Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 27, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Chad & Abby are nervous, Sonny has arrived for Andre's bachelor party for Chad, but Justin has not arrived with Sonny, nor called. Abby comments that if things did not go right, they won't be able to get married tomorrow. Justin rushes in, judge granted the plea, he waited for paperwork, she legally was never married to Dario. Yay and hurray.

Steve is at the hospital, talking of going to the Pub party, but is looking forward much more to coming home to Kayla. She says the same. He gives her a single yellow rose, they talk of visiting the prison, Joey is fine, Steve has someone looking out for him. He gives her a ride to the other party.

Rafe & Hope do another jabber, jabber, kiss, kiss at the P.D. (they sure are a bad example to other cops) JJ & Lani meet, greet each other, would prefer private date, but will meet after the parties.

Theo has walked Claire to TBD, chatter, kiss, he will return to walk her home. Inside, Hope, Kayla & Lani are there, Jennifer, who is hosting this party, cannot make it, big story breaking, no one to cover. Hope & Kayla mention that Jen could not rely on Adrienne, who really has been acting odd, not herself for a while. Abby arrives, learns Gabi's babysitter canceled, so cannot be there..... chatter, champagne toasts, except Claire gets non-alcoholic.

At DiMansion, host Andre talks to the guys (Justin, Sonny, Chad, Theo) gives them party bag favors, which turn out to be ascots, which he insists each guy wear. He ties Theo's, Sonny won't tie his, Chad & Justin made a rather half hearted attempt. Now comes cards, the guys all are happy, tis poker, but Andre shoots that down, as it will be bridge. He starts giving lessons in how to play, the guys are soooo bored, are not into bridge, and opt to go crash the Pub party, claiming Sonny is missing Paul, and is craving chicken wings, rather than the Duck L'Orange the chef has prepared. Yawwnnnn.

Over at the Pub, Brady is behind the bar, staring at booze bottles again, pours himself a shot as Paul walks in.....what are you doing? Brady claims it was a shot for guest of honor, but Paul intends to pace himself, refuses. Now most of the guys are there, Steve, Roman, Brady, Paul, JJ, Rafe...Brady passes out the cigars from his dad, who cannot be there, the guys are playing poker, having fun, Paul goes to get more chips, JJ tells the guys he has a stripper, but tis a guy. Paul returns, stripper arrives in mask, I guess supposed to be exaggerated baseball catcher?? Anyway, he makes a few moves, Paul is laughing, off comes the breast plate, and finally his catcher's mask. Paul is taken aback, tis Gil, a guy he used to date. There is some kind of conversation, I think Gil hit on Paul , just as the DiMera Group comes in. Sonny is not too happy, until he hears Paul saying that he is spending the rest of his life with Sonny, doesn't intend to be with anyone else, ever. Sonny smiles, comes up, he feels the same, smiles, Gil wishes them the best, leaves for his other gig.

And over to TBD where the gals are all laughing, talking, as Abby opens gifts, obligatory sexy nighty. Then some dumb game, wherein each one present wrote a piece of relationship advice, Abby reads aloud, has to guess who it came from zzzzzz. And then in comes Gil the stripper, does a tiny bit of his act, but Abby, tho laughing, turns away, she is either embarrassed, or just not into it. Lani hurries up, pays the guy his fee, he mutters about both gigs being failures, leaves.

More chatter, parties are over, couples are hooking back up. Theo meets up with Claire, to walk her home, mentions Andre's party a dud, and they went to the Pub. Steve talks to Rafe about his problems just a bit. Tried to deal with Ava, blew up in his face. They went to visit Joey at the prison, he seems to finally have peace of mind, Kayla could see he is o.k. but just misses having him around. Rafe figures she just is working thru it all differently than Steve. He agrees.

Andre talks to Stefano's picture, telling him his youngest son is marrying a gal that is worthy of him. Stefano should be there to see it, but not to worry, Andre will be there.

JJ & Lani leave Brady & Roman to the final tidying up, and go off on their own. Sonny would like Paul to spend the night with him, he is not into tradition, but Paul says they will have their rest of their lives, and spend every single night together.

Abby is showing Chad her gifts, especially the sexy nighty, small talk, kiss, kiss.

And in a hospital room, a nurse is scolding a patient who is sitting up, we really only see the back of the chair) that he hasn't eaten enough, he has to eat more before he takes his meds. He takes a spoonful. One arm is in restraints, the other holding a spoon. She says that is better, will be back. He glances at the Intruder mag on the side table, with pics of Sonny/Paul, plus Chad/Abby. The camera closes in on the hand in the restraints, clutching a set of keys.
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I typically never watch the show live and now I know why!!! I could have watched that episode in 10 minutes. It was killing me not have fast forward.

And, that journal they gave Abby and only 4 people wrote in it??? Also, I did feel a bit bad for Andre! Lol! He tried.
Oh, for sure. When I did Early Edition, I used to be able to tape the show during wee hours with NO commercials, so it ran around 35 min. This show ...yep, definitely could have been seen & gotten the entire gist in 10 min. Maybe 7. Glad Abby has family, as a lack of friends, for sure. Lani was probably there only because of being JJ's girlfriend. The bride's mom throws a party and then doesn't show up? Huh?

And Andre's dud of party. No words! LOL Well, I suppose for last minute, was all o.k. and definitely was the thought that counts. So....Seems to me Chloe & Julie bought Club TBD........where were those two lovely ladies???
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Thanks, Poirot.

Rafe and Hope and their PDAs (public display of affections) in the cop shop. STOP IT!!

Steve and Kayla and their PDAs in the open at the hospital. STOP IT!!

Anyone in their place of employment opening kissing, hugging, being all lovey dovey. STOP IT!! I have never had my spouse meet me in the reception area of my workplace and greet him playing tongue hockey and being overly affectionate with each other for all of my co-workers and clients to view.

Ugh. I meant to mention this in the pet peeve thread, but seriously, who CAN Abigail have at her stagette/hen party other than Gabi? There are no other women her age in Salem. I highly doubt Anne Milbauer would attend. Theresa is gone and she wouldn't have attended anyway. Days needs to pump more people in all age brackets. Hopefully this happens soon.
([Rafe and Hope] sure are a bad example to other cops)
This has been going on for as long as the show has been on. I've seen Marlena smooching/cooing/gasping with Roman and John; Abe doing the same with Lexi; John with Isabella and Diana; Steve with Kayla; Rafe with Sami; Bo with Hope/Billie/Carly, et al, and on an on. This is nothing new to Salem PD. It seems that many people don't like to see Rafe and Hope necking in the workplace, and it makes me wonder if it's because this couple isn't as popular as some of the others. Hmmmmmm?

Chad is taken aback, tis Gil, a guy he used to date.
Chad dated Gil?????

The same stripper did both parties! Darn budget cuts!
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Poirot, I really do appreciate your writing up these summaries. Also, the comments are helpful. I had about decided I wouldn't watch this episode but I might go through and watch the Chad-Andre scenes. I'm just not into the wedding anticipation or the blah-blah kissy stuff and this one sounds like that's about all there is to it.

KathyLu, though I haven't been a fan of Rafe and Hope, their public displays of affection don't bother me any more than other couples who do it. It's true, people have been doing that on Days forever. It's just that Hope and Rafe seem to do it so frequently. It's almost as though they don't have any story or life together so they just sit around and kiss. Kinda like John and Marlena did during that time when they were sitting around and reading old love letters of Santo and the woman, whatever their names were. I'm not against romance but I tend to prefer how they did it in the old movies, when most of the physical part of it was left to the imagination. I know, this is the 21 century and that's not going to happen now so I can take it or leave it. I leave most of it.
Sorry I should've said everyone on Days to stop it! Yes, every couple seems to have done this at one time or another. I was just using more recent ones as an example. I actually like Rafe and Hope together but I think there needs to be some professionalism and standards to uphold in every place of employment, except if you are Dr. Daniel Jonas and he gets a little peekaboo of a hospital gown, then its no holds barred. A little afternoon delight is just what Dr. Daniel Jonas is prescribing.
Another episode that consisted largely of filler, but there are a few points to make.

Bad manners: Fie on those who walked out on Andre's party and missed his special duck dinner. Didn't they realize that they had a chance to experience their own version of the old film My Dinner with Andre. And a big boo and hiss to those who didn't appreciate his gift of ascots. An Italian silk ascot from Brooks Brothers sells for $169.00. (Andre would never patronize Salem Tie City, the cheap discount joint where Ben shopped when he needed lots of ties.)

How about some honesty?: If Hope had been honest, her advice to Abigail, based on her relationship with Bo Brady and Rafe, would have been: the couple who commits felonies together stays together.

Blast from the past: Instead of some stray stripper who once knew Paul, a better choice would have been Dr. Cameron Davis, aka Officer Billy Club, who was an object of Abigail's carnal desire back when she was still posing as Ms. Perfect. Imagine the expression on her face if Cameron had walked into her party.

Low grade hooch?: Brady should look twice before taking another swig of Roman's liquor supply. Today, he gulped a glass of something labeled "Black Rush," whose label was remarkably similar to that on bottles of Old Bushmill's premium Black Bush Irish whiskey. Could it be that Roman is serving his customers cheap knock-offs laced with grain alcohol and artificial colors. If he serves this stuff to his dates, it's no wonder he didn't get a kiss for years.


Don't expect to get this at
the Brady Pub.
Yep, exactly, Muzza. JJ & Lani were kissing, but Rafe & Hope are doing it all the time, and that is what I meant about an "example to other officers". Sometimes they seem worse than high school sophmores in the stairwells. LOL

As to Andre"....he was not doing a bachelor party, he was having an elegant dinner party. Ascots for all, a game of Bridge & dinner!!! Duck L'Orange. Then comes the film of DiMera family history, digs about DiMera vs. Kiriakis corporations....that was not nice at all. Glad someone said no "business" talk tonight.

I am unsure as to what made Abby giggle but reject the strip dancer, and as an aside, our very own Rafe, Brady and Dr. J did a better job back when raising funds. LOL.

Cracked up when Steve went and put money in the guy's waistband....(Gil did not deserve it, in my opinion)
Thanks, Poirot.

An interesting party Andre had. I wonder what website he used to get
party ideas? I felt bad for him when the guys left early, but I laughed the
whole time. It would have been fun to see the DiMera family
movies, and
Andre said pub grub.

Interesting gift Andre gave everyone. An ascot. I loved how guys pulled them
out of bag and wondered what it was. Reminded me of the people
on the
square. Andre should have invited this fellow who loves ascots


Nice to see Roman at the pub party. Was he the only fellow there that doesn't have anyone?

It was cute when Hope covered Claire's eyes when the stripper was there.
Thanks for the summary. It was a "meh" episode but not terrible. The lame party with Andre sounds hilarious! I'm also over the PDA constantly. It's not realistic or professional. Hopefully the writers will start to do away with that.