Days of Our Lives -Wed., Sept. 26, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Roman comes into Pub, finding Eric with a hurt hand, saying he got it giving someone what they deserved. He ends up telling his dad the whole tale, how Brady had something on Nicole , forcing her to tell Eric she did not love him, and was leaving town. He moans at how hard it had to be for Nicole to do that, how cruel Brady was. He talks of how Jen found out two months ago, that he really cared about her. Roman gets to the nitty gritty….if Jen had told you when she first found out, would you have asked her to marry you?

Eve reluctantly opens the door, doesn’t want to let Jennifer in, says she will take care of it. But Jen is looking for Eric, Brady says he WAS there, Brady has the sore face to prove it, but left. Of course, it all comes out, Jen claims she owns a newspaper, learned what happened, did not tell Eric as did not want to lose him, but could not continue, or marry him, with this big lie between them. Brady admires her for that. Eve is looking increasingly uncomfortable. Brady asks who told Jen, where did she get her info. Jen says she doesn’t reveal her sources, as she glances meaningfully at Eve. Brady says only 3 people knew, Victor, Eve……..decides it was Victor, is ranting about him, grabs his keys, is going to go tell him off. Eve stops him, she & Jen argue a bit, with Eve admitting she told Jennifer. Then asks to talk to Brady alone, Jen leaves. She notes this was about the custody case, that while Victor planned and arranged for the planting of the drugs in JJ’s apt., she is the one who thought something drastic was needed.

Stefan bring Kristen a tray of food, she is not too pleased with the chicken soup, making fun of everything on the tray. Stefan wants her gone, out, says cops will be back to search tunnels, etc. They go back and forth, She has taken a jacket off, revealing the phoenix tattoo she now has on her shoulder, bragging about it, puts it back on. She calls Stefano her father, Stefan her brother. She obviously doesn’t intend to leave. He asks about EJ, knows what she told Sami. Kristen gets a sly look, pulls out a chair, telling him to sit down, and listen to this story.

Justin is on phone with Adrienne, informing her Lucas caved, Bonnie is free. A guard brings a struggling Sami in, she is angry, he calms her down, has her sit. Lets her know her antics are not doing her any good, she is insisting he get her out. He finally says he knows she has been thru a lot, Paul out the window, her mother, etc. He will go plead with the judge, and see what he can do. He really tries to explain to Sami she has to give up this idea EJ is not dead. She talks of Will being alive, says if it was Adrienne, she was gone, and several years later you hear she is alive. Justin admits he would go look, but reminds her that EJ was shot in the back- and that Will was strangled, his vitals could have been so low, he was declared dead when he wasn’t.

Eli arrives at the Kmansion, has to ascertain whether they are harboring a fugitive. Vic is annoyed, in waltzes Susan, with her usual chatter. Seems she has to explain how/why she is in the house, she does, talks of Sonny bringing her there, etc. She was scared to leave, afraid of Kristen, Maggie said she could stay. Eli wants to make sure she is not really Kristen, disguised as Susan, takes a swab of her cheek. He leaves, Susan sits having some tea, Vic wants her to go up to whatever suite she is staying in, and remain there. She calls him mean, mean, mean, asking nice Maggie how she could marry such a man. Then Susan decides he actually is a big ol pussy cat, as she takes her tea and some sweets, goes upstairs. Maggie is laughing, stroking Vic’s shoulder, saying meow, meow.

Sami is alone in the interrogation room when Eli comes in. She is waiting for her lawyer, he can use the room if he wants. She tries pumping him for info about the search for Kristen, Eli only admits he just got back from Kmansion, she isn’t there, but the search goes on. Justin returns, managed to talk the judge into granting bail, but on condition Sami doesn’t interfere in the search for Kristen. Sami promises, only wants to go see her mother. A guard has taken off the cuffs, and she is gone.

Jennifer comes to the Pub, looking for Eric. Roman relates he just left, was pretty upset.

Eric shows up at the Kmansion, tells Maggie he needs her help. He has to find Nicole.

Stefan comes up from the tunnels, closes the entry to it, mutters how there is always something to learn about this family. He spots Sami, how did you get in here. She has been breaking in there for years, and needs to talk to him.
Am so tired of this EJ baloney, & Sami's chasing around, looking for him. She gets released, doesn't go see her mom, doesn't bother with her TWIN brother, or anyone, just runs over to see Stefan and try to track down Kristen. Ugh. First thing she does is void the conditions under which Justin got the judge to grant her bail. Justin warned her it would be back to the slammer, but reckless Sami forgets her children, her family, the ones currently hurting, and chases off after a corpse. He died in her arms, his blood on her. She lay next to his cold, lifeless body in the morgue, but refuses to listen to anyone. Why doesn't she go to where he is buried in Italy, have his body dug up and see for herself.
it truly is a shame when writers are allowed to wreak havoc that other writers have to rectify. And if Corday paid more attention, he would veto whatever as soon as he read the breakdown, or script. His parents would have, but he has no interest in doing that.
If there is no other story for Sami than this ridiculous, repetitious one, then just forget having her guest on the show. Let EJ rest in peace for heaven's sake.
Or have someone.......anyone......ask Sami if the man is alive, why has he not contacted her. Oh, yeah, convenient amnesia, right? Didnt she go chasing around the world, claiming he left notes for her, etc. Treasure hunt of sorts. Bah, humbug!
Guess they don't or cannot analyze convenient......
Also, as Justin pointed out, Kristen is a notorious liar and manipulator.......and Sami says she knows that, but still thinks her word is gospel. Sigghhhh.
If I had the slightest inkling that my husband was alive, and I had the financial means to do it, I would go to the ends of the earth to find him. I admit, however, that this Sami nonsense and the not-really-dead Salemites got old years ago. I remember when Stefano died when he fell off a catwalk but, like the Energizer Bunny, he just kept going and going and going until the actor died.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wish people in Salem would tell the truth. Instead of telling Justin he's the
best lawyer in town, they should say he's the only lawyer in town :)

So Kristen told Stefan about EJ, but we didn't hear it.

I enjoyed the fun scenes at the K mansion at tea time. I thought Eli putting
in his hand in Susan's mouth to check her teeth was odd and wouldn't he
need a warrant.

Brady finally knows the truth about Eve's idea putting in drugs in JJ's apartment.
Will he forgive her?
You know, that is what it looked like, but I thought I was misinterpreting, as usually it is a swab, only he did not seem to have anything besides his finger. Since I don't tape, no way for me to check back, and watch again. LOL
Stefan wants her gone, out, says cops will be back to search tunnels, etc.
Jeez, according to Jen, they've had two months.
Am so tired of this EJ baloney, & Sami's chasing around, looking for him
I want this resolved one of two ways:
1. Sami learns EJ is dead, and kills herself in grief.
2. Sami learns EJ is alive, and he kills her for stealing DiMera money.

I don't care about the middle and as far as I am concerned, Sydney and Johnny (if not un-DiMera'd) can join Tommy and Sandy Horton, Pocket, Joy Wesley, and Steven Hawk.