Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 30, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

And the Emmy today goes to Peggy McCay, who plays Caroline. Terrific performance! Hope is with Maggie, chatting about Aiden, the kids, Justin bragging about prosecuting Chad, how eager, what a good cop Rafe is, her upcoming wedding, the bi-centennial. They decide that perhaps 19th century costumes might not be exactly the right thing, decide perhaps a 60s theme would work better, like the gals in Mad Men. They get on computer, & with just a couple of clicks are looking at clothes, even wedding dresses, and Hope is ecstatic, commenting about Aiden in a Rat Pack tuxedo. lol.

Victor is at the hospital talking to Kayla, learning Caroline was released, and how Kayla knows she is on a decline, no cure, told her mom, but in a short while, she won't even remember what Kayla said.

But Caroline is at the mansion being renovated (she looks wonderful!) and makes her way into the room with the mirror. Shawn's face appears and she begins hollaring at it, saying how she is not ready to go, refusing to go, family needs her. Bo is in grave danger, Steve has returned and got Kayla all upset, Sami is all alone in CA trying to keeping her children away from Stefano, Will's marriage is in trouble, oh, her family needs her. She will not go. Julie has come in, Caroline obviously upset, she calls Kayla, who comes over with Victor.
Caroline is sitting in a chair, trying to get rid of "that old man". She does not know Kayla, did she live near the fish market? Kayla asks if she means him (Victor) by "old man". No, she means Shawn, he is trying to get me to go, but my family needs me. They leave to take her to the hospital.

At the Kmansion, Dr. Salinas has arrived, per Victor's request. Maggie calls Victor to tell him, Victor says he arrived just in time. Maggie & Hope go to the hospital, Caroline doesn't recognize either one. Kayla takes Caroline off, Victor explains to the group about Dr. Salinas's research, experimental work but no clinical trials, and how Caroline is deteriorating so fast, there is no more time unless she begins treatment right away. Kayla arrives, tells Victor that will happen over her dead body.

Stefano is using an oxygen mask, takes some deep breaths, discards it as Aiden arrives, having been summoned, and wants to know why. In comes "take charge" Andre', who does all the talking as Stefano watches and listens. Aiden has no idea who Andre' is, but is informed they paid all his debts, now they own him, he has to do their bidding. Aiden is going to pay back, gives Andre' the cashier's check for $100,000, which apparently barely covers the interest!!! Andre' chuckles, figures Aiden conned Hope, wonders how she would react if she knew the true scope. Lots of minor threats and promises, they will let Aiden know when & what they will be wanting him to do. Aiden leaves, Stefano is glad Andre' is there, & no one in Salem even knows he is still alive. All in good time, replies Andre'.

Rafe is at the cop shop, looking over the evidence board. Lani comes in with some reports, he asks her to take a look at the board, since she is new, doesn't know anyone, would have an unbiased perspective. She only comments the murder scenes look staged, the killer trying to make them look similar. He has to leave, tells Lani to study it some more, maybe she might come up with something else.

He meets with Marlena in the square, she is to give him the profile, but she is saying how she has doubts this was Chad. Why would he come to her for help, then try to kill her. She only reveals that perhaps, hypothetically, she may have hypnotized Chad, but does admit he only remembered that night with Serena, being very drunk, but having gotten into a fight with someone.

Over at the shack, Chad, by the light of a lantern, is rummaging thru some old clothes, containers with them I guess. He pulls out a few things.

Aiden finds Chase & Ciara playing Monopoly (I think at the Pub) and gets drawn into playing with them. (Yep, I think he gambles). Eventually the kids take him to the cleaners, but he does recall some of Andre's comments to him about owing the DiMeras, during the game. He is cleaned out, leaves the game, only to overhear the kids talking of the murders. He is reassuring them, the cops will catch the guy, they are safe, all kinds of cop relatives and friends. He holds both kids, comforting them.

Back to Chad, who is dressed like he belongs up in the northern woods. Plaid shirt, pants with suspenders, a khaki vest (like a hunting vest). He then pulls an old rather baggy jacket off a hook, puts it on, grabs a scarf, wraps it around his neck. He looks in the mirror, ruffs up his hair, then grabs a floppy hat, and wow....sort of a bedraggled Indiana Jones. Ha.
He is out on the docks, sees a homeless woman, gives her his scarf because it will be cold tonight, then describes his "friend" with the long hair. The woman won't tell him anything as he has no name, runs off. Chad looks around some more, and there is the guy. He takes off his hat, asks if the man remembers him from the other night. Yep, all he did was ask for the time, and "you got all upset". And the man mentions 2:35 a.m. But again how upset you were. Chad gives him money to buy himself a watch, but wants him to tell some people about seeing him, the fight, the whole thing. When the guy hears it is cops, nope, no way. Chad promises he is not in trouble, etc. but the man absolutely refuses.
As Caroline was rattling off all the family issues, I couldn't help but miss Kim and Shane as well. They are very much needed in Salem right now. Great job by Peggy McCay (Caroline).

Note that Andre referred to Chad as "my brother" in front of Aiden. But I don't think Aiden picked up on it.

I like Kayla being the center of things for Caroline, Adrienne and Hope. I'm glad she is not only in scenes with Steve and Joe. Time to bring Roman into this too.

Nice to see Marlena pop up at 1:36pm lol. Also nice to see her working with Rafe.

Lani is going to need to grow on me some more. Not impressed so far.
Aiden finds Chase & Ciara playing Monopoly (I think at the Pub) and gets drawn into playing with them.
They were in Hope's office.

Wow, the scene with Caroline, Kayla and Victor (at the Martin house) had me in tears. Really powerful scene.

The homeless woman reminded me of actress Billie Hayes (who had played Witchiepoo on H.R. Pufnstuf and Weenie the Genie on Lidsville; both were 70's kiddie shows by Sid and Marty Kroft).
A good show today. Nice break from Ben and Abigail. This whole thing with Dr. Salinas and Caroline is bound to get interesting. Really powerhouse acting scenes from Peggy McCay. So heartbreaking to see what Caroline is going through.

I do hope everything works out for both Chad and Aiden. I don't like what Aiden did, but he doesn't strike me as a bad person, just someone who made a terrible mistake and got caught up in lies. You can really tell he does care for the kids.
So Stefano has picked up another "pawn." Why does he bother? They generally don't work out all that well. Recall how the once-brainwashed Steve ended up kidnapping Stefano and the Alamania debacle when "The Pawn" and Princess Gena reverted back to the usual selves. Speaking of the Phoenix, he did have one bit of good advice today: "Listen and behave." If more Salemites took this to heart, they'd be a lot less trouble in town. Over at the police station, Ciara once again proved that she's one tough customer, acting as if she was doing the near-bankrupt Chase a big favor by handing him a white ($1) Monopoly money bill. Finally, as other posts have done today, kudos to Peggy McCay (Caroline), who's doing a great job playing a difficult role (all with no retakes).
After watching today's episode I'm not so sure Aiden is really "bad guy". I'm kind of seeing him more as a guy who got in over his head with some bad people. I know that they were seeming to to be moving him into "villain" territory a month ago but now I think he's more desperate then anything. I also think his feelings for Hope are genuine. Of course I also think it's possible Stefano hired him to marry Hope out of a sincere desire for her to find love again. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic. :love:
Ah, Troy, enjoy your daydreams. Stefano doesn't believe in love at all. Family, yes. But love......nahhhh. Look at all the women Stefano bedded, got pregnant, he never cared about any of them. Oh, the children that resulted. Yep. But the women.....nahhh. He did not want EJ with any of the women EJ chose, wanted Chad to have Abby only to get his hands on some land in Ireland, and so, he definitely wanted Aiden to woo and marry Hope for a reason.
Yes, I believe Aiden really does care about Hope, Ciara, and would love to marry and be a family.
But the man obviously has a huge get into such huge debt that $100,000 "barely covers the interest", is unconsciencable. He has obviously squandered the money inherited from his wife, the money received when the beach house was sold. And while Hope thinks this clears up his debt, he definitely owes a great deal more.

And hey, Troy, tsk, tsk, you did not even mention Gabi's name, how disappointing. :drunk::)
I don't know how I could have made that kind of mistake Poirot. The Gabi withdrawal I'm going through must have affected my mental faciliites. I of course meant to add that I wonder what Gabi will think of Hope and Aiden as a couple because who wouldn't want to know that?

Anyway thank you for catching this egregious oversight on my part. I assure you I won't let that happen again. :wink:
Au contraire, my friend. Bo Brady left Salem, his wife and child, and all us viewers of his own choice a few years ago, refusing to come back when asked, and not just once.

In the course of life, the characters whose lives with whom he was involved, along with the viewers, moved on. That is normal.

Aiden was a good addition, a nice guy, at odds at first with Hope, but gradually they managed to see beyond their initial problems, and united. Hope has been very happy with her life and Aiden in it.
I have no idea why the writers decided to throw Aiden under the bus. Bo is not returning to stay, this is very short term for him, as apparent by the dragged out torture junk. But it is Aiden who has to be shoved aside. I really don't see how or why, but evidently, the writers want the character gone, and Hope set up for something else.
Cannot tell you how much I hate, loathe and detest the fast filming schedule. So many months ahead. Ugh.
Today's show better for me since it wasn't so sad.

I enjoyed Andre and his odd humor. He told Aiden, Hope's first name was

Interesting Maggie and Hope discussed Roman and family protecting
Sami all the time. This is what Rafe did with Gabi.

Hope must be thinking big for her wedding tossing out the designer
for her gown.

Great stuff with Caroline today. I almost cried.

Poor Aiden, he can't even win at Monopoly
If the new writers had brought back Bo with little explanation as to the why, where, how of his absence and immediately had Hope inexplicably dropping Aiden and reuniting with Bo then, sure I'd say there was some funny business going on. But even as dragged out as the story has been with Bo and the whiplash inducing turnabout for Aiden's character, I don't necessarily see this as Aiden being sacrificed at the altar of Bo or vice versa during the previous regime. As written, Bo left his family and chose his mission over his family. Hope moved on. Could they have written a better story or provided better closure for Hope re: Bo? Of course, but they left things wide open for so long until finally they decided to give Hope a love interest and so they had to have her disconnect from Bo in order to move her on. I don't know what Peter Reckell's (Bo) plans are but I do find it strange that if the actor is not long term then why box Aiden into a corner? The way it's being written right now, it seems like Hope will end up with neither man. I hope they don't pair her Rafe. It's not that I'm against it necessarily, I just can't think of who else to pair her with if both Bo and Aiden might be gone or otherwise out of her life in the near future. I just can't see Hope staying with Aiden once the entire truth comes out about his connection to Stefano and like I said, we do not know for sure what will happen with Bo, but even if he was back long term I don't think there should/would be a reconciliation with Hope in the near future. Maybe down the line.

Anyway, as to today's show.....yes, I agree with others, Caroline was heartbreaking today, as was Kayla. I was tearing up watching those scenes. I don't have any personal experience with Alzheimer's (or whatever neurological disease she has) but I can't imagine having your mother not recognize you and looking at you like a complete stranger.

Nice disguise Chad. LOL. He was a bit overdressed for early fall though. He looked like he was ready for winter! Ha. I still don't see how he thinks the word of a bum is going to be an acceptable alibi to the police. Oh, well, I still enjoy Billy Flynn (Chad). :)

I do enjoy Andre so far. Still wish he was Tony but that's ok. I like that he has taken control, so to speak. I hope he has scenes with Chad soon. I don't think Aiden picked up on Andre's comment about Chad being his brother, or if he did he doesn't realize the significance since he only just moved to Salem a couple years ago.
Andre was AMAZING today awwww how I missed those sassy witty insults with that big smile. Stefano was beyond impressed, they basically had Aiden cornered by the throat. You'd think Aiden knew better after Clyde, now he went from going from the frying pan into the fire.

Poor Chase and Ciara seemed scared about the serial killer and he's on the loose.

I had a feeling for Chad it wouldn't be so easy to get the homeless man to go with him to a police station. Stefano may have to have the homeless man roughed up a bit so he cooperates.

WAIT A SECOND!! Remember sometime back.....remember Paige ran into Ben when he was new to Salem, Paige knew Ben from Miami as he was her waiter (surprising he ends up killing her currently.) Okay tie that into Lani, how she said she was new from Miami. Ben's past crimes were from Miami. Lani could be a piece in the solving the case.
I think it's called fair turnabout since I believe Bo Brady was sacrificed for Aiden.
I disagree. Bo left, on his own, long before Aiden showed up in Salem. It wasn't until Peter Reckell (Bo) decided to grace us, once again, with his wonderful (?) presence, that Aiden was magically turned into a bad guy. If not for Mr. Reckell's return, I think Aiden would never have been written as he is now. I wish "Bo" had stayed gone.