS.

Boy, the writers sure had Sami do a 180 turn about. So Sami agreed to let the baby live with Nicole even though she fought that from the get go? Bad writing! So be it. I'll overlook it if they just hurry up, and send Sami back to her toilet paper wrapped mummy smoochie woochie.
Did not see the show today at all, so huge thank yous to Robin & JS. Don't know if I will get to watch on the NBC site, as it has fits when I try & watch, keeps stopping ....Been a hectic day for me.
Melinda: She has a chance for a clean sweep. Prosecute creepy Kristen for the murder of Haley and the attempted murder of Victor. Don't object when Brady testifies that he stuck the knife in Victor, but then nail him for perjury, which could send him to jail for a few years. And when the full story of Kristen's return is revealed, prosecute Lani for aiding and abetting. After conviction, she might get six months in jail, meaning that Nicole's child care center would have a third kid to take care of.

Baby Boy Horton: He has every reason to raise a fuss. He has a feckless mother whose actions caused him to end up in the clutches of Sami who, as I said yesterday, would have smuggled him out of the country in a dog carrier if necessary.

Bonnie: How could her hack book be worth major bucks? More likely is that Bonnie knows so little that she'd think a two-figure settlement is a big deal ("Wow, $75") and Justin is so excited about finally prevailing in a civil action that he doesn't care how paltry his 1/3 share is.
oH, i gotta see that.....hope I can get it!
Thanks, robin and JS..

I got lucky. On Demand started showing Days at 7 since I missed over 30 minutes
this afternoon.

Kate was talking to Allie about Sami taking the baby. Allie said "I always figure
something out". Where did she learn that? Sami the expert.

What a surprise for everyone to see Melinda back in town. An interesting
product placement with the old DA selling a plot to Peacock.

I'm glad Lani asked Eli for forgiveness.

I hope Justin pushes Bonnie away tomorrow since she kissed him.

It was funny when Eric slammed the door in Sami's face.
Melinda: She has a chance for a clean sweep. Prosecute creepy Kristen for the murder of Haley and the attempted murder of Victor. Don't object when Brady testifies that he stuck the knife in Victor, but then nail him for perjury, which could send him to jail for a few years. And when the full story of Kristen's return is revealed, prosecute Lani for aiding and abetting. After conviction, she might get six months in jail, meaning that Nicole's child care center would have a third kid to take care of.

Baby Boy Horton: He has every reason to raise a fuss. He has a feckless mother whose actions caused him to end up in the clutches of Sami who, as I said yesterday, would have smuggled him out of the country in a dog carrier if necessary.

Bonnie: How could her hack book be worth major bucks? More likely is that Bonnie knows so little that she'd think a two-figure settlement is a big deal ("Wow, $75") and Justin is so excited about finally prevailing in a civil action that he doesn't care how paltry his 1/3 share is.
Since Trask has her own vendetta against Kristen, wouldn't it be a conflict of interest for her to judge this case?