Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 3rd, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Director – Kathryn Foster

Over in France, Max sits alone in his room, as Melanie comes in looking for something to eat. P&J in the little frig, nope, she doesn’t like peanut butter. Sorry, he has no snacks. They get to jabbering, she wonders how he got adopted. He gives her the Cliff Notes version…Trent abandoned his mother, she died, Trent put him into foster care, abusive place. Rescued by an older kid who took him under his wing, then the Bradys adopted both Frankie & him. He asks about her life. She says they lived lots of places as Trent climbed the academic ladder, finally settling in Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Univ. of Michigan home). She was in 6th grade, stole a teacher’s wallet, spent all the money on clothes, got busted, and from then on it was boarding schools, constantly being kicked out and he would find another for her. She finally talked him into letting her come to France, and here she stays, enjoying her freedom, right now pretending to be in summer school. Max asks when she will graduate, who knows, she replies. She claims she doesn’t get along all that well with her dad. Max wants her to return with him to Salem, tell him how she feels, she can leave again then. No Way, she protests, she would then be under his control since she is not yet 18, and her freedom is important. And once she hits 18……..Au Revoir.Just then Trent calls Mel, complaining about her maxing out her credit card, she makes excuses and hangs up. Max tries to convince her to go home with him, but no go. Max tells her he is her brother, and he IS going to be in her life from now on. He has to leave, smiles as he says he is taking his wallet. When he is gone, Melanie calls someone, saying to send a car for her, things are getting too intense around here. Max has gone to meet Nick, telling him he doesn’t know exactly what to do about Melanie. Stephanie doesn’t trust her, he feels Mel needs him, and he just does not know what to do.

Back in Salem, at the DiMera mansion, Stefano is still ranting and raving at his ingrate sons, but so glad to be back in his mansion with all his artwork, liquor & cigars. LOL. He tells EJ & Tony he is disowning them both. Tony says he already disinherited them, but Stef rants he is doing it again. J He is complaining about John running a boarding house there, when in walks Lucas & Chloe. Stefano is rolling his eyes AND his Rs, as he asks WHY Lucas is there. I live here, replies Lucas, Stefano nearly has a fit, asks if Chloe does, too. Nope. Thank goodness. Lucas announces, tho, that he is moving out, (Stefano says, thank goodness) and only came to collect his stuff. Later, he & Chloe come down laden with suitcases, bag of things, and Lucas is carrying a little doll. EJ asks why he is taking some of that stuff – Lucas says for when he gets his daughter. EJ is surprised he is still pursuing this, but Lucas tells him it is between him & Sami & none of his business. They leave. Doorbell, and now comes Victor, walking with a cane. Stefano has heard of his debilitating stroke, Vic has heard of Stef’s debilitating coma. They sit down, smile & chat, glad to be back doing business with each other. Victor appreciates Stefano letting him know about Paul escaping, Stef claims actually it was Rolf who let him know. They exchange a few pleasantries, evidently reaching some sort mutual satisfactory understanding, cause the next scene, there is no Victor, and we do not see him leave.
Stefano wants EJ & Tony out next, but they tell him they are perfectly comfortable, having every right to be there. He asks if they are challenging him. Yep, sez EJ, guess we are. Stefano sips his brandy, commenting…..Bring it on!!!

Chelsea is playing with Theo, when Mark comes in for their session. She goes outside the room to wait, as Daniel comes up. He tries to talk to her, tells her it is over & done between him & kate, but Chelsea is rather cool towards him. She is sorry, but she just could not be with him, without seeing him, in her mind’s eye, with Kate. Lexie comes along, intending to pick up Theo, but Chelsea tells her she knows Lexie is busy, and will wait for Theo, take him for ice cream after. Lexie is greatful, leaves. Later Chelsea is once again sitting with Theo in the room, (they seem to get along well), and tells him she has to go away for a little while, but promises she will be back soon.

Down at the cop shop, Morgan waits to talk with her father. John comes in, wanting to know what they want him for. Bo explains about Paul being in custody, yes, Roman already told John that. And Stefano should be behind bars and isn’t. Bo figures Stefano has friends in high places. John claims he will launch a civil suit, if the PD cannot bring charges. Roman comes out, tells him that John is still a suspect in the Hollingsworth case.
Philip is watching & listening, all the time. Paul is questioned, claims he disappeared on his own, came back because he decided to turn himself in. Yes, he planted the cocaine on John’s ship all by himself, and burned down the warehouse. Roman says he thinks John kidnapped him, held him under cover, and that Philip paid him to plant the cocaine. Nope, Paul says he did it all by himself. He is led away, being allowed to say goodbye to his daughter. She is still asking what is going on, he says he is going to jail.
John gets a call from Stefano, who tells him he assumes he is free, just like himself. John asks how he managed it, Stef says none of his business. John wonders how he managed to convince Paul to take the fall, Stefano laughs as he says he threatened his daughter. It is always about control & leverage. And in return for getting John off the hook, he wants him to keep silent about what was done to him in the lab. And if he tries to file a civil suit, Paul will renege on his confession and John will be in hot water. “Tread lightly, …”.
Tony wonders how Stefano can live with himself after what he did with the gas at the hospital. Stefano claims he was gone already, that folks were only hallucinating when they claim they saw him. He insists he is completely innocent.
Roman calls John into his office to get things squared away about the civil suit he is going to bring on Stefano, but John has decided not to pursue that avenue. He says he does not remember much, so would probably lose, so why bother. Victor calls Philip, telling him Paul is taking the fall for the cocaine, and he is in the clear. Big smile on Phil’s face. That is until John comes out of Roman’s office, telling Phil they are back on. Paul took the fall, Stefano is back, wiggled his way out of his problems, and John is ready to take them both on. John says the old man has not taken control yet, and as long as he is around, he never will.
Stefano gets up, tells his sons to listen up. He is back, he is free….and from now on, he calls the shots around here.

Sounds like a fun show. I love Tony and EJ casually standing up to Stefano. Should be fun to see. I always miss the first 15 mins of the show because my lunch break doesn't start til 12:15. Your write up helps me keep track of what happened before I started watching. It's amazing how much you can miss in 15 mins sometimes. Thanks so much!!!:clap:
as usual, you are great. thanks for all you do keeping us up with the show. I tape it but don't always get to see it. So I can find out the goings on here.
Thanks for the write up. I only got bits and pieces of the show yesterday. So Paul is taking the fall for both Philip and John. That is how Stefano gets John to drop the charges.
Thanks for the up date, I will be at work this evening so I will not get to watch until I come home late. It is nice to see EJ & Tony getting some backbone and standing up to Stefano. I don't like it that he is controling John again , John did not really do anything wrong it was Phil who had Paul plant the drugs and Paul who set fire to John's warehouse. I know John is not all good in this whole thing either but he really did not do anything other than bribe Paul to get his ships through faster. Oh well looks like Stefano and Victor are back in business on the docks again.
thank you for the write up barb. today sounds like a great day
I know John is not all good in this whole thing either but he really did not do anything other than bribe Paul to get his ships through faster.

What about holding Paul hostage for however long he's been missing? Or having Paul create the tape implicating Philip in his disappearance? John was involved in both of those.
I am curious as to who Melanie called to "send the car".

And then there is John, who has said he would kill Stefano, but then only threatens to bring a civil suit, and backs out of that one. Victor got Philip off the hook, but John is still angry at him, angrier at Stefano, and there just cannot be any way Marlena will stay in that house with Stefano there. And if she goes, will John go, too?
Ah, Stefano is at again.......power, control, leverage.....all his words. However, I truly am tired of his use of all 3 of them. It has gotten too old.
Thanks, Barb. Can't watch on tape tonight after work....have a funeral. Yep, I said funeral. Viewing is tonight only from 5 to 8, funeral at 8, funeral dinner at 9. Plus it is an hour away. If it wasn't my "little sister"'s dad, I wouldn't even go.
Lisa is furious with her older brother who swooped into town and took over.

Sounds like a good eppy. Guess I'll just have to wait , and watch the rest of this week's on the weekend.
Barb - Thank you so much.

Chances are that I won't get to see the episode today. I got to see yesterday's this morning. So, even though we aren't getting Days Ahead, this helps me out a lot!
I truly am happy that the summaries are still proving of some worth. The downturn in the number of "views" has been drastic, to say the least, but we expected that. Certainly understandable.

That aside.......I was really wondering where the heck Rolf has been. And there is Stefano, ranting at everyone to get out of his house, and they all say, nope, we are staying put.
I liked the interaction between Stefano & Victor. Cordial, friendly, obviously agreeing to agree with mutual satisfaction achieved. However, Victor does say he "owes" Stefano, and Stefano says something about perhaps one day "collecting". *shiver*
I'm wondering if there still might be some who aren't aware of what you are doing here in this forum, even though you've said you were going to write a daily summary. When I first got onto the board I came directly from Dustins's site to Days Ahead, and for a long time I didn't even realize there were other parts to the board or that I could go to them. I realize not many people are as dense about these things as I was when I first got on, but I've sort of gotten the feeling that maybe there are some others who haven't understood they can switch forums and read your summary here. Just a thought.......
Thanks for keeping up the good work.
OC - I just wrote to the site owners, asking them to update the link to this

and if everyone saves this link to their bookmarks or favorites, they will be where they can see all there is to offer.
I'm wondering if there still might be some who aren't aware of what you are doing here in this forum, even though you've said you were going to write a daily summary. When I first got onto the board I came directly from Dustins's site to Days Ahead, and for a long time I didn't even realize there were other parts to the board or that I could go to them. I realize not many people are as dense about these things

Good point. Count me in as one of those who is "as dense" as you about these things. :smile:
Good point. Count me in as one of those who is "as dense" as you about these things. :smile:

Me too. It was several months before I saw the "Forums" link at the top of the page and found all of the other goodies!

Thanks for the write up!! I'm reading a day after--I work at a university and we've been swamped with the new school year starting. I truly appreciate all the effort that goes in to getting the summaries to us!
Stefano lost his puppets....wonder what he is going to do. He ALWAYS needs allies, soldiers, Pawns.....etc. Interesting as he looked over his chess set, opened a drawer, took out a chess piece, setting it on the board. One of those pieces had been broken....For a 100 year old set, he sure does easily have spares