Days Of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 4, 2013

I'd sure like to know just who selected Sami's dress for her day in court? Certainly Justin would have coached her on what would be appropriate attire. The colors (and often gang colors to boot), cut and fit of her dress did nothing to promote Sami as innocent of the crime. No court that I know of would allow her to wear her own shoes, either, as the jurors will not be located where they will be able to see her feet. Hmm. I just remembered that the usual court dress codes do no always apply (no shoes, ties, belts, short dresses, revealing clothing, etc.) when the defendant is either rich and/or has a famous rich attorney.
God i love Jordan.....cause she hates Daniel

Stefano/Rafe: Loved there scenes
Abby/Daniel: no comment i cant stand abby propping for Dannifer get over it!
JJ/Jennifer: loved every minute that JJ said to Jen she really deserve it
Kids/Ej/Sami/Will Cute Scene

overall i loved the show except Abby with Daniel.....and everything with Daniel

Edited names, deleted one comment...did not make sense...may have been using a combo name...we do not use those on this board.......Poirot
Bite your tongue, Stella, lol!!

So what's up with the Dr. Dan Tan saying he knew somone with Jordan's name in med school??? HUMMMMMMM another Jonas running around??

Thanks for the summary....

LOL. Didn't you know Salem is a small universe where everyone is connected somehow? No one else in this universe would have the same last name unless they were related!

To me, Sami's hair looked like she rolled it and forgot to brush it when done, lol.
LOL. Didn't you know Salem is a small universe where everyone is connected somehow? No one else in this universe would have the same last name unless they were related!

I've noticed a couple of times, people say Salem is a small town. That most people
know each other.

If Daniel knows person Jordan is related to, let's hope it's not someone he's "been" with.
Small towns where I live have a population of 500 to 3,000 residents. Some have crude air strips cleared off in someone's pasture. A few have actual airports, but very small, mostly for crop dusters and a few other small planes. I laugh when the people in Salem talk about it being a small town.
I enjoyed seeing all of Samantha's children and Arianna Grace - it was very touching.
I laughed when JJ got arrested - guess he got narc'd out by the kid in the bushes.
I really wanted to see what the tattoo was on the one cop - it made me curious.
Will he lie his way out of this one? Will Justin represent him as his lawyer?

Maxine, Maxine, Maxine - how I love her :love:She needs a better story line besides being another person butting in to Jennifer and Daniels' love life (or lack thereof) If I hear one more person say "You need to talk this out, or go talk to him/her right now" I may just scream!!

I enjoyed seeing Rafe very, very much...even with Stefano taunting him. I kind of liked Kate and Stefano scene. I hate that he keeps calling her names and wish Kate would/could do something with her threats against Stefano.

Are they going to give Jordan a bit of a back story? Her answer to Daniel's question about if she was related to so and so with the same last name was interesting. She's going to have to learn to be more understated with her emotions if she is going to live in Salem.